Thank you lord for another year quotes

Thank God for giving me another year of life. Here is a collection of my favorite quotes. The following are witty and inspirational quotes about life, thanks to God, and inspiration…

Page Contents

  • 1 Thank God for Giving Me Another Year of Life
  • 2 Thanking God for Another Year of Life Quotes
  • 3 Thank You God for Another Year of Life Quotes
  • 4 Thank You God for Giving Me Another Year of Life
  • 5 Thanks God for Giving Me Another Year of Life

1. Don’t know if you remember me, I was the older gentleman who gave you a ride home the other day. I just want to say thank God for giving me another year of life to be able to meet such a beautiful and gracious young lady as yourself. If my wife were here, she would have been super jealous. Keep up the good work, I have a feeling that someone really special is going to come into your life very soon.

2. Thank God for giving you another year of life! Everyone wants to be in your shoes. I know I do. You are my best friend and I love spending time with you. Today we are very happy to wish you a Happy Birthday and may God bless you with good health, peace and prosperity. Love, The Smith Family

3. Thank you God for giving me another year of life. It was hell out there but the thought of seeing you kept me going. I hope to try my best to make it so we can make this next year better then the last. This card is to say thank you for a great year and may the next one be even better!

4. I want to thank the Lord for giving me another year of life. It is through Him that I will continue to love you, no matter what happens. I would go to the ends of the earth for you, just as He has done for us.

5. By now, you have realized that I have been born. Sorry I’m late, but thank God that He gave me another year of life. Hope this year will be better than the last.

6. God gave me another year. And what a year it has been! It was filled with joy, sorrow, laughter, tears, anger and love. The year was much too short but it was a terrific voyage! We made many memories I’ll hold close to my heart throughout the years. Today more than ever before I am thankful for the time we have shared together and for the memories still to come. Thank you for being there through the good times, But most of all thank you for being there

7. Life is good! I am so glad to have lived another year and that God has allowed me to spend it with such a wonderful man. You are my best friend and one of the best companions I could ask for, through thick and thin. I love you and thank God for you every day.

8. Dear family and friends, Last year at this time I was happy to be alive. This year I am grateful for being alive! The pain I have been through is unbelievable, but looking back on it, every step of this journey has brought me closer to my goal— Love and smile. You see, if it were not for the first two steps (and the encouragement of friends and family) I would not have been able to take the third one… writing this letter, which is my greatest wish

9. Life isn’t perfect, and each day brings new challenges. Sometimes it’s hard to keep on going, especially when we lose someone dear. I will never forget my friends and family who have passed through the veil before me. I am truly grateful you still grace my life with your presence.

10. Dear Jesus,

11. Happy birthday, old man! I hope you have a great year and that the next one is even better!

12. Hey Suzanne, I just wanted to send you a quick email to thank God for giving me another year of life.

13. I am so happy and grateful to be alive right now! I wrote this when I thought I was going to die at the beginning of this year, but thank God for giving me another year of life. Love you too baby! XOXO,

14. Another year has come and gone. I love you, not just as a friend but as a second family. I love the warmth of your smiles, the glow of your heart. I am so thankful that you have come into my life and thank God for giving me another year of life to enjoy your presence.


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15. Dearest family and friends, Thank you so much for being here. Your presence is a comfort to me, words cannot express how grateful I am. It has been a wonderful life and I wouldn’t have changed a thing. I’ve always considered myself a grateful man, little did I know how much more thankful I could be! God is great and He gave me another year of life to enjoy your love once again. I am truly blessed. Love always, Dad

16. It’s been a hard year. A really, really hard year. It started off really well and then life got in the way and swallowed me whole. But guess what? I’m still alive and kicking. I didn’t give up. This is me, thanking God for giving me another year of life. A year to spend with you and our family. Compared to eternity, one more year isn’t much but it’s not bad either!

17. Dear God, Thank you for giving me another year to spend with my family, friends and precious wife. I know many others have it worse than I do. Please continue to watch over my loved ones through this upcoming year. I have no one else to ask for help but you. Amen!

18. You are my best friend and my love, the one I look to for strength. I have never been more proud or loved a person so much in my life. God gave me another year with you by my side. Thank you and I love you!

19. Thank you God for another chance to be alive another year, another day. Thank you for my family, my life, my home and all the wonderful friends I have in my life. I know that without your help I wouldn’t be here today. You are the reason I breathe and live. Thank you so much for being there, God.

20. I have no doubt that God has a plan for me this coming year and I will do my best to stick with it. I don’t know what lies ahead of me but I am sure that I will get through it because I am not alone, you are with me every step of the way. Thank you for your endless love and support for me.

