Long distance relationship breakup and get back together reddit

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Posted by2 years ago


My ex and I broke up almost 6 months ago, and we are currently no contact and I do miss him. I don’t think necessarily that we will get back together but I still am curious. Have any of you guys gotten back together with a long distance ex?

Getting back together with an ex is a common thing for people who live nearby each other, but I feel like it’s rare for long distance couples to get back together. What have your experiences been like or what are your thoughts on this ?

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My now ex boyfriend [19M] who lives in the Canada and I [19F] living in the UK broke up a few days ago because of distance. We have been internet best friends for 2 years then on the third we started a relationship.

My now ex boyfriend [19M] who lives in Canada and I [18F] living in the UK broke up a almost a week ago because of distance. We have been internet best friends for 2 years and during the third we started a relationship, we haven’t met but we were planning during our break.

We met through playing video games and have literally been inseparable since then, spending everyday together calling, video chatting, gaming overall enjoying each other’s company, helping each other grow as people and falling in love along the way.

Anyway, we recently broke up because he couldn’t take the distance anymore. During our relationship we never had any problems but because we are in University, things have been difficult for him having to move away from family and he has his roommates and whatnot but they’re not his TRUE friends so he still feels lonely. Since then we have had some times where he was not sure if we wanted to be with me because being in a ldr makes him depressed. He doesn’t have a sense of security about how we’ll be in the future considering we’ll only meet like 1-3 times a year for the next 3-4-ish years Anyway he can’t beat the long distance depression and has decided to break up with me. Our relationship was extremely healthy and breaking up like this is the worst because it’s on good terms. We still love each other very much, we still want to be in each other’s lives. He has decided to not speak to me for a while as it wouldn’t seem healthy to just jump back to being friends acting like nothing happened straight away as we need some time away from each other which makes sense. This is honestly the worst I’ve ever felt in my life, all I can do is think about him. It hurts so much more because I was never able to meet him and I don’t know if I ever will. I know I won’t be able to get over him and I know I should focus on myself but I am just hoping that sometime in the future we can start again with a sense of security.

Has anyone broke up for similar reasons and got back together? How long after? All I’m doing is hoping.

I broke up with my boyfriend of almost a year and it was my first relationship. We were long distance and COVID19 prevented him from coming to me this summer. He said he needed space and time to improve himself and work on himself, which I understand considering his situation. Doesn't mean that I didn't cry my heart out and begged him to stay (Although I am very good at no contact and I'm not going to contact him). I know what people are going to say. You're so young (I am 20) you'll meet somebody better! Get over him! He wouldn't have broken up with you if he truly loved you, etc etc. I have come to terms with these two facts 1) He broke up with me because he doesn't love me enough to hold on to me. That doesn't mean he didn't love me at all throughout our relationship. 2) When so many other things take up your mind, space for me may decrease. I'm just sad at the fact that it got so small that he had to end our relationship.

Even as we broke up he told me he loved me. But said that long distance doesn't make him feel like he is in a relationship anymore. I understand it all but it still makes me sad.

I know I'll get through this and I'll move on, not from him necessarily but from this moment and time of pain. But I still want him back because I still love him so much.


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