How do you say cpr in spanish

Finally, the incumbent would ensure the implementation of appropriate training programmes in order to maintain and develop the


necessary medical capabilities (e.g., health education, HIV/AIDS

[...] prevention, first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation).

Finalmente, el titular del puesto se ocupar�a de la aplicaci�n de los programas de capacitaci�n adecuados para mantener y desarrollar la


capacidad m�dica necesaria (educaci�n sanitaria, prevenci�n del

[...] VIH/SIDA, primeros auxilios y reanimaci�n cardiopulmonar).

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a series of [...]

steps to help a person who is not responding and has stopped breathing.

La resucitaci�n cardiopulmonar (RCP) es una serie [...]

de pasos que se realizan para ayudar a una persona que dej� de respirar y no tiene latidos cardiacos.

To perform equipment-based basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Realizar maniobras de reanimaci�n cardiopulmonar b�sica con equipo.

Once the victim is free from the source of


electricity, his airway, breathing, and pulse are checked

[...] and, if needed, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) efforts [...]

Una vez que la v�ctima est� libre de la fuente de electricidad, se revisan


sus v�as respiratorias, respiraci�n y pulso, y si es necesario,

[...] se comienzan los esfuerzos de resucitaci�n cardiopulmonar.

During standard cardiopulmonary resuscitation the chest is [...]

not manually decompressed.

Durante la reanimaci�n cardiopulmonar est�ndar, el t�rax [...]

no se descomprime manualmente.

[...] medically appropriate when cardiopulmonary resuscitation is not likely to save [...]

Una orden de RCP puede resultar m�dicamente apropiada cuando es

[...] m�s probable que la resucitaci�n cardiopulmonar no salve la vida del [...]

This order documents your instructions that should you suffer cardiac or

[...] respiratory arrest, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is to be [...]

Esta orden certifica sus instrucciones de que, en caso de sufrir


un paro card�aco o respiratorio, no se le

[...] puede practicar la reanimaci�n cardiopulmonar (CPR, por sus siglas [...]

Dialysis for kidney failure, a breathing machine if you can't breathe on

[...] your own, CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) if your heart [...]

and breathing stop, or tube feeding if you can


no longer eat are examples of medical treatment you can choose to accept or refuse.

Di�lisis para la insuficiencia renal, un respirador artificial si ya no puede respirar por

[...] usted mismo, CPR (resucitaci�n cardiopulmonar) si su coraz�n y [...] [...]

un tubo para alimentarlo si ya no puede comer por usted mismo, son algunos ejemplos de las decisiones que puede aceptar o rechazar.

In the event that your heart stops beating and you stop


breathing, health care provider will

[...] normally perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to try to restart [...]

your breathing and heartbeat.

En caso de que su coraz�n deje de latir y usted deje de respirar,


los profesionales sanitarios

[...] llevar�n a cabo la reanimaci�n cardiopulmonar (CPR) para intentar [...]

que vuelva a respirar y que


recupere el latido del coraz�n.

For years people have been

[...] encouraged to learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation , or CPR.

Durante a�os, las personas han sido

[...] animadas a aprender resucitaci�n cardiopulmonar , o CPR.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) can be lifesaving, [...]

especially when it is started right away.

La reanimaci�n cardiopulmonar (RCP) puede ser de [...]

salvamento, en especial cuando se inicia de inmediato.

This states that CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) is not to be performed if your breathing stops or your heart stops beating.

Orden de no reanimaci�n (ONR): este documento establece que no se debe realizar reanimaci�n cardiopulmonar (RCP) si la respiraci�n [...]

cesa o el coraz�n deja de latir.

[...] patients received cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Conclusiones: la mayor�a de los

[...] pacientes recibieron reanimaci�n cardiopulmonar.

If you stop breathing, you may need

[...] someone to perform CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) on you until help [...]

Si usted deja de respirar, necesitar�

[...] que alguien le haga resucitaci�n cardiopulmonar (RCP) hasta que llegue [...]

Her friend asked someone to call 911,

[...] [...] restaurant patron started cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and within [...]

a minute or two a policeman


trained in using an automated external defibrillator (AED) arrived and administered life-saving pulses of electricity.

