Myheritage family history search with historical record

Explore your family roots, find new relatives, and make amazing discoveries with our intuitive family tree maker and ancestry search tools. Join our global community of users and discover your genealogy.

Build Your Family Tree
Start your family tree by entering a few names, and MyHeritage’s family tree maker will do the rest. Our matching technologies will automatically find new information for you in our diverse collection of 81 million family trees built by users all over the world, and in our huge database of 15.7 billion historical records. Watch your family tree come to life!

Make Instant Family History Discoveries
MyHeritage can easily match your family tree to other family trees and historical records to provide you with meaningful new insights about your ancestors. Enrich your family tree with MyHeritage’s powerful search and matching technologies:

✔Smart Matches™: a unique technology that automatically matches your family tree to other family trees, revealing new information about your family history.
✔Record Matches: an innovative technology that finds new information about your ancestors in our global collection of historical records.
✔Instant Discoveries™: a useful feature that adds entire branches and photos to your family tree in one click.

Find Your Ancestors in Historical Records
Explore your family history and ancestral tree in MyHeritage’s vast database of 15.7 billion historical records from around the world. The historical record collections include vital records (birth, marriage, and death certificates) from 66 countries; census and immigration records; gravestone and burial records; and much more. Search millions of historical newspapers, yearbooks, and other valuable historical documents found nowhere else.

Deep Nostalgia™
Have you ever dreamt of bringing historical family photos to life? Did you know that you can see your family tree in a new light and animate old pictures of your ancestors? With MyHeritage’s Deep Nostalgia™ feature , your historical family photos will come to life and you’ll see your ancestors’ faces move!
Deep Nostalgia™ allows you to animate the faces in historical photos to create a short video that will feel like your family’s history is being reenacted before you.

MyHeritage puts your family’s history right at your fingertips. Deep Nostalgia™ provides you and your relatives with a tangible link to your family history and genealogy through historical family photos. Whether you’re an avid history buff or nostalgic for a different era, Deep Nostalgia™ will amaze you and your family.

DeepStory makes your family photos speak and lets you create an amazing video biography of an ancestor telling their life story. Upload a photo of an ancestor, add a few details about their life, and prepare to be amazed.

Enrich Your Family Tree with Photos
Capture and share your family memories, old and new. Scan your family photos directly from the app and use our AI-based photo tools to bring your family history to life.
Repair scratched or damaged photos with Photo Repair, colourise your black and white photos, and bring blurry faces into focus with the MyHeritage Photo Enhancer. Record the stories behind your family photos with the Photo Storyteller™ and preserve them for generations to come.

MyHeritage DNA test
Locked inside your DNA is your unique ethnic makeup. The test consists of a simple cheek swab and reveals where your ancestors came from across 2,114 geographic regions — more than any other test. It also matches you to relatives you never knew existed in our DNA database of 5.2 million people. View your DNA results on the app; they’re private and secure, and will never be shared with any third party.

Download MyHeritage to explore your ancestry and genealogical tree. Your family history awaits.

Want to find information about full names from family trees and historical records?
Here you will find historical records and family trees related to unique first and last name combinations.
Records may include photos, original documents, family history, relatives, specific dates, locations and full names.
Ancestor search:
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Create your Family Tree
Discover your Family History
Build your family tree online
Add photos and videos
Smart Matching™ technology

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How far back can you trace your family history?

Generally speaking (and focusing on paper records, not DNA), many people could reliably trace their trees back to the 17th century. But there are several factors that will determine your chances of success.

How do I find my old family history?

Historical and government records can help you trace your heritage. Use these free resources to research and build your family tree. The National Archives and Records Administration has a collection of resources for genealogists..
State censuses..
Native American records..
Pioneer certificates..

What records are available on MyHeritage?

The MyHeritage Search Engine includes more than 18 billion genealogy records such as birth, marriage, death, burial, census, military, immigration, yearbooks, and other types of records, plus scans of the original documents.

Is MyHeritage and family search the same?

Are FamilySearch, MyHeritage, Findmypast, and Ancestry owned by the same company? No, FamilySearch is a service of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. MyHeritage, Findmypast, and Ancestry are each separate companies.


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