How profitable is a power washing business

Pressure washing can be a perfect business for those who have some extra cash laying around and are willing to work in the sun.

With high profit margins and low start-up costs, opening a pressure washing business could be a perfect fit for many entrepreneurs.

If you want to quit your day job and become an entrepreneur full-time, starting a pressure washing business is a great option.

In this post, I’ll explain the steps and details of starting and growing a successful pressure washing business. You’ll learn the basic equipment needed to get started, how to craft a marketing plan to attract new clients, and learn how much money you can make pressure washing. Let’s dig in.

How to Start a Pressure Washing Business

Starting a pressure washing business can be quite a lucrative side hustle turned business. Below I’ll explain each step of how to get started.

Learn the Basics of Pressure Washing

Pressure washing is pretty easy to understand. The pressure added to water is powerful enough to clean any surface free of debris. But be careful! Because of the high pressure, you can damage some surfaces, foliage, and even yourself!

Even though it is relatively simple to understand, many amateur pressure washers can make mistakes.

You’ll need to do some research before you get started pressure washing. There are many different videos that teach various techniques. Below are a few to help you get started!

Practice, Practice, Practice

Before you go full-blown into opening your business, you’ll want to ensure your services are top-quality.

If you don’t currently have a pressure washer, consider renting one to practice. It will typically cost less than $100 to rent for the day, giving you ample time to work on your skills.

Practice and improve your pressure washing skills by offering to clean your neighbors’ driveways, decks, or home exteriors free of charge.

Follow up by asking them how they would rate your services. If they do not approve, go back and keep practicing until your skills are adequate.

I've put together a small list of items you'll need to start your pressure washing business that you can buy for under $1,000. Get them below!

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Disclosure: This link is an affiliate link, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

Create a Business Plan

Before starting your pressure washing business, you need to have a plan in place to determine how you will become profitable and run your operations.

A business plan will help you set goals, track progress, and make changes as needed along the way.

Business plans should contain a few main sections including your business overview, target market, marketing strategy, and financials.

Obtain Funding for Your Business

If you need to raise money to start your power washing business, this is the time to do so.

You have several options for finding money to start your business.

  • Ask friends and family
  • Use crowdsourcing
  • Take out a small business loan

Each option has benefits and drawbacks. For example, small business loans can have relatively high interest rates that will cost you money. On the other hand, asking friends and family for money can cause stress if your business doesn’t pan out.

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Structure Your Business Operations

Before getting started, you’ll want to form the business entity legally and understand how it will operate. This means you’ll need to register your business with the state your company operates in, set up how your business will run, and have a plan to ensure the business can grow. 

Determine Your Business Name

The first step in forming your business is determining its name. It’s a good idea to create a name that both describes your business and is not attached to you personally. This will allow you to sell the business at a later date if you choose.

You should also consider what domain names are available for purchase before deciding on a name. After all, if the domain is not available, you might not want to use that name for your business.

It’s also wise to consider the SEO value of your business’s name. Because search engines are more likely to rank your business if it has the words “pressure washing” in the name, this is something to contemplate. For example, this Louisville Pressure Washing company used the domain name “” to give it’s ranking a boost in search engines.

Complete Your Business Registration

Once you’ve landed on the name for your business, you’ll need to register it with the state you reside in.

You can find more details about registering your business via the Small Business Administration that can be found here.

To register your business, you’ll need to provide a few basic fundamentals:

  • The business structure such as a sole proprietorship, LLC, or other entity.
  • The name of the business
  • The location of the business

Depending on your state, it can cost around $100 to form your business.

Obtain any Business Permits or Licenses

Depending on the state your business will be working in, you might be required to obtain a wastewater runoff license.

Keep in mind that any licensure requirements vary from state to state so it’s wise to visit the SBAs website for more details.

It’s also important to ensure your business is OSHA compliant to avoid any potential penalties.

Purchase Business Insurance

Insurance is essential when starting a pressure washing business. This will ensure to your clients that anything that could possibly be damaged by your doing is covered by their insurance policy.

The costs are typically low but you can expect to shell out somewhere between $1,000 to $2,000 annually for your policy. You’ll want to review the details of the coverage before committing.

Business insurance can also cover equipment and workers compensation in case there is a mishap on the job site.

Open a Business Bank Account

You’ll need to keep your personal and business finances separate for both tax and organizational purposes.

Opening a business bank account is quite simple. Just visit your local bank branch and they should be capable of helping you get started.

There are plenty of business checking accounts that are completely free and can make your daily operations a breeze.

In addition to a business bank account, you can also consider opening a business credit card to earn rewards on your business purchases.

Purchase a Business Phone & Location

Unless you plan to conduct your business out of your home, you’ll likely need to find warehouse space to run your business.

