How to get my old instagram account deleted

Have you accidentally deleted your Instagram account and now looking for ways to recover it? Then you are at the right place. In this blog, you will get all the information about deleted Instagram accounts and what can be done to recover them. Moreover, you will also get to know about what impact does temporary deactivation or permanent deletion of your Instagram account has on your data. 

Types of Instagram Account Deletion and their Recovery Processes

Firstly, Instagram gives you two options- either to temporarily deactivate your account or to delete it permanently. If you have selected the second option, you might be in trouble and your account might be irrecoverable. Still, there are scenarios where it is easy to get back the permanently deleted Instagram account; let’s read in detail.

Temporary Deletion or Deactivation

If you have temporarily deactivated or deleted your Instagram account, getting back to it is relatively easy. There are different terms that are interchangeably used for this process- Disable, Deactivate or Temporary Delete. However, the end result and the process is all the same. 

Instagram lets you deactivate or disable your account once a week in case you need a break from the social chaos. Once you have deactivated your account, you can keep it like that for as much time you want; there is no restriction. 

Keep it disable for a week, 30 days or a year, choice is yours!

Moreover, self-disabling or deactivating your Instagram account will not affect your data in any way; all the information will stay intact and will not get deleted or removed. Only your Instagram account will not be reachable by anyone for the time you keep it deactivated.

That is about deactivation or temporary deletion of your Instagram account and now if you are in a mood to get back to your social life, here are a few steps to reactivate your Instagram account:

  1. Get the official Instagram app for your mobile device.
  2. Enter your email address or phone number linked to your account, followed by the password.
  3. And that’s it; your Instagram account has been successfully reactivated.

Easy-peasy, isn’t it?

If your account has mistakenly got disabled by Instagram, you can get it back easily, just navigate to this official link- My Instagram Account Was Deactivated and give in all the information you have; you are all sorted.

Tip- If unfortunately, you have forgotten your Instagram password, reactivating your account can be a bit tricky; the only thing you can do is to recover your Instagram password by resetting it first and then follow the reactivation steps.

Permanent Deletion

The term says ‘permanent’, but still there are chances you can reactivate or recover your permanently deleted Instagram account. 

Anyone can make a mistake, and if you have made the mistake of permanently deleting your Instagram account, no need to panic as Instagram leaves a scope to fix that.

Yes, you read that right!

While deleting your Instagram account, you get a message in the end that you have a period of 30 days to change your mind and undo the deletion, only after that, it gets permanently deleted.

“So it is clear that you can only recover your deleted Instagram account if you have deleted it within less than 30 days, and you still have some time left to recover it. If the 30 days period is over, there is no way to get the deleted Instagram account back.”

Hence, it is clear that you can recover your Instagram account scheduled for permanent deletion just by taking the right action within the stipulated time period. If the 30 days period is not yet over, you can reactivate your account. 

To get your account back, simply login back to your Instagram account using your username and password and select the “Keep account” option to keep using your Instagram account and not delete it. 

Now, if you are not sure about if the 30-days period is over yet or not, you can simply try to log in if you are getting the ‘Keep account’ message on the screen, consider yourself lucky; the unfortunate ones will be welcomed by the message ‘account not found’. That means your Instagram account has gone forever, and so does your data. A permanently deleted Instagram cannot be recovered unless it was deleted by Instagram. If that is the case for you, don’t get disheartened and just create a new Instagram account.

Also, keep in mind that if your account was deleted due to violating Instagram Community Policies or Terms of Use, there are fewer chances of recovery in that case.

Note- If you have deleted your Instagram account using the app, make sure to use the app only to get it back, if you will try to login on a computer, it is not going to help you recover the deleted Instagram account. 

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Are There any Other Ways to Recover a Permanently Deleted Instagram Account?

Are you talking about the unofficial ones? I have already explained all the official ways to recover a deleted Instagram account. Still, it is normal to get enticed by looking at a number of Instagram Account recovery tools present on the internet. This happened to me as well and that almost got me into serious trouble.

My Personal Experience with Instagram Account Recovery Tool
Recently, I mistakenly deleted my Instagram account thinking I am disabling it for a few days, and after some days may be 15 or 20, I thought of getting back to it. But when I tried to log back in, it showed me an error message saying something like ‘Cannot log you in right now’.

This got me dreadful, and I was getting thoughts like ‘what if I have permanently deleted my account’. There and then, I started looking for ways to recover a permanently deleted Instagram account; that time I totally forgot about the official help pages of Instagram, otherwise I could have saved some of my time and energy. 

I stumbled on a recovery tool that had got some good reviews (all were fake ones), the tool promised 100% account Instagram Account recovery for a minimal charge. My eagerness to get my Instagram back got me into this trap, and I was about to make the payment for that tool. Immediately, I realised that I must have received an email regarding the account deletion, I should look for that before making the final payment.

And that was smart enough of me. I found the email stating that my Instagram account was scheduled for permanent deletion, along with the due date. I screamed out of happiness, as now I don’t have to pay a penny for my Instagram recovery. Then I again tried to log in to my Instagram account, and then I got the ‘Keep account’ option; earlier, it was a technical glitch that didn’t let me log in.

After that, I shared my horrific experience with one of my friends, who told me that all these Instagram recovery tools are completely fake, and they are just there to scam you. They will charge you for the tool that is nothing but bogus. I took a breath of relief as I was just a click away from getting spammed. 

So that was my story and hopefully, this got you clear that you must never swear by any third-party Instagram recovery tool, no matter how trustworthy it looks. If Instagram cannot help you get your account back, or if your account has actually got permanently deleted, no tool on the earth can get it back for you.

How do I delete my old Instagram account without logging in?

Unfortunately, you cannot delete your account without logging in. You can, however, reset your password and then log in. If you're logged into the account on your phone that you want to delete, you can use it to get to the mobile browser and delete it.

Can you delete an old Instagram account?

Go to the Delete Your Account page. If you're not logged into Instagram on the web, you'll be asked to log in first. Select an option from the dropdown menu below Why do you want to delete [account name]? and re-enter your password.

How many reports does it take to delete an Instagram account?

4 Too many warnings will result in account deletion. 5 Multiple reports can draw attention to your account.

Can I report my old Instagram account to get it deleted?

Does that mean you can take them? If you notice that an inactive account already holds your desired username, all you can do is report it to Instagram. Once Instagram's staff review your report, they will decide whether the account should be deleted or not.


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