Resignation letter effective immediately due to toxic workplace

If you were to ask me what’s the most liberating feeling ever, I’d say that it would be to resign from a toxic work environment. Nothing’s more fulfilling than to give it back to the place which has tormented your soul for the longest time. 


Conversations around work culture and toxic work environments are escalating these days, and for a good reason. When employees devote their hard work, commitment, and time to an organization, the least they can expect is to be treated like human beings. What’s the use of that ‘super-flexible’ leave policy if they’re gonna guilt trip employees each time they ask for a leave?


The idea of hustle culture at work is even more exasperating. Like, why should I put in extra hours if my work for the day is done? Why does my manager want a perpetually overflowing to-do list to get the satisfaction that I’m working? The hustle is not fun. The hustle is not humane.

Just about a month ago, a man took to Twitter to speak about how India’s toxic work culture idealizes the grind and how it’s willfully oblivious to the fact that employees may have a personal life.

No matter how you spin this, one goes to an interview and is said ‘you will have to work late’ candidate has to accept this in compromise and have no other option. How to normalise working within 8 hours strictly? When will superiors and HR stop applauding people who sit late?

— Abhishek Srivastava (@sriabh) May 28, 2022

The grind is never ending and I don’t think it really makes a difference. One goes other comes but this toxicity of ass licking and long working hours has to stop somewhere. Everyone has accepted this as breathing air.

— Abhishek Srivastava (@sriabh) May 28, 2022

Ever imagined why your relationships at home and with your partner goes for a toss because of this? Imagine the time you put extra instead of earning that meagre 5% raise and that eye wash promotion. You buy that car and go to that lavish fine dining restaurant at the cost of?

— Abhishek Srivastava (@sriabh) May 28, 2022

Am I hearing ‘couldn’t agree more’?

Some really quirky resignation letters have been going viral these days, and we were wondering if they’re just the perfect way to bid ‘adieu‘ to a toxic workplace.

1. Somebody legit said ‘bye bye’ because they had nothing more to say.

It’s interesting how some people opt for just leaving without giving employers the privilege of reason. Why to go through rigorous conversations again and again when they’re hardly going to change anything? Why explain how you never want to cross paths with any of them ever again?

Though I think just bye would have been enough instead of bye bye.

— Kaveri 🇮🇳 (@ikaveri) June 14, 2022

Instant disposal solicited in crisp words with brevity…

— Maj Manoj kumar (@mdisiclkgb) June 15, 2022

‘Yours Faithfully’ is longer than the subject matter.😆

— Dhanpal Govindan (@DhanpalGovinda1) June 14, 2022

2. Somebody told Harsh Goenka that they quit because ‘Mazza nahi aa raha.‘

Goenka took this letter very seriously. And yes, this letter could be for fun. But on a serious note, it does reflect a deep-rooted concern around employee satisfaction.

Worth a million words….Work without a life is a body without a soul …no fun…no….mazha. Humanity in the past 25 years has become work centric & not life centric …Invention of currency & banks perhaps made us hoard…

— Gokul Das (@gokulnair) June 23, 2022

Yes definitely we need to solve this problem today I think everyone is facing the same issue but some are telling straight forward and some are silent I think this man is a straight forward guy we need to solve the problem of each and everyone.

— Vedprakash Verma (@Vedprak13632988) June 20, 2022

3. YouTube India shared this brutally honest and supremely to-the-point letter. In their words, a ‘nice resignation letter.’

‘Chaliye khatam karte hain‘ is my new motto.

4. An employee gave a piece of his head to a super-negligent boss.


5. Somebody wrote this really aggressive resignation letter to employers who couldn’t even credit the right salaries.


6. An employee gave a full-fledged brutally honest feedback to each member of their toxic team because it was just so unbearable.

And people who’re nice deserve to be appreciated. This letter made sure it does that.


7. Somebody detailed their frustration and how it affects the company on their resignation letter.

Ahh! The vicious cycle of life!

8. A frustrated employee wrote their resignation on a toilet paper because that’s how sh*tty their experience was.

You know what you do with sh*tty experiences? You flush them!


9. Somebody pulled off ‘it’s not me, it’s YOU’ while resigning.

Resignation from a hardworking employee because of toxic work culture? Surely, the company’s loss.


10. Boss didn’t give two effs to the employee. The employee returned the favor with a handwritten resignation on a piece of paper.

Quid pro quo it is.


11. Somebody wanted to send a meme in their resignation meme instead of a letter.

Did they actually send it tho?

It’s either this or ‘Acha chalta hun, duaon mein yaad rakhna…’ from now on.

12. ‘Sorry for your loss’ as a resignation letter is pretty cool stuff.

And their loss indeed!


13. When somebody reaches their saturation point, they say this.

14. A greeting card for farewell greetings to a toxic workplace is probably the way to go.

15. Somebody detailed the toxic work culture in their organization and how it essentially operates by sucking their employee’s soul.


16. Somebody dropped a book at their boss’ desk to let them know they suck.

This is super creative. Also, toxic boss’ should get to know they suck.


17. After four years of selfless service, somebody decided to give it back to their toxic boss.

The audacity of the boss to tell them they’re inconsistent after TWO sick leaves in FOUR years. 


18. An entire team decided to call it quits because they deserved better things.

If this ain’t teamwork, then what is?

Good bye toxic workplace. We deserve better!

How do I write a resignation for a toxic work environment?

Elements of this resignation letter include:.
The date of writing..
The name of your supervisor or manager..
A few highlights of your time with the company..
Your reason for leaving (unsatisfactory conditions).
A brief description of the issue(s).
Your last day of work..

How do I write a letter of resignation due to mistreatment?

How to write a resignation letter due to unfair treatment.
Speak to the human resources department. ... .
Have a meeting with your manager. ... .
Decide to write your resignation letter. ... .
Use a neutral and civil tone. ... .
Include your last working day. ... .
Mention the positives. ... .
Discuss the next steps..

Can you write a resignation letter effective immediately?

An immediate letter of resignation is a written notice to inform an employer of an employee's imminent departure. Professional standards usually require two-weeks notice, so leaving more promptly can ruffle feathers and create logistical challenges.

How do I resign from a job I treated badly?

How to Inform Your Employer.
Give two weeks' notice, if possible. It is standard to give at least two weeks' notice to your boss when you want to quit. ... .
Tell your boss in person. ... .
Keep it positive, or neutral. ... .
Keep it brief. ... .
Offer to help with the transition. ... .
Write a resignation letter. ... .
Say goodbye to coworkers..


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