Thanking God for Another Year of Life Quotes

21. I want to take this time to thank you for life. Thank you for not taking me away from my children and the man I love, who has stood by my side through everything. Your grace and mercy is overwhelming. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family and friends.

22. Many people say that each day is a gift from God, and I believe it. As each day passes, my love for you grows stronger. I will always be by your side as long as we both live. I promise to give you comfort when you are sick, strength when you are weak, and patience when things aren’t going well. We have been friends since we were kids, but our friendship became much more than just friends on the night of our high school prom. You came into my

23. Hi sweetheart, Happy birthday! This year is going to be even better than the last. I have a lot planned for us this year that I can’t wait to share with you. I love you, happy birthday!

24. Dear God, many thanks for giving me another year of life. I am grateful for my family, my pastor and church family, for all my friends, my health and strength and for the opportunities you have given me to glorify you in areas of ministry. You are so good to me.

25. Thank God for giving me another year. Thank God for your love and care. Thank you for all the things you’ve done for me, for the hopes and dreams you’ve brought to life, for loving me unconditionally through all my tears, my smiles, my laughs and song. I thank God for sending an angel from Heaven to Earth to walk with me side by side through everything I do. You’re the best things that have ever happened to me and I wouldn’t change one thing!

26. Since I was a little boy all I’ve dreamed about is having a big family. Here I am today surrounded by my beautiful family, and you are the best thing that ever happened to me. Thank you for giving me another year of life and also thanks for being by my side as a wonderful wife. You are one of a kind, thank God I have you in my life.

27. Dear God, thank you so much for giving me another year to live. I have never been very religious, but could you please give me the strength and courage to face this next year with dignity. I am thankful for all of the things in my life and for all of the people who support me in my fight against cancer. You are a great warrior and your strength is admired by everyone around you.

28. Life gives us one chance to fight against the challenges and obstacles we face. While some may chose to give up, I will stand and continue to move forward on my faith in heavenly father. As I thank God for yet another year of life, I also pray for your strength in continuing your life’s journey. Wish you a healthy and prosperous future!

29. I love you. Your kind heart, beautiful soul and gorgeous looks are just a few of the reasons why I’m thankful God gave me another year to spend with you. I love you so so much, thank you for making my life complete. I can’t wait to spend another year by your side.

30. I’ve been blessed to see another year of life. I want to pass that blessing on to you. I love you. There is no one else in this entire world that I would rather spend my time with than you. I can’t wait until we are reunited again and I can hold you close forever.

31. It’s been nearly 10 years since you were sent from above to steal my heart. I thank God for giving me another year with you, for every smile and laugh, for your beautiful soul and for the children we made together.

32. This birthday I feel blessed. Thank you for being there every step of the way. You took my hand; held it tight and never lets go. We’ve gone through so much that sometimes we don’t understand how we made it though, yet here we are! You made my life worth living. I will cherish you till the day I die.

33. Life seems to go so fast and I can’t believe my 50th birthday has come so quick. I hope we have as many good years ahead of us as we just did!

34. I am so happy today. I am going to spend every moment with you because I love every second I am spending with you.

35. To my best friend, Sara. I can’t believe how happy you’ve made me and how perfect you are. You are the most wonderful girlfriend a guy could ask for and don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise! I love you so much.

36. Thank you God for giving me another year of life. Thank you Mom and Dad, my family and friends, my boyfriend Shawn

37. Thank you for staying with me another year. Thank you for taking my hands without fail and letting me dance with you, for loving me without doubt. Thank you for giving me another year of life. You did not give up on a lost cause, a girl who thought she had nothing more to live for. I wish someone could look into your kind eyes one last time and see how grateful I am to have loved you. Thank you for saving me when I only wanted death. For capturing my heart

38. Thank you for another year of life. You are my special friend. I also want to give thanks for all the fun and laughter, the joy that you have brought into my life. I hope we can continue to be together for many more years to come. May love continue to be with both of us for many more years.

39. Life is short and I’m so blessed to have another year with you. I wanted to let you know that you are my world, my life, my everything. You make me laugh every day of my life! I love you SO much!

40. I can’t believe another year has passed! I want to thank you for the best year of my life. I love you with all of my heart and when I look at you I see a lifetime together from now on.

Thank You God for Another Year of Life Quotes

41. I finished my first year in college. The past year has been so, so, so busy and I wouldn’t have been able to get through it all without the support of my very best friend. I am so very thankful for everything you have done for me and still do on a daily basis. You make me smile and laugh more than anyone else. I hope that God gives us many more years because I couldn’t be happier!

