Difference between apple cider vinegar and regular vinegar


Apple cider vinegar is simply a vinegar made from apple juice or apple cider. It comes in two versions: filtered and unfiltered. The difference between the two is the “mother,” which is a somewhat murky collection of cellulose and acetic acid bacteria that’s removed when the vinegar is filtered. Does it matter which type of vinegar you use? Much depends on what you are doing with it.

Apple Cider Vinegar Has “Mother” Issues

Filtered apple cider vinegar is made with apple juice and water. The filtering process removes the vinegar “mother” and any sediment, leaving a clear, amber-colored vinegar. Additionally, it is likely that this vinegar has been pasteurized, which further refines and clarifies it. Unfiltered apple cider vinegar is also made from apple juice and water, but the mother hasn’t been filtered out and it likely isn’t pasteurized. Its appearance is cloudy and may contain small amounts of sediment.

So the only difference between the two is the “mother,” which is simply a somewhat murky collection of cellulose and acetic acid bacteria. It’s this mother that transforms alcohol into vinegar (along with the presence of oxygen). What impact does the mother have on the vinegar? Is it important?

When to Use Filtered vs. Unfiltered

Culinarily speaking, the vinegars are interchangeable — they both have an acedic acid level of 5 percent and a mild sweetness from the apple juice. Often, but not always, the unfiltered version is organic. So if you are interested in less processed, raw, or organic ingredients, or if you want to use ACV to kickstart your own homemade vinegars, then go for the unfiltered kind. I personally find it a touch more apple-y in flavor than the more refined, filtered version — but perhaps that’s just me.

Are There Any Health Benefits to Apple Cider Vinegar?

While the differences between the two vinegars is simple and straightforward, the feelings around apple cider vinegar’s health claims are much more controversial. Many people believe drinking small amounts of unfiltered ACV will lower cholesterol, regulate blood sugars, and prevent heartburn and acid reflux, among other things. And many people think this is a bunch of hooey. Studies have been conducted and it seems like the truth is somewhere in the middle.

Which Vinegar Should You Buy?

It depends on what you plan on using it for. Again, the unfiltered version contains a live mother, which you can use to make your own vinegar. It is also less processed and (to my taste) has a little more complexity in flavor. If you’re a believer in the health claims or just generally interested in less refined food, then this is the vinegar for you. If you think all that is a bunch of hooey and you want to save a few pennies, then go for the filtered, pasteurized version.

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Cleaning with Apple Cider Vinegar vs. White Vinegar

When you were searching the web about vinegar, their uses and benefits, both apple cider vinegar and white vinegar pop up. You even have them both as your household item.

Whether you are a health nut or not, chances are you are unaware of what makes the two similar … and different. Study shows that there are different types of vinegar. Diverse geographic location and specific ingredients determine what type of vinegar is made.

Cleaning with apple cider vinegar vs white vinegar has gained confusion. They can be a cheap, non-toxic option to chemical products but they may produce different results.

Different Types of Vinegar

While apple cider vinegar and white vinegar is the most common acetic acid source, there are other types worth considering.

Malt Vinegar – Malt vinegar is produced from grains such as barley. It originally comes from England and is commonly used on British staples.

Cane Vinegar – Cane vinegar is probably the least commonly used. However, it is served best on certain parts of Southeast Asia.

Coconut Vinegar – Asia is the popular source of this type of vinegar. From the name itself, it is made by fermenting coconut juices.

Apple Cider Vinegar

If you have no idea what an apple cider vinegar is, think about brown and murky liquid. It has about 5-6% of acetic acid and 94-95% water. This type of vinegar is commonly made with crushed apples, hence the name. The liquid is extracted and there is a two-step fermentation process the fermented apple cider has to pass through.

Apple cider vinegar is not just good at home carpet cleaning; they are great at cooking as well. It can be used for dressing, vinaigrettes, and marinade. It has more nutritional value than white vinegar and is good for weight loss, dandruff, heart problems, and many other ailments.

Cleaning with apple cider vinegar vs white vinegar involves a few things. As with apple cider vinegar, always diluted with water. Failure to do so will damage surfaces because it is very acidic. Cleaning the house with this thing should be done in moderation.

