How to make a dog drink slower

I see your dog is drinking its water at a supersonic speed—one minute its bowl is full, the next it’s empty.

But who’s chasing it anyway? Nobody. 

If you don’t know, the habit can come out of nowhere. It’s natural in some dogs. Sometimes it’s a disease that’s making your dog commit the crime. Cringe.  

Well, you can make your dog drink its water slowly. And in this guide, we’ll discuss how to slow dog drinking water. 

  • Why does my dog drink water too fast? 
  • What happens if a dog drinks water too fast? 
  • How can I get my dog to drink water slower? 
    • Use a dog-friendly object
    • Get a better feeder
    • Try this hack
    • Regulate the quantity you give (here’s how)
    • Can ice cubes work?
    • Try a different feeding method
    • Keep it hydrated
    • Provide a constant water supply
    • Regulate the drinking rate
  • Book a vet appointment
  • Closing word on how to slow dog drinking water
      • Antony Higgins

Why does my dog drink water too fast? 

Here are some reasons why your fur is gobbling the water quickly: 

  • How’s the weather there? Is it too hot? Your dog is likely to gulp its water fast on hot days. 
  • Not hydrated enough. Your fur isn’t drinking enough water
  • Medical condition- diseases like chronic kidney illnesses and diabetes make dogs feel dehydrated fast. so, it’s compensating for the loss 
  • Developing behavioral issues- your fur can suddenly start drinking water too fast. 
  • It’s eating moisture-deficient food- maybe your doggo is eating food rich in minerals that dehydrate it fast. 
  • Intense activity- it will gulp water quickly after intense activities like running or hiking. 

As you can see, we have several reasons why dogs drink quickly. 

What happens if a dog drinks water too fast? 

Here are the dangers of your dog drinking water too fast: 

  • It can choke it just like food. 
  • Cause death. Imagine if the drink is channeled into the wrong route, like the lungs. Yikes.  
  • Cause an illness- drinking too much water leads to water intoxication in dogs. 

Also, your dog will damage your hardwood floors if it spills water when drinking. 

How can I get my dog to drink water slower? 

Next, we’ll cover different ways to slow down your dog’s drinking pace. 

Use a dog-friendly object

Adding a pet-safe object in the bowl is a clever way to make your dog drink slowly. The object will limit its access to the water. So, your fur will gulp the water at a slower rate.

Get a friendly object that can fit into your dog’s bowl. If the feeder is huge, consider adding more objects.

One of the pet-safe objects we recommend is floating toys. Some blogs suggest putting rocks, but that’s kinda unsafe. 

This tactic also works if you want to slow down dog eating too fast. 

Get a better feeder

Gravity is among the reasons some breeds drink water quickly, especially those with long necks. That’s why we have elevated bowls. Such dogs can drink water from a distance without straining. The bowls reduce the risk associated with drinking water fast—bloating 

Also, we have slow drinking bowls for dogs, AKA as the Anti-gulp dog water bowl. We have the Dogit Anti-Gulping Dog Dish that encourages dogs to drink water slowly. It will save you the hassle of adding bowls or pet-safe objects in your dog’s bowl. 

Note: Watch how your dog drinks using its new bowl. If your fur still drinks fast, apply the tactics we’ve mentioned here. 

Try this hack

We have a clever hack that works magic for dog using a big bowl? 

Here you go: 

Buy a small dog bowl and insert it upside down in the main bowlAlternatively, use a tiny tin. 

This trick works the same way as using adding pet-safe objects. Your dog will maneuver around the bowl to drink water—it will gulp small portions at a time.

Regulate the quantity you give (here’s how)

Sadly, some dog owners’ resort to giving their dogs small water amounts to stop them from drinking fast. 

Why do so when you can give your fur the full amount but in small portions? Let it finish with the current one then add the next batch. By doing so, you’re teaching your mutt to control its emotions.

But if you prefer giving it the water at once, use the other options we’ve discussed here. 

Can ice cubes work?

Using ice cubes is another way to distract your dog from gulping water fast. They float on the surface, so your dog will have to crush some first before embarking on drinking. That’s how cubes will slow it down.

Some people say that using ice cubes works for them. However, we feel the method isn’t a sure-fire way to make dogs drink slowly. Your love might deal with the ice cubes first, then get back into its usual habit. 

