Professional office virtual background images for zoom

What’s the first step in any performance? Setting the scene. Make sure you’re putting your best foot forward every time with a professional—and memorable—Zoom background.

Zoom, the $33.71 billionbusiness has become a household name for workers, family, and friends alike. The video communications platform has become one of the most accessible ways to connect, especially in the last couple of years. 

While the platform is beloved by all, today, we’re focusing specifically on professional virtual backgrounds for video conferences, meetings, one-on-ones, consultations, and whatever other video-related business needs you have.

We’ll cover:

  • Why Zoom Backgrounds Are Important
  • 20 Professional Virtual Background Ideas for Zoom
  • How to Make Your Own Zoom Backgrounds in Create
  • Final Tips for Making Effective Zoom Backgrounds

Let’s get to it.

Why Are Zoom Backgrounds Important?

While your Zoom participants may look like this, your Zoom background can set the tone for any meeting, consultation, presentation, or course. Customize a Zoom template in Create!

There’s no denying the world has been officially initiated into virtual everything—work, therapy, doctor’s appointments, conferences, retreats, and even social gatherings. Yes, the pandemic had much to do with that, but truthfully, we were already moving in this direction. 

Still, we can’t not acknowledge the impact of the last couple of years, where the average workplace weekly meeting time has gone from 14.2 hours to 21.5 hours. While the constant screen time isn’t ideal, it has its upsides, too.

74% of employees feel happier working remotely and thank goodness for that, because the future of hybrid work is unavoidable. The cyberverse has proven to be invaluable and it only makes sense to take advantage—starting with Zoom backgrounds.

If you’re going to spend almost a day in meetings per week, why not at least make it worth your while with a professional background for Zoom?

Top 4 Benefits of Professional Virtual Backgrounds

We could start and end with the fact that professional Zoom backgrounds are just nicer to look at than dimly lit kitchens, chaotic pets running around (although, who minds seeing those fur babies, really?), and clutter. 

But, there are multiple other reasons to consider making a Zoom background for your account.

1. It’s a Smart Branding Opportunity

Business owners can insert logos or brand colors into their Zoom backgrounds for optimal exposure. What do you think the impact is of someone staring at your logo for 60 minutes straight, over and over? Before long, folks are curious, they look you up online, inquire about your services. . . .

The subconscious impact of seeing colors, logos, and graphics is beyond that which we can consciously know. Targeting how the brain works in marketing has always proven to be effective, so why not use the same knowledge as power here?

2. Professionalism

Overall, professional virtual backgrounds are clean and composed. If you’re meeting with new people, it’s another way to introduce yourself. If not, the consistency in virtual meetings can provide comfort, recognition, and trust. 

No matter how successful you are, leave it to a messy home background to show your truest colors.

Humans naturally gather information from their environment to gauge whether someone or something is quality or not. Don’t let your unfolded laundry be your downfall! (Or, at least move it out of the frame.)

3. Less Distraction

While technology offers incredible convenience, the pervasive consequence is our ever-shortening human attention span. At a whopping eight seconds, you might wonder how to maintain your audience for an entire hour, or even half that time. 

Virtual backgrounds shouldn’t distract, but they should create a container that helps folks lean in. Since 65% of the population consists of visual learners, a compelling Zoom background can steer focus and heighten information retention.

4. Privacy 

Strapped for space? Need a bedroom-as-pseudo-workspace day? Don’t sweat! Literally no one needs to know. While remote work has optimal benefits for mental health, we’re still human and life can get in the way—even (or especially?) at home.

If your home space isn’t ideal for hosting a presentation or conference, Zoom backgrounds can create a visual separation between work and home while you’re at home. You have the right to privacy, even when things are messy behind the scenes.

As Theodore Roosevelt famously said, “Do what you can, with what you’ve got, where you are.” Contrary to popular belief, work doesn’t have to equal perfectionism. Take a load off mentally with a resource that can mutually benefit you and your audience.

20 Professional Virtual Background Ideas for Zoom

Ready to upgrade your professional look but don’t know where to start? Here are the top 20 professional virtual background ideas for Zoom comin’ atcha!

1. Light and Subtle Gradient

Sport a clean look with a light gray color gradient paired with a circle logo. Make this Zoom background your own in Create!