White Vinegar

White vinegar is also known as distilled vinegar or spirit vinegar. It has clear or white colour whereas the apple cider vinegar has brown. It has about 4-7% acetic acid and it contains 96% of water. White vinegar comes from a fermentation of grain alcohol producing an intense, sour taste.

This type of vinegar is great for kitchen use such as pickling vegetables, baking, and many other cooking methods. Since white vinegar has antimicrobial properties, it can be a great cleaner and disinfectant. Like apple cider vinegar, there are things you should never clean with the vinegar due to an acid issue.

Cleaning with apple cider vinegar vs white vinegar does not have much difference. Just be careful in putting them to surfaces they aren’t compatible with.

Apple Cider vs. White Vinegar: The Differences

Nutritional Facts

Apple cider vinegar has higher vitamins and minerals than white vinegar. However, a tablespoon of either of them provides about 3 calories. This means you need to take almost a cup to get a significant amount of nutrient.

Health Benefits

Apple cider vinegar is known for its ability to slow down the emptying of the stomach making you feel full longer. On the other hand, distilled vinegar is beneficial for diabetic control and obesity because of its acetic acid content.

Importance of Acetic Acid

In the Body

Acetic acid can be found on both apple cider vinegar and white vinegar. Having an acid or alkaline balance is essential for optimal health and there is nothing to get confused about it.

If you think that acid is bad, change the way you think. Natural acids such as the kind we get from citrus fruits can create alkaline environments in the body. Taking in essential fatty acids are also required to regenerate and repair cells. Additionally, amino acids play an important role in building blocks of the body.

In Cleaning

Apple cider vinegar is linked to various health benefits. It is the product of ethanol distillation from apple cider and is produced through the same process as white vinegar. However, the one that is often used as a fabric cleaning agent is the white vinegar even though apple cider produces a nice smell.

White vinegar covers a larger scope of vinegar types making it more effective in removing dirt, bad smell, and bacteria than any other kind.

How to Clean with Apple Cider Vinegar and White Vinegar

Both apple cider vinegar and white vinegar have an incomparable power for cooking and medicine as well as cleaning. Whether you need to remove dirt from carpets, appliances, windows, floors and many other surfaces, here are a few steps you need to get it done.

What you will need:

  • Empty spray bottle
  • 1/3 Cup of apple cider vinegar/white vinegar
  • Water
  • Rag


  1. Fill an empty spray bottle with about 1/3 of apple cider vinegar.
  2. Add water.
  3. Screw on the lid.
  4. Spray the mixture over affected surfaces.
  5. Use a rag to wipe excess moisture. Use the same process when cleaning with white vinegar.

For coffee machines, pour the vinegar through the filter. The scent of apple cider vinegar and white vinegar is different but both provide a good cleaning effect. You can also use vinegar in cleaning the toilet. All you need to do is to pour vinegar over it and soak it overnight. Clean the toilet with a toilet brush in the morning.

To clean a dishwasher, just put a small amount of vinegar into it to eliminate bacteria build up. White vinegar does not give a big help for this. Use the apple cider vinegar instead. For cleaning windows, use a sprayer to liberally distribute the liquid. Apple cider provides a fresher scent than white vinegar making it a better option for cleaning windows, floors, and walls.

Cleaning with apple cider vinegar vs white vinegar has to be simple. There is nothing to be confused about. Remember, both of them can be used for cleaning. But the white one is often used for cleaning while the apple cider vinegar is used better for developing a healthy living.

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Can I substitute normal vinegar for apple cider vinegar?

Though your standard white vinegar is considered neutral in flavor, it is highly acidic and has a pronounced sharp bite. Use it as an equal swap for apple cider vinegar, but consider adding a splash of fruit juice or a pinch of sugar to balance out the flavor. On its own, distilled white vinegar can be a bit harsh.

Are white vinegar and apple cider vinegar interchangeable?

Both vinegars are useful in cooking and are often used interchangeably. This means that you can safely substitute apple cider vinegar for white vinegar in a recipe, and vice-a-versa.

How is apple cider vinegar different from other vinegars?

Apple cider vinegar is produced similarly to other vinegars, using yeast and acetic acid bacteria. The difference is that it's made from apples, while white vinegar is made from diluted alcohol, for example ( 4 ).


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