42. I can’t believe it’s already the end of this year. I know soon enough, another one will begin, but for now, I just want to hold on to every single moment with you. It scares me how close I came to not having these moments to hold on to. After everything you have done for me, I wasn’t sure I would ever be able to thank you properly. The only thing I know that I can do is love you and everything about you every single day. You

43. Friendship between two people can be a bright and smooth road, filled with the joy of the love shared. Or, it can be a peace of mind if the two people are grateful for each other’s existence. Praying together to God is one way we let anything that could happen, get through it together. If I accept myself as I am and you accept yourself as you are, then there is no issue, nor conflict in our friendship. Thank you for being my friend!

44. You have helped me so much in my time of need. I don’t know where I would be without you. You’re always by my side and your happy smile is the first thing I see every morning. You are truly amazing and I can never thank you enough for what you’ve done for me!

45. It’s been a great year. It’s been a wonderful friendship that has grown even stronger over the past 12 months. Every time I talk to you, you make me feel better and more uplifted.

46. I remember when I was younger and I thought the passing of time meant getting older. Now that I’m in my twilight years, I realize the true meaning of time: It’s not how long you live, but how well. The rate at which we age is determined by what we choose to do for ourselves and for others.

47. Thank God for giving me another year of life. You and J (my step-father) letting me live in this big home. Thank you both for loving me. Hoping to survive a little longer.

48. Dear God, I just want to thank you for giving me another year of life. It is the gift that keeps on giving. I’m glad to be alive and wish you all well.

49. Dear Grandma, I just wanted to let you know that I love you and thank God that he gave me another year to spend with you. I promise I will cherish my time left with you even more. Everyone loves you so much and they were very happy to hear that you will be spending Christmas with us. We will miss you very much when you leave. We can’t wait to see you again. Love Always, Gina

50. Dear Jennifer, You are my beautiful angel. I am so thankful that God gave me another year to spend with you. I love you and will be here waiting for you when your cancer is gone.

51. I am greatful to be alive and have another year of joy to share with my friends and family. I’m sorry that I was hurtful in the past year, but you have stuck by me through it all. You’re still here, which is amazing when you think of how many people walk in and out of our lives every day. I want to believe that it’s because we were meant to make a difference together…

52. Woohoo! Cheers! Hooray! One more year to live life!!! I am so excited to be spending another year with you. I wish it could be forever, but until then we shall get the most out of what life has to offer. You have made my life worth living and I am truly blessed to have you in it. I love you!!

53. Jack, how blessed I am to know you and love you. I wish we were together now, but I know this will come again. I have so much to be thankful for and being able to spend another year with you tops the list. I love and cherish you!

54. I made it another year! I’m so happy I got to spend another birthday with you. You are my best friend in the whole world and I don’t know what I would do without you. -Shannon T.

55. We made it to another year! It hasn’t been an easy road, but now we have something even better to look forward to. For that I am grateful for you, your love and all the laughs we have shared. Friends may come and go, but not you. You are a treasure to me and one that I will forever cherish.

56. You are my world! I can’t imagine going on without you. You have blessed me with your love, friendship and unconditional support. Words could never express my feelings for you. Thank you for loving me unconditionally.

57. A huge thank you to all the doctors & nurses who are helping me stay alive. I love you all.

58. Thank God for giving me another year of life to spend with you and to prove my undying love each day. Thank you for being a blessing in my life and being the most amazing person i’ve ever known. Thank you for everything and have a Happy Birthday!

59. Thank god for giving me another year of life, Thank God for my beautiful family, Thank God for this food on my table, Thank God for my friends and family and finally thank god for you because without you my life would be meaningless. I love you and Happy New Year.

60. Thank you God for giving me another year of life. Thank you for my family and friends for loving me. Thank you for blessing me with a healthy body to live in. Thank you for always being there when I needed you, I truly am grateful. Thank you God for the many blessings that has been bestowed upon my life, because I know without a doubt if it wasn’t for your divine intervention I wouldn’t be here today!

Thank You God for Giving Me Another Year of Life

61. Thank God for giving me another year to live. Thank God for giving me another year to be with family and to laugh. Thank God for giving me another year to do the things I love. Thank God for giving me another year to have fun and to be around people I care about. Thank you for everything my family, my friends and God. I could not have wished for more! Here’s to a great 2013! Love Josh

62. I don’t usually like writing letters, but I had to write you this one. Every day I wake up and thank God for another year of life and more importantly, for another year with you. You are the most amazing partner in crime and I’m so glad that you’re there to share my adventures with me. I love your strength and determination. I love that we see the world through the same lens, always on the lookout for something fun and exciting to do, whether it’s a road

63. The year is almost over, so let me just say this to you. Thank you for being my friend. For loving me no matter what. For understanding and not leaving when I wanted to run away. For giving me a reason to fight every day, to live and love again. I love you with all my heart, more than words can say!

