How to turn off narrator on tv cox cable

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Audio description is on for Fox only.  It appears turned off when we go into the menu yet it persists.  suggestions on how to turn it off would be gratefully appreciated.  Thanks!

  • Thank you for your suggestions.  Sadly they did not work.  We called technical support and he reset the box and the problem remained (we had reset the box perviously to no avail).  The tech who was quite nice was not sure what was causing the problem.  its been going on for 2 weeks now.  Any additional suggestions appreciated.  Thanks!

  • @Pete123456

    Are you having this issue on all cable boxes if more than one? Also, what fox channels are you experiencing this on?

    Jonathan J
    Cox Moderator

  • Having the same issue and as always tech supports answer is "replace the box". I was able to figure out that for Fox if you turn on Audio Description it actually turns off AD.  The only issue is when you watch shows that have SAP enabled you will hear them in Spanish so you have to turn off AD.  The strange thing is that it's only been happening for the past 2 weeks.  Good Luck!

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Only my History Channel has a narrator's voice that describes the scene changes. I have turned Audio Description to off, and I even did an Audio Language (SAP) Reset. I have tried every combination of every setting I could find, and I still can't stop the narration. Any suggestions would be very appreciated. Thanks!

  • @JVDBogart

    I am sorry to hear you have had such experiences. Have you also tried rebooting the cable box?

    Jonathan J
    Cox Moderator

  • I've seen this before.  I was watching a rerun of Family Guy and it had an Audio Description.  I didn't know this was a thing and it was annoying.  I missed half the episode trying to disable it.  Audio Description is suppose to be a separate audio track of a program so figured the network must included it with the primary audio.

  • Hi, yes I have rebooted it numerous times and still no change.

  • Hi Bruce, I have my Audio Description turned to "off", and it still does it. Yes, it is annoying as all hell isn't it? The channel is basically unwatchable, and it is one of my favorites too. What's odd is that it is only that one channel. You would think if it was some setting then all channels would be affected. I am stumped!

  • Hello JVDBogart,

    I am sorry to hear that you are having trouble with Audio Description on one of your favorite channels. I can understand how something like this would cause frustration. I want to help. No all programs have Audio Descriptions available. You can normally identify these by checking for a D))) in the guide or at the bottom when you pause. If this has also been disabled and you are still getting the Audio, I would check that Secondary Audio Programming (SAP) is not turned on. If you have the voice remote, you can just press and hold the mic button and say "Secondary Audio Programming off".

    Tiffany R.
    Cox Support Forum Moderator

How do I get my TV to stop narrating?

How do I turn Audio Description off? Turning audio description on/off varies depending on your TV make and model; TVs have different remote controls and Settings menus. Usually the feature can be found in your TV's Settings menu, under Accessibility. Some makes of TVs have a dedicated button on the remote control.

How do I turn off audio description narration?

Start or stop Narrator.
In Windows 10, press Windows logo key + Ctrl + Enter on your keyboard. ... .
On the sign-in screen, select the Ease of access button in the lower-right corner, and turn on the toggle under Narrator..
Go to Settings > Ease of Access > Narrator,and then turn on the toggle under Use Narrator..

Why is my cable narrating shows?

If you are hearing an extra narrator describing the action or setting in a show you're watching, you may be hearing the Audio Description Service or Descriptive Video Service (DVS), which is made available to audiences who are blind or visually impaired.

Why is my TV suddenly narrating?

If your TV or projector is announcing everything you do, then the Voice Guide is turned on. Voice Guide is an accessibility function to assist users who are blind or have low vision.


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