If you’re going for a soft, quiet, refined look, this concept is for you. To customize a look like this in Create, start with the background layer. Click Change color > Gradient and select your favorite light gray combo.

For the text, click Text > Add text and find the “Harting” font. Then, click Curved text > Circle. Find the Shapes icon to add a circle, or peruse Graphics for other abstract circles.

Click Shadow & Outline for an added element, or layer two different circle styles on top of each other, like this one.

Note: You’ll notice there’s multiple ways to do any one thing in Create. Why, you ask? To empower you, of course! You can get there the front way, back way, sideways, any way that suits you best. You’ve always got options.

2. Living Room Goals

Want to impress the masses? Using a clean, professional, and aspirational home environment like this one will do the trick. Image via Elite Daily.

It’s important to note that Zoom backgrounds, while stocked with infinite options, are all about intention. There’s no reason to pretend to be (or have) something you don’t (or aren’t). 

Just be you and find a background that makes sense for your personality and business. If you dig this idea, Create is also loaded with an infinite stock photo library.

To add an image as your background, click Images and upload your own or peruse our stock photos for whatever you seek.

Type “living room,” “work space,” or whatever other keywords fit the bill into the search bar. Then click to set!

3. Add Blur Effects

Ensure privacy on busy days with multiple blur options in Create! Image via Pop Shop America.

Ah, the instant blur effect. If you need a buffer for your employees, clients, or audience, why not soften, blur, or both?

To achieve this look in Create, follow the above steps to upload your own image or select from our library.

Click the Effects tab and find a multitude of options: Soften, Focal Soften, Fancy Focus, and Miniature. You’ll want to adjust the Intensity, Fade, and Focal Size as you go.

If you want something a little brighter, find the Bokeh options in the Textures tab and watch the pretty lights dominate your screen (in the best way).

4. Specify Your Subject

Teachers, tutors, and facilitators of all kinds can use this concept for classes of all ages. Image via Capitalize My Title. 

Even beyond education, presenters of any kind can use this professional virtual background to map out to-do’s, daily tasks, project timelines, quarterly assessments, and the like.

That way, if folks get lost throughout the meeting or course, they’ll have a reference to come back to.

5. Inspirational Messages

Set the tone for your meeting or presentation with an inspirational message. Make this Zoom background your own in Create!

Every company, business, and business owner has their own unique thing. Whatever your company culture, maybe you start meetings with an inspirational message, or end the day with roundtable check-ins. Again, consistency is key for keeping folks engaged. 

Your team may not give you direct feedback on your online presence, but you never know when folks will actually expect the unique things you do! You won’t ever go wrong with an encouraging sentiment to keep up workplace morale.

For this gradient, simply click Gradient in the Change color tab. We added white to enhance the tri-color blend. And for this specific shadowy leaf graphic, click Graphics and type in “Shadow” for the Fern Shadow option.

6. Bold Colors, Nuanced Textures

Pair a bold blue Zoom background with a nuanced texture for the right amount of intrigue. Make this template your own in Create!

Yes, colors influence subliminal messaging in marketing, but if you’ve already got the team or client base, what’s it for?

Remember that colors evoke different emotions. Depending on the intent for your Zoom call, you may pair a solid color background to reflect how you’re feeling (if appropriate for your field), or how you wish for others to feel throughout.

Blue is known for a sense of calm and acceptance. Pair it with a nuanced texture to prompt curiosity (AKA one of the most effective emotions for workplace performance).

Swap colors or click Fill with image for texture within the texture, like this one does.

7. Insert Natural Home Elements

Insert natural home decor elements with plant graphics. Image via Sgh.

Enhance your screen presence with a bright brick background (say that one ten times fast). If you want to make this look your own in Create, great news!

We have a brick background option for you living in the Textures tab under Edifice. Add a plant, succulent, or leafy graphic from the Graphics tab for an instant digital garden-inspired background.

8. Go Boho-Esque

Pair textures with aesthetic interior design aspects for a standout look. Image via Creative Market.

No matter what look you choose, make sure it’s polished and welcoming. Staged designs like this one are perfect for Zoom backgrounds, as it gives you the limelight.

Plus, who doesn’t love a thriving succulent or three?

9. Architectural Designs

Cater the Zoom background to your field with an artsy architectural image. Make this look your own in Create!

Architects, artists, photographers, and graphic designers alike could easily apply this concept to their Zoom backgrounds. Leave room for abstraction and interpretation with an etheric but relevant design.

