How to recover old snapchat account without email or phone number

This article will properly guide you on how to recover Snapchat account without phone number or email. So, even if you don’t access to the registered number or the linked email ID! Worry no more, this content was written to solve your problem.

When I came across this question, I understood how difficult it is for people to retrieve their Snapchat account without having access to their email or phone. Because Snapchat can only be accessed through its app, having an associated phone number would make resetting easy.

There are some solutions for recovering a Snapchat password without an email, thankfully. I’ll show you how to retrieve your Snapchat account in a variety of ways. 

  • How To Recover Snapchat Account
    • How To Recover Snapchat Account Without Phone Number
    • How To Recover Snapchat Account Without Email
    • How To Recover Snapchat Account Without Phone Number Or Email
      • Go to the Snapchat Support
      • Look-up To the Snapchat Email
      • Use Password Manager
  • How To Reset Snapchat Password
    • How To Recover Downloaded Videos And Photos On Snapchat
      • Select A Location To Scan
        • Let Recoverit Scan the Selected Source
        • Preview and Recover your Snapchat information
      • Summary

Following the normal processes to recover your Snapchat account, you can effortlessly recover it with the phone number or email address that’s linked to your Snapchat account. All you need to do is to follow the below steps;

  • Open Your Snapchat App and tap on Login.
  • Enter the correct username and email address/phone number associated with your Snapchat account.
  • After doing that, tap on “Forgot Password” button.
  • Select the medium you would like to receive a verification link. Choose and enter between the phone number or email address you signed up with.
  • Wait for some seconds to receive an email that contains a password reset link.
  • Tap on the link and follow the prompt to reset your password and have access to Snapchat account again.

That’s all, you’re good to go. Very easy right? Ohh yes, but in a situation where you don’t have access to the email address or phone number you linked to your Snapchat account. You can follow the below steps to recover your Snapchat account.

How To Recover Snapchat Account Without Phone Number

One of the most typical circumstances is when users want to regain their Snapchat account but are unable to do so because they do not have access to their registered phone number. 

For this situation, you can recuperate your account through the connected email ID. Accordingly, on the off chance that you can get to your enlisted email, you can recuperate your Snapchat account in an accompanying manner.

Stage 1: In any case, simply send off the Snapchat application on your gadget and decide to sign in. Rather than entering your qualifications, you can tap on the “Fail to remember your secret word” choice.

Stage 2: A while later, Snapchat will introduce choices to reset the secret key through your telephone number or the enrolled email. Just tap on the Email choice here to continue.

Stage 3: Presently, you should simply enter the enlisted email ID for Snapchat, affirm your decision, and tap on the “Submit” button.

Stage 4: Snapchat will naturally send an email to your enlisted ID. You can get to the Snapchat email and open the confirmation URL to reset your secret phrase.

How To Recover Snapchat Account Without Email

As may be understandable, it is quite simple to recuperate a Snapchat account even without a telephone number. Aside from that, there are times when clients just can’t get to the enlisted email ID.

For this situation, you can take the help of the connected telephone number to get a confirmation pin to reset your record. To figure out how to recuperate Snapchat without an Email account, you can follow this fundamental practice.

Stage 1: Right off the bat, go to the Snapchat application, tap on the sign-in choice, and select the element of “Fail to remember your secret phrase“. From the given choices, decide to recover your Snapchat account using the connected telephone number.

Stage 2: Here, you want to initially enter the unlisted telephone number (with the nation code). Afterward, you can decide to get the check code through text or call.

Stage 3: That is it! Whenever you have the confirmation code, you can enter it on Snapchat and reset your secret word.

Along these lines, you can undoubtedly figure out how to recuperate Snapchat without email or telephone number access.

How To Recover Snapchat Account Without Phone Number Or Email

Fantastic! At this point, you would have the option to recuperate a Snapchat account without an email or telephone number. However, odds are you probably won’t have the enlisted telephone number and can’t get to the connected email account as well. For this situation, I would prescribe the accompanying strategies to figure out how to recuperate a Snapchat account without telephone numbers and email access.

Go to the Snapchat Support

The least demanding method for recuperating a Snapchat account without an email or telephone number is by reaching out to their help group. To do this, you can either compose an email to Snapchat Support or simply visit its devoted site. Here, you can enter the issue that you apparently can’t get to your record (utilizing telephone number or email).

On the off chance that you are fortunate, you could get committed help from Snapchat, yet it’s anything but an idiot-proof arrangement.

Look-up To the Snapchat Email

How about we guess you have associated an auxiliary email account where every one of the messages is being sent.

