Can you use dr dennis gross peel pads everyday

Confession: I love instant gratification. It’s one of the reasons I enjoy living in New York so much, where you can get just about anything delivered day or night — and why my Seamless charges could rival Cara Delevingne’s.

But when it comes to skincare, products are often meant to be part of a long game as opposed to a quick fix. No matter how amazing a new toner or moisturizer claims to be, there’s almost always a commitment period of a few weeks to see noticeable results. That’s why when I tried the Dr. Dennis Gross Alpha Beta peel pads, I was instantly hooked!

Editors have been singing their praises for a while now (you’ll notice almost weekly appearances on Town & Country editor-turned-influencer Lindsay Silberman’s Instastories), and they 100% live up to the hype. I try new products on my face daily, and this is the only one where I've ever seen immediate improvement.

How to Use

The Alpha Beta peel pads come in a box with individually wrapped packets, with two small wipes for the two-step process (although jar options are available, too). This makes them perfect for travel! I always keep a few in my toiletry bag to use after a long flight.

After using a facial cleanser, you'll rub the first wipe all over your face and neck, then wait 2 minutes before doing the same with the second wipe. I like to brush my teeth in between steps to make the time go by faster.

When you first try the Alpha Beta peel pads, it might sting a bit, but that should subside after a few uses. The feeling actually starts to get addicting in a weird way, because you know the magic is working! Then, follow up with a serum and moisturizer to complete the routine. If you're using these during the day, make sure to add a sunscreen as the last layer! This is important because the exfoliation — though gentle — makes skin more sensitive to sunlight.

We asked Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare if it’s OK to apply makeup after using the peel pads, and they actually recommend it because they "give your skin a smooth, even surface."

Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare Alpha Beta Universal Daily Peel

Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare Alpha Beta Extra Strength Daily Peel

Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare Alpha Beta Ultra Gentle Daily Peel

Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare Alpha Beta Universal Daily Peel Mini

How It Works

While your skin might look red and splotchy at first, it’ll start to show signs of a newfound glow in a few minutes! The peel pads were designed to be an at-home version of Dr. Dennis Gross’ professional Alpha Beta Peel, which you can only get by going to their office in Manhattan's Upper East Side, and work by using a two-step blend of acids to remove the top layer of dead skin and speed up cell turnover. The first wipe contains acids that exfoliate and smooth, while the second controls alpha hydroxy acid activity and keeps skin looking youthful. This process also helps to boost collagen production, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and improve an uneven skin tone.

One of my favorite parts is that it takes care of exfoliation and anti-aging at the same time, because who doesn’t want a shorter routine with more benefits? Something else I learned from the Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare team is that in the past, dermatologists told patients to limit exfoliation with acids to once or twice a week, but not only is this formula gentle enough for daily use, the frequency is actually beneficial for your skin.

So, I’m sorry in advance for what’s sure to be your newest skincare obsession — especially since a 30-day supply runs at about $88 — but trust me when I say the glow-up is real!

Professional-level facial results in less than 5 minutes is actually worth cutting back on delivery for.

Read more:

These Dermarollers Make it Easy to Micro-Needle at Home

Moisturizers With SPF, Because You Should Be Wearing Sunscreen Every Day

Vitamin Supplements That Improve Skin and Hair from the Inside Out

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Ashley is the beauty and style editor at, and her work has been featured on Cosmopolitan and Town and Country. She has an obsession with designer handbags, Liberty prints, 1960s fashion, and owns more shoes than she’s willing to admit. She's been using her learnings from owning a boutique and her shopping addiction for good since 2015. She’ll never accept that black isn’t a color. Away from the computer, you’ll likely find the Texas native binging on a British period drama or theorizing over Game of Thrones. She has yet to find a real cup of queso in NYC.

Can you use Dr Dennis Gross peel everyday?

We recommend using the Advanced Retinol and Ferulic Overnight Peel 1-3 times per week.

How often should you use Dr Dennis Gross pads?

I would say at least once a week is good, especially for sensitive skin. I have combination/dry skin and I've used it once a day for 7 days to get quick results. Then I used it twice a week. I didn't have any problems with irritation, and it really worked to lighten up darker spots on my face.

Can I use Peel pads everyday?

*You can use one peel pad daily. And remember not to over-do it, especially if you have sensitive skin.


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