10.  Minimal Text

Drag graphics off the canvas for an artsy, unconventional look. Add minimal text and done! Make this look your own in Create.

Since Zoom backgrounds aren’t presentation slides, if you add text, just keep it short and sweet. Using brand fonts is a great way to keep consistency and enhance brand recognition.

If you don’t have set fonts in mind, peruse our hundreds of options within Create.

And, if you want to pair a couple fonts together, be sure to read about font pairing mastery in this tutorial next.

11. Bold Geometric Shapes

Make sure your Zoom backgrounds are relevant to your brand and aesthetic. Make this template your own in Create!

If you’re going for something a bit more eccentric, check out this geometric pattern with brand colors, nuanced textures, and a fragmented font. Again, you don’t want your background to distract, but to captivate.

Here, that decision is a fine line so use your best discernment.

12. Turn It into a Collage

Insert colorful photos into a Zoom background collage. Make this look your own in Create!

This isn’t for those on vacation time, rather, it caters to creative fields like travel bloggers, photographers, tourism, hospitality management, and the like.

If you’ve got a lot to share, use the Collage tab in Create to set up your photos exactly how you want them.

13. Bring on the Bookshelf

Install the digital bookshelf you always wished you had with zero hassle. Image via Innovatus Design.

Writers, therapists, and all types of solopreneurs can appreciate a professional office Zoom background like this one. Create your sanctuary with an imagined digitized office that works for you and your clients.

14. Realistic Office Space

Meeting with your team? Mimic an in-person setting with this Zoom background. Image via Marie Claire Italia.

Using this Zoom background duals as a kind gesture. Show your team you wish you could meet with a simulative virtual background.

Though, once upon a time, folks may have taken in-person meetings for granted, these days, we could all use more of this vibe.

Given today’s work climate, this background choicesends a community-oriented message. The intention behind it suggests teamwork really does make the dream work—even from afar.

15. Telehealth-Friendly Zoom Background

Can’t connect in person? No problem. Provide a comfortable online experience with the right Zoom background. Image via Zencare.

Telehealth has become an imperative healthcare option. If you can’t see your clients or patients in person, use a Telehealth-friendly Zoom background to make it clear you’re in session.

Plus, folks appreciate a like-environment, where they can still feel as though you’re in the same room.

16. Virtual Retreat Ambience

Take folks anywhere around the world in one image. Image via Schöner Wohnen.

Of course, annual retreats, vacations, and getaways have taken on a different form in the last few years. If you’re still wanting your company to connect, why not offer them a virtual retreat option?

Bring in guest speakers, offer experiential classes, and keep folks connected with a weekend-long reset retreat. Pair your Zoom background with the themes and concepts you discuss for next-level resonance.

17. Around the World in an Instant

Bring the world together in one meeting with a world map virtual background. Image via

One of the greatest benefits of remote and hybrid work is the international reach. Celebrate your company’s diversity with an all-inclusive Zoom background that welcomes and acknowledges all regions.

18. Under the Sea

If you live in the worlds of marine research, biology, or scuba-related anything, this is the Zoom background for you. Image via Wallpaper Cave.

There’s truly a background for everyone and everything. And this one could also work seamlessly for children learning about the ocean.

For kids and adults alike, don’t be afraid to switch it up so long as it remains in line with your field.

19.  Take the Stage

Add an element of play in your meeting with a virtual stage! Image via pngtree.

Time to take your places! Presenting to your squad? Or perhaps your employees are presenting? If you’re hosting a virtual end-of-year project, introduce the event with a playful stage background. 

Pro Tip: Virtual meetings require you to bring a bit more energy than usual and your employees will follow suit. This type of virtual professional background screams: We’re making the best of it!

20. Make Your Office The Office

Bring The Office vibes to your virtual office with this universally-beloved Zoom background. Image via Arcy Garcia.

Of course, we saved the best for last. If you’ve got a playful and connected community, you’ll definitely win brownie points on this one.

Bring The Office to your office with a background picture of Stanley and Creed. Simply put, there’s no office employee who won’t appreciate this choice.

Alright, Creators. We trust you’re inspired and looking for ways to build your own virtual office. Here’s the scoop.

How to Make Your Own Zoom Backgrounds in Create

Just as The Game of Life gives you either career or college options, Create gives you templates or blank canvas options. Either way, you’ll wind up at retirement—or in this case—design mastery.

