Mix match clothes day at school

Mix & Match Day is all about encouraging our students to get out of their comfort zones, mix and mingle with new friends, and match up with some unknown kids!

Students will be…
*Paired with different grade levels at lunch and recess 
*Encouraged to meet and mingle with new people   
*Mentored by older students

In honor of Mix & Match Day the students are encouraged to wear “mixed-up” and “un-matching” clothes to school.  The tackier the better!  The students are encouraged to step out of their comfort zone, enjoy this day of fun, and make some new friends!

This year Mix & Match Day were joined with two other school-wide events.

The seniors at our high school do a class service project every year. For the first time, the seniors were divided between our two elementary locations. A small group of 3-4 students went into every classroom to "mix" and "match" with our younger students. This worked out better than I could have ever imagined. Our seniors mentored our younger students in such a great way. I would highly recommend this type of activity for your kiddos.

Our Mix & Match Day was on Friday, March 1st, which was the day before Dr. Seuss' Birthday. As many of you probably already know, Dr. Seuss' Birthday is a pretty big deal in an elementary school. Dr. Seuss' books have so many great lessons that fit in perfectly with Mix & Match Day. Many of the teachers dressed-up like Dr. Seuss' characters. The seniors wore Dr. Seuss' name tags and brought fish cookies, inspired from Dr. Seuss' book One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish.

"A persons a person no matter how small." 

School is in full swing and after a week of 90 degree weather, it looks like cooler weather is finally heading our way. My girls are begging to wear the clothes they helped pick for school. It was tough to convince them that wearing a wool sweater and tights to a classroom with no air conditioning when it’s 90 degrees is a bad idea.

I’ve always liked finding school clothes for the kids that can be mixed and matched. It doesn’t only make for more outfit options, it makes it a lot easier to let kids pick out their own clothes. If they have a drawer full of cute styles that can be mixed and matched, they can have fun picking out their clothes and I can still know they will go to school with matching clothes (type A here!).

This fall, finding mix and match styles has been even more helpful since Maggie and Alex wear the same size. So not only can the clothes be mixed and matched they can be swapped between the kids. The girls share a room and a dresser (and surprisingly like sharing clothes) so this this year’s school clothes organizing has been a breeze.

Our favorite place for mix and match styles is Mini Boden. Their clothes are comfortable, high quality and they have the best colors. Also, with two animal loving little girls, this fall’s Mini Boden line is a huge hit in our house.

When I shop their site, I like to find shirts that can go with a skirt or pants and then also layered under a dress or jumper. Their 2 packs of tights are awesome and can be paired with almost anything in the line. My girls love the Mini Boden sweaters. They tell me they are “soft and snuggly”. Their sweaters can be paired with the dresses, skirts or pants, so we get a lot of use out of them. Here are a few of our favorite mix and match styles this fall:

And a few more:

Julie is a big fan of Mini Boden boys clothes for mixing and matching too. Her boys are in preschool and 1st grade this year and she found so many great styles for both of them.

Here are some mix and match Mini Boden ideas for boys:

And a few more:

Weather is changing and chilly fall days (my favorite) are ahead. Our closets are ready for a fall of fun outfits for school!


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What do you wear to a mix match day at school?

In honor of Mix & Match Day the students are encouraged to wear “mixed-up” and “un-matching” clothes to school. The tackier the better! The students are encouraged to step out of their comfort zone, enjoy this day of fun, and make some new friends!

What is mix match clothing?

Definition of mix and match : to put different things (such as pieces of clothing) together in different ways mix and match sweaters with different skirts to create new outfits Buy clothing that you can mix and match.

What is school Mismatch Day?

Mismatch Day is a new category but many Classical students dressed up for fun, in wild colors, with mismatched sneakers, backwards pants, and a lot more. Spirit Week seems to be putting a smile on everyone's faces !!

Why is matching clothes important?

Matching Helps People Bond Not only does the whole family think about each other when they wear the same thing, but they also feel a closer bond with each other. It's just as effective as taking a trip or playing games together. Matching is also a creative way to get the family dressed up for a special occasion.


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