Jamie lynn spears book barnes and noble

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Jul 09, 2021 Daniel rated it did not like it

She can't act, she can't sing, she can't write. Her only talent is enslaving her sister and exploiting her. She can't act, she can't sing, she can't write. Her only talent is enslaving her sister and exploiting her. ...more

Jul 09, 2021 Cameron Wood rated it did not like it

DO NOT BUY THIS BOOK!!!! YOU WILL BE SUPPORTING AN EVIL MANIPULATIVE TWO-FACED PERSON!!! Jamie Lynn is the infamous sister of the more famous mega superstar Britney Spears, who just recently expressed, under oath in a court, that her family should be jailed for the abuse and exploitation of her life that they have done a great job at. Buying this book means you support the ongoing abuse and violation of Britney’s human rights. While Jamie Lynn is free to write this trash of a memoir continuing t DO NOT BUY THIS BOOK!!!! YOU WILL BE SUPPORTING AN EVIL MANIPULATIVE TWO-FACED PERSON!!! Jamie Lynn is the infamous sister of the more famous mega superstar Britney Spears, who just recently expressed, under oath in a court, that her family should be jailed for the abuse and exploitation of her life that they have done a great job at. Buying this book means you support the ongoing abuse and violation of Britney’s human rights. While Jamie Lynn is free to write this trash of a memoir continuing to exploit Britney’s situation for a paycheck. Jamie Lynn should be ashamed of herself. Just remember that the Spears name would be NOTHING without Britney. Keep riding that gravy train honey because your stop is coming up real soon! ...more

**Please note that this review is based solely on the book I read, and has nothing to do with whatever is happening between Jamie Lynn and Britney on social media.**

I read this book in one sitting and now I'm mad I wasted an afternoon.

I wish that Jamie Lynn would have had a collaborator on this. It's just not well-written. Like, at all. Most of the chapters ramble with no clear sense of place or time. She seems to jump around a lot between her childhood and her teenage years but it's hard to te

**Please note that this review is based solely on the book I read, and has nothing to do with whatever is happening between Jamie Lynn and Britney on social media.**

I read this book in one sitting and now I'm mad I wasted an afternoon.

I wish that Jamie Lynn would have had a collaborator on this. It's just not well-written. Like, at all. Most of the chapters ramble with no clear sense of place or time. She seems to jump around a lot between her childhood and her teenage years but it's hard to tell what is happening when. I kept going back a few paragraphs to try to figure out when an anecdote was happening - was she 8 or 16? I could almost never tell. There is no compelling narrative, either, just a lot of vague, fairly repetitive memories strung together. Jamie Lynn contradicts herself repeatedly throughout the book too, and I feel like if I could see that in a casual reading an editor should have caught it.

Jamie Lynn also eludes to a lot of things but doesn't give the kind of detail that makes a story interesting to read. She tells bits and pieces of stories the way you might tell a friend while you're out having lunch. This does not make for particularly good or captivating writing.

I also felt icky about how much she's made herself the victim of every story in her life. Later chapters include vague references to being accountable for her mistakes but other chapters - most of the book, in fact - are about how she's always been nice to everyone and her mistakes were because people misled her. She would do things differently now, she says. And then the next chapter is about how she very recently did not do things differently.

I can't help but compare this to Jessica Simpson's book, the last celebrity memoir I read. Jessica wrote with a performer's knack for capturing an audience's attention and keeping them entertained. She told a hell of a story, gave important details even when they didn't make her look good, and showed a lot of clarity in her current perspective. I got none of that from Jamie Lynn, just a lot of fluff about how selfless she's been her whole life and how everyone else is responsible for her problems.

I think ultimately I wanted this to be a different book. She starred on a TV show for 4 years. What was that like? How did she feel walking the orange carpet at a Nickelodeon awards show? How did she choose what she wore? Was she nervous? She got to hang out on her sister's tour bus with her best friend. What games did they play on the road to pass the time? What weird little towns did they stop in? She mentions singers and actors she idolized as a child, but never says what she liked them in, or what songs of theirs were her favorite. Did she ever get to meet any of them? Was she starstruck? She performed at bars and restaurants in Nashville. Did the crowds like her music? Which one was her favorite to sing at?

