How far is wylie texas from dallas texas

 driving distance = 28 miles

The distance by car is 45 km.  Get driving directions from Wylie to Dallas.

 flight distance = 21 miles

The straight line distance between Wylie and Dallas is 34 kilometers.

 Travel time from Wylie, TX to Dallas, TX


How long does it take to drive?

36 minutes


How long does it take to fly?

33 minutes

This is estimated based on the Wylie to Dallas distance by plane of 21 miles.

 Wylie, Texas

What's the distance to Wylie, TX from where I am now?

 Dallas, Texas

How far is Dallas, TX from me?

19.86 mi Straight Distance

26.73 mi Driving Distance

33 minutes Estimated Driving Time

The straight distance between Wylie, TX and Dallas, TX is 19.86 mi, but the driving distance is 26.73 mi.

It takes 33 minutes to go from Wylie, Texas to Dallas, Texas.

Driving directions between Wylie, TX and Dallas, TX

Wylie, Texas

Latitude: 33.0151 // Longitude: -96.5389

Photos of Wylie, TX

Wylie, TX Weather

Predicción: Broken clouds
Temperatura: 24.7°
Humedad: 45%

Hora actual: 04:11 PM
Amanece: 07:25 AM
Anochece: 07:00 PM

Dallas, Texas

Latitude: 32.803 // Longitude: -96.7699

Photos of Dallas, TX

Dallas, TX Weather

Predicción: Scattered clouds
Temperatura: 25.1°
Humedad: 43%

Hora actual: 04:11 PM
Amanece: 07:26 AM
Anochece: 07:01 PM

Is Wylie a suburb of Dallas?

Wylie is a suburb of Dallas with a population of 51,251. Wylie is in Collin County and is one of the best places to live in Texas. Living in Wylie offers residents a sparse suburban feel and most residents own their homes.

What is Wylie Texas known for?

Until the early 1960s, Wylie was known as the “Onion Capital of the World,” and an onion shed could be found by the Santa Fe tracks. Wylie became famous for the sweet white onions grown here.

What major city is Wylie Texas close to?

Sachse, TX. Rowlett, TX. Rockwall, TX.

Is Wiley Texas a good place to live?

The small North Texas town of Wylie has just earned a big accolade: It's one of the best places to live in America. On September 16, Money magazine released its annual Best Places to Live 2019, and the Dallas neighbor claimed a spot on the list.


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