How to relieve pressure in head from cold

The pain, facial pressure and congestion of sinus infections affect more than 26.9 million Americans– roughly 11 percent of adults, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Most sinus infections, also called sinusitis, do not need to be treated with antibiotics, and will usually go away within 7-10 days. 

But those 7-10 days can make you miserable.

One of the most annoying symptoms is the sinus pressure around the eyes, head and cheeks. Fortunately, there are several home remedies and medications that can help provide relief.


What causes a sinus infection?

A sinus infection can be caused by several different things including:

• Seasonal allergies
• A deviated septum: The septum is the part of the nose that divides it into right and left nostrils. Some people have crooked or deviated septums, which makes them more susceptible to sinus infections.
• Nasal polyps
• Respiratory tract infections

Sinus infections may be acute (lasting for a shorter period of time) or chronic (recurring for several months).

What are the symptoms of a sinus infection?

Common signs of a sinus infection include:

• Facial pain
• Headaches
• Congestion and a runny nose
• Sore throat
• Post nasal drip
• Coughing
• Exhaustion
• Bad breath

What causes sinus pressure?

The throbbing pain you feel when bending over when you have a sinus infection is caused by a buildup of fluid around the sinus cavities. Inflammation blocks the narrow sinus passages, making it difficult for fluid to drain. As a result, bacteria or viruses develop and cause an infection.

What are five ways to relieve sinus pressure?

Some of the most effective home remedies include:


Putting a warm compress on your forehead and over your nose helps open the sinus passages to reduce the swelling.


A nose spray or nasal irrigation helps wash away germs and allergens that are causing swelling. The saline acts as a humidifier and helps sinus mucus move so it can drain.


By inhaling steam, you can reduce swelling, which in turn will alleviate pressure.


Keeping your environment moist can help your sinus passages open. Be sure to keep your humidifier or vaporizer clean.


A variety of OTC medications can help relieve the discomfort associated with sinus pressure, particularly acetaminophen, ibuprofen or naproxen; however, be sure you check to ensure that they won’t react with any prescription medicines or natural remedies that you may be taking. Be sure to follow the dosing instructions carefully.

While decongestants like pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine may help with congestion, you should always check with one of our providers or your pharmacist to be sure these are safe to take with any medications or herbal remedies you are currently taking.

It’s important to realize that certain medications like Afrin may cause immediate relief, but can actually cause “rebound” stuffiness, so it’s best to limit your use of this OTC medication.

What is the long-term relief for sinus infections?

Sinus infections are primarily caused by allergies. The most common allergens are pollen, dust mites and pet dander. Those with repeated sinus infections may have chronic sinusitis, which means long-term solutions may be a better option.

Immunotherapy can help. These allergy shots enable your body to decrease sensitivity to common allergens. The Raleigh sinus doctors at Raleigh Medical Group specialize in helping patients with chronic allergy and sinus problems. While immunotherapy is effective, the treatment can take as long as one year to achieve noticeable results and maintenance treatment will likely be needed.

To find out if you’re a candidate for immunotherapy, schedule an appointment with one of our internal medicine doctors. We welcome the opportunity to serve you.

When you have a sinus headache, all you want is!

As the makers of BC® Sinus Pain & Congestion , we’re going to tell you to take our powder formula for fast relief. It can help you quickly relieve the sinus headache, congestion and pressure that can come with allergies, a cold, sinus infection or the flu.

But we also want to give you other options—simple things you can do at home to help relieve sinus congestion and pain. 

1. Warm or cool moist air

Dry air can make sinus pain worse, but moist air can help relieve sinus congestion. Do NOT hold your head over a steaming pot of boiling water or soup. As tempting as it may be when you feel bad, the hot steam can actually burn your skin and eyes. To be safe, inhale steam from your morning shower, either while you’re showering or sitting in a steamy bathroom.

At night, you can use a humidifier or vaporizer to help keep your sinuses open and your nasal passages moist. Just be sure to clean the machines as directed so you don’t introduce more bacteria into the air and into your airways. 

2. Warm compress

Warm compresses can help ease swelling and open your sinus passage, relieving sinus pressure and pain. Lie down for 15 minutes or so, placing a warm, wet washcloth over your forehead and bridge of your nose. You can do this as many times as you need.

3. Saline spray or wash

Many people use a saline wash to irrigate their nasal passages and sinuses every day. You may want to start with a saline spray or mist, which can be easier to use. The saline mist can help ease congestion in your nose and relieve sinus swelling as well. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist first, especially if you have been diagnosed with a sinus infection. You will want to use the spray or wash as directed so you don’t accidentally worsen your symptoms.

If it’s winter and you have sinus pain and congestion, you may also want to turn your heat down a few degrees, especially at night. Hot, dry air can make sinus pain worse and irritate your throat, nose and sinuses. Talk to your doctor for more tips to relieve sinus pain and congestion.

And remember, if you need relief during the day when you’re away from home, you can take BC® Sinus Pain & Congestion on-the-go stick packs with you. Slip one or two into your pocket or purse, or keep them at your workstation so they’re there when you need fast sinus headache relief.

How do you get rid of head pressure from a cold?

A great way to ease a headache and sinus pressure is to place a warm compress on your forehead and nose. If you don't have a compress, try moistening a washcloth with warm water and applying it to your face several times a day. This will help relieve nasal congestion and relieve your head cold symptoms.

Can a cold give you pressure in your head?

A Common Cold This virus causes your nose to make thick, clear mucus, which helps wash away the germs from your nose and sinuses. This mucus also causes the nasal swelling that feels like head pressure.

What gets rid of sinus pressure?

Lifestyle and home remedies.
Rest. This will help your body fight infection and speed recovery..
Drink fluids. Continue to drink plenty of fluids..
Use a warm compress. A warm compress on your nose and forehead may help relieve the pressure in your sinuses..
Moisten your sinus cavities. ... .
Rinse your nasal passages..


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