Do i need to watch fullmetal alchemist before brotherhood

Fullmetal Alchemist

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So, yeah, as the question states, can I watch Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood without watching Full Metal Alchemist? And what's the difference between the two?

yeah you can, FMA was done before the manga finished of FMA so there are alot of things different like what the homonculous are, and after about 15-20 episodes I think it is they really start to diverge in plot.

It's kinda like hellsing ultiamte same thing, a complete cut of the series.


Apr 2017


Yeah, you can, and I don't know the differences between them because I only watched FMAB.



Apr 2013


Yes you can, both shows start at the same point and follow the manga for a while. Then at some point FMA drifts into an anime original story, while Brotherhood continues to follow the manga.
I watched FMA first and then Brotherhood since I wanted to see both stories. But Brotherhood is way better, so it's up to you.

One Word - Anime


Jun 2017


Of course, you can.
FullMetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is the remake of the original with certain details cut and others added on. Overall, it’s a better show but the original does have its moments too, so I would definitely suggest checking both of them rather than just the remake.


Feb 2018


Yea watch only Fma Brotherhood,...

No because fmab's opening episodes have garbage pacing and assume you've watched the 2003 version or read the manga


Feb 2018


Yes, you can. Alternative storyline, can still very much enjoy FMAB without watching FMA. But some may say you can enhance your experience watching FMA first, then watch FMAB after. Doesn't really matter.

Yes, but the first twelve episodes or so will feel rushed since they are a condensed version of the first half of the original. I suggest to watch the original and then brotherhood since they are two very different shows and end very differently. From an entertainment standpoint, brotherhood can't be beat, but the original has much more internal conflict. But if you want, just watch brotherhood.


Dec 2017


Yes, you can watch FMAB without FMA. I'm doing that right now, since a lot of people said FMAB is better than FMA. If you only want to watch one of these 2, then FMAB is the way to go.


Dec 2013


Yes, since FMAB is a remake. The difference between the two is that FMAB followed the manga and is a complete adaptation, while FMA doesn't follow the manga (and the manga barely had chapters at that point). However, FMAB skips chapter 4 of the manga for some reason, unlike FMA which adapted that chapter.


Aug 2015


from memory fmab rushes over some stuff that happened in fma, but you should still be able to just watch fmab without watching fma


Aug 2015


Yes and I recommend you to that. FMA is bad and ending is just trash, Brotherhood's much better


Mar 2016


first you have to watch the conquerer of shamballa movie, really helped clear up confusion for me

"I like young-girl sexual creations, Lolicon is just one hobby of my many hobbies," he says.
I ask what his wife, standing nearby, thinks of his "hobby".
"She probably thinks no problem," he replies. "Because she loves young boys sexually interacting with each other."


Sep 2017



Dlwuik said:
the first episode of fmab is a filler because studio bones thought it was real fucking funny to rush the first few episodes of brotherhood assuming everyone has already seen the 2003 version, awful mistake. it gets better around ep. 15 because that's when they stop rushing it, and they rushed a lot of the heartbreaking scenes.

so, WATCH THE 2003 VERSION FIRST because it doesn't rush it in the first few eps and it was super well done, even as a brotherhoodfag i have to say that.
there are some shitty fillers in between though and it does derive from the source material later on, so if you want to switch to brotherhood during that time you can. even though the non-canon parts (not filler) were super well done and you have to acknowledge the amount of effort they put into that. even though some stuff is changed of the canon episodes of 03' but that goes into the non-canon story later on.

2003 FILLERS: eps. 4, 8, 10-12, 16, 21-22, 24
2003 NON CANON: eps. 29-51

if you don't have any motivation to watch it after that then read the manga i guess. also skip the two movies (conqueror of shamballa and sacred star of milos) because they're fucking garbage.

dlwuikApr 18, 2018 3:54 AM

Edward Elric > your waifu

Just watch fmab, 1st ep still garbage and they skip the train chapter, but still fmab is the better one imo


Aug 2017


no you have to watch the original fullmetal alchemist as well as full metal panic and full metal jacket


Mar 2015


it's remake, not sequel... yes you can... easy guide...

"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."


May 2017


FMA isn't needed since B is a remake that follows the manga more


Jan 2013


Yeah you can. Also, I tried watching the 2003 version first cause people said it has better pacing than FMA:B in the first part but it's bullshit, FMA was so freaking boring and dragged I gave up after 8 episodes. FMA:B isn't rushed, it has normal pacing and just skips the unimportant stuff only that fanboys care about. But if you really don't want to miss any little thing then just watch FMA first I guess.

fuyukiApr 18, 2018 5:39 AM


Jul 2016




Feb 2016


I did, so... I'mma go with yes.

I was originally gonna watch the original but found alot of comments suggesting otherwise so I went with Brotherhood.

“Don’t just mindlessly judge people as you please.” – Rin Okumura

“Your past shouldn’t stop you from achieving your goals and dreams.” – Rin Okumura


Sep 2017


I watched both. The only difference are the scenes in the beginning, middle and last. These are the only things I can remembered:

Beginning: (FMA only)
Showed how Elric brothers became a State Alchemist
How a girl discovered the Fuhrer an enemy. Showed their ****** as an enemy.
Edward is *******. Watch the movie for its conclusion.

Still both have different scenarios but I still recommend them both.

