How to tell if someone blocked you from instagram stories

Lately, a friend of yours hasn't posted anything on Instagram anymore and you think this is quite strange; Until recently, in fact, not a day went by that he did not share moments of his day in stories, also posting images and videos in posts. That is why you suspect that you has blocked and, to confirm your doubts, would you like to know how to see who blocked your Instagram stories.

If this is the case and you are wondering if I can help you, know that there is no problem, I do it willingly, but you should know that there is no official method to do what you need. Instagram, in fact, does not notify users that have been blocked with a notification and there is no section of the social network that shows this information. Despite this, as I am going to explain, it is possible to realize that you have been blocked on Instagram by putting together some "clues", which I will tell you about shortly.

That said, if you are impatient to know what advice I have prepared for you, sit down nice and comfortable in front of the PC and also have your mobile phone by hand, so you can put them into practice. I'm sure that, with a little patience and a little luck, you will be able to find out if you have been blocked on Instagram and / or if only your stories have been hidden from you. At this point, I can only wish you a good reading and good luck in everything.

  • Understand who blocked your Instagram stories
    • Through the stories
    • Through the profile
  • Unblock Instagram

Table of Contents

  • 1 Understand who blocked your Instagram stories
    • 1.1 Through the stories
    • 1.2 Through the profile
  • 2 Unblock Instagram

As I already told you, there is no official solution for see who blocked your Instagram stories, since this process is carried out silently and therefore, in case you are not notified. Despite this, as I am going to explain, with a few simple steps it is possible to understand it. Of course: since these are not official methods, the information obtained must be taken with due care, but trying not to harm.

Through the stories

If a user of Instagram decided to hide the stories you post from you, most likely you used the feature Hide my story from [nome utente]. This function, as I explained to you in my tutorial dedicated to the subject, can be activated both after publishing a story and acting in a preliminary way, through the Instagram settings.

In this case, if you want to know who blocked your stories on Instagram, the first suggestion I would like to give you is the following: go to the main section of the social network (the symbol of a house) and look at the top of the screen showing the profile photos of those who posted a story in the last 24 hours. You can do this through the Instagram to Android e iOS and from a PC, through the web version or the application to Windows 10.

Does the person you suspect of hiding stories from you often posts this type of content and is absolutely sure that they have shared a story in the last 24 hours? In that case, if your name is not there, there are two hypotheses: either you have not published a story in the last hours or you have been blocked.

In any case, you can try to clear your doubts: log in to Instagram with another account, first pressing Your Name in the top menu and then in the item Login or create a new account.

Now, log in with your second account, or if you don't have one, sign up for Instagram again to access it. If you do not want to carry out these operations, it is not a problem: ask a friend, family member or person you trust to find the name of the user in question in the search engine. Instagram.

Can the latter see the Instagram Stories posted by the user who suspects blocked it? If so, it could mean that Instagram Stories have been hidden from you. But beware, maybe this person No. has blocked you rather, they have simply chosen to share their stories on the list of Closest friends, without joining him.

In addition, I remind you that, if the profile of the user that you think has blocked you is private, Instagram stories will not be visible with another account if the latter is not among their followers. In this case, therefore, you must send the request to follow him.

Through the profile

Another method that could help you find out if a person is preventing you from seeing their stories on Instagram is to go to the section of their profile, in order to understand if only the stories have been hidden from you or if they have blocked you completely. In the second case, in fact, you should not be able to see even the content published as send.

That said, write the Username of the person in question in the search engine of the social network, through the app Instagram for Android and iOS. When accessing the web version of Instagram or when using the application for Windows 10, you shouldn't even be able to find your profile by typing your name, if this has completely blocked you, even if the account is public.

Assuming they have blocked you, through the Instagram application you may be able to find their profile, but the wording will be shown to you. User not foundas well as the voice No posts yet, as if that person had never published anything on the social network.

Just in case, instead of the wording User not found, you should see the button for a few seconds follow, try pressing it: if nothing happens and if, after pressing it, the voice is not displayed Follow now, it may have been blocked. Also, an additional confirmation is given by the fact that you are not even shown the number of followers and people followed by the user in question.

Do you want to clear doubts? Try looking for the user's profile, after logging in with a second Instagram account (it can be yours or that of a friend of yours) or, after logging out of Instagram and looking for their profile in Google. Obviously, this procedure does not work if the account of the user in question is set to private.

Can you see the content that the selected user has posted as a post on Instagram? If not, they have probably blocked you. You see his posts and the Red circle in your profile picture? It means that probably only the stories were hidden from you.

In this case, since Instagram does not allow you to view the stories without being logged in, log in to your account: at this point, if the stories have been hidden from you, you should not be able to see them and, corresponding to that person's profile , he Red circle.

However, as I told you, you cannot take this for certain: it may be that you can no longer see a person's stories because the latter has chosen to post them on the list of close friends, to which he decided not to add you.

Unblock Instagram

If, reading the advice I gave you in the previous chapters, you have come to the conclusion that you have been blocked, or you think that the stories are being hidden from you, you may wonder how to unblock me on instagram.

If this is indeed the case, I must inform you that, for obvious reasons, Instagram it does not have a function that allows a user to request unlocking (also because, as already explained, it is not even possible to know with absolute certainty if they have been blocked).

So what I advise you to do is first think about the possible reasons that could have led a person to block it or hide the stories Instagram. Did you have a fight or an argument, or did you say or do something that could have upset him? Try to think about it.

If you consider yourself "innocent", try to contact the person in question through another social network or another instant messaging service (for example, WhatsApp o Facebook Messenger), to discuss with them the reasons for the block. Try, therefore, to clarify yourself, perhaps even through a phone call or meeting in person, to be able to resolve the problem amicably and revoke the block on Instagram.

If, on the contrary, you know the reasons that led that person to lock you up Instagram or to hide the stories (and therefore if you have no way to make amends), sorry, you can't do anything about it. Everyone is free to use their own account Instagram however you see fit, and in case you have been abused, you can prevent other people from seeing what you post on your profile.


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