How long does it take to cook a 2.6 pound turkey breast

Turkey breast roasting times are important to creating delicious turkey recipes with turkey breast. For more details on roasting and other cooking methods, see Turkey Cooking Guide. Also learn more about turkey preparation with the complete Turkey Guide.

Whether you are cooking turkey breast or a whole turkey, one of the most popular methods used is roasting. When cooking turkey breast, the roasting process tends to evaporate and reduce the moisture content, shrinking the fibers and making the meat tough, so it is important to follow the proper steps for roasting and use the right turkey cooking times to ensure the best results. When roasted properly, the turkey breast will be moist and tender with excellent flavor.

The turkey breast cooking times may vary greatly, depending on a number of variables that affect the cooking time such as the shape of the turkey breast, the proportion of meat to bone, the variations in different ovens, the altitude, and if the turkey is fresh or frozen and then thawed. Adding the confusion is that almost every source providing roasting times is different from one another. Listed below are roasting times that can be used as a general guideline. However, the only true gauge for determining proper doneness is with a meat thermometer. The breast must reach an internal temperature of 170°F

A shallow baking pan will yield the best results when roasting a turkey breast, allowing air to flow completely around the turkey breast.

Roasting Times for a Turkey Breast Cooked
in a 325°F Conventional Oven
Weight Unstuffed Stuffed
2 to 3 pounds 1½ to 2 hours not generally applicable
4 to 6 pounds 1½ to 2¼ hours not generally applicable
7 to 8 pounds 2¼ to 3¼ hours 3 to 4 hours

Note: Using a convection oven will cut as much as 25% off the cooking times list above.

turkey breast roasting times


Average of 5.00 out of 5 stars

"I just bought a turkey breast and was wondering what temp to roast it at and what the internal temperature need to be so it is cooked safely. Thanks for the info. Can't wait until it is done!"

"Just what I was looking for . . . bought a turkey breast yesterday and want to cook it this weekend but didn't have any idea of how long to bake it. Thanks for the info."

Thomas Hooke/Demand Media

It's not Thanksgiving yet, but your craving for turkey is starting to rear its head. Buying a whole turkey is senseless – you're not feeding 17 hungry souls as you would during the holiday, so a turkey breast sounds like a good idea. Knowing that the breast is the one part of the turkey that dries out during the roasting process, you search for ways to make your breast tender, moist and satisfying while adhering to published turkey cooking times. The times differ according to your cooking method, the size of the breast, whether it's bone-in or boneless, and the type of oven you're using. Just keep a meat thermometer handy, and your craving will soon be on the table, cooked perfectly and ready for your knife and fork.

Choosing Bone-in or Boneless

A full bone-in turkey breast gives you enough protein to fuel you for a few days. Count the chairs at your table and buy a half-breast, around 3 pounds, if you're feeding two-to-four people, and a whole breast, about 7 pounds, to serve six-to-eight hungry diners. Yes, the bone adds to the weight and cost, but the flavor your turkey breast gets from the bone makes a world of difference in your meat. A boneless breast is easier to handle, but it tends to dry out if you don't time the cooking correctly.

Preparing Before Baking

Even before you slap on the oil and seasonings, your turkey breast has to go through a few steps if you want the skin crispy and the meat tender. Place the bird in a roasting rack and then into a roasting pan – one with low sides is preferred. Pat the underside dry, and turn it over and do the same with the skin. Remove all the moisture. Put the turkey breast into the refrigerator for at least an hour. This dries the skin, leading to supreme crispiness.

When it's ready for the oven, slip a few sprigs of sage underneath, brush oil on the skin and sprinkle your preferred seasonings onto it.

Low and Slow Roasting

There are as many suggested cooking temperatures for turkey breast as there are types of turkey. You can go low and slow and set the dial at 325 degrees Fahrenheit, or choose fast and furious with an oven temperature of 450F. Both have their benefits.

Roasting at 325F means a lot of attention is paid to the breast as it cooks. Keeping moisture in is the goal, but you also want crispy skin. Adding broth to the roasting pan helps, as does putting a lid on the bird for the first part of the roasting process. Keep a poultry thermometer nearby and start taking the temperature after one hour. Your breast is done when the internal temperature reaches 160F. This should take about 2–2 1/2 hours. After removing it from the oven, let it rest for several minutes. It'll continue to cook, and the final temperature should read 165F.

A 4–6 pound breast should take anywhere between 1 1/2 hours to 2 1/4 hours. A 6–8 pounder should take from 2 1/4 to 3 1/4 hours. If you're using a convection oven, a 3-pound breast should take about 1 1/2–2 hours at 350F. Do not go by cooking times. Your thermometer will give you an accurate time to take the bird out of the oven.

Fast and Furious Roasting

A spatchcocked turkey breast, one that has been flattened but kept whole prior to cooking, is the best way to get tender, moist turkey breast. With the base of your hand, smash down on the breast to crack the breastbone. The air pocket below the breast is removed, and your entire breast becomes level with the roasting pan.

Heat the oven to 450F, and after dressing your turkey with seasonings and oil, place it in the oven for 45 minutes. Start taking the temperature and remove it when the thermometer reads 160F. The skin is crisp, the meat is moist, and you've not wasted a day watching it roast.

Boneless Baking

A boneless breast is more likely to cook quickly than its bone-in counterpart. Prepare the breast as you would a bone-in version, but keep the thermometer handy. After 45 minutes, check the temperature frequently. Baste when necessary.

Reheating Leftovers

Leftovers are one of the benefits of making a turkey! Saute the slices for a few minutes in turkey or chicken broth to keep the meat moist, or sprinkle the meat-on-the-bone turkey with the broth, wrap it in foil, and heat in a 350F oven for a half-hour.

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Writer Bio

My seventh grade English teacher didn't realize what she was unleashing when she called me her "writer," but the word crept into my brain. I DID become a writer. Of advertising copy, dialogue and long-term story for several network soap operas, magazine articles and high-calorie contents for the cookbook: Cooking: It AIn't Rocket Science, a bestseller on Amazon! When I'm not writing, I'm cooking!


How long does it take to cook a 2.75 pound boneless turkey breast?

2½- to 3-pound boneless turkey breast: Roast at 325°F for 40 to 60 minutes. 4- to 6-pound whole turkey breast: Roast at 325°F for 1½ to 2¼ hours.

How long does it take to cook a turkey breast per pound?

A very frequently asked question around turkey is: how long to cook a turkey breast per lb? The answer is simple! 20 minutes per pound at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. For example, my turkey breast was 3 pounds, so I roasted it for 60 total minutes at 350F.

How do you cook a 2 pound fully cooked turkey breast?

Place turkey breast in 350° oven and heat until warm. 3/4 - 1.5 hours. Check temperature with a meat thermometer. The temperature should be 140° F..
Remove turkey breast from the wrapper..
Let meat stand at room temperature 15 minutes to take off the chill..
Carve turkey breast and serve immediately..

How do I cook a 2.7 kg turkey breast?

When it comes to oven temperatures and timings, roast turkey breast has the same requirements as a whole roast turkey. So, at a temperature of 190C/170C fan/gas 5, you'll need to cook it for 40 mins per kilo, plus an additional 20 mins.


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