While it is not necessary, those with larger operations might opt for the convenience of having a physical location to conduct business.

In addition, you’ll also need to purchase a phone for your business for potential clients to get in touch.

You can opt for a business cell phone plan or use a VOIP solution that will forward calls to your current mobile phone. Prices vary but you can expect to spend at least $50 per month for a business phone plan and at least $10 per month using a VOIP solution.

Understand Your Taxes and Accounting

Any profits that your business brings in will need to be taxed no matter the type of business you select.

If your business is a sole proprietorship, you’ll need to include any income from your business on your personal tax return. With this in mind, you’ll want to set aside money from each job you complete to dedicate towards your state and federal tax bill. If you do not save any money, you could be in for a large amount owed come tax season.

As a rule of thumb, you should plan to set aside anywhere from 25% to 30% of your income for tax purposes.

But there’s good news. Any costs that your business incurs can be deducted from your taxes. This means that you will only be taxed on your business profits.

Costs such as marketing expenses, fuel for your vehicle and pressure washing equipment, office supplies, and many more can be deducted from your revenues.

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Determine Your Pricing and Rates

Pricing your pressure washing services can be difficult. There are two main methods of pricing when it comes to service-based businesses: price per hour of labor or the price to complete the job.

Both pricing strategies have benefits and drawbacks. If you price per hour, you might miss out on more money if the job can be completed in a short amount of time. If you price for the entire job, you might lose money if the job requires more time than you quoted.

Either way can be successful. We’ve found that most of the time, pricing per job will balance out over time.

Pressure Washing Pricing Examples

Below is a list of common pressure washing services with the average pricing for each. Keep in mind that the complexity and size of the project will have a significant impact on the price you charge.

  • Driveway Pressure Washing: $100 – $250
  • Deck or Patio Pressure Washing: $200 – $600
  • Home Exterior Pressure Washing: $500+
  • Fence Pressure Washing: $300+
  • Vehicle Pressure Washing: $50 – $60

3. Strategize a Marketing Plan

After you’ve formed the business from a legal perspective, you’ll need to craft a plan on how you will find new clients for your services. There are many methods of doing this outlined below.

Create a Website

In 2022, you NEED a website to attract clients to your business. Not only does it establish a method for customers to contact you, but it also proves your trustworthiness.

By having a company website, potential clients are more likely to trust that your business is authentic and you complete their job to their standards.

Your website should include necessary details about your business including the services you offer, any contact information, and links to your social media profiles.

For those looking to expand their business, you can also add a blog to your website to utilize content marketing as a method to gain clients. This is a more advanced form of marketing that requires a significant investment of time to utilize.

Social Media Marketing

Social media is a great way to promote your services to potential clients.

But what platforms should you use?

Facebook is most likely your best bet because of its aging user base that consists of those more likely to own a home.

You should post pictures of your services, customer testimonials, and any offers that you’re currently running to gain exposure to your brand.

For existing customers, ask them to follow you on your social media account to keep them up to date with your latest offers and service offerings.

Word of Mouth Marketing

Word of mouth marketing is a more traditional method of marketing that involves gathering and promoting customer testimonials with the goal of convincing new clients to use your services.

People are more likely to trust what others say about your services than yourself.

So how can you take advantage of word of mouth marketing?

The best way is to ask your satisfied customers to refer you to others and leave reviews for your services.

Paid Advertising

Paid advertising can come in many forms. From television ads to digital advertising, paid advertising is usually for businesses that have larger budgets and are looking to grow more rapidly.

It’s best to leave paid advertising until later in your business operations as it can become quite costly.


Flyers or print advertisements are the most common marketing strategy when it comes to service-based businesses. And for good reason, it works.

By creating and distributing flyers to local neighborhoods, you can quickly gain exposure to many potential clients.

You’ll want to include the basics of your business on your flyers such as the name of your business, the services you offer, and how they can get in touch with your company.

Companies will either leave their flyers in paper boxes or deliver them directly to doorsteps. You can also consider having your flyers delivered directly using the USPS. This is more costly but comes with higher conversion rates.

Door to Door Advertising

Another common method of advertising for service-based businesses is door to door advertising. This involves approaching potential clients by speaking with them at their homes.

This method will require the most time and effort but can be more successful than other types of marketing.

Vehicle Wraps

Vehicle wraps are a common form of marketing in the service business industry. Why? Because they are effective in getting customers to call without any work required. This passive method of acquiring leads is extremely cost effective. 

A vehicle wrap will cost you a few thousand dollars but this is often recouped over the first few years of business. 

A vehicle wrap also establishes your business as authentic and trustworthy. 

If you’re looking for a lower cost option, you can also consider purchasing decals for your vehicles. These are smaller stickers that still look professional but don’t cover the entire vehicle.

