How much does a well water filtration system cost

Are you tired of scanning through the internet to find answers about “how much does a whole house water filtration system cost”? I feel you! Homeowners always opt for the best solution for everyday water needs.

We can reap innumerable benefits from installing a whole-house water filter at home. Typically, an average whole-house filtration system can cost approximately 2,000 dollars, including labor and installation supplies. But don’t be deterred by the price because it would still depend on a variety of factors.

There are broad selections for us in the market, but we are looking for a filtration system that suits our budget and lifestyle. Hence, I will provide insights into the many factors that affect a whole house filtration system cost.

Table of Contents

  • What is a Whole-House Water Filtration System?
  • Factors that Affect The Total Cost of Whole House Water Filtration System
    • 1. Professional or DIY
    • 2. Type of Whole-House Filtration System
    • 3. Local Water Quality
  • Conclusion

Providing safe and fresh-tasting drinking water is one of our top priorities at home. Because of this, we are no stranger to a whole-house water filtration system. It is like the “powerhouse” of our home because it delivers filtered water, which is essential for daily water activities.

A whole-house filter allows us to enjoy healthy and odor-free water throughout our home. It caters to all of our flow/plumbing fixtures at homes, such as showerheads, kitchen and bathroom faucets, dishwashers, washing machines, water heaters, and the like.

How does a whole house filter work? The process is similar to the standard under sink kitchen water filters except that it is a whole-home solution. This point-of-entry filter is installed in the main water line coming through your house.

Factors that Affect The Total Cost of Whole House Water Filtration System

The cost of whole house water filter will depend predominantly on the following :

1. Professional or DIY

Some water filtration units have a complex setup that may require professional assistance. Moreover, there are many instances where our plumbing system needs modifications that are usually out of hand. You wouldn’t want a botch job disaster in the making, especially if it’s your first time doing the installation, would you?

Although it’s tempting to hire a residential handyman to reduce the expenses, it is advisable to hire a licensed plumber for advanced projects. Their service usually costs around 45-200 dollars per hour, depending on how in-depth the installation is.

On the other hand, DIY installations are for passionate homeowners who want to hone their housekeeping skills and improve their home independence.

While DIY projects can cut the cost, they require tremendous effort to complete. You have to prepare tools, related materials and supplies (mounting hardware, connectors, fittings, etc.) needed to hook up your whole-house unit. The average DIY cost to install whole house water filter is around 360 dollars.

If you’re tech-savvy, then you can go ahead and try to install your own whole-house filtration system, but make sure to plan and review the installation procedures beforehand.

Review the manual that comes with your newly-purchased whole-house filtration package and watch DIY tutorial videos online to help you complete this task successfully.

2. Type of Whole-House Filtration System

Different types of whole-house filters are used for our homes: Reverse Osmosis, Sediment Filters, Carbon Filters, Ion Exchange, and Ultraviolet Purification. Each of them has unique features and methods that can influence the way we estimate our home water filtration system cost:

Reverse Osmosis

Reverse Osmosis is a popular residential water treatment option for many people because it filters tons of contaminants from our drinking water. RO systems can remove and reject organic chemicals, pesticides, ions and metals, and dissolved particles.

Typically, a 3-stage Reverse Osmosis is common enough for most domestic applications. It includes a sediment or carbon type pre-filter, RO membrane, and carbon polishing post filter. This standard whole-house RO system may cost around 150 dollars to 500 dollars.

Although there’s an upfront cost, the RO system remains one of the best investments for your family in the long run. It is still more economical than constantly buying bottled drinking water.

Sediment Filters

As I mentioned above, sediment filters are used as the pre-filtration stage of our drinking water filter system. They remove sand, dust, debris, and other particulate matter. Their selling price ranges between 85 dollars and 1000 dollars depending on the model.

Carbon Filters

These filters get rid of unwanted contaminants through a process called “adsorption”. The pores of activated carbon trap microscopic particles and large organic molecules; then, various contaminants like chlorine, chloramine, gases, and odors are removed from the water.

You can expect to pay 100 dollars for a carbon filtration system annually if your family uses at least 25 liters of water per day. Otherwise, a decent carbon filtration system can cost you 800 – 4500 dollars.

Ion Exchange

You probably hear “ion exchange” a lot in every list of water filtration systems listed online. It is one of the most in-demand and highly efficient household filters nowadays. How does it work?

The ion resin beads undergo a chemical process where undesirable dissolved ionic contaminants are removed from water by swapping with positively and/or negatively charged ions. Ion exchange systems cost roughly 300 dollars to 1,200 dollars and again, depending on the complexity of the system.

Ultraviolet Purification

UV systems are not the typical water filtration device that uses carbon or sediment filter cartridges to get rid of various contaminants from our drinking water. They use UV rays from different light sources (e.g. sun) and emit enough radiation to sterilize the water.

After disinfection, harmful living organisms that cause water-borne diseases are expelled. UV purifiers’ market price is around 400 dollars to 500 dollars.

3. Local Water Quality

There are two common types of water sources for every household: Municipal water and private well water. Municipally treated water contains up to 4 milligrams per liter of chlorine.

Although it’s safe to drink such an amount, some of us are cautious about chlorine. Hence, we use activated carbon filters to eradicate this problem.

On the other hand, well water needs a combination of different filtration systems because it carries more contaminants. After all, the water comes from underground. Therefore, well water maintenance costs more.

A well-water filtration system unit usually costs around 1,500 dollars to 10,000 dollars, and the installation fee ranges from 2500 dollars to 3000 dollars.


How much does a whole house water filtration system cost? After reading this article, you probably have a bunch of installation budget estimations going inside your mind. Don’t overdo it though!

All you have to do is to determine what contaminants are present in your home water. You can use water testing kits to be familiar with the quality of the water you use for cooking, laundry, bathing, and more. It will help you figure out what kind of whole-house water filter suits your household.

How was today’s topic? Let me read your thoughts in the comments section below.

I am Natalie Bridges. You can call me Nat. I am the content creator of Saveourh2o. My main job is researching common concerns you need help with, and about your home’s water system. I aspire to incorporate Ronald’s experiences, and customers’ feedback on different products, as well as expert’s advice to offer you the most informative content.


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