Roasted brussel sprouts with bacon and brown sugar recipe

Balsamic Brown Sugar Brussels Sprouts make Brussel haters into Brussel lovers with this easy side dish recipe!

This recipe was updated on 05/16/2021

Brown Sugar Brussels Sprouts are the only side dish recipe you need for any dinner party!

Whether you’re searching for a fancy side dish recipe, Thanksgiving or Christmas side dishes, or just a regular weeknight… this is your recipe.

While they look fancy, they’re as simple as can be.

Using just a few staple ingredients, we’ll jazz up these brussels sprouts so any hater will fall in love!

Growing up, my little brother L-O-V-E-D brussels sprouts.

The kind from the frozen section which my mother would proceed to heat over the stovetop till the turned grey-ish green.

That smell… I can still smell it if I just think about it, and it still makes me gag!

So, as an adult, when the whole roasted Brussels sprouts thing came on the scene I was extremely skeptical…

Using my absolutely favorite ingredient, BACON, ordinary sprouts are transformed into a side dish recipe idea fit for any party!

First, let’s chat about roasting vegetables.

This goes for any roasted vegetable recipe you want to make!

If you know these rules, you’ll end up with delicious roasted vegetables every single time.

Roasting Rules 

  1. A 425˚ oven. And nothing lower — seriously.
  2. Accurate knife cuts — all the same size.
  3. EVOO + Salt & Pepper
  4. All flat sides down.

This recipe adds a bit of tang from the Balsamic Glaze, and a punch of sweetness from the brown sugar.

Years ago when this recipe was written, Balsamic Glaze was harder to find. Now, 8 years later, you can find it on any grocery store shelf.

If you read the comments at the end of the post, you’ll see that people have an absolute love affair with this recipe!

The main suggestion…double the recipe!

So, my suggestion… cut as many sprouts that will fit on your pan without crowding it.

But, keep the brown sugar + glaze increments the same!

How do I make Balsamic Brown Sugar Brussels Sprouts?

Cut your bacon strips into small bite-sized pieces, and lay them out on a cold baking sheet.

Place in a COLD oven, and turn the oven to 425˚. Allow the bacon strips to render, while you get started on the brussels sprouts.

Cut your brussels sprouts in half or in quarters depending on their size.

Toss into a large bowl.

Add in olive oil, salt, and pepper. Toss the sprouts well, so every sprout is evenly coated.

Remove the bacon from the oven after it’s crispy. Remove the bacon, and set it aside on a paper towel-lined plate.

Place the brussels sprouts on the sheet pan, with all the flat sides facing down.

Add to the 425˚ oven for 12-15 minutes.

After 12-15 minutes, remove from the oven, and give a good shimmy-shimmy shake!

Add the bacon to the sheet pan with the brussels sprouts.

Sprinkle brown sugar and drizzle aged balsamic vinegar overtop, and put back in the oven for another few minutes.

Serve with extra balsamic glaze!

What should I serve with this recipe?

  • Easy Greek Grilled Chicken
  • Ranch Grilled Chicken
  • The Easiest Beef Tenderloin
  • French Roasted Chicken

Other Recipes You Should Try!

  • 45 Cheeseboards That Will Blow Your Mind!
  • Keto Spinach Pie
  • Grandma’s Thanksgiving Dressing


  • Half pound of fresh Brussels Sprouts, cut into quarters
  • 5-6 slices of Bacon, cut into bite size pieces
  • 2 Tbs Olive Oil
  • Pinch of Salt & Pepper
  • 2 Tbs Brown Sugar
  • 1 Tbs Aged Balsamic Vinegar (the super thick stuff!) + more drizzled over


  1. Begin cutting your bacon into lardons, the fancy French way of saying pieces. Separate and place on a half sheet pan.
  2. Turn your oven to 425˚ and put the pan of bacon in while it preheats.
  3. Quarter your sprouts while the bacon gets all crispy and beautiful.
  4. Coat the sprouts with Olive Oil, salt, and pepper. {The oil is there to help the salt & pepper stick!}
  5. Once the bacon is done, remove from pan to drain on a paper towel. Add the sprouts to the pan and place back in the oven for 12-15 minutes.
  6. During the last 3 minutes of cooking, add bacon and sprinkle two tablespoons of brown sugar over the top along with the one tablespoon of aged balsamic vinegar. Toss to coat and place back in oven for 3 minutes.
  7. Remove and place in serving dish. Drizzle extra vinegar over the top as desired.

Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:


Amount Per Serving: Calories: 185Total Fat: 13gSaturated Fat: 3gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 10gCholesterol: 17mgSodium: 323mgCarbohydrates: 10gFiber: 1gSugar: 7gProtein: 7g

I promise you will devour these and make them again and again!

Why are my roasted brussel sprouts not crispy?

If you want your roasted Brussels sprouts to be seriously crispy, you need to crank up the heat. Roasting at a low temperature won't allow them to brown properly, so you want to get that oven nice and hot before tossing in your baking sheet. Follow this tip: Roast Brussels sprouts at a minimum of 400°F.

Should I par boil brussel sprouts before roasting?

Brussels sprouts are quite dense little vegetables, so parboiling them gives you a headstart on the cooking process. It is especially helpful for dishes involving grilled or roasted Brussels sprouts, because it softens them in the middle.

How do you get the bitterness out of roasted brussel sprouts?

but we do know that salt takes down the bitterness of Brussels sprouts. It's not entirely clear how or why salt counters bitterness, but it does. Make sure you salt Brussels sprouts at the beginning of the cooking process. And then go in with a good pinch of sea salt or kosher salt before serving.


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