Try a different feeding method

If the habit crops up during a specific period, say after an exercise, you need to switch the feeding tactic.

We recommend you give your dog water using a bottle to regulate the water amount that gets into its mouth. 

Here are the instances to use the option: 

  • After a run. 
  • After a walk
  • During hikes
  • After a meal. 

We don’t mean that you should discard its water bowl. Your dog can still use it, but you’ll use the water bottle technique when your fur is more likely to drink water too fast. 

Keep it hydrated

The bitter truth is you’re more likely to see the awful behavior when your dog is thirsty. That’s why you need to ensure it stays hydrated all day long. 

Here are ways to help it fight thirst: 

  • Give it cold treats during summer. You can make frozen treats using peanut butter, fruits, and other dog-friendly food. 
  • Include water in its meals. 
  • Know your dog’s activity level. That will determine the quantity it should drink daily. 
  • Serve it food with moisture content

By controlling your dog’s thirst, it won’t have a huge urge to drink water. 

Provide a constant water supply

Here’s what happens: 

Maybe your dog is drinking fast because water is a big deal to it—it only gets it during specific periods. Darn! It’s even worse if the amount doesn’t meet its requirements. 

Your dog deserves to have access to clean water throughout. No bargain. So, if you don’t have time to give your fur, invest in a dog water fountain like the Petsafe Drinkwell. It holds up to 168 ounces of water. The upgrade is better than traditional water bowls.

With a fountain, your doggo will enjoy continuous access to clean water, thanks to their built-in filtration system. It might even lose interest in drinking water too fast. Why? It will be taking sips whenever it feels like. 

Regulate the drinking rate

Some dogs start drinking their water well then increase the pace.

The good news is, with basic obedience training, you can make your fur slow down. We recommend you teach it to listen to the ‘stop it’ command—it’s better than taking the bowl away from your dog. 

You can also give your fur short breaks, say 2-3 mins to control its thirst or emotions. Tell it to walk from the bowl and praise it when it responds well.  

Book a vet appointment

Like we mentioned before, some diseases make dogs feel dehydrated faster than usual. If your dog starts drinking water fast, that could be a sign it’s ill. 

Here are the illnesses causing quick dehydration in dogs: 

  • Diabetes Insipidus AKA the water diabetes
  • Kidney-related diseases 

If your dog is sick, it needs immediate medical attention so talk to the vet—your dog will get the right medication. 

Closing word on how to slow dog drinking water

We get. 

You’re worried your dog drinking too fast. It’s okay to do so.

The habit can make water choke your ninja or enter the wrong pipe. And the consequences are dire, baby. 

Well, we’ve just discussed different ways on how to slow dog drinking water.

So, apply what you’ve learned. You can change its bowl, keep it hydrated throughout, etc. 

Your dog will gulp its water slowly. And enjoy drinking every last bit of it. 

Antony Higgins

Antony has over eight years’ experience writing dog-related topics. He owns a cute-looking German Shepherd, and that’s why he understands a lot about the breed.

Fun fact: He’s thinking about adding another family member (maybe a pug) not just for fun but out of immense love for dogs.

How can I get my dog to drink water slower?

Slowdown bowls have something in the middle of the water dish, so the dog has to nudge around it to drink. Floater bowls have a floating disk in the water bowl. When the dog's tongue nudges the disk, it sinks a bit and the water rises up for the dog to drink, which keeps them from gulping water.

What happens if my dog drinks water too fast?

Don't let your dog have free access to a lot of liquids when they are dehydrated, as drinking too much too fast could cause vomiting.

Why does my dog throw up when he drinks water too fast?

Drinking Water Too Quickly Your pet may be experiencing acute (one-time) regurgitation if it brings up water right after it finishes drinking. If your dog throws up a clear, liquid vomit, the bout of vomiting is likely triggered by stomach secretions or water settling in the stomach.

Why does my dog chug water?

Causes of Increased Water Intake Increased water intake can be a sign of many different conditions. Kidney failure, diabetes mellitus, and Cushing's syndrome are the most common causes in senior dogs. Increased water consumption may also be seen with dehydration, however, this condition may be seen in dogs of all ages.


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