Residential treatment centers for teenage depression near me

Depression is a mental illness that affects what you think, feel, and do. Among other things, depression can cause feelings of hopelessness. You may have lost interest in activities you once enjoyed. Depression can make you tired or can even cause physical pain.

It can be hard to see a way out of depression.

But there is hope. Depression is a treatable illness, and we can help.

What Is Depression?

Depression, sometimes referred to as major depressive disorder or clinical depression, is more than sadness, although that’s one possible symptom. And it’s different from the grief that sometimes follows loss.

Depression Symptoms

Typically, depression lasts at least two weeks and includes some of these symptoms:

  • Depressed mood — feeling sad, empty, or hopeless most of the day, nearly every day
  • Diminished interest or pleasure in all or almost all activities
  • Weight loss or gain
  • Sleeping too little or too much
  • Being so restless or moving so slowly that others notice
  • Fatigue or loss of energy
  • Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Thoughts about death or suicide

Keep in mind there are several kinds of depression, and your symptoms may look different from someone else’s. Your depression treatment plan will look different, too.

What Does Depression Treatment Look Like?

Programs that provide treatment for depression typically include a combination of talk therapy and medication.

Medications such as antidepressants and mood stabilizers can help regulate the chemicals in your brain, providing some relief from your symptoms. However, medication alone usually isn’t the answer to depression.

There are several kinds of therapy shown to help with depression. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), which can help you learn healthy behaviors and new patterns of thinking, is among the most effective. Many people with depression benefit from other types of holistic therapies as well, including music, yoga, art, and pet therapy.

Inpatient treatment is sometimes used to treat severe or treatment-resistant depression, particularly when someone needs 24-hour medical supervision. Some people will transition to outpatient treatment, while others will begin their journey there based on their needs. Outpatient services offer comprehensive care for people who need to live at home.

While many people will experience depression at least once in their lifetime, more than a third of adults don’t get treatment.* If you have depression, help is in reach. We offer both inpatient and outpatient programs to treat depression.

*Source: National Institute of Mental Health

How Do I Get Help for Depression?

There are many shades of depression. It’s important to receive an accurate diagnosis and a treatment plan designed to meet your needs.

We start with an assessment to fully understand your depression. A no-obligation assessment can be scheduled anytime, day or night, by phone or chat. This crucial first step will help us customize a treatment plan that’s right for you.

Our team will ask about your current symptoms, as well as your medical history and any other past experiences with mental illness. The assessment usually takes 45 minutes to one hour. Based on your assessment, we’ll work with you to develop a treatment plan focused on your goals for recovery.

WinGate is a premier Treatment Center that offers help for teens from Arizona in need of treatment for behavioral, emotional and mental health concerns through our Treatment Center. We receive referrals from Residential Treatment Centers all over the country. Our goal is to guide troubled teenagers in overcoming their substance abuse and addiction problems so they can start a new life of sobriety. Though WinGate may be located outside of Arizona, we enroll teens from any state in the US.

Although WinGate is not a Residential Treatment Center, we provide many of the same services, only in an outdoor setting. Our Wilderness Therapy Program takes struggling adolescents away from their peers in Arizona and places them in the beautiful surroundings of the outdoors. With no outside distractions, teens can focus fully on recovery and changing their negative behaviors into positive ones.

Many parents have a difficult time fully understanding the issues their teen is facing. Depression, addictions, behavioral concerns, failure in school, and sexual promiscuity are often complicated by underlying mental health concerns. We work to address what is causing the behavior and then focus on gaining insight into helping adolescents change their habits.

We have found the best approach to bringing positive, lasting changes in a teen’s life is through honor, respect, and understanding, rather than confrontation. With the beautiful surroundings of nature, we nurture teens from Arizona, and help them identify and focus on their strengths.

Parents who are searching for Treatment Centers for their troubled teenager should contact our WinGate representatives to learn how the outdoors can completely change a struggling teen’s perspective in life.

We are here to offer guidance, understanding and help so parents of teens in Arizona can decide if our Wilderness Therapy Program will be right for their child. Call WinGate Wilderness Therapy at (800) 560-1599 and speak with one of our consultants today!

Substance Abuse Treatment Center for Teens From Arizona

WinGate is a Wilderness Therapy Program for teens from Arizona who are dealing with all types of addictions, behaviors, and mental health concerns. Through our Substance Abuse Treatment Program, teens can learn the valuable skills they must have for lifetime sobriety. Our adventure therapy program is a proudly affiliated member of the National Association of Therapeutic Schools and Programs.

