Average cost to install butcher block countertop

Butcher block countertops are a popular countertype option. Butcherblock counters are made from cuts of wood glued together into slabs to create a lovely wooden countertop.

Butcher block countertops are especially well-suited for traditional or farmhouse kitchens, but also work very well in more contemporary styles.

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Average Cost of Butcherblock Countertops

On average, butcher block countertops will cost you about $3,500. This cost includes materials and professional installation.

The cost of butcher block countertops ranges between $1,400 on the low end to $15,000 on the high end.

The final cost will vary depending on many factors which are discussed in more detail below.

Average Cost$3,500
Low End $1,400
High End $15,000

You can use our Countertops Calculator to estimate the cost of installing countertops.

Cost of Butcher Block Countertops Per Square Foot

Another way to accurately determine the cost of butcher block countertops is by considering the cost per square foot.

For both materials and installation, the square footage cost is between $50 and $100 per square foot. Butcherblock materials alone cost about $20 to $75 per square foot.

On average, modern kitchens will have between fifty to sixty five square feet of counter space, whereas older kitchens will have between thirty and forty square feet.

ItemCost per Square Foot
Butcher Block Countertop Materials $20 – $75
Materials and Installation $50 – $100

Installation Cost Breakdown of Butcherblock Countertops

The labor cost of installing butcheblock countertops is between $500 and $3,000 per 100 square feet.

In addition to labor, you also have to factor in the cost of some other factors. First, you must consider the cost of job materials and supplies.

This is different from the countertop itself, and includes items such as fasteners, glue, caulking, sealants, and supplies to keep the area neat and clean while working. Together, expect to pay between $100 and $300 on job materials and supplies.

You should also consider the cost of equipment allowance. This includes various special tools used for countertop installation such as a miter saw, belt sander, electric planer, and pneumatic nailers. This will cost about $50 to $100.

ItemCost per Square Foot
Butcher Block Countertop Materials $20 – $75
Materials and Installation $50 – $100

Cost of a Butcherblock Backsplash

If you decide to install a backsplash, you will need to factor in the cost into your total price considerations.

On average, a butcher block backsplash costs between $100 and $500.

Backsplashes are generally purchased separately from the rest of the countertop. When determining the cost of the backsplash, all the same factors that determine the cost of the countertop apply, such as the grain pattern and wood type.

Factors That Affect Cost Butcherblock Countertops

There are several factors that will affect the cost of your butcher block countertops. First, the square footage of your countertop will make a big difference in determining the overall project cost.

More square footage means more wood required as well as more time needed for installation, which increases the cost. If you want to install a butcher block backsplash, be sure to factor in that square footage into your pricing considerations as well.

Another factor to consider is whether you will need the old countertop removed. If you are building a new kitchen you will not need to pay for countertop removal.

However, if you are changing countertops, you will need to pay extra for someone to come and remove the old countertop. Frequently, the contractor installing the new countertop will be happy to perform this service for an extra fee.

You should also consider the type of grain you choose for your countertop. The most expensive type of grain is called end grain, whereas the most affordable is a flat or face grain.

Similarly, the type of wood you choose will impact the price. Some woods, like cherry, are very expensive, whereas others like oak and birch are much more affordable.

You can save a lot of money by choosing a more affordable wood type, or even by combining wood types.

Types of Butcher Block Countertops

There are three main types of butcher block countertops: edge grain, flat/face grain, and end grain. Each has their own unique features and qualities as well as price points.

Butcher Block Countertop TypeAverage Cost for 2ft x 2ft block
Edge Grain $180
Flat/Face Grain $19100 Babcock Boulevard209100 Babcock Boulevard9100 Babcock Boulevard
End Grain $300

●Edge grain: Edge grain is the most popular butcher block type, known for its durability and strength. Edge grain butcher block countertops are also less expensive than other options. It is made by placing long wooden slabs on their sides and joining them together, creating a long narrow edge.

●Flat/face grain: Flat or face grain butcher block countertops are the least durable option, as they are highly susceptible to scratches and dents. This countertop is made by joining planks of wood at their widths to form a more seamless countertop.

●End grain: End grain countertops are made from small square blocks of wood joined together, which is expensive because of how time consuming it is to make. Because it is made from many small blocks, it is the most strong and durable type of butcher block countertop but also the most pricey.

Cost of Butcher Block Countertops by Wood Type

One of the main decisions you will need to make when purchasing butcher block countertops is what type of wood to use.

