How to remove old stains from white clothes with bleach

Can you get stains out of white clothes with bleach?

Bleach can also brighten and whiten fabrics and help remove stubborn stains. Sodium hypochlorite bleaches (also called chlorine or liquid household bleach) are the more powerful laundry bleaches; they disinfect, as well as clean and whiten. They work on many whites and colorfast washables - but not on wools or silks.

Can bleach remove old stains?

Bleach is very harsh and often less effective than most stain removal aids, so try to avoid using it when possible. If you feel like it's your only option, though, start with diluted oxygen bleach and move on to chlorine bleach if necessary. Really old, stubborn stains sometimes respond best to liquid glycerin.

How do you get old stains out of white clothes?

How to get rid of stains on white clothes naturally.
Baking soda: make into a paste with water and scrub into stains. Leave for a few minutes then rinse..
White vinegar: soak clothes in water then scrub with a solution of a equal parts baking soda and white vinegar. Rinse and dry..


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