Best over the counter canker sore medicine

Canker sores are painful ulcers on the soft tissues of the mouth. They can develop on the tongue or gums, but are most commonly found inside the lips. They are usually red with a white or yellow center and can cause considerable discomfort while eating, drinking, and talking. Additionally, these sores cannot be spread to other people, and it is possible to have more than one at a time.

Anyone can develop a canker sore, but they are most common in teens and young adults. Experts don’t know why some people experience these sores more regularly than others, although some suspect that stress, hormones, allergies, and vitamin deficiencies may play a role.

Canker sores typically improve and heal on their own within a week. However, severe sores can last for several weeks. The primary goal in treating canker sores is to manage the pain and prevent infection. Over-the-counter pain relievers and oral anesthetic gels can help with the discomfort. Additionally, rinsing your mouth with saltwater or mouthwash can help speed the natural healing process.

Remedies and Treatments for Canker Sores

You can successfully treat canker sores at home with natural remedies and over-the-counter medicines. There are a few approaches for managing the discomfort, encouraging healing, and preventing the sores from getting worse.

Oral Pain Medications

Over-the-counter pain medications like ibuprofen and acetaminophen can help you cope with the pain and discomfort of a canker sore. These painkillers help you feel less pain by interfering with the ability of damaged cells to transmit pain messages to your nervous system. Eating, drinking, and talking can be difficult with a painful canker sore. Therefore, taking oral pain relievers can help.

Topical Painkillers

There are also several topical pain-relieving gels and ointments created especially for canker sores. These contain benzocaine, which numbs the nerve endings in the skin. Apply this gel with a Q-tip to the sore and allow it to dry. You can apply these topical local anesthetics up to four times a day to help you cope with the discomfort.


Regularly rinsing your mouth out can help speed up the healing process. You can wash your mouth with any of the following substances to keep your mouth clean and prevent bacteria from making your canker sore worse:

  • Saltwater
  • Alcohol-free commercial mouthwash
  • A mixture of one-half milk of magnesia and one-half benadryl liquid allergy medicine

Foods and Drinks to Avoid

The following foods and beverages can irritate your canker sore and exacerbate the pain. Try to avoid these while it heals.

  • Hot beverages like tea or coffee
  • Spicy foods
  • Salty snacks like pretzels, chips, and nuts
  • Citrus fruits and juices
  • Acidic foods like tomatoes and condiments (i.e. ketchup, mustard, vinaigrette)


Once your canker sore heals, there are things you can do to prevent a recurrence. Make sure you are eating a healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables. Be aware of consuming too many acidic, spicy, or salty foods that irritate the mouth. Brush your teeth after meals to keep your mouth clean. Finally, try to minimize stress or learn practices like meditation to reduce emotional stress.

When to See a Doctor

Consult your doctor if your canker sore is unusually large and lasts longer than two weeks. If you can’t control the pain and find it especially difficult to eat, there are medicines your doctor can prescribe to help that are not over-the-counter. You should make an appointment to see your doctor if you experience a high fever or nausea with your canker sores.

Remedies for Children

Children can also experience canker sores. They cause the same symptoms in children as in adults. The sores develop inside the mouth, on the surface of gums, tongue, or inner lips. They are generally red with a white center and are typically painful. Children who have canker sores may resist eating or drinking due to the discomfort.

Follow the same treatments for children as for adults such as:

  • Avoid spicy, salty, and acidic foods
  • Take acetaminophen for the pain
  • Use mouth rinses to keep the sore clean
  • Apply pain-relieving gels to ease the discomfort


Do you suffer from mouth sores, canker sores, ulcers, and other mouth conditions but can’t seem to get the right care for them? OraSwift Mint lozenges are a natural and effective way of treating most oral illnesses and addressing the root of the cause. Click ‘Add to Cart’ now and experience oral care at its best.

OraSwift contains fast-acting active ingredients that relieve pain and heal your mucosal membrane fast so that you can get back to eating and drinking your favorite foods once again.

Multipurpose All-Natural Mouth Ulcer Relief

Our clinically supported nutritional supplement provides relief from painful canker sores, oral mucositis, sensitive gums, and stomatitis/gingivitis. It also works effectively for mouth ulcers caused by Braces or Chemotherapy, and offers great relief for Dry Mouth too.

Unlike competing canker sore relief that only address the symptoms, OraSwift activates the healing process of the mucosal lining for a permanent solution.

Directions for use:

  • Identify the affected area of the mouth
  • Place one lozenge over the affected area and allow to dissolve. Note: Do Not Chew
  • Repeat twice daily for best result

Why just treat the symptoms when you can address the root of your mouth ulcer discomfort? Try OraSwift today and enjoy Fast and Effective relief for a healthy, ulcer-free mouth!

What kills canker sores fast?

Get Rid of Canker Sores Quickly.
DIY mouth rinse. If you can reduce the acidity levels in your mouth, you can speed up healing time. ... .
2 Milk of magnesia. Milk of magnesia works just like salt to eliminate acids in the mouth. ... .
Ice. ... .
Medicated mouthwash. ... .
Aloe vera. ... .
Hydrogen peroxide. ... .
Topical products..

How do you get rid of a canker sore in 24 hours?

The method of preparation is simple. Take a three percent solution of hydrogen peroxide and further dilute it with equal part water. Use a cotton ball to dip in the solution and place where needed to soothe pain relief. It is used in powdered form to get rid of a canker sore in 24 hours.


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