For this situation, you can physically search for the enlisted email by Snapchat. For example, if you are utilizing Gmail, you can go to its high-level hunt and search for messages from Snapchat.

To figure out how to recuperate Snapchat without email or telephone numbers, I would suggest looking for as the first source. On the off chance that you are fortunate, you can see the email sent by Snapchat and access the enrolled email ID.

Use Password Manager

Finally, you can likewise take the help of a secret key director to recuperate a Snapchat account without an email or telephone number. How about we guess that you are utilizing the Google Password Manager that comes pre-installed on Android telephones.

If your Snapchat account certifications are now saved in Google Password Manager, you can without much of a stretch recuperate your record.

You should simply open the Google application on your telephone and go to its Settings > Security > Password Manager. Here, you can search for Snapchat to get to your record subtleties.

Aside from your cell phone, you can likewise get to the Google Password Manager by visiting your Google Chrome account Settings.

How To Reset Snapchat Password

At this point, I’m certain you can advise anybody how to recuperate a Snapchat account without a telephone number and email ID. Other than that, there are times when clients simply wish to reset their Snapchat secret phrase. You can reset your Snapchat record’s secret phrase assuming you are now signed in or could recuperate it in any case too.

Case 1: If you are now Logged-in on Snapchat

On the off chance that you can as of now sign in to your Snapchat account, you won’t experience any issue resetting the secret key. You can simply go to the Snapchat home and tap on your symbol from the top. Presently, tap on the stuff symbol from the top to visit the Snapchat settings.

When the Snapchat settings page is opened, simply go to the “Secret phrase” tab and decide to reset it. You can enter another secret word that would overwrite your old Snapchat secret key.

Case 2: If you can’t sign in to your Snapchat account

I have as of now recorded various arrangements on the most proficient method to recuperate Snapchat without an email or telephone number. Along these lines, you can simply go through the above-recorded answers to reset the secret phrase of your Snapchat account in any event, when you can’t sign in.

However, if you need, you can simply go to the authority Snapchat Support site and select the pertinent choices. Ensure that you pick the choice that you can’t sign in to your Snapchat account here.

Eventually, Snapchat will ask you every one of the important insights regarding your personality and the connected certifications. In the case of everything going right, then, at that point, Snapchat will allow you to reset the secret key of your record.

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How To Recover Downloaded Videos And Photos On Snapchat

I’m certain that at this point, you would have the option to recuperate your Snapchat account without an email or telephone number. On the other hand, if you have lost the downloaded photographs/recordings from Snapchat, you can utilize a recuperation apparatus like Recoverit Data Recovery.

The application can recuperate a wide range of information from the framework’s stockpiling or an outer gadget (like an SD card). It is incredibly simple to utilize and has one of the greatest recuperation rates in the business that would allow you to recuperate your lost Snapchat photographs/recordings.

Select A Location To Scan

Right away, you can send off Wondershare Recoverit Data Recovery on your PC and select an area to examine. You can pick any segment on your framework or even an outside gadget (like the associated SD card from your telephone). You can likewise peruse a particular organizer from where you lost your media documents.

Let Recoverit Scan the Selected Source

Subsequently, you can hang tight for some time as Recoverit would attempt to extricate the erased or out-of-reach records from the source. You can see the advancement on an on-screen sign-on Recoverit and stop it in the middle (assuming you need to).

Preview and Recover your Snapchat information

That is it! When the recuperation cycle is finished, Recoverit Data Recovery will show it under various segments. You might utilize its inbuilt hunt choice or different channels to track down your records. In conclusion, you can review your Snapchat photographs/recordings, select what you wish to get back, and recuperate them to any area of your decision.


Presently when you know how to recover Snapchat account without phone number or email , you can undoubtedly get to your record. As may be understandable, there are countless ways of recuperating a Snapchat account without an email or telephone number.

You could go to the Snapchat backing to recuperate a difficult-to-reach account. However, if you have just lost your Snapchat photographs/recordings, an information recuperation instrument like Recoverit Data Recovery would be the best answer for getting them back.

Can I get my old Snapchat account back?

Launch Snapchat on your iPhone or Android phone and tap on “Log in”. Enter your username or email and then tap on the “Forgot your password?” button. 2. Now, choose whether you want to recover your account using your phone or email.

Can you do anything if you forgot your email and password for Snapchat?

Tap 'Forgot your password? ' Then select how you would like to reset your password — via SMS. A verification code should be sent to the phone number associated with your account.


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