Su amiga le pidi� a alguien que llamara al 911, mientras que su

[...] [...] restaurante comenzaron la resucitaci�n cardiopulmonar (CPR), y en un lapso [...] [...]

polic�a capacitado en el uso de desfibrilador externo autom�tico (AED) lleg� y administr� descargas de electricidad para salvarle la vida.

Objective: To determine whether interposed abdominal

[...] compression during cardiopulmonary resuscitation is a technique [...]

worth considering on the basis of published evidence.

Objetivo: Intentar determinar en base a los art�culos revisados si la


compresi�n abdominal interpuesta (CAI) es una t�cnica a tener en

[...] cuenta en las maniobras de reanimaci�n cardiopulmonar (RCP).

Special skills or training you have had, i.e. lifting, transferring, preparing meals that

[...] [...] bowel and bladder care, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), personal grooming, [...] [...]

(bring copies of certificates or proof of training if you have them).

Habilidades especiales o entrenamiento que usted haya tenido, por ejemplo: levantar, cambiar, preparar comidas

[...] [...] especiales, cuidado con el intestino o vejiga , resucitaci�n cardio pulmonar (CPR), [...] [...]

experiencia con la higiene (traiga copias de certificados como comprobante de entrenamiento, si los tiene).

The Do Not Resuscitate Order documents that you do

[...] not want to have cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) efforts [...]

started if your heart and/or breathing stops.

La �rden de No Resucitar documenta que usted no

[...] quiere que usen la resucitaci�n cardiopulmonar (CPR) si su coraz�n [...]

y/o respiraci�n para de latir.

Many hospitals require all clinical staff to maintain ongoing


certification in a specific skill or

[...] technique, such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation, because such knowledge [...] [...]

in assuring that clinicians are able to appropriately respond in the event of a life-threatening emergency.

Muchos hospitales exigen que todo el personal cl�nico mantenga certificaci�n continua en

[...] [...] espec�fica tal como la resucitaci�n cardiopulmonar, porque tal conocimiento [...] [...]

para asegurar que el personal cl�nico sea capaz de responder apropiadamente en caso de una emergencia que amenace la vida.

The stations of Nuevos Ministerios, Callao and Legazpi will be converted into educational classrooms next Saturday 31 May where members of the Municipal Emergency and Civil Rescue and


Protection service will give

[...] first aid courses and Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) demonstrations, [...]

activities that form part


of the 24th Heart Week which will be held in Madrid from 28 May-1 June at the Azca complex, the site chosen as the "Healthy Heart area".

Las estaciones de Nuevos Ministerios, Callao y Legazpi se convertir�n el pr�ximo s�bado, 31 de mayo, en aulas formativas donde miembros del Samur y Protecci�n Civil impartir�n


cursos sobre primeros auxilios y

[...] demostraciones sobre reanimaci�n cardiopulmonar, actividades que [...]

se enmarcan dentro de la XXIV


Semana del Coraz�n que se celebrar� en Madrid del 28 de mayo al 1 de junio, en el entorno de Azca, que ha sido elegido como "Recinto Cardiosaludable".

Learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and basic first aid.

Aprenda los principios de la reanimaci�n cardiopulmonar (CPR) y primeros [...]

But if someone is having SCA and there is no

[...] defibrillator available, then cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) should be performed [...]

until an ambulance or other help arrives.

Pero si alguien est� sufriendo un PCS y no hay


un desfibrilador disponible,

[...] debe realizarse la reanimaci�n cardiopulmonar (RCP) hasta que llegue [...]

la ambulancia u otra asistencia.

(c) Large family child care homes must have one (1) person on the premises during all hours of operation who has a valid and current

What is CPR mean in Spanish?

Principal Translations
initialism (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) (sigla)
RCP nf
reanimación cardiopulmonar nf + adj mf
We encourage all of our teachers to take a course in CPR so they can be prepared in case of an emergency.
CPR - English-Spanish Dictionary - › translation › tranword=CPRnull

How do you say CPR classes in Spanish?

usted necesitara un certificado de resucitación cardiopulmonar (CPR) / Primeros Auxilios.

What is heart in Spain?

heart noun hearts. corazón; centro; sentimientos; valor.

What is CPR called in Italian?

resuscitazione cardiopolmonare (CPR).


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