There are many different wood options that can be used for butcher block countertops, each with their own advantages and price points.

Wood TypeCost per Square Foot
Maple $85
Red Oak $40
Cherry $150
Birch $35
Teak $180
Bamboo $75

Maple wood

Maple is a common choice for butcher block countertops because of its strength and durability. Maple is one of the hardest woods used for butcher block countertops, making it resistant to dents, scratches, and other damage.

The wood is light-colored and has tan or cream undertones. Maple has a fine grain pattern with some darker areas that increase the visual nuance of the wood and add a more unique aesthetic quality.

Red Oak wood

Red oak is a warm-toned wood that comes in several distinct shades, including a sandy tan and a reddish brown. Red oak has a swirling grain pattern that varies significantly. Red oak is well suited for colonial style kitchens, although it can be used to match almost any style.

Cherry wood

Cherry is a well-loved wood for butcher block countertops because of its gorgeous, rich red color. Cherry wood tends to turn a deeper color as it gets older.

Although cherry wood countertops look beautiful, they are not the most durable options available and can be prone to scratches or other damage.

Birch wood

Birch is a light colored wood with an interesting rings and a fine grain pattern. Although birch comes in lovely tans and creams, as it ages birch tends to darken slightly.

Teak wood

Teak is a high end, luxurious butcher block countertop choice. Teak wood is a medium brown shade with orange and gold undertones.

It has a distinct texture and a highly visible grain pattern, giving teak a unique and recognizable appearance.

Bamboo wood

Bamboo is a durable choice for butcher block countertops. Bamboo is considered to be an environmentally friendly home improvement material choice because of how quickly bamboo grows.

Bamboo is light colored but can be easily darkened into a range of different shades.

Butcher Block Countertop Maintenance

One of the factors you will need to consider when purchasing a butcher block countertop is how much time and money you will invest into maintenance.

Although butcher block countertops are considered moderate to high maintenance, upkeep your countertop is relatively straightforward.

The maintenance required will depend on the type of finish. If you have a lacquer finish, you will simply need to regularly clean your countertop. Stained countertops require re-staining every few years.

Oiled countertops, on the other hand, require regular reapplication of oil every few months. You can use food-grade mineral oil, coconut oil, walnut oil, almond oil, pure tung oil, or raw linseed oil. The cost of re-oiling will vary depending on the type of oil you choose.

Because wood is a porous material, you will need to clean up any spills immediately after they happen. If food bits get stuck to the countertop you may need to scrape them off before cleaning the countertop area with a soapy sponge.

Be sure to dry the countertop after cleaning so moisture does not remain on the countertop for too long, as exposure to moisture can cause damage to butcher block.

Pros and Cons of Butcher Block Countertops

Butcher block countertops have many positives and negatives. Whether the countertop is a right fit for you will depend on what features you prioritize in your kitchen.


● Aesthetically pleasing: Butcher block countertops are one of the most beautiful countertop types. Wooden countertops gives any kitchen a beautiful quality to it that cannot be replicated with other countertop types. Butcher block countertops are well suited for a range of home styles, including farmhouse, traditional, contemporary, and ultra-modern.

●Can be used as a cutting surface: One of the benefits of butcher block countertops is that they eliminate the need for cutting boards. Unlike other materials such as granite or stainless steel, you can cut directly on butcher block countertops.

●Quiet: If you are sensitive to noise or just like to have a quiet home, butcher block countertops are an excellent option.

When metal or porcelain touches the wooden countertop it will not make a loud, harsh noise like with other countertop types.


●High maintenance: Butcher block countertops require more regular maintenance than other options such as granite or stainless steel. Butcher block countertops will require re-oiling frequently.

●Can scratch easily: Butcher block countertops can be susceptible to scratches and dents. This is especially true if you choose a softer wood type.

●Susceptible to moisture: If exposed to moisture, butcher block countertops can become damaged. That is why they require regular re-sealing to prevent any moisture from entering the countertop.

Butcher Block vs. Granite Countertops

MaterialAverage Cost per Square Foot
Granite $80 – $250
Butcher block $40 – $100

You may find yourself choosing between butcher block and granite countertops. Both countertop options have many features in common, making it potentially difficult to choose between them.

Granite is one of the most popular choices for countertops, for good reason. It is a durable, low maintenance countertop material. Granite comes in a range of colors, much like butcher block is available in a range of woods.