The cool stuff she did is briefly stated in single sentences and not elaborated on or mentioned again. After the life she's lived, Jamie Lynn has to have better stories to tell than this, and I think I'm just pissed that she didn't tell them.


Jul 09, 2021 Israel rated it did not like it

Funny how for someone who ABSOLUTELY DOESNT DEPEND on her sister’s money or name they decide to use one of said sister’s most iconic song lyrics LOL. Jamie Lynn would absolutely not be here if Britney Spears wasn’t around, we all know that.

Jul 11, 2021 Ancient Sea rated it did not like it

Narcissistic failed star writes a book to get attention and paint herself a victim after being complicit in her sister's horrific abuse for thirteen years. Is there anything more pathetic and hypocritical? Narcissistic failed star writes a book to get attention and paint herself a victim after being complicit in her sister's horrific abuse for thirteen years. Is there anything more pathetic and hypocritical? ...more

Tell me you're a psychopath without telling me you're a psychopath!

The only reason she ever even got the small bit of famous she is was because of Britney and she needs to just go off with herself and live in obscurity and/or prison!

Tell me you're a psychopath without telling me you're a psychopath!

The only reason she ever even got the small bit of famous she is was because of Britney and she needs to just go off with herself and live in obscurity and/or prison!


Jul 09, 2021 James rated it did not like it

Wish i could rate it 0 stars but i don’t have that option. #FreeBritney

Jul 09, 2021 Sara rated it did not like it

How dare she use one of Britney's iconic lyrics?
Edit: she said that the book wasn't about her, but literally names Britney ever other page? I'm glad the book got leaked.
How dare she use one of Britney's iconic lyrics?
Edit: she said that the book wasn't about her, but literally names Britney ever other page? I'm glad the book got leaked.

Jul 18, 2021 Eren rated it did not like it

Free Britney, and I hope this book flops.

For a run down of some things Jamie Lynn has done:
-She scammed her fans with a Zoey 101 reboot that was never going to happen
-She ran over her cats with her Tesla and tried to blame Elon Musk
-It’s largely believed that she may have something to gain from her sister’s conservatorship
-And now she wants to make money from a book that she knows will only sell because of her sister’s ongoing abuse under her conservatorship (which is really fucking low).

Jul 10, 2021 Whitcol rated it did not like it

If I could rate this negative I would. Not worth the purchase and time. Subpar at best.

Jul 21, 2021 Daniel Kapp rated it did not like it

Garbage book by a garbage woman. Don’t waste your money… in fact, save it for the Britney tell-all when Jamie-Lynn is in prison with her daddy :).

Jul 12, 2021 Karim Halwaji rated it did not like it

Do not buy this book!
Another attempt for the Spears family to capitalise on the pain and abuse of Britney

Jul 19, 2021 Ezra Absher rated it did not like it

not written by jamie but by ghostwriter she paid with britney's money of course. dont support abusers. not written by jamie but by ghostwriter she paid with britney's money of course. dont support abusers. ...more

Oct 13, 2021 Steven rated it did not like it

Turns out she can’t limit or disable these comments like she does everything else 🤣. Don’t buy

Jan 15, 2022 Melanie Ashley rated it did not like it

For a book “not about Britney” you sure use her name a lot. And blame her a lot. I’m not sure who thought it would be a good PR move to release a book bashing, blaming, and belittling a recently emancipated, abused, beloved pop star. What did she really think would happen?

And yes, I did read it. It one sitting, because it’s not exactly a challenging read. Or a good one.

Or a true one.

Jan 18, 2022 Sally rated it it was amazing

I am shocked by all of the low reviews, and I have to wonder if the people leaving them have even read the book. I grew up a Britney fan and had seen the tabloid stories about Jamie Lynn’s teen pregnancy, but didn’t know much else about her. I read this book in one day and couldn’t put it down.

