How to do smokey eye makeup step by step

The Smokey Eye Makeup look is one of the most classic and timeless beauty in beauty history. You could rock a smokey eye makeup look anywhere from a night out to a wedding. No matter your outfit, the smokey eye makeup looks will surely compliment your outfit. If done subtly, it can be worn to work. The smokey eye makeup looks best with a nude lip, but if you opt for bold, you can pair it with bold red lips.

So here are some hacks to create the perfect smokey eye makeup look.

[Image source: Google]

  • Concealer:

Start with a smooth canvas. Applying a high coverage concealer or an eyeshadow primer before applying any eye makeup helps prevent any creasing but also helps create the perfect base ensuring an easy and smooth application.

  • Choose Your Eye Shadow Shades:

A classic smokey eye makeup look requires three eye shadow shades:

  1. A darker colour for your crease
  2. A mid-tone colour for your mobile lid
  3. A highlight colour.

While the classic Smokey Eye Makeup is usually done with shades of black, brown, or grey, don’t be afraid of experimenting with muter or golden hues.

According to Makeup Artist Lennie Billy, if you have smaller eyes, the darker colour will make them look smaller. “I would say to stay away from a straight black smokey eye. Instead, try using dark browns or even grey to lower the intensity of the black shadow.” She says.

  • Invest On The Right Tools:

The right tools make it easier and give you perfection:

  1. First, use a densely packed shader eyeshadow brush to transfer the pigment from the palette to your lid. Afterwards, take a fluffy blending brush to blend the eyeshadow to perfection.
  2. Apply a flat brush to the mid-tone colour on your mobile cover. Blend it well, and apply the darker colour to your crease using a blending brush. Blend the shade with a small circular motion.
  3. Apply the highlight shade from your crease to your brow bone.

Next comes an essential step. Using the fluffy brush, start blending. When you feel like you have mixed enough, blend some more.

  • Line Your Eyes:

Use a liquid, gel, or pencil line. Start with the outer wings. I love using liquid liners. I start with the outer wing when the brush is drenched in a liquid liner. Then, I line the inner corner when the brush has the least amount of product.

  • Finish The Look With a Mascara:

I always feel like the Mascara completes the look. The larger and more voluminous your lashes, the wider your eyes look.

So now that you have mastered the art of smokey eye makeup, join in the trend and share your makeup looks with us. You can keep it subtle, or you can play with colours. Let the creativity flow.

Every gal worth her mascara wand should be able to master these makeup styles at some point in her life, there is nothing sexier and more sophisticated than the classic smoky eye look. This classic, sexy look draws attention to the most expressive part of your face, and the smoky veil conveys a sense of mystery. Whether you’ve got to attend  fancy party or some special celebration, creating a smoky eye can add a bit of sophisticated drama to your look. Now, it’s easy to create a perfect smoky eye that seduce everyone. Follow these 10 smoky eye tutorials with step-by-step instructions. We guarantee that they will give you the perfect sultry eye for the evening!

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To do this shimmery gray eye makeup start by making an outline with a black eyeliner and a thin brush. Apply black eyeshadow at the corner of your eyes inside the outline drawn. Then apply a bit of white eyeshadow to the inner corner of your eyes followed by shimmery gray eyeshadow. Finish the look with a black eyeliner and mascara. Image via: beautifulshoes.

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How do you do smokey eye makeup?

"A long-wear cream shadow and a long-wear gel eyeliner blended together is a quick and simple way to create a smokey eye with minimal products", Amy says. Simply apply the shadow all over the lid, blending it over and over towards the outer corner for the smokey effect.


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