64. I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to be with my family. We were so close to losing you, but everything worked out in the end and all of the turmoil faded away. I love you more than life itself, thank you for all your hard work, effort and sacrifice over the years.

65. I’m a lucky man to have such a wonderful wife. You give me joy and happiness. There’s no one else in the world I would rather spend my life with than you. We are both getting older now and it is hard to be reminded of that every year on our anniversary, but we still have each other and that’s really all that matters.

66. Hey there! Well, I guess it’s time for my yearly reminder to tell you how much I love you. You have been a huge blessing in my life for so many reasons. You have been my rock and have healed my broken heart. Thank you for being there for me when I’m feeling down or having a bad day…you bring me little smiles and share your kind words of wisdom with me. I can’t stop smiling when we’re together because I know that life is worth living when

67. Thank you for all you do for me each and every day. Thank you for all you do to make this life a happy one. I believe in doing the best you can to live life’s fullest and to show people how much they are cared about. I promise to do my best to make sure we make it through the tough times and enjoy the fun times together.

68. Hey bud, it’s me Shawn. I wanted to take a minute and drop you a quick note saying thank you for everything you have done for me this past year. I know we haven’t had the chance to see each other much over the past few years due to different schedules, but I just didn’t want you to think I had forgotten about you.

69. Thank God for giving me another year of life. And thank you for being by my side through it all. Through the sickness and the pain, the laughter and the tears, the hard times and the good. You have stood with me all through it, spreading joy where ever you go. You are wonderful!

70. Thank God for giving me another year of life, another year with my wife, another year to be with my friends and family. I am blessed! So thankful!

71. Today the last of my friends die. I will sit among them in silence, thanking God for giving me another year of life and another year with my family.

72. I was doing pretty good in my life and then this thing called a stroke happened. Before I could say what the hell, I was down for the count. Lucky for me I have a wonderful wife and family who took really good care of me. Every time I would open my eyes each day I would thank God for giving me another year of life. To do things we take for granted like walking, talking and the ability to feed myself. At age 74 life is never dull and I still feel

73. Dear God, I can’t thank You enough for this one year of life You have given me. It was so hard at times with my father passing, but I made it through with my wife and son’s support. I pray that you have a wonderful year ahead for all of us. Love always, Michael

74. I don’t say it enough. Thank you for coming into my life, giving me a chance and teaching me so many wonderful things. I love you more than you could ever know and appreciate all the good times we share together. Here’s to another year of happiness, love, and many more adventures together!

75. I feel so lucky to have you in my life. Even though this year hasn’t been the best, we made it through together and God gave us another year. I love you sweetie!

76. I had another birthday. I know I don’t always say it, but thank you for being in my life. I love you more today than the day before.

77. You are my true friend and I see our friendship will go on for years. You became a real friend when you needed me during the worst time of your life. I love you very much and wish to stay friends forever!

78. I’m sure that you’re wondering why I’m writing you a letter, so let me explain. It’s been a long year. The last few months have taken a toll on my family and me and we were just about ready to give up when God decided to give us one more chance to make things right. You were there for me when nobody else was and I want to thank you for that.

79. Hey honey,

80. Dear old dad, I wanted to thank you for giving me another year of life. I couldn’t imagine not having the love the both of you have given me. Thank you for raising me to become a decent human being and a caring spouse. I love you guys with all my heart and am so thankful we found each other. With all my love, Your daughter:)

Thanks God for Giving Me Another Year of Life

81. I love you so much and I could never ask for more in one lifetime. You make me want to be a better person and there is nothing I would rather do than spend all my time with you. Thank you for another year of life and thank you for making me happier than anyone could ever hope to be. I hope your new year is filled with health, happiness, and love!

82. This time last year I was in fear of losing my life. Now today I am celebrating another birthday. Thank you God for giving me another year to see all my friends and family.

83. I thought the hardest part would be in those five words, but they are so true. I could not have made it this far without you and I am so glad God gave me another year just to stare at you when you sleep.

84. You are one of the most amazing people I have ever met. I feel like my life is full of happiness just because you’re in it. I hope this year is a good one for us both, full of love and passion just like last year!

85. It’s amazing how time flies. Another year has passed and here I am, alive and kicking! I have much to be thankful for, but most of all: I’m thankful for having you in my life. It’s been a pretty great year! Thanks for being there!