I found the book very relatable, despite the fact that I’m not a celebrity. She writes openly and vulnerably about a variety of experiences that have shaped her life and influenced who she is as an adult,

I am shocked by all of the low reviews, and I have to wonder if the people leaving them have even read the book. I grew up a Britney fan and had seen the tabloid stories about Jamie Lynn’s teen pregnancy, but didn’t know much else about her. I read this book in one day and couldn’t put it down.

I found the book very relatable, despite the fact that I’m not a celebrity. She writes openly and vulnerably about a variety of experiences that have shaped her life and influenced who she is as an adult, a mom, and a wife. The fame she and her family have experienced is just a small part of her story.

I’ve seen a lot of criticism related to Britney, but I thought that the portrayal of Britney throughout the book was loving, respectful, and at times even reverent. There is one chapter near the end where Jamie Lynn addresses some of the implications of Britney’s social media posts about her family, but it didn’t seem malicious or sensationalized.

Overall, this is one of the better celebrity memoirs I’ve read, and I will definitely recommend to friends and family.


Oct 12, 2021 Ivona rated it did not like it

Jamie Lynn talks about mental health, and how a portion of the money received from book sales will go to some charity supporting mental health. BUT ironically, Jamie Lynn is complicit in the trauma and abuse that her sister Britney Spears has (and continues to) suffered from her entire "family". Jamie Lynn likes to take any blame or responsibility off of her, but she is far from an angel.


Jamie Lynn talks about mental health, and how a portion of the money received from book sales will go to some charity supporting mental health. BUT ironically, Jamie Lynn is complicit in the trauma and abuse that her sister Britney Spears has (and continues to) suffered from her entire "family". Jamie Lynn likes to take any blame or responsibility off of her, but she is far from an angel.



Jul 14, 2021 Ria rated it did not like it

such a big fan. loved her in... in... anyway, can't wait to read this yet untitled book to hear her inspiring story.

''I must confess, I still believe (Still believe)
When I'm not with you, I lose my mind
Give me a sign
Hit me, baby, one more time

Oh, baby, baby (Oh)
Oh, baby, baby (Yeah)

Oh, baby, baby
How was I supposed to know?
Oh, pretty, baby
I shouldn't have let you go
I must confess that my loneliness is killing me now
Don't you know I still believe
That you will be here and give me a sign
Hit me, b

such a big fan. loved her in... in... anyway, can't wait to read this yet untitled book to hear her inspiring story.

''I must confess, I still believe (Still believe)
When I'm not with you, I lose my mind
Give me a sign
Hit me, baby, one more time

Oh, baby, baby (Oh)
Oh, baby, baby (Yeah)

Oh, baby, baby
How was I supposed to know?
Oh, pretty, baby
I shouldn't have let you go
I must confess that my loneliness is killing me now
Don't you know I still believe
That you will be here and give me a sign
Hit me, baby, one more time''


Jan 14, 2022 Diana rated it did not like it

I wish I could give it 0 stars

This book is the representation of a narcissistic person who always wants to be in the position of "victim" even in situations in which she wasn't involved and were just Britney situations.

She practically implied that her family (which had already been destroyed since before Britney's fame by her alcoholic dad and permissive mom) was damaged thanks to Britney. She loved portraying Britney as "paranoid", "unstable", "erratic" and not to mention the reasons why Britn

I wish I could give it 0 stars

This book is the representation of a narcissistic person who always wants to be in the position of "victim" even in situations in which she wasn't involved and were just Britney situations.

She practically implied that her family (which had already been destroyed since before Britney's fame by her alcoholic dad and permissive mom) was damaged thanks to Britney. She loved portraying Britney as "paranoid", "unstable", "erratic" and not to mention the reasons why Britney was/is angry about the shitty family she has.

She wants basically everyone to say "Oh poor JL, she had a hard time seeing how her sister has been controlled and abused all her life, without being the owner of her life, having to ask permission for minimal things, forcing her to work, silencing her, exploiting here like a machine, not letting her be a mom again, locking her against her will in psychiatric centers and wrongly medicating her against her will. Yes, We have to feel very bad for JL, she definitely suffered so much while she did nothing to help her having the possibility of doing it".

