How to view liked pages on facebook

  • By Richard Tubb

I was recently asked by a fellow Facebook user on how they could view all the pages they’d hit for the “Like” button on Facebook.

Sometimes you hit “Like” on a product or service, only to become increasingly annoyed with spam-like over frequent updates – in which case you “un-like” it!

At first glance, it’s not simple to work out how to see a history of your “Likes”. Certainly, at the time of writing there was no Facebook help article on how to do this.

So here’s how you can do it.

Seeing all the pages you Like

1. Once logged into Facebook via a web-browser, click the your Profile name link in the top right hand corner.

2. From the top profile menu, click Update Info.

3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and find the Likes section. Click the More menu and select Other Likes.

4. From here you can see all the pages you have Liked on Facebook. If you want to “Unlike” a page, click on the page icon to visit that page and then click the blue Liked icon. From the drop-down menu, click Unlike.


It’s easy to end up disliking a product or brand that you’ve previously liked on Facebook. Using this method, you can keep your likes current, and unlike those pages you no longer want to hear from!

  • Facebook, Like, Likes, reheat, Viewing

Richard Tubb

Richard Tubb is one of the best-known experts within the global IT Managed Service Provider (MSP) community. He launched and sold his own MSP business before creating a leading MSP media and consultancy practice. Richard helps IT business owner’s take back control by freeing up their time and building a business that can run without them. He’s the author of the book “The IT Business Owner’s Survival Guide” and writer of the award-winning blog

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39 thoughts on “How to see all the pages you Like on Facebook”

  1. Just what I was looking for. Thanks!

    1. Brandon – you’re welcome! 🙂

  2. So how do you see all of the pages another person has liked?

    1. Lara – I believe that from within your friends FB profile page, click on “Info” and then under “Activities and Interests” you’ll see many of the pages they “like”. Hope that helps!

  3. HI! what about pictures I set my likes too ?? Can I view them all together at one place ? Or albums ?

    1. Gagan – as far as I’m aware, there’s no place to view all the pictures of albums you’ve “Liked” of others. If any others readers can help though, please leave a comment!

  4. how do you see the number of pages you have liked?

    1. Lotti – as far as I’m aware, there is no automatic count feature. You’ll have to manually count the number of pages you have liked.

  5. Thank You friend…………..!!!!!

    1. Sai – you’re very welcome, thanks for letting me it was useful! 🙂

  6. tnx for you help…

    always use your mind… :))

    1. You’re welcome – thanks for taking the time to leave a comment! 🙂

  7. Just what I was looking for. Thanks a lot!

    1. Lee – you’re welcome! 🙂

  8. thnx…….

    1. You’re welcome! 🙂

  9. May i ask, without LIKE a Page on Facebook, we still can LIKE the photo inside the Page? How can we make it to become must LIKE the Page 1st, then only can LIKE the photo inside? Thanks from: [email protected]

    1. Sunny – if I understand correctly, you’re asking why you have to Like a page (say, a company’s Facebook fan page) before you can Like a photograph within that page. Do correct me if I mis-understand the question. Unfortunately, those settings are defined on a page-by-page basis by the pages owner. Many companies like to collect “Likes” to prove how popular they are before they’ll let you interact with the page! My feeling is, you should be able to browse a Facebook fan page without having to “Like” it first…

  10. Is there a way to manage the pages i have liked? add them to a list? export them as bookmarks?

    1. Not that I’m aware of. The obvious answer would be to copy and paste the text, then sort it within Excel or similar. It may also be worth checking out Backupify, which offers Facebook Backups – //

  11. I have found that the option above does not actually show all of my likes. Under “Likes” on the new timeline, FB tells me I have 91. I’ve counted the ones that appear, and about 30 are missing. Any other ideas? I have also tried (1) managing the pages I’ve liked through // and (2) looking under “My Pages” in a FB list I created but that does not show all of my ‘likes’, either. Not sure where the others are. I sent a help ticket to FB about this several weeks ago, but (surprise) I have not gotten a response. I even tried installing the LikeJournal extension and, surprise x2 … only 64 likes are registered. Any idea where those other “Likes” may be?

    1. Michelle – thanks for the feedback, and I’d agree that it’s frustrating trying to find a definitive list of all the pages you “like” on Facebook. The method I’ve documented in my blog is the “best endevour” to find the “Likes” you have. Facebook retire, change the status of, and remove pages you may have previously “Liked” all the time – so it’s becoming increasingly harder to get a real grip on a true list.

  12. Oh … and I should add that viewing all “Likes” on my Timeline does not produce all 91 likes, either. The same 30-ish are missing every time …

  13. If I ever get a [useful] response from FB, I’ll post it here. 🙂 Everything was hunky-dory until they unveiled the new timeline format. I’ve bookmarked your thread here in case you or anyone else finds these missing ‘likes’.

  14. Hi, i want to know the list of “Likes” not only for the pages but for all the “Status”, “Pictures”, “Comments”…how can i know my all the Likes..??

    1. A good question, and one I don’t have an answer to. If any other readers can help Ahishek – please do leave a comment.

  15. on my facebook business page not my personal account, how do make my list of all likes public for my fans to see what i have liked in the past

    1. Sandra – I see on one of my own Facebook Fan Pages for an organisation I run that I can list the “likes” of other fan pages I’ve made, and they are listed down left hand side of the Facebook page.

  16. If you go your “like badges”, you get a drop down with all youer liked pages listed in alphabetic order. It’s not ideal, but you can view the page source with your browser and copy them from the HTML. Get to your badges, go to your profile page and click on “Add a Badge to Your Site” at the bottom of the left hand column, or just use this link //

    1. John – what a fantastic workaround! Thanks for sharing!

  17. How can you do this with Pictures?

    1. You can see things you’ve posted and “liked” on a Friends page, on an individual Friends basis. From your friends timeline page, next to “Message” on the right-hand side, click the “Cog” menu item and then click “See Friendship”.

  18. Thanks so much i needed this.

    1. Kim – I’m glad you found it useful. Thanks!

  19. hey, I was wondering, when you go to look at what someone else has liked, is it in alphabetical order or by order that they liked it?

    1. Juliana – I don’t believe it’s in alphabetical order. But Facebook is changing all the time, so by the time you read this… it may well be! 😉

  20. First, go to the “Browse Pages” page (which I found on Google but obvious must’ve come from some FB page) here: //

    Then click the “My Pages” link at the top and you’ll see a list of all your Pages that you like! Bookmark it!

    1. Thanks for sharing – quick and simple, I like it! 🙂

  21. Thanks so much!!!

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