86. Today I am cancer-free and for that, I’m thankful. I know how precious life is and where I would be without your constant love and support. You are my soul mate, my best friend and my everything!

87. I think of you with excitement and wonder. I can’t believe you were the one God sent to me, but glad that he did. You bring so much light into my life and brighten up my day. I am so thankful to have you in my life. Thank you for being such a wonderful person!

88. I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but I’ve been feeling a little down lately. Take it as me being overly sentimental because I really do have a lot to be thankful for. I’m so thankful that you have stuck by my side, through all the struggles and all the hardships. I’m thankful that we met and that we are together. Thank you for proving me wrong about love, about happiness, about YOU! Thank you for showing me life really can be magical.

89. Going to be another year of you and I, being together, fighting all our stupid little problems.

90. Thank you God for giving me another year of life and for those around me, because family and friends are what give my life meaning. Thank you for all the wonderful things this year brings such as joy in our friendships, love and faithfulness in my relationship with my boyfriend, and peace, joy and hope in a better tomorrow.

91. Thank you God for another year of life. I will use it to share more love and laughter. I’ll help lift my family up, and never let them fall. I’ll plant seeds of truth among my friends and family, And I know that they can grow wings of love.

92. You are so amazing. I have known you for what seems like a lifetime, but it has been a wonderful one. You brought happiness back into my life and I am so glad that we are together now. I will never forget the day we went to the park and had hotdogs, french fries, and cake with our friends. It was one of the best days of my life because I realized how much I loved you. Thank you for giving me another year with you. We have big plans

93. You are the most amazing and wonderful friend in the world. I am so thankful for our friendship and for allowing me to share another year of my life with you. I wish you much love, health and happiness as you celebrate your birthday this year!

94. I can’t believe it’s been one year since you left. Wow! Time sure does fly. I am happy that we were able to share so many wonderful years together! To think of all the things we did and the good times we had in that year. God has blessed me with 46 more years on this planet because of your support and friendship, I will never forget how much you helped me through a tough time in my life, thank you for helping me though that rough patch, for changing

95. As another year begins, I want to thank God for giving me another day. Another chance to live my life on my terms and not be afraid of what tomorrow may bring. I am so thankful for all the wonderful things that He has given me–my family and friends, a roof over my head, hot food on my plate and money in my pocket. Please look for the good in your life and don’t lose hope even when you’re down and think you can’t go on…Diana

96. Life is so precious, and I am so blessed to have you in my life. Hope your new year is filled with peace and comfort, with many more memories and adventures to come. I love you!

97. I hope this year brings my Dad more love, less pain and no tears. I hope you enjoy life to the fullest. I’m sure that you will be able to see God’s Smile. Happy Birthday !

98. Well, I’m halfway there. Seems like just the other day we were celebrating the beginning of the rest of our lives. You are my soulmate, my best friend and my lover. I can’t imagine life without you and I hope you feel the same way when I get home. I love you so very much! Love your Angel, Susan

99. Dear Dad,Thanks for everything you have done for me. I know that I didn’t grow up with you and mom in the house, but you still did so much for me growing up. I remember when my mom passed away and all the support you gave, especially when I couldn’t take it all. Thanks for always believing in me!

100. I’ve been through a lot in my life. Honestly, I think I don’t deserve to be here right now. I’m so close to death that I can almost taste it. But you have always been there for me. You are my reason for living, and you are what makes every day worth living. In spite of everything that’s happened, you keep me strong and help me push forward. Thank you for being there for me every step of the way. You’ll never know how much

How do you say thank you for another birthday?

I feel so blessed to celebrate another birthday, and I thank God for making my life so wonderful. Much appreciation, thankfulness, and love are sent to each of you. Thank you to all my family and friends for the birthday wishes. My day started off bad, but you all made it a very happy birthday.

How do you thank God for a successful year?

Thank you, God, for every small accomplishment and success I've had. Dear God, thank you for all the countless blessings you have given me in every step of my life. This birthday, I'd like to thank God for the precious gift of life, health, and happiness.

How do you say thank you to a Lord?

Thank you, Lord, for the blessings you have bestowed on my life. You have provided me with more than I could ever have imagined. You have surrounded me with people who always look out for me. You have given me family and friends who bless me every day with kind words and actions.

How do I thank God for my birthday today?

I dedicate this birthday to you, Lord. 6. For the gift of life and the promises you have for me in your word, Lord, I have come to say thank you for another year in your loving-kindness. I have come to bless you for making it possible for me to see another birthday.


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