Half-MagePrinceApr 18, 2018 6:48 AM

Gee...thanks for posting a major spoiler, it's people like you that take all the fun out of watching a new anime. -_-

I agree with @Dlwuik on everything she said, i also think that's it's better to start off by watching the original Fullmetal Alchemist(2003) version first, trust me, the beggining of Brotherhood is very rushed, the remake just assumes you have already watched the 2003 version first and are familiiar with all the characters, thus skipping out on scenes of character develpoment and resulting in less impact and intensity of major emotional scenes, though the ending of Brotherhood is heaps better than that of the 2003 version, but i find the more serious and grave atmosphere of the original FMA more enjoyable.

It's what many did, I do not see the problem.

FMAB is the complete adaptation of the manga. The 2003 version has anime original content.
Watch FMAB and then FMA 2003, since the latter one is worse, imo.


Sep 2017


Sorry for the spoiler bros. Sorry for that. Gomen gomen. Already edited. Just forget it. 😭


Aug 2016


Watch FMA 03, it isn't bad at all like a lot of people seem to say here. Then you can always watch Brotherhood after.

It doesn't seem to work to other way round because people find 03 underwhelming after Brotherhood, especially with how slow the first half is set out.

I meant the thing with the enemy, but yeah, you should be more careful, people just throw spoilers left and right on this forum. X_X

Yes you can, Brotherhood is just a remake of the original!


Jul 2017


Yes. But FMAB kinda rushes the first 10 episodes of it's plot because it almost assumes you've watched the original. Just the build up of certain characters and time to expand on the earlier ventures is given in the original. Granted there is filler and an original ending because the manga wasn't finished at the time. So it's up to you and what kind of time you have. I might just watch FMA and then give it some time before you watch FMAB to get the full experience.


Jun 2017


Yep , you should watch Brotherhood first and then original, both are good but Brotherhood is the masterpiece.


Aug 2017


no you cant, most people dont know that brotherhood is actually a sequel to fma dont listen to them


Nov 2017


Yes, you can. It's not a sequel its better and includes more manga material than FMA


Mar 2018


Yes you can and many would recommend only watching FMAB.

Yes you can, but I think FMA has its good qualities. Brotherhood is a lot closer to the manga and I enjoyed the series for that reason, but I really liked the original story of the first one,(if you do watch it, I recommend watching the movie ( unlike the Brotherhood movie) because it is important to the story.

Otaku090 said:
can I watch Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood without watching Fullmetal Alchemist?

Yes, you can.

And what's the difference between the two?

FMA (2003) follows the manga up to the halfway point, and then veers off into an original story as the manga wasn't done at the point.

FMA:B (2009) is a more faithful anime adaptation of the manga, even though it condenses the first half of the 2003 version in, well, the first half of it before then following the manga in the second half, so.

Of course, I've only watched FMA:B, so my opinion/view of things may be leaning more so in its favor. Sorry! ^^;;

Some people say to watch the first half of the 2003 version before watching the second half of the 2009 version, but it's ultimately your choice. ^^;;

removed-userApr 18, 2018 11:32 AM

Yes you can. FMA was.... well it was a part of the manga and then the other half of it was non canon. FMAB on the other hand was made after the manga was completed so it's completely based on the manga.

You can, but I'd suggest watching maybe the first 22 or so episodes of FMA and then switching to 'Brotherhood'
The pacing and development is much better in the first couple episodes while 'Brotherhoid' zooms through those plot points very quickly (still amazing though).


Dec 2015


They have the same starting point then tell different stories. So you choose whatever story you're more interested into, and if both types of development interest you then experienc both.
The way the "beginning phase" of the manga (already adapted in the first TV show) is compressed into a few episodes in order for the second series to glide over it fast doesn't make it especially interesting/good. So if you decide to go for both , better watch the 2003 anime first.

Also, the first episode of the 2009 series (a "bonus" to catch th einterest and show how different it would be) is to watch only if you want to get late informations from the beginning.

_MushiRock11_ said:
Of course, you can.
FullMetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is the remake of the original with certain details cut and others added on. Overall, it’s a better show but the original does have its moments too

It doesn't sound like you watch the same series as everyone else.

You can, but you shouldn't.
I made that mistake and ended up not liking Brotherhood as much as I could have, if I had at least read part of the manga.


Sep 2014


ignore the bullshit about it feeling rushed unless you watch 2003

I actually think it only feels rushed IF you have seen 2003 before
starting with FMAB i liked the pace and jump to business from the very beginning
and overall FMAB is just better in pretty much every aspect. definitely if it comes to conclusion and character relationships


Apr 2016


Watch both. They're both really good. Just makes sure you watch the sequel movie after watching the first series


Sep 2017


Yes,but since the beginning of the manga was already adapted on the 2003 version they kinda of rushed it in fma brotherhood,I would recommend read the manga instead since there is more information that didn't make into the anime,like the ishval war flashback being longer and a few extra dialogues.


Jan 2013


I haven't even seen FMA so yea you definitely can. FMA:B starts from the beginning so you don't need any prior information.


Apr 2016


Following up on what I just said, I actually prefer the first adaptation. A lot of people in the forums told you to watch FMA before FMAB. I actually watched FMAB twice before watching FMA 2003 for the first time. It's funny I actually preferred the non-faithful adaptation. But like before, make sure you watch the sequel movie after the 2003's end.

King Rat


Sep 2015


I did not watch original FMA and understood and enjoyed FMA:B quite a bit so I say go for it.


Jun 2014


Thread moved to Anime sub-board.

can I just watch FMAB without watching any other movie or series

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