Easiest countries to get dual citizenship as an american

Many people around the world are considering obtaining a second citizenship or a passport for many reasons, some want the freedom it gives them through the ability to move around the world without the hassle of applying for visas, which in turn saves them time and money, and opens up a world with new opportunities for them and their families, and for many, it is about safety and security in their lives, providing them with a sense of security and stability, especially for those from countries experiencing political or economic instability.

How can you obtain a second passport?

A second passport is usually obtained by legally residing in a country long enough to be able to apply for citizenship through naturalization, however, other countries offer more straightforward ways to obtain a second passport, by investing in the economy of that country, making obtaining a second passport simple and straightforward.

Many countries offer citizenship and a passport to those who invest in the real estate sector, while other countries grant them to those who invest directly through a financial contribution to the government’s economic fund, and some countries provide the option to invest in government bonds to obtain a second passport. While the options may vary, the premise remains the same: countries want investors with clean security records who can boost their economy by becoming citizens. Each country has its own rules for immigration and obtaining citizenship, and according to statistics, 45% of the countries of the world allow multiple nationalities for their citizens, and despite the ease of procedures provided by some countries to obtain their citizenship, other countries have more strict and complex laws that stand in the way of those wishing to obtain their citizenship. Below is a list of countries that have relatively easy procedures for those wishing to obtain their citizenship.

What are the easiest countries to obtain a citizenship by investment?

There are many great options that provide you with an easy and simplified process to obtain a second passport with your family, and Reach Immigration specializes in providing a number of citizenship by investment programs, which we will briefly present:

Saint Kitts and Nevis

The Commonwealth Caribbean island of Saint Kitts and Nevis is considered the ‘Father of Citizenship by Investment Programs’, As the first citizenship-by-investment program in 1984, the program has changed over the years, becoming easier and more cost-effective, St Kitts and Nevis citizenship is one of the best in the world to move around as its passport gives access to more than 150 destinations Such as Schengen area, UK, etc.

To obtain a Saint Kitts and Nevis passport one must invest in real estate or buy a share in a property (or resort) of at least $200,000, or contribute a value starting from $150,000 or more depending on the number of family members in addition to the alternative route, The whole process takes about 3 months and your new St Kitts and Nevis passport is delivered to your door!

The State of Saint Kitts and Nevis allows the main applicant to add his or her spouse, dependent children, grandparents and parents to the same application, providing a significant return on investment for any potential investor.


Dominica offers a program very similar in structure to Saint Kitts and Nevis, whereby investors can obtain a Dominica passport that gives you freedom of movement to more than 140 destinations around the world, by investing in real estate or buying shares in a resort for $200,000 USD, offering Dominica also has the option to contribute $100,000 directly to the State Development Fund, and the program has an easy process that takes 3-6 months.

Dominica, like Saint Kitts and Nevis, offers the applicant the opportunity to add his or her spouse, dependent children, dependent parents, grandparents and stepparents to the application. You can view the program and its benefits and privileges through the link here.


Another Caribbean Commonwealth country that offers citizenship by investment program is Grenada, by investing in real estate or by contributing to the government. The minimum investment required is $220,000 or a financial contribution starting from $150,000 or more, depending on the number of family members and dependents that can be added.

The main advantage of the Grenada passport is that it enables you to travel without a visa to global business centers such as the Schengen area, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, China, Russia, among others. With Grenada passport, international businessmen rarely face the challenge of mobility, ensuring better results and greater profit worldwide.

Grenada passport also opens the door for its holder to apply for the USA E2 visa. The USA E2 visa is a treaty resident business that allows the holder to reside and establish their business in the United States of America. While citizens of other countries such as Egypt and Jordan can apply for an E2 visa, they are only given a single entry visa for one year. However, Grenada citizens are granted a five-year multiple-entry visa, you can view this program via the link here.

Antigua and Barbuda

The stunning islands of Antigua and Barbuda are among the most popular tourist destinations in the Caribbean. With the splendor of its natural attractions, along with its unique culture and welcoming environment, Antigua and Barbuda is a country hard to forget, as it is one of the country’s main attractions through its Citizenship by Investment Program for investors from all over the world.

To obtain the Antigua and Barbuda passport, which provides visa-free travel to more than 140 destinations around the world, the applicant is required to invest in real estate in the amount of US$200,000, and alternatively, they can choose to donate to the Government Development Fund the amount of $100,000. Antigua and Barbuda offers the opportunity for the investor to add his wife, dependent children, parents, grandparents and stepparents to the same application.

The process of obtaining a second passport through the Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Program is very fast, and like its Caribbean counterparts, applicants will receive their passport within 3-4 months of applying.

Saint Lucia

Saint Lucia, the last of the Caribbean islands, offers investors the opportunity to obtain a second passport through investment, as it offers a program very similar to its Caribbean neighbors, Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment Program.

The main difference is that Saint Lucia also offers a government bond option, where an applicant can invest $250,000 in government bonds to obtain a second passport for himself and his family. The money is then refunded after five years, while the investor gets the second passports within 3 months of submitting the initial application. The program allows you to add the main applicant’s children or stepchildren under the age of 21 and unmarried children or stepchildren under the age of 30 and his dependents, in addition to parents and grandparents over the age of 55, Saint Lucia passport gives you the ability to enter more than 140 destinations around the world without a visa or visa on arrival.

Getting a second passport is easier than you think

At Reach Immigration, we dedicate ourselves to perfecting our work through the services we provide in our residency or citizenship and second passport by investment programs. Our team works to the smallest detail to match you with the most appropriate program for you and your family’s needs. Contact Reach Immigration to learn more about the best option for you.

What is the easiest country for an American to get citizenship?

Italian citizenship by descent is one of the easiest to obtain. You may be eligible for citizenship if you have Italian heritage. To acquire citizenship, you must have an ancestor who was a citizen of Italy on March 17th, 1861 or was born in the country after that.

Which countries can US citizens have dual citizenship with?

American dual citizenship is possible in certain countries such as Portugal, Spain, Malta, Cyprus, Belgium, Denmark, Australia, the UK, and Dominica. The list may be subject to change depending on the changes in policy. Among them, Portugal and Spain offer Golden Visa programs.

Can US citizens apply for dual citizenship?

Dual citizenship (or dual nationality) means a person may be a citizen of the United States and another country at the same time. U.S. law does not require a person to choose one citizenship or another.

Which country is best for dual citizenship?

Here are the countries where the process to get dual citizenship is relatively easy compared to other countries..
Ireland – Can I Get Irish Citizenship? ... .
Italy – Get an Affordable Italian Passport or Dual Citizenship. ... .
Israel – Israeli Dual Citizenship. ... .
Paraguay Citizenship. ... .
Guatemala – Become a Resident in Guatemala..


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