Does luxury vinyl plank need to acclimate

When you buy new flooring, there are certain steps you must take to ensure its longevity. Acclimating luxury vinyl tiles is just one of these steps, but what is it and how do you do it?

Acclimating luxury vinyl tiles

To acclimatise luxury vinyl tiles, they must be left in their boxes in the room in which they will be fitted. This will allow them to adjust to the typical temperature of the room, as well as the moisture levels. Though other materials such as wood may require 72 hours, LVT only needs 24 hours to acclimatise.

Should you fail to do this, you risk the chance of the tiles warping or cracking. You could also leave your flooring with unsightly gaps. This is because vinyl flooring naturally expands and contracts in response to new temperatures. Each room has its own temperature and humidity levels, but your flooring will be used to the temperature of the warehouse in which it has been stored.

How to Acclimatise Your Flooring

This is a very simple process. Leave the flooring in its boxes, opening the back end, and stack them on top of each other. By doing this, you allow the air to circulate between the tiles, helping the floor adapt to its new environment.

Luxury Vinyl Tiles Composition

LVT may be made mostly from plastic, but this can still react to temperature changes. Therefore, it is recommended that you allow a minimum of 24 hours for it to adjust to its new home. Make sure that the temperature in the room is no different to how it would normally be. If they acclimatise to the wrong environment, this can cause damages later on as the flooring will have to readapt to new temperature levels.

If your room has heating or air conditioning, allow them to run for at least 5 days before you acclimatise the floor. The same rule applies to your underfloor heating. If you have had any additional work done to the room, such as plastering, allow this to completely dry to ensure moisture levels are normal.

The best temperature for your flooring to acclimatise to would be anything between 18 and 24 degrees Celsius. The humidity should be no more than 8-12 per cent.

Best Practice

Here are some tips to ensure you follow the best practice for acclimatising your LVT:

·         Ensure the room environment is stable first

·         If your floor has absorbed rain/moisture during delivery, allow extra time for acclimatisation.

·         Make sure your room falls within 18-24°C and 8-12 per cent humidity

·         Be sure to always follow manufacturer guidelines if you want to ensure your warranty remains intact.

To prevent errors such as cracks or gaps, be sure to follow this guide. For further advice, contact Floorbay today.


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What happens if you don't acclimate vinyl plank flooring?

When Vinyl is not given the chance to acclimate it will expand or it will contract. If the vinyl comes from a very hot environment and is placed into a much cooler environment contraction will take place. This will cause the floor to start to pull apart, creating gaps between your planks.

How long do vinyl planks need to acclimate?

Leaving the vinyl plank on the floor for the recommended 48 hours in places you intend to install them allows the planks to unify with the room temperatures and humidity levels.

Do you need to let luxury vinyl flooring acclimate?

Luxury vinyl flooring offers impressive visuals and benefits for every homeowner. But it does need acclimation before installation can start. Acclimation is sometimes overlooked, but it's one of the most critical processes.

How important is it to acclimate vinyl plank flooring?

Acclimation allows the flooring to adapt to the ambient room temperature and humidity, according to Jimmy Alexander, brand manager at Metroflor. “This ensures that floating LVTs will not expand or contract beyond expected levels, and that the adhesives used for glue-down LVT will have a chance to properly cure.”


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