How many times should you go to the chiropractor

Although many patients experience improvement after 1 or 2 chiropractic sessions, 4 to 12 sessions are common among most chiropractors. These sessions are typically spread out over 2 to 4 weeks. This number of sessions allows the chiropractor to ensure that the patient’s body is healing correctly and allows the patient to experience the full range of benefits that come with chiropractic adjustments.

After care is established, patients may choose to receive treatment once a week or even every other month. Initial care may be more frequent as the body begins to recognize the process of healing.

When personalized care is given to help your body to recover, the better your body will adapt and recover. Pain sufferers may find great appreciation in combined care plans that some facilities offer. Comprehensive plans may include chiropractic treatments, rehabilitative therapy, spinal decompression, and chiropractic massage therapy.

How Many Chiropractic Visits Are Necessary?

How many chiropractic visits are necessary depends entirely on the type of injury you’ve suffered or the location and severity of the pain. It also depends on your overall health, activity level, and lifestyle. For minor issues, most patients experience relief in 4 to 8 visits. For more serious issues, the number of visits can vary widely. From 8 up to 36 visits are common over a matter of weeks or months. There are several chiropractic adjustment techniques that may also determine how many visits are required.

Can You Go to the Chiropractor Too Much?

Since chiropractic care is incredibly safe, it’s not easily quantifiable like taking too many prescription drugs or having too much surgery. Chiropractors are highly trained doctors who will make their recommendations based on your individual issues, your needs, and what he or she thinks it will take to relieve your pain and return you to normal (or better than normal). What’s right for you may be considered overkill for another patient. 

For all these reasons, it’s rare that you’ll be visiting the chiropractor too much. This is why it’s best to communicate clearly with your chiropractor so you can both find the right balance in your chiropractic visits.

How Often to Go to a Chiropractor for Maintenance

Patients who are participating in chiropractic maintenance for overall health, wellness, flexibility, and well-being often go a month between visits. It’s normal to have 1 visit every 1 to 3 months. However, maintenance visits can also vary. It comes down to what the individual patient wants and what the chiropractor recommends. Some chiropractic maintenance schedules call for 2 or 3 visits per month.

Do I Need to Go to The Chiropractor 3 Times a Week?

It’s common for chiropractic patients to receive care 2 or 3 times per week for the first 1 to 4 weeks. Generally, 3 visits per week are performed until the patient experiences a lessening of pain and other symptoms. At which point, the schedule typically reduces to 1 or 2 times a week until the symptoms disappear completely. 

How you will feel after an adjustment may make you want to return every day! It feels so good, but it is important to listen to the advice of your chiropractor as to frequency.

How Many Chiropractor Visits for Lower Back Pain?

Lower back pain is one of the most common causes of debilitating pain all over the world. It can have many causes that can be addressed by a chiropractor. The number of chiropractor visits needed for lower back pain usually falls within the 6 to 12 range. These visits are usually spread over 2 to 4 weeks. These sessions generally last an hour and typically involve spinal adjustments and other modalities to relieve pain, such as chiropractic massage or electrical stimulation. They may also recommend exercise at home when the pain reduces adequately.

How Many Chiropractor Visits for Herniated Disc?

Herniated or bulging discs are common issues treated by chiropractors. Treatments typically involve spinal manipulation and may include therapeutic exercises and other chiropractic modalities. Treating a herniated disc generally takes 2 to 4 sessions over the course of 1 to 3 weeks.

How Many Chiropractor Visits for Sciatica?

Sciatica is a very common condition characterized by pain in the glute and down the back of the leg. Chiropractic care has proven effective for treating sciatica and should be tried before surgery for most patients. The number of chiropractor visits for sciatica ranges between 8 and 16, with patients seeing the relief in as little as 3 to 5 visits. 3 1-hour sessions a week is common for sciatica and they are typically continued until the pain and discomfort are completely gone.

How Many Chiropractor Visits for Whiplash?

Whiplash is a common type of strain to neck muscles due to a car accident. Depending on the severity of the whiplash, most chiropractic patients experience relief within 3 or 4 sessions. It’s common for patients to continue seeing the chiropractor until the pain is gone and the normal range of motion returns. This can take anywhere from 4 to 16 sessions over a period of 2 to 8 weeks.

How Many Chiropractor Visits for Frozen Shoulder?

A frozen shoulder can make everyday actions impossible with the affected arm. Although not the most common issue chiropractors address, chiropractic care has been shown effective at treating this fairly common issue. The typical number of sessions ranges from 5 to 10 over a period of two months.

How Many Chiropractor Visits for Migraine Headaches?

Several types of migraines and other headaches are treatable by a doctor of chiropractic. For migraines, the common number of treatments usually falls between 10 and 16. Typically these treatment sessions are performed over the course of 4 to 8 weeks for maximum effectiveness.

Benefits of Regular Chiropractic Adjustments

Deterioration of the spine is something that happens naturally as we age. It will often occur more rapidly due to injury or as a result of repetitive actions. Stress on the spinal vertebrae will also be a factor that may increase the rate of deterioration.

Regular chiropractic adjustments work to minimize the effects of stress and motion on the body. The goal of chiropractic care is to provide patients with a safe and effective method to regain and retain a healthy spine. A spine that is flexible and ready to respond to the duties of life – without pain signals flaring.

Even when symptoms are not prominent, regular chiropractic care helps to prevent pain and manage long-term spinal health. Clients may opt to simply have fewer chiropractic adjustments once the pain is no longer present. Patients may wish to discuss care plans that allow for fewer treatments once the vertebrae are in healthy form again.

Same-Day Chiropractic Adjustments Available 

We offer a Same-Day Promise, meaning you’ll get in to see a chiropractor on the same day you call, provided you call before noon. Call us at (907) 346-5255 to receive the full benefits of Better Health Chiropractic Anchorage’s comprehensive chiropractic care.

How often should I get adjusted by a chiropractor?

When you are just starting a new treatment plan, it's common to have adjustments multiple times a week. As your body begins to heal, that number could drop to just once a week. And if you are pain-free and simply want to maintain your lifestyle, you might only need to get an adjustment once or twice a month.

Can you get chiropractic adjustments too often?

Going too much to the chiropractor can have serious effects. It might cause decreased range of motion, which is very problematic for people who exercise and need to be flexible.


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