Is carbonated water good for an upset stomach

Personally, I have a very unhealthy relationship with sweets. 

Not only do they wreak havoc on my insides but my dentist hates them for me, too!

Thankfully, research has allowed me to keep my second true love, sparkling water! More specifically, Wave Soda. 

Scroll down to learn more about how your stomach regularly handles sparkling water. 

Sparkling Water for Upset Stomach or Constipation?

No point in being coy here, everyone gets stomach aches and probably

everyone has had a stint of constipation. It's just life!

If you're like me, you strongly dislike having to take over-the-counter medicine for issues, because of all the unknown ingredients and the worry about any long-term affects it will have on your body. 

Well, according to research, there might be a more natural and healthy way to help ease an upset stomach or relieve constipation! 

A study conducted in 2002 took twenty-one people with dyspepsia, (pain or discomfort located in the upper abdomen that includes symptoms like: bloating, nausea, and constipation), and had half drink 1.5 quarts of tap water, while the other half drank 1.5 quarts of carbonated water, each day. 

The study took place over two weeks and discovered the following:

  • Those who drank carbonated water had less dyspepsia symptoms
  • Those who drank carbonated water suffered less constipation
  • There was not a clear benefit of drinking tap water on the issue of constipation or dyspepsia

How amazing is that?!

Next time you are dealing with nagging stomach issues like nausea or constipation, pop open a Wave Soda and begin your road to relief!

Sparkling Water Helps with Digestion

The make up of sparkling water causes a stimulation of the nerves in your mouth that are used for swallowing. 

This, of course, increases the amount you swallow, helping to clear the way of any buildup and producing significant relief after the fact. 

Sparkling water promotes regular bowel movements and can even reduce indigestion! 

Sparkling Water Stays in Your Stomach for Longer

Due to the carbonation, sparkling water actually stays in your stomach longer than regular tap water. 

This allows you to feel more full after drinking sparkling water and thus, promotes satiety. 

I think a lot of us can agree that during quarantine and lockdown we found ourselves snacking a lot more. Most of the time, I couldn't even tell if I was actually hungry or just needed something to do. 

Drinking more sparkling water, like Wave Soda, can fill up your stomach with healthy ingredients, and help you determine whether your body actually needs food. 

It's Settled: This Relationship is Terrific!

I mean, facts are facts!

The one downside that you need to look out for when regularly drinking sparkling water, is the erosion that can happen to your teeth from added sugars and unnatural ingredients. 

Fortunately, our healthy soda substitute has absolutely no added sugar or artificial ingredients. 

That means, you can enjoy our sparkling fruit soda 100% guilt free!

There's nothing quite like a cold glass of water—it's so simple and refreshing—but if you're not a fan of plain old H20 from the tap, you might be more inclined to drink sparkling water or seltzer. While these are forms of water, they're not quite the same as flat water because they're filled with bubbles; though seltzer can be hydrating, the carbonation could actually negatively impact your gut health, which could ultimately disturb digestion. Consumers can experience everything from joint pain and acne to skin rashes and cardiac issues because of changes in the microbiome (home to microorganisms in the digestive tract that help process the food we consume every day). To truly find out how seltzer water impacts the gut, we explored this topic with a doctor.

Related: Expert-Approved Probiotic Supplements and Snacks That Will Help Boost Your Gut Health

It's carbonated water.

According to Dr. Caroline J. Cederquist, a triple-board certified medical doctor and the founder of bistroMD, seltzer is carbonated water, or H20 filled with fizz and bubbles thanks to the addition of carbon dioxide gas. Since seltzer water has natural gas bubbles in it, she notes that it is common for people to experience bloating and intestinal gas after drinking it.

It can help you hydrate.

"At this time, seltzer water is encouraged as a healthy way to hydrate," Dr. Cederquist says. "In fact, the CDC recommends choosing tap, bottled, or sparkling water over sugary drinks such as soda or juices." Another benefit associated with drinking seltzer? Consuming any type of water, flat or sparkling, boosts your body's hydration levels. "[It] might even improve digestion and constipation more than tap water, according to a study published in the European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology," the expert adds. "Interestingly, too, a study in Dysphagia found carbonated water to improve swallowing abilities in young and older adults."

woman drinking seltzer water from glass

Corbis/VCG / Getty Images

It's helpful overall.

Though seltzer water isn't technically deleterious to the stomach, Dr. Cederquist says that it can cause unpleasant digestive symptoms. "The carbonation may exacerbate symptoms in people managing digestive disorders such as acid reflux, irritable bowel disease (IBS), and Crohn's disease," she notes. "Also worth mentioning: Some bubbly waters contain artificial sweeteners to enhance flavor. Despite the unknowns and complexity of artificial sweeteners on health, they may cause digestive discomfort and changes in the gut microbiome."

Otherwise, seltzer is good for your health; it's a satisfying and healthy way to hydrate for most. Consider consulting with a registered dietitian or other medical professional if needed, as gut health and stomach symptoms could still vary from person to person. "If experiencing discomfort after drinking seltzer water, especially if managing a digestive condition, switching to flat water or limiting seltzer intake might be a good idea," explains Dr. Cederquist. "A dietitian or another healthcare professional can help address worries tied to gut health, including those related to the carbonation and potential use of artificial sweeteners in seltzer water varieties."

Does carbonation settle your stomach?

“For centuries, carbonated water has been considered capable of relieving gastrointestinal symptoms, including dyspepsia,” or tummy aches.

Is carbonated water good for diarrhea?

Things you Should Avoid Eating or Drinking Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and carbonated drinks. Limit or cut out milk and other dairy products if they are making your diarrhea worse or causing gas and bloating.

What drinks are good for upset stomach?

Sports drinks..
Clear, non-caffeinated sodas such as 7-Up, Sprite or ginger ale..
Diluted juices such as apple, grape, cherry or cranberry (avoid citrus juices).
Clear soup broth or bouillon..
Decaffeinated tea..


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