Girl, I can't believe you had the AUDACITY to post this. I have no sympathy for abusers. This was purely written to benefit you one more time from your sister. We believe in Britney and we will always support her.


Jan 15, 2022 Summer rated it did not like it

I wanted to like this. I really did. I’m an adamant Britney fan, but I also wanted to believe that JL wasn’t lying through her teeth.

Two pages in, I told my husband “wow, she really thinks highly of herself”. It never got better. Page after page of praising herself, demonizing (IMO) her sister, and using phrases like “We became a party of five, and from what I’ve been told, I brought love and light into everyone’s life. All of Momma’s previous concerns about adding another child to her brood di

I wanted to like this. I really did. I’m an adamant Britney fan, but I also wanted to believe that JL wasn’t lying through her teeth.

Two pages in, I told my husband “wow, she really thinks highly of herself”. It never got better. Page after page of praising herself, demonizing (IMO) her sister, and using phrases like “We became a party of five, and from what I’ve been told, I brought love and light into everyone’s life. All of Momma’s previous concerns about adding another child to her brood disappeared within hours of my arrival. As it turned out, I was a delightful baby who brought her so much joy and filled a void she never knew existed”. Blegh, are you serious JL?!

It’s not just this one part, either. The theme carries throughout the book. Page 29 “They said, “Jamie Lynn, you’re a natural!”’ Page 38 “Producer and writer Dan Schneider, who’d created All That, recognized my talent. He went on to develop many other projects and ultimately was the driving force behind my opportu- nity to get a starring role in my next job.” I could go on and on.

And what’s worse? The monotony. Oh, JL - every sentence does not have to be a short sentence! Our family liked church. But we felt weird. We just knew it was normal. And we never told anyone.

SO PAINFUL. I don’t recommend.


Oct 11, 2021 Lauren rated it did not like it

I would rather rip my own uterus out and eat it all in one sitting than read this piece of shit xxxxxxxxx

You suck Jamie. Crawl in a hole and never come out. I hope your sister jerks a knot in your hair. You and this book-DUMB. You are one audacious, soulless monster. Your daughter needs to be taken from you and you should be placed under a conservatorship for allowing you kid to crash an ATV into a pond and flinging a knife around making threats in a restaurant. But wait, you aren’t really talented enough to bring in that amount of cash to begin with. I hope you get everything you deserve. We all h You suck Jamie. Crawl in a hole and never come out. I hope your sister jerks a knot in your hair. You and this book-DUMB. You are one audacious, soulless monster. Your daughter needs to be taken from you and you should be placed under a conservatorship for allowing you kid to crash an ATV into a pond and flinging a knife around making threats in a restaurant. But wait, you aren’t really talented enough to bring in that amount of cash to begin with. I hope you get everything you deserve. We all hate you and your dad. #FreeBritney

P.S. you are the ugly sister, inside and out.


I think this book is the story about a corrupt family and how they stayed silent witnessing abuse, exploitation and human trafficking all because they’re greedy and overall bad people.


Wouldn’t recommend reading this book.

Jan 16, 2022 Erin rated it did not like it

Absolute dumpster fire. I actually read the book from start to finish just to ensure I was reading everything correctly. I shall now include some of my favorite quotes:

- “Momma continued with her stern manner of parenting me, but it felt as if she had a different set of standards for my older siblings.” - in which Jamie Lynn still resents her siblings who are 9 and 12 years older for getting more freedoms than her when she was little…

- The entire chapter about Jamie Lynn’s pregnancy describes ho

Absolute dumpster fire. I actually read the book from start to finish just to ensure I was reading everything correctly. I shall now include some of my favorite quotes:

- “Momma continued with her stern manner of parenting me, but it felt as if she had a different set of standards for my older siblings.” - in which Jamie Lynn still resents her siblings who are 9 and 12 years older for getting more freedoms than her when she was little…

- The entire chapter about Jamie Lynn’s pregnancy describes how difficult it was for her to be isolated away without access to phones or the ability to go out freely. The point? She missed it?

- “In the court of public opinion, if you are a member of the Spears family, you are labeled detestable and reprehensible. I am guilty of loving my whole family and wanting what is best for all of them.”