Frequently, adolescents become embroiled in pressures from their peers to try drugs and alcohol. At first, they may agree simply because they want to be accepted. Unfortunately, it does not take long for a teen to become addicted which further complicates any mental or emotional health issues they may be suffering from.

Through our Treatment Center, we instruct teens in Arizona on gaining perspective on their substance abuse and addiction. We give them the key tools they need to embrace so they can live a sober life even when they return to Arizona. Wilderness Therapy has been proven successful in treating troubled adolescents because it allows them the unique opportunity of getting away from it all and simply focusing on turning their lives around.

Parents are amazed as they watch their teen from Arizona transform. As teens progress through our program, they soon learn they have the inner strength to face life’s challenges without succumbing to the defeatist behaviors that have held them back in the past. Suddenly, their eyes are opened, and they realize they can achieve their goals and live a sober life with meaning and purpose.

WinGate gives hope to the hopeless and challenges struggling teens from Arizona to rise above their current issues and embrace learning new skills and nurturing new relationships. As they work with their peers and therapeutic staff, strong bonds are formed that help to strengthen the changes taking place in their life.

Adventure Therapy Program

WinGate offers Adventure Therapy through our Wilderness Therapy Program for teens in Arizona. Based on the philosophies of the Arbinger Institute, we focus on identifying strengths and helping teens from Arizona to understand there are natural consequences for every decision they make, whether positive or negative. Through our Adventure

Therapy Program, adolescents can overcome their substance abuse and addiction, so they are ready to set course on their new sober life.

WinGate’s Adventure Therapy Program allows teens from Arizona to work side by side with their peers and therapeutic staff to reach their goals. The relationships they foster during treatment enable them to learn effective and appropriate communication skills.

Through our wilderness therapy program, teens can learn survival skills while being surrounded by the immense and calming beauty of nature. The adolescents that go through our program suffer from addictions and mental health issues that are holding them back from living a healthy and fulfilling life. Unfortunately, teens can become addicted to many drugs, both legal and illegal which often stems from substance abuse.

While in our program, teens are not exposed to cell phones, computers, social media, television or video games. They are truly able to clear their minds and gain a greater level of focus and understanding. The outdoors offers a natural openness that allows teenagers to feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, fears and issues with their peers and their therapeutic staff members. Through both individual and group therapy, teens in Arizona begin to transform their mind and body.

Parents of adolescents in Arizona are urged to contact one of our counselors who are standing by to help. We are here to offer help to those parents who feel there is no hope. Allow us to shine a light on the issues teens are facing so we can help parents make informed decisions for their child’s treatment.

Contact WinGate Wilderness Therapy at (800) 560-1599 today!

National Resources for Parents and Teens

Mental Health America (MHA) – The purpose of this organization is to work for the mental health, wellness and victory over substance use and mental conditions through developing a coordinated citizens’ voluntary movement. They advocate for the improved treatment and care of people with addiction and mental conditions, and also advocate for improved methods in prevention, research, diagnosis, detection and treatment of substance use and mental conditions.

Arizona State Resources for Parents:

Integrated Behavioral Health and Primary Care for Arizona - The synthesis of both physical and behavioral health assistance enables Integrated Behavioral Health the ability to direct all physical health and the behavioral healthcare needs to the people of Arizona. This integration encompasses both the coordination and collaboration of all physical health and behavioral health providers in the area. It is our message to all people of Arizona to not only manage their physical health, but also their behavioral health needs as well.

Arizona Division of Behavioral Health Services - Are you concerned about someone's mental health or substance use, including your own? The Arizona Department of Health Services encourages and preserves the health of Arizona's children and adults. Facilitating Behavioral Health Care throughout Arizona. News, Information, links, FAQs and more.

Getting Help for Troubled Teens in Arizona

Parents from Arizona with a troubled teen know how difficult it can be to deal with all of life's challenges and then to come face to face with the decision to send your teenager to a private program or school.  Often parents will try to fix or deal with their teen’s problems by themselves, and that is when they discover they are not equipped; whereas a professional might be able to better deal with your teen's issues.

Arizona Teens and Parents can Learn from the Right Program

Some parents take their Arizona teens to a local therapist only to find that one-on-one therapy was not the answer. Teens learn and respond better when they work and play with other teens. Wingate Wilderness Therapy will bring like minded teens together and allow them to grow through the help of Wingate coaches who assist, guide and coach students and parents as well.


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