Free online digital marketing courses with certificates

Being able to effectively promote your organization, reach a wider audience and increase brand awareness via the internet has become a necessity in today’s interconnected world. Alison's free online digital marketing certificates help you develop digital marketing strategies and skills to tak... Read more...

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Top Online Digital Marketing Certificates

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Frequently Asked Questions About Online Digital Marketing Certificates

Who Should Earn a Digital Marketing Certification?

How Do I Get Certified in Digital Marketing?

Which Certificate is Best for Digital Marketing?

Is a Digital Marketing Certificate Worth It?

How Long Does a Digital Marketing Certification Take?

35 courses

Do you need a digital marketing certification? Or do you need a refresher in a specific digital marketing topic? Congratulations, you’re in the right place! Alison has a series of free online courses in every aspect of online marketing, from Google ads all the way to harnessing social media and monetizing YouTube. To access these courses, all you need to do is register your Alison account, choose the course you want to do and enroll – that’s it. By the end of today, you could have insights into Twitter marketing, growing your brand on YouTube or even a 30-day content plan for your Instagram account.

If you want to get certified to get a job, shake up your resumé or bag a promotion, just complete the course assessment and follow the instructions. Remember, you can take as many courses as you like – there’s no limit on growing your knowledge of every part of digital marketing.

Most Popular

Social Media Marketing Courses

It’s hard to believe that there was once a time when social media didn’t exist. Today, many of us take finding a job on LinkedIn, staying updated with the news on Twitter and getting inspiration on Instagram for granted. Even Alison has a TikTok account! But just because we know how to use social media platforms, it doesn’t mean we’re automatically successful marketers on them. Like many things in life, social media marketing is more complicated than it looks. You have to understand how different networks have different roles, know which platforms are right for your brand, get to grips with their algorithms, and be able to create sticky content. Luckily, free help is right here. We’ve teamed up with experts across Facebook, Twitter and more to bring you comprehensive social media marketing courses. Take a course that covers the foundations then specialize in specific channels. And it doesn’t matter if you are starting from scratch or looking to amp up an existing social media strategy – our courses will have tips, advice and ideas that will help you at every point.

View all Social Media Marketing Courses

YouTube Marketing

If you can crack it on one of the Top 3 most visited sites in the world, you can make it big. But being successful on YouTube takes more than just a single cute video: you must know how to set up a channel, attract subscribers, interact with your community and monetize your content. It’s a lot more complicated than posting a few videos! Our YouTube marketing courses have been created by experts who have personal experience in starting a YouTube business. They will take you through marketing strategies for YouTube, do’s and don’ts, pros and cons. Find out how YouTube can help broaden your customer base to new audiences and foreign countries, and how many ‘watch hours’ and subscribers you need before you can start earning money. Even if you have no background in search engine optimization, our free courses and video tutorials will explain the basics of SEO and how it affects YouTube marketing. Oh, and for inspiration and proof of the power of YouTube, no look further than Alison’s own channel! Every week, we upload all sorts of new content, from interviews with Alison learners to full courses videos that can teach you everything from playing traditional Irish musical instruments to how to become a wedding photographer. We know first-hand the power of YouTube and want to share it with you…

View all Youtube Marketing Courses

Online Marketing Basics

Getting started online can be overwhelming. There are a lot of tools, terms and statistics to learn, and the space is changing all the time as new platforms and data emerge. We suggest getting to grips with the basics by completing our free courses in the fundamentals of online marketing - from strategy to digital marketing - so you have a solid foundation to build on.

View all Digital Marketing Courses

Learn about Advertising

Google, Bing, SEO, Adwords... what do they all mean? How do they work and - most importantly - how can you use them to sell your services and products and make money for yourself? Don't worry: Alison's free courses have all the answers. We break down search engine optimization, how pay-per-click (PPC) advertising works and eveything else you need to know as an SEO and digital ads specialist.

View all Advertising Courses

Master Instagram

'The Gram' and TikTok aren't only for trendy youngsters in the latest gear with the coolest moves; they're also for serious brands and small companies who want to reach their audiences with messages that convert into sales. You'll be surprised at how much your business can adapt to platforms like Instagram and TikTok. The first step is to truly understand these channels by doing a few free courses. Then create your content and take on a new world!

View all Instagram Courses

How to Succeed at LinkedIn

If you have never gone further than setting up a simple LinkedIn profile, now is the time to branch out and see how much more you can do and achieve. Being active on LinkedIn and doing daily maintenance on it can connect you to people who can progress your career, business and education. As always, it becomes far easier to do after you've completed Alison's free LinkedIn courses, all created by experts in the field.

View all Linkedin Courses

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What is digital marketing?

Which free certification is best for digital marketing?

Our top free digital marketing courses.
CareerFoundry Digital Marketing Short Course..
Coursera Digital Marketing Specialization..
EdX Fundamentals of Digital Marketing..
Google Fundamentals of Digital Marketing..
Quickstarter by Constant Contact..
Meta Blueprint Facebook Digital Marketing Associate Certification..

Which certificate course is best for digital marketing?

Top Digital Marketing Certifications of 2022.
LinkedIn Digital Marketing Certificate..
PCM Digital Marketing Certification..
Facebook Blueprint Certifications..
Google Ads Marketing Certification..
YouTube Certification..
Google Analytics Certification..
Google Digital Marketing & eCommerce Certificate..

What certifications can I get online for free?

15 free online certifications to consider.
HubSpot Inbound Marketing Certification Course. ... .
Web design by Udemy. ... .
Google Ads Certification. ... .
Google Fundamentals of Digital Marketing. ... .
Google Analytics Academy Courses. ... .
Free Code Camp certifications. ... .
AWS certification. ... .
IBM Data Science Professional Certificate..

Is Digital Marketing & E

The Google Digital Marketing & E-commerce Certificate costs $39 per month by subscription on Coursera.


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