However, granite can be susceptible to chipping and cracks to roughly the same extent that butcher block countertops are susceptible to scratches and dents.

Keep in mind, repairs to granite are more difficult and costly than refinishing a butcher block countertop.

Aesthetically speaking, a butcherblock will give a kitchen a warm, homey look, whereas granite countertops can range in appearance from cozy to sleek.

If you want a kitchen with cool tones, a granite countertop might be the right choice.

Price wise, granite countertops tend to be more pricey than butcher block countertops.

Granite countertops cost between $80 – $250 per square foot, whereas butcher block costs only $40 to $100 per square foot.

Butcher Block vs. Stainless Steel Countertops

MaterialAverage Cost per Square Foot
Stainless Steel $70 – $120
Butcher block $40 – $100

Stainless steel countertops are another popular countertop option. Unlike butcher block and granite that can be susceptible to scratches or cracks, stainless steel is very difficult to damage and is highly durable.

Stainless steel countertops are stain resistant, which is another significant advantage over granite and butcher block.

Stainless steel countertops are sleek and unique. However, stainless steel countertops are slightly less versatile than butcher block countertops.

Stainless steel countertops can be colder looking than butcher block countertops, which are known for giving kitchens a warm feel.

Stainless steel countertops are more expensive than butcher block countertops, costing between $70 and $120 per square foot compared to butcher block at $40 to $100 per square foot.

Butcher Block vs. Laminate Countertops

MaterialAverage Cost per Square Foot
Laminate $20 – $50
Butcher block $40 – $100

Laminate countertops are an affordable countertop option, priced much lower than butcher block countertops at $20 to $50 per square foot.

The price point of laminate is its main advantage over butcher block. In addition to the lower cost of materials, laminate is also cheaper to install and easier to install DIY.

Laminate countertops have several drawbacks when compared with butcher block. One main drawback is the lack of durability.

Butcher block countertops can withstand extensive use and you can even prepare food directly on the countertop. Laminate, on the other hand, can easily be scratched by knives and other cooking utensils, so you should never prepare food on the countertop.

Because laminate is a lower quality material, it begins to deteriorate faster than butcher block. While butcher block countertops can be refinished, laminate countertops must be replaced once they have reached their maximum lifespan.

While laminate countertops may be designed to mimic other countertop materials such as granite or butcher block, in reality the imitations generally fall short. Nothing can match up to butcher block’s authentic, rustic charm.

Overall, if you need a simple, affordable countertop option laminate may work for you, but if you are looking for a high quality, beautiful countertop butcher block is likely the better choice.

Butcher Block vs. Quartz Countertops

MaterialAverage Cost per Square Foot
Quartz $50 – $130
Butcher block $40 – $100

Quartz is a lovely countertop option that you may be considering. Quartz countertops have several advantages over butcher block countertops, as well as disadvantages.

One primary advantage is that quartz countertops require less maintenance. While butcher block countertops need to be resealed every few months, quartz countertops require virtually no maintenance.

Another advantage is that quartz countertops are more durable than butcher block countertops. While butcher block countertops can be susceptible to scratches and dents, quartz countertops are nearly indestructible.

Additionally, butcher block is susceptible to moisture damage if not kept properly sealed, whereas quartz countertops are impervious to moisture.

One disadvantage of quartz countertops is the cost. Per square foot, quartz countertops cost between $50 to $130 per square foot. Quartz countertops also have more expensive installation.

In terms of aesthetics, the decision will come down to your personal preferences, if you prefer the cozy look of wooden countertops or the more sleek appearance of quartz countertops.

How much does it cost to have a butcher block countertop installed?

Butcher Block Countertop Cost per Square Foot. Butcher block countertops cost $50 to $300 to purchase and install but typically fall within $50 to $125 per square foot. Materials alone run $30 to $150 per square foot. Older kitchens have about 30 to 40 square feet of counter space.

How much does it cost to install a wood countertop?

Wood kitchen countertops cost $40 per square foot on average or $50 per square foot on average to purchase and install.

Is butcherblock more expensive than granite?

Lastly, butcher block is an affordable material, generally costing less than granite. If you have a smaller budget, then butcher block is a beautiful option that doesn't put strain on your bank account.

How much should I charge for countertop installation?

Cost range: $40 to $100 per sq. ft. Average cost: $58 per sq. ft.


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