If you cancel audible membership do you lose your books

Q: Hi! I want to cancel my Audible membership. But I have a question. If I cancel my audible do I lose my books and credits? Thanks!

Are you ready to cancel Audible? Listening to audiobooks on Audible is a good experience for many people, but not for anyone. Maybe you just get tired of listening to this app for the service or content. Possibly, you are bothered by the limitations on Audible audiobooks you bought. Maybe you want to continue to listen to Audible but do not want the membership. Or you might be too busy to finish the audiobooks you own now.

Whatever, when you decide to cancel Audible, you'd better figure out these problems. What will happen when you cancel Audible? If you cancel Audible will you lose your books? Will you lose the credits? Can you still buy audiobooks from Audible after canceling the membership? In this passage, you will get everything you want to know about canceling Audible.

Can I listen to my Audible books after canceling?

Your Amazon/Audible account will be still active, even if you cancel your Audible membership. Do not worry that you will lose them after you cancel Audible. You can still log in to your account and listen to them on any device that supports Audible with your account.

If I cancel my audible membership what happens to my credits?

You will not lose the books you paid for. What will you lose? If you cancel Audible membership, you will lose your credits that you have not used. The credits are a part of the benefits of Audible membership. In addition to credits, you will lose other membership benefits including listening to audiobooks, podcasts in Audible Plus Catalog for free and buying books at discounted prices.

Can I still purchase audiobooks after I cancel Audible membership?

Do you just do not want to cancel the Audible membership but would like to continue to listen to Audible? If so, you might wonder can you still buy audiobooks after canceling it. After you cancel Audible membership, you still can purchase audible audiobooks. Nonetheless, there are still some differences. When you lose your Audible membership, you cannot use your credits, buy audiobooks with the discount of membership or buy member-exclusive books.

How to cancel Audible membership?

Now you know the answers to the questions above. If you still decide to cancel Audible membership, there is the last thing you have to know - how to cancel Audible membership. The first thing you have to know is that you cannot use your smartphone to cancel it. Instead, you need to use a computer to do this. Here is a guide for canceling it.

Step 1. Go to the Audible website. Log in to your account. Click your name and the Account Details button.

Step 2. Find the Cancel membership button at the bottom of your account page.

Step 3. Choose a reason for canceling Audible.

Step 4. Click the Cancel membership button and the Finish Canceling button.

  • See Also: How to cancel Audible membership

Additional tip: Listen to Audible audiobooks without Audible after canceling

If you cancel Audible will you lose your books? No. But do you really own them? I just said that you can listen to Audible audiobooks you bought on any device that supports Audible with your account. What if you do not remember the account or do not have an Audible- compatible device? You cannot play those audiobooks even if you have paid for them. If you want to cancel it for this reason, I have a good solution for you.

What you need is ViWizard Audible Audiobook Converter. This software converts Audible AA/AAX audiobooks to common formats like MP3, M4A, M4B, FLAC, AAC with 100X faster speed and encrypts them automatically. I suggest you choose the Lossless option to keep the 100% quality of your audiobooks. This tool does not need the iTunes account authorization or installation of the Audible app. And it can keep the ID3 tags and chapters for you. You can download it for free and follow the guide below.

Step 1. Launch ViWizard Audible Converter. Import AAX or AA Files to ViWizard with the Add Files button.

Step 2. Click the Format button and the Lossless option. Click the OK button.

Step 3. Just click the Convert button to convert audiobooks and click the Converted button to find your audio files.


What will happen when you cancel Audible? If you cancel Audible will you lose your books? I believe you already got the answers you need. And you also know how to cancel Audible membership. At last, we provide you with a tip that enables you to convert Audible AA/AAX to MP3 and other formats. Like this passage? Do not forget to share with your friend!

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Adam Gorden is an experienced writer of ViWizard who is obsessed about tech, movie and software.

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