How to grill chicken legs and thighs on charcoal grill

Chicken is a healthy source of protein, making it a good addition to a well-balanced menu plan. The legs and thighs of a chicken are less expensive than breasts and often cook more quickly. Grilling these cuts reduces the need for cooking fats, keeping fat and calorie intake low. Chicken legs and thighs work well on a barbecue grill or an indoor countertop grill.


Before grilling chicken legs and thighs, thaw the meat completely, which ensures even cooking throughout. Heat the grill to medium heat. It is important to allow the grill to heat completely before grilling chicken so the meat will cook quickly without being burned on the outside while the inside is still raw. Rinse the chicken and pat dry while you wait. To make the pieces of meat healthier, remove the skin and discard. Place the chicken on a plate and carry a pair of tongs or large fork to the grill for turning the meat.

Seasoning and Marinating

You don't have to season or marinate chicken legs and thighs before grilling, but doing so enhances the flavor and allows you to create a variety of tastes. Marinate the meat in a small amount of oil combined with vinegar, citrus juice and your favorite herbs and spices. Thyme, seasoned salt, garlic, ginger and soy pair well with the flavor of chicken. If you choose not to marinate your chicken, be sure to grease the grill racks to prevent sticking. Salt, pepper, garlic salt, onion powder, basil, Cajun seasoning, jerk seasoning, thyme and parsley work well in a dry rub for chicken. Season or marinate the chicken prior to serving, which locks in the flavors as the meat cooks.

Grilling Times

The amount of cooking time depends on the size and thickness of your chicken legs and thighs. The legs may take 35 to 45 minutes, while thighs will cook in 12 to 15 minutes, according to "Better Homes and Gardens" magazine. The chicken is done when it reaches an internal temperature of 180 degrees Fahrenheit when a meat thermometer is inserted into the thickest part. Turn the meat every few minutes to ensure even cooking. Keep the cover on the grill when you aren't turning or basting the meat, which helps it cook more quickly.


To serve the thighs and legs at the same time, begin cooking the legs before putting the thighs on the grill. Rotate the meat as it cooks for the same reason. Meat in the middle of the grill may cook faster than the pieces toward the edges. Switch them about halfway through cooking so all your meat is done at the same time. To prevent foodborne illnesses, place the cooked meat on a clean plate and don't serve it with marinade that the raw chicken was in. Grilled chicken legs and thighs pair well with pasta salad, potato salad, baked beans, chips, fruit salad, grilled corn and coleslaw.


Writer Bio

Eliza Martinez has written for print and online publications. She covers a variety of topics, including parenting, nutrition, mental health, gardening, food and crafts. Martinez holds a master's degree in psychology.

Intimidated by grilling with charcoal? Don’t be! Here’s our guide: 5 steps for making perfectly charcoal grilled chicken legs. Originally shared in 2015.

You might also like our guide for perfectly grilled ribs or top rated crispy fried chicken tender recipe! 

Last month I posted a photo on Facebook of a plate of chicken legs that my husband had grilled up for us. I was surprised with the many comments and likes it received. I even received requests for his recipe and technique. Honestly, I had no idea what to tell them because I don’t grill. Ever.

My husband makes the best food so I don’t even try to compete. Last week I followed him outside with my camera to document the 5 step process! Now that we’re living in California again the weather is mild pretty much all year long. This means that we can grill all year long. If you are heading to a tail gate party this fall you’ll definitely want to make a BIG batch of chicken legs to take with you. No utensils necessary, but you’ll definitely want a napkin! These are nice and juicy.

Grilled Chicken Legs


  • Chicken Legs
  • Marinade OR BBQ Sauce

When we marinate we pretty much stick with soy sauce because it only takes 20 minutes to soak in. When using BBQ sauce, there is no need to marinate the chicken. That’s the technique we are demonstrating today.

Setting up the charcoal grill

We are utilizing indirect heating for the most part so only place your charcoal briquettes on one side of the grill.

Step 1: Sear Chicken

Sear chicken over hot coals for 1-2 minutes on each side. This is the only step that uses direct heat. The rest will utilize indirect heat (away from the coals).

Step 2: Cook Indirectly

As you’ll see in the photo above, the chicken legs on the bottom are being seared directly over the coals. The ones in the center of the grill are waiting for their turn to be seared, and the ones on the top have been seared and moved to the other side of the grill. There is still plenty of heat over there for them to cook indirectly.

I’m sure we’ve all had chicken that is charred on the outside and undercooked on the inside. Learning how to cook indirectly prevents this from happening (remember, I don’t grill. So these tips are all from my husband).

Step 3: Smoke

If you’d like your chicken to have a smokey flavor, add a handful of hickory chips over the coals.

Cover the grill and let smolder in the smoke. This is what the legs will look like after about 10 minutes. They look done, but they are most definitely NOT done yet.

Step 4: Grill

Keep the lid on and continue to grill for about an hour or until internal temp reaches 165 degrees. Don’t worry about turning the legs or moving them away from the heat. They are already away from the coals so they won’t burn.

Step 5: Brush with Sauce

Brush chicken legs with your favorite BBQ sauce. My husband never adds the sauce until the end. Since it is made from sugar, it will just scorch if added too soon. Brush on one side of chicken, cover, and caramelize for a few minutes.

Flip chicken over, brush the other side and let caramelize for a few minutes.

That’s a prefect piece of chicken!

Now grab a bag of chips, your favorite dip, some baked beans, and veggies and you’ll have the perfect meal for a fall grill-out or tailgate party!

Welcome! I'm Brandy, mother to 5 darling kiddos and a cute black lab named Toby. My husband is in the Coast Guard so we've lived all over the place, turning each house into a home. I love baking, sewing, making cute things with my kids, and sharing what I've learned with all of you!

Reader Interactions

How long does it take to grill chicken legs and thighs on the grill?

Grill chicken, covered, over indirect medium heat until a thermometer reads 170°-175°, 15-20 minutes on each side.

How long does it take to grill chicken thighs on a charcoal grill?

Bone-in grilled chicken thighs should take roughly 14 – 20 minutes (total time), until the thighs reach 165 – 170 degrees Fahrenheit. While the USDA says the internal temperature of chicken (thighs) should reach 165 degrees for a safe temperature, thighs hold up to higher internal temperature and not drying out.

How long does chicken drumsticks take to cook on charcoal grill?

For perfectly succulent chicken drumsticks, a grilling time between 25-30 minutes is ideal for almost any recipe. Overcooking can char and dry your meat, but you want to make sure you don't undercook poultry either.

How do you grill chicken legs on a charcoal grill?

Place the chicken pieces on the hot side of the grate, directly above the coals, starting with the largest dark-meat pieces first in the center of the coals. Sear all the chicken pieces for about two to three minutes per side, turning only once, until golden brown, making sure to not let the skin char.


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