Here’s what to know.

In Create, click File > Create new > Blank Canvas and scroll to the Video section to find the 1920 x 1080 px option.

If you want to go about it another way (because there’s always another way), simply type in these specs in the Create Custom toolbar up top and click Make it.

If you choose to start with a template instead, click File > Create new > Templates and scroll or type “Zoom” until you reach the category. Select your favorite to customize and click to open.

From here, you can move intuitively about your canvas to insert the following design elements.

  1. Select a background color. Highlight the background layer and click the Change color circle. Choose among solids or our pre-set gradient combos.
  2. Insert relevant graphics from the Graphics tab. Click to edit colors and drag to position and size.
  3. Upload your own images from the Images tab, or select from our infinite stock library.
  4. Click Text > Add text and scroll our hundreds of fonts to select your favorites. From here, adjust sizing, colors, shadow and outline, image fills, and more.
  5. Upload your logo by clicking Images > Upload. Drag to position and size.
  6. Click Download from the top-right corner and select your preferred file format—PNG, JPEG, or PDF. Click Download again to save to desktop.

When you’re ready to upload your new creation to Zoom, follow these quick steps:

  1. Sign in to your Zoom account.
  2. Click Settings and scroll to find Virtual background.
  3. Click on Manage virtual backgrounds > Choose files and upload from there. Done!

Be sure to save changes where necessary. As far as your work in Create, you can revisit your work anytime you need. It lives forever in our cloud storage, so no need to stress about expirations.

When you return, click File > Edit a copy if you want to keep the original, or simply edit as you go if you’re okay with the overrides.

And now, a few last guidelines before we let you give it a go!

Final Tips for Making Effective Zoom Backgrounds

Make this Zoom background your own in Create! 

A few final do’s and don’ts before you go. . . .

  • Do: Find a Zoom background relevant to your field.
  • Don’t: Confuse the audience with disconnected, distracting, or loud Zoom backgrounds.
  • Do: Maintain professionalism with proper outfits, meeting structure, and consistency.
  • Don’t: Let your Zoom background do all the work for you. It’s designed to be a supportive element, but it’s up to you to do the rest!
  • Do: Keep your Zoom background intentional. Perhaps you have one for team meetings, one for company meetings, and one for one-on-ones. Go for whatever’s most efficient and effective.
  • Don’t: Get stressed about it. The goal for making your own Zoom background is to help promote your brand, organize, and professionalize your life. If it’s not that, take a break and come back to it!
  • Do: Use brand colors, messaging, fonts, and logos.
  • Don’t: Be sales-y, promo-y, or too in their face. Zoom backgrounds should be neat, cohesive additions, not buy-my-services-now harsh.

That’s it! You’re fully stocked with the tools and info you need to know in order to make relevant, engaging, and brand-forward professional backgrounds for Zoom.

You have the liberty to experiment with themes, concepts, colors, and design assets so long as they remain intentional and related to your field. 

The creative and Create worlds are your oyster! Find out for yourself—get started on your next best professional, virtual look.

We’re cheering for you.

License this cover image via Ardea-studio.

What is the most professional Zoom background?

A more professional alternative is simply to position yourself in front of a plain, white, or neutral colored wall instead. Zoom recently launched a Blur Background option for meetings and webinars as well.

How do I make my Zoom background look professional?

Use Relevant Backgrounds for the Meeting and Participants. ... .
Use Psychically and Emotionally Pleasant Color Schemes. ... .
Highlight Yourself or Your Business in Subtle Ways. ... .
Don't Use Too Much Text. ... .
Avoid Elements That Might Be Distracting. ... .
Add Proper Lighting. ... .
Add a Bit of Depth..

Where can I get more Zoom virtual backgrounds?

On the desktop app, navigate to Preferences in the settings menu. On the left side menu, go to Background & Filters. You will then see Virtual Backgrounds, where you can choose from the preloaded options, or upload your own by clicking the plus (+) icon to the right of Video Filters.

How do I decorate my office for Zoom?

Choose a well-lit, low-traffic space to set up shop. ... .
Declutter with stylish office storage. ... .
Look polished with three-point lighting. ... .
Bring your background to life with plants. ... .
Create natural division with curtains or furniture. ... .
Add personal touches..


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