How do you say bethany in spanish

After attending Southern Nazarene University (formerly Bethany Nazarene College) he later graduated from Trinity College.

Asisti� la Universidad Nazarena de Bethany (hoy Southern Nazarene University), luego gradu� con un t�tulo teol�gico Th.

[...] out as far as to Bethany, and He lifted [...]

up His hands, and blessed them.

Y los sac� fuera hasta Betania, y alzando sus [...]

Explain why Christ did not go to Bethany immediately.

Explicar por que Cristo no se fue a Betania de inmediato.

The day after the dinner in Bethany, we read that Christ rode into Jerusalem on a colt.

El d�a despu�s de la cena en Betania, leemos que Cristo entr� en Jerusal�n montado en un asnillo.

Richard L. Kagan, the prestigious hispanist and professor of history at Johns Hopkins University in


Baltimore (USA), is directing this edition in

[...] collaboration with Bethany Aram, lecturer [...]

in modern history at the Universidad Pablo de Olavide.

Richard L. Kagan, prestigioso hispanista y catedr�tico de Historia en la Universidad Johns Hopkins, Baltimore


(Estados Unidos), dirige esta edici�n con la

[...] colaboraci�n de Bethany Aram, profesora [...]

de Historia Moderna en la Universidad Pablo de Olavide.

The bag was designed by Bethany Edwards, a student [...]

at The Robert Gordon University in Scotland.

[...] dise�ada por Bethany Edwards, una [...]

estudiante de la Universidad Robert Gordon de Escocia.

Less than two weeks ago I was invited to preach at the occasion of the jubilee of profession of

[...] some Dominican sisters of Bethany in Germany.

Hace menos de dos semanas fui invitado a predicar con motivo del jubileo de profesi�n

[...] de algunas hermanas dominicas de Betania.

For us, gathered in prayer in memory


of my Venerable Predecessor, the gesture of the

[...] anointing of Mary of Bethany is full of spiritual [...]

Para nosotros, reunidos en oraci�n


para recordar a mi venerado predecesor, el gesto de la

[...] unci�n de Mar�a de Betania entra�a ecos [...]

y sugerencias espirituales.

They have come out to Bethany and Olivet from [...]

Salieron a Betania y al monte del Olivar [...]

procedentes de Jerusal�n.

Activities geared towards the most disadvantaged are the priority.

[...] Two sisters of Bethany and two French [...]

women from the parish welcome the immigrants.

Las actividades hacia los m�s desfavorecidos son de actualidad:

[...] dos hermanas de Betania con dos mujeres [...]

francesas de la parroquia acogen los inmigrantes en los locales.

I think you are in the process of

[...] living a marvelous Bethany.

Creo que ustedes est�n viviendo

[...] una maravillosa Betania.

In the Gospel of John she is

[...] said to be Mary of Bethany.

En el Evangelio de Juan se dice

[...] que era Mar�a de Betania.

. in 1987 teachers reported that in Bethany Elementary School in Izarya [a Jerusalem suburb] there were 55 students in one second grade class.

. en 1987 los profesores informaron que en la Escuela elemental Bethany de Izarya [suburbio de Jerusal�n] hab�a 55 alumnos en una clase del segundo grado.

His were those of compassion and tenderness when he

[...] saw Mary crying at Bethany.

Fueron las suyas l�grimas de compasi�n y ternura cuando vio a

[...] Mar�a llorar en Betania.

He asks to be received and heard,

[...] just as Mary did at Bethany.

Pide que se le reciba y escuche como lo recibi� y

[...] escuch� Mar�a en Betania.

I must confess that my first contact was not in the first place a contact with the Dominican Order, but with the apostolic work

[...] of the sisters of Bethany.

Debo confesar que mi primer contacto no fue en primer lugar con la Orden Dominicana, sino con le trabajo apost�lico

[...] de las hermanas de Betania.

If parents do not have access to a


computer, please make use of your public

[...] library, or call Bethany Molitor or Melissa [...]

Vivas to schedule a time to register here in the school.

Si los padres no tienen acceso a una


computadora, por favor use la biblioteca

[...] p�blica, o llame a Bethany Molitor o Melissa [...]

Vivas para programar un tiempo para registrarse aqu� en la escuela.

He is married to Bettina, and they

[...] have one daughter, Bethany Grace.

[...] y tiene una hija, Bethany Grace.

The Gospel account impresses an


intense paschal atmosphere on our meditation:

[...] the supper at Bethany is a prelude [...]

to Jesus' death in the sign of his anointing


by Mary, a homage she pays to the Teacher which he accepts as foretelling his burial (cf. Jn 12: 7).

El relato evang�lico confiere un intenso clima pascual a nuestra

[...] meditaci�n: la cena de Betania es preludio de [...]

la muerte de Jes�s, bajo el signo de la unci�n


que Mar�a hizo en honor del Maestro y que �l acept� en previsi�n de su sepultura (cfr. Jn 12, 7).

[...] the people only about the love of their Father; and then he and his disciples returned to Bethany.

Pero Jes�s s�lo habl� sobre el Amor del Padre; y despu�s �l y sus disc�pulos regresaron a Betan�a.

Our guide in our pilgrimage was Jos� Miguel Garc�a, an expert in


the Holy Scriptures and Holy Land. He walked us through Nazareth,

[...] Bethlehem, the Tiberiades Lake, Bethany and Jerusalem.

En nuestro peregrinaje estuvimos guiados por Jos� Miguel Garc�a, gran conocedor de las


Santas Escrituras y de Tierra Santa, con quien hemos paseado por Nazareth,

[...] Bel�n, Lago de Tiber�ades, Betania y Jerusal�n.

1) And when they draw nigh unto Jerusalem, unto Bethphage and Bethany, at the mount of Olives, he sendeth two of his disciples

1) Y COMO fueron cerca de Jerusalem, de Bethphag�, y de Bethania, al monte de las Olivas, env�a dos de sus disc�pulos

[...] my twin girls, Bethany & Brittan.

[...] mis gemelas, Betania y Brittan.

[...] St. Martha of Bethany, the sister of [...]

[...] santa Marta de Betania, hermana de Mar�a [...]

I am 48 years old and two years ago I was chosen General Prioress of our Congregation, the

[...] Dominican Sisters of Bethany from Venlo.

Tengo 48 a�os y hace dos a�os fui elegida Priora General de nuestra congregaci�n, las

[...] hermanas dominicas de Betania de Venlo.

Olivier Maire (SMM). The Spirituality Centre of Bethany, conducted by the Daughters of Wisdom, [...]

was an ideal setting for this


time of silence, reflection and prayer.

[...] espiritualidad de B�thanie, animado por las Hijas de la Sabidur�a, sirvi� de marco ideal para [...]

este tiempo de silencio, reflexi�n y oraci�n.

[...] volonteers in the WCC's Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI) participated in a pilgrimage walk that took them from Jerusalem to the Separation Wall and on to Bethany.

El 2 de diciembre de 2004, miembros del Programa de Acompa�amiento Ecum�nico en Palestina e Israel participaron en una peregrinaci�n desde Jerusal�n hasta el Muro de Separaci�n y luego a Betania.

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