How to make pie chart with percentages

This Pie Chart constructor converts raw data to percentages to create a circular statistical graphic divided into proportional slices or sectors. The arc length of each slice is proportional to the quantity it represents.

Enter your raw or percentage data in the calculator below. Click the 'Calculate' followed by 'Create Pie Chart' buttons and your pie chart will open in a new window. A menu appears above the chart offering several options, including downloading an image. Hover over the sectors to display the data.

Pie Chart Constructor

Data Presentation: Pie Charts

A pie chart displays a set of categories’ proportions, or percentages of the total, in a visual way. To accurately create a pie chart, you must first work out the percentage of the pie chart that each category should occupy. From there, you can calculate the angle that each piece of the pie should have.

    Compile your data into categories. Assign each category a number. For example, if you have statistics on four categories of university majors, you might wish to turn that data into a pie chart. You might find the following: there are 410 art majors, 420 science majors, 900 language majors, and 540 engineering majors.

    Add all the numbers together to get the total. In this case:

    410 + 420 + 900 + 540 = 2270

    Divide each of the categories by the total. You results will be a list of decimals under 0. Round, if necessary. In the example, with rounding:

    \text{Art: } 410 ÷ 2270 = 0.18 \\ \text{Science: } 420 ÷ 2270 = 0.18 \\ \text{Language: } 900 ÷ 2270 = 0.40 \\ \text{Engineering: } 540 ÷ 2270 = 0.24 \\

    Multiply each of the decimals by 100 to get the percentages. You can easily do this by moving the decimal point two places to the right. In the example:

    Art: 18 percent

    Science: 18 percent

    Language: 40 percent

    Engineering: 24 percent.

    These percentages will be the labels for each section.

    Multiply the decimals from Step 3 by 360 to get the number of degrees each slice of pie should take up in the pie chart. For the example, this yields the angles 64.8, 64.8, 144 and 86.4 for the categories of art, science, language and engineering, respectively.

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Display percentage values on pie chart in a paginated report (Report Builder)

  • Article
  • 10/18/2021
  • 2 minutes to read

In this article

Applies to: ✔️ Microsoft Report Builder (SSRS) ✔️ Power BI Report Builder ✔️ Report Designer in SQL Server Data Tools

In paginated reports, by default the legend shows categories. You may also want percentages in the legend or the pie slices themselves.

The Tutorial: Add a Pie Chart to Your Report (Report Builder) walks you through adding percentages to pie slices, if you'd like to try this with sample data first.

To display percentage values as labels on a pie chart

  1. Add a pie chart to your report. For more information, see Add a Chart to a Report (Report Builder and SSRS).

  2. On the design surface, right-click on the pie and select Show Data Labels. The data labels should appear within each slice on the pie chart.

  3. On the design surface, right-click on the labels and select Series Label Properties. The Series Label Properties dialog box appears.

  4. Type #PERCENT for the Label data option.

  5. (Optional) To specify how many decimal places the label shows, type "#PERCENT{Pn}" where n is the number of decimal places to display. For example, to display no decimal places, type "#PERCENT{P0}".

To display percentage values in the legend of a pie chart

  1. On the design surface, right-click on the pie chart and select Series Properties. The Series Properties dialog box displays.

  2. In Legend, type #PERCENT for the Custom legend text property.

See Also

  • Tutorial: Add a Pie Chart to Your Report (Report Builder)
  • Pie Charts (Report Builder and SSRS)
  • Formatting the Legend on a Chart (Report Builder and SSRS)
  • Display Data Point Labels Outside a Pie Chart (Report Builder and SSRS)

How do you create a pie chart with percentages?

To make a pie chart displaying numbers that are given in decimal form, add all the numbers together, and then divide each individual number by that sum. That will give you more decimal numbers. Multiply each by 100 to arrive at percentages for each number.

How do you make a pie chart in Excel with percentages?

How to show percentages on a pie chart in Excel.
Right click any slice on your chart, and select Format Data Labels… in the context menu..
On the Format Data Labels pane, select either the Value or Percentage box, or both as in the following example..

What is 20% in a pie chart?

How to Make Them Yourself.


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