- “The world will hear many things. Some of them may be true and others may serve respective purposes. You won’t hear anything from me.” - Didn’t she just give a Good Morning América interview?

- “Britney’s description about the way she has been managed and treated does nothing to break the cycle. All of us have to manage our lives and struggles the best way we see fit.” SHE SAID THAT!

Anyway, that was an entertaining three hours, I think I’ll go scream now.


Oct 12, 2021 Leogp rated it did not like it

Jamie Lynn Spears has been living of her sister's money for over a decade, being an adult. She has seen Britney go through hell without saying a word about the abuse and torture and is now trying to make her last coins using the media attention her sister's receiving because of her conservatorship case. Let's not buy or read this book. Jamie Lynn Spears has been living of her sister's money for over a decade, being an adult. She has seen Britney go through hell without saying a word about the abuse and torture and is now trying to make her last coins using the media attention her sister's receiving because of her conservatorship case. Let's not buy or read this book. ...more

Jul 24, 2021 Celine R-W rated it did not like it

Such a shame to publish this book and make money out of Spears conservatorship

Jan 04, 2022 Ori rated it did not like it

A book no one needs from a person who benefits and collaborated in human trafficking and enslaving her own sister. I can’t believe such horrible people do exist. She’s a failure as a singer and as an actress and of course as a writer should be no exception. I feel bad for the ghostwriters who wrote a book and this sinister person gets the credit. Hey Jamie no one cares about your book or your life story. We tolerated you because you were Britney’s sister. But after what you have done and what yo A book no one needs from a person who benefits and collaborated in human trafficking and enslaving her own sister. I can’t believe such horrible people do exist. She’s a failure as a singer and as an actress and of course as a writer should be no exception. I feel bad for the ghostwriters who wrote a book and this sinister person gets the credit. Hey Jamie no one cares about your book or your life story. We tolerated you because you were Britney’s sister. But after what you have done and what you have not done to your own sister just because of money, you should be jailed with the rest of your family and with your bff Lou Taylor too. Disgusting! Everyone that is a human being will not buy a book from a monster like you 🐍🐍🐍 ...more

Jamie Lynn Spears is an actress and musician who began her entertainment career at an early age. The Louisiana native made her way into acting with some national commercials before landing her first big debut on television, appearing on Nickelodeon’s All That and then starring as the title character on Zoey 101, for which she won the Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Award for Best Actress in 2006. When sh Jamie Lynn Spears is an actress and musician who began her entertainment career at an early age. The Louisiana native made her way into acting with some national commercials before landing her first big debut on television, appearing on Nickelodeon’s All That and then starring as the title character on Zoey 101, for which she won the Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Award for Best Actress in 2006. When she became a mother at sixteen, her pregnancy made headlines. She returned to the entertainment business as a singer/songwriter who has collaborated with artists such as Jana Kramer and has won several awards (NSAI, BMI) as a songwriter for writing the platinum-selling song “I Got the Boy.” She released the new version of the Zoey 101 theme song “Follow Me” with Chantel Jefferies ahead of the upcoming highly anticipated Zoey 101 reboot. She will also be back to play the beloved character Noreen for season 2 on Netflix’s Sweet Magnolias in 2022. ...more

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Is Jamie Lynn's book out?

Jamie Lynn's memoir was released Jan. 17, about two months after Britney's conservatorship was terminated after 13 years. "The timing of your book was unbelievable Jamie Lynn … especially knowing the whole world had no clue what was really done to me !!!!" the singer continued in her latest post.

Is things I should have said a best seller?

Now a National Bestseller! In this intimate memoir, actress and musician Jamie Lynn Spears opens up for the first time, telling her unfiltered story on her own terms.

How old is Jamie Lynn Spears?

31 years (April 4, 1991)Jamie Lynn Spears / Agenull

Who published things I should have said?

The book's publisher, Worthy Books, has also been quick to focus the memoir on Jamie Lynn's life, rather than the rest of her family. In a release, Worthy Books says the memoir is a portrait of a woman who “raised her daughter on her own, pursued a career, and learned to stand on her own two feet.”


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