4. Purchase Your Pressure Washing Equipment

Outside of the obvious items like the pressure washer itself, there are a few other items you’ll need to open a successful pressure washing business.

I've put together a small list of items you'll need to start your pressure washing business that you can buy for under $1,000. Get them below!

Buy Now!

Disclosure: This link is an affiliate link, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

Cultivate Relationships with Current Customers

Your customers can be your greatest assets when it comes to finding new business. You can ask them if they know of anyone needing your services to expand your business.

If you want to grow your power washing business, be sure to focus on your customers.

Promote Offers

If you’re finding it difficult to close deals, you might want to examine creating exclusive offers to seal the deal. It might be something like 10% off their first service or various other offers.

This will give your potential client the need to act soon to benefit from your offer.

Expand Your Offerings

If you’re currently only offering your services to residential customers, you can consider expanding to offering commercial services as well.

These clients will usually be easier to work with and will also have larger budgets, making it a great way to boost your companies revenues.

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Hire Employees

If you’re ready to take the next step in your pressure washing business, you might want to examine hiring employees to help you complete work. Once you have an established base of customers, you can hire employees enabling you to take on even more customers.

These laborers are often inexpensive costing you anywhere from $10 to $20 per hour.

How to Start a Profitable Pressure Washing Business

As with any business, there is a certain element of risk when getting started. But that doesn’t always have to be the case. To start a profitable business, you’ll want to focus on two numbers, your revenues and your expenses. 

If your business is currently losing money, you’ll need to either gain more customers or cut costs. I recommend the first option to help your business grow. This can be done through marketing your business more effectively – perhaps passing out more flyers or spending money on pay-per-click marketing. 

When starting your business, start small, but trustable. For example, you don’t need the best pressure washer available, but you also need to have one that’s capable of completing a multitude of jobs. 

Knowing your target audience is key to acquiring new customers. You’ll want to go after homeowners with a medium income who don’t want to do the work. You can entice these potential customers with offers to close the deal and make more money. 

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How to Retain Pressure Washing Clients?

You might think of a pressure washing job as a one time expense, but that’s not always the case. 

Driveways, home exteriors, fences, and other surfaces can gather a significant amount of dirt, mildew, and other substances over the course of a few months. 

To retain clients, be sure to give them a call around one year after your services have been completed.

Pressure Washing vs Power Washing: What's the Difference?

There isn’t one! Pressure washing and power washing mean the same thing!

Can I Start a Pressure Washing Business on the Side?

One of the things I love most about a pressure washing business is the ability to work on it as a side hustle when getting started. 

You can complete work on your nights and weekends. 

Once you grow a big enough client base, you can opt to quit your full time job and work on your business. 

Final Thoughts on How to Start a Pressure Washing Business

Pressure washing is a simple service that you can provide with the right equipment. This equipment will typically cost you a few thousand dollars or less to get started.

First, you’ll want to learn various pressure washing techniques to become a strong competitor. Then you can form your business entity from a legal perspective. Next, you’ll want to craft a marketing plan to have a solid understanding of how you will attract new clients. Following the construction of your marketing plan, it’s time to put together your plan on how you will operate the business. Who will answer the phone? Finally, it’s time to purchase your equipment and get started!

Starting and growing a pressure washing business is like any other business. It will take time and effort to grow. But you will get out what you put in.

Dedicate the time and you could grow your business into an income-producing machine!

Are you interested in starting a pressure washing business? Why haven’t you started? Comment below!

Forrest is a personal finance, entrepreneurship, and investing expert dedicated to helping others obtain life long wealth. He has a Bachelor's degree in business and has been featured in many popular publications including Forbes, Business Insider, Bankrate, CNET Money, and many others. To learn more about Forrest, visit the About Me Page for more info.

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Recommended Reading

How much money can you make with a power washer?

The average salary for pressure washers is $44,520 per year, which translates to $21.40 per hour. The top 10% of pressure washers earn as much as $62,393 per year or around $30 per hour.

What is the demand for power washing?

The pressure washer market is expected to grow at a CAGR of over 4% during the period 2019-2025. The implementation of stringent health and safety regulations by government and healthcare bodies around the world is fueling the demand for pressure washers.

How do pressure washers get clients?

Pressure washing advertising helps you increase sales without spending a huge amount of money..
Referrals from Current Customers. ... .
Reviews and Testimonials. ... .
Run a Facebook/Instagram Live campaign. ... .
Influencer Marketing. ... .
Craigslist. ... .
Local Listing. ... .
Geo-Fencing. ... .

Do I need a license to pressure wash in Ohio?

Environmental Regulations that Apply to Power Washers Under the Clean Water Act, a company cannot discharge industrial wastewater into waters of the state without obtaining a permit from Ohio EPA. Wastewater generated by power washing is considered industrial wastewater.

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