Thinking of you makes me smile quotes

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There are many things that make your life worth living, like having a good job, friends, family, etc.

Bringing a smile to the people’s faces who have always stood for you during the tough times, good times, the ones when you were frustrated about life and the ones when you were ecstatic.

You can share these you make me smile quotes or you make me happy quotes with those who have always tried to make you happy all the time and keep a smile on your face.

If you have a person in your life who can make you smile and laugh in the worst scenario, always stay connected with them and send these best you make me smile quotes and sayings with them. However, you cannot be the best person with every individual around you, but if you have a good sense of humor to make people smile, there is nothing bigger thing than this. Because people always love being surrounded by a happy and smiling person.

So, keep making people smile as they deserve to be acknowledged and deserve to at least be known. Here is the best collection of make me happy and smile quotes and sayings. Send with your acquaintance who makes you smile each day.

Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy. – Thich Nhat Hanh

I could stay like this, looking at your eyes forever, because I would know that I would be in my favorite place for eternity. – Ana Vasquez

You are my sunshine my only sunshine. You make me smile when the skies are grey. You’ll never know dear how much I love you. Please don’t take my sunshine away. – Jimmie Davis

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The value keeps changing, the world keeps changing, and the people keep changing, but my love for you will never change as you make me happy every time.

It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living. – F. Scott Fitzgerald

You make me smile always, and I think that is enough reason for me to keep trusting you, darling.

All I can say is you make me smile and for that matter, I love you so much. Thank you so much for always making me feel happy.

One beautiful smile from you makes my whole day wonderful. So, Baby keeps smiling and spreading love.

Also, seeQuotes About Baby Smile

You are the only one who brings a smile to my face, especially when I am sad.

I love the way you make me smile every day. You are one of my favorite girls that makes me happy.

Every morning I get up with positive thoughts because I know I will see your smiling face that makes me happy all the time.

Whenever I see your smiling face, a ray of happiness touches my heart. You make me smile and happy.

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I always smile as it is a beautiful day for the wonderful person that is you.

You make me happy, you make me smile, and you make me feel extra special all the time. What more could I ask for?

When you weren’t there in life my life and I forgot how to laugh and smile, you entered my life and made me happy. Thank you so much for your presence and for bringing happiness to my life.

There is nobody else that can make me smile and laugh, darling

My love, you made my life like heaven with your smile and presence, went away my pain, and filled my heart with bountiful joys and happy moments.

Each day I am happy, full of fun, and joy just because you make me happy and smile.

I can give you thousands of reasons why we still are friends. Because you make me smile.

You make me smile in every way I can wish for. For me, your smile and your love are the infinite sources of happiness in this boring life.

You are such a charismatic personality that just thinking of you in my gloomy moments makes me happy and brings a smile to my face.

My mornings have never been so wonderful. My days have never been so light up. And, there is nobody who made me smile as you do.

Without smiling, I can’t look at you. I love the way you make me smile. Keep making me smile.

I am lucky enough to have you in my life because I don’t have to pay anything for making me smile. I love you so much, baby!

You Make Me Happy Quotes

I am very blessed to have someone in my life that can do anything for me to make me happy always. You are one of the wonderful gifts God has given to me.

I admire your love, openness, and your honesty. Behind your wonderful presence, there are wonderful, kind, and loving hearts. You always keep making me happy.

Dear baby, I want to let you know that I praise your effort to make me always happy. Your laughter, smile, and love are all I need to be happy all the time. Thanks for making my day memorable.

Since you entered my life, I have forgotten what boredom is. You took care of me every single day, gave me so many happy moments, and love especially when I was dejected. Thank you so much for making me feel happy.

You are perhaps one of the biggest achievements in my life. Because before you, nobody made me as happy as you do.

You are my motivation and you make me happy without uttering a word.

I don’t care at all where I come from or you come from. You can make me happy and I can make you happy. That’s all I can say.

You have been always a reason for my smile. I hope you can look at my eyes how special you are to me and make me feel happy every single day of my life.

Every wrinkle on my face is real proof of just how many times you made me happy time and time again.

Sometimes words cannot express our inner feelings for our loved ones. At times, I want you to stare at my eyes and figure out how happy you make me feel every time.

I don’t have any problem when our conversations get a little harsh and we run out of things to say. To have you in my life is enough to make me happy.

I used to dream of a life full of joy. But then I felt happiness comes with someone who can make you happy enough. Now, I am dreaming about life for you.

Dear, for your fantastic performance in making me happy, I would like to raise your rank from my lover to my life partner. You make me happy.

Thank you from the heart for everything you have done for me. Every time I used to forget to tell you how happy I am with you. You make me happy.

You Make Me Happy Quotes By Famous People

“Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” – Marcel Proust

“Every single day I want you to be happy and full of joy, just like you make me happy by just passing through my mind.” – Donna White

“You are my friend because you make me smile when I’m sad. You make me feel proud of a positive thinker. I’m not perfect for you and don’t deserve you but still, you care for me, very close to me.” – Jyoti Singh

“The best feeling in the world is realizing that you’re perfectly happy without the thing you thought you needed.” – Marxie

“Happy people make people happy, but I can make someone be happy, and no one else can make me happy.” – Gretchen Rubin

“You make me laugh even when I am crying, you make me smile even when I feel lonely, and you make me happy even when there’s no reason to be happy. You can’t make me do; you can’t stop me from loving you.” – Unknown

“My relationship with you makes me happy.” – Unknown

“Actions speak louder than words, and a smile says, “I like you. You make me happy. I am glad to see you.” – Dale Carnegie

“Thank you for making me laugh when I’d almost forgotten how to.” – Pam Brown

“I don’t care where I come from or who you are. I can make you happy, and you make me happy. We could have a happily ever after.” – Amanda Hocking

You are my sunshine my only sunshine. You make me happy when the skies are grey. You’ll never know dear how much I love you. Please don’t take my sunshine away.” – Jimmie Davis

“But you make me happy. It’s living up to being happy that’s the difficult part.” – Audrey Niffenegger

“Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” – Marcel Proust

“I do not exist to impress the world. I exist to live my life in a way that will make me happy.” – Ritu Ghatourey

Final Words

Spreading a smile is the best way to take away the darkness in someone’s mind. If you have someone who is going through a tough time, try to bring some smiles to his/her face by choosing the best words for him/her above.

We hope you love this You Make Me Smile Quotes collection and share it with your family, friends, and loved ones.

What is best caption for smile?

Best Smile Captions For Instagram.
Never underestimate the power of a smile..
Keep calm and carry on smiling..
Be the reason someone else smiles today..
Smile big, laugh often. ... .
Smiles are always in fashion!.
When all else fails, smile..
Smile – sunshine is good for your teeth..
Silence and smiles are two powerful tools..

How do you make someone smile in words?

How to Make Someone Smile with Words.
1 Compliment them genuinely..
2 Crack a few jokes to make them laugh..
3 Give some words of encouragement..
4 Express your gratitude..
5 Offer to help them..
6 Share that you thought about them recently..
7 Ask them if they need anything..
8 Say that you miss them if they live far away..

Who can make me smile quotes?

150 Quotes that will make you smile.
Be somebody who makes everybody feel like a somebody..
Be the reason someone smiles today..
A smile is a curve that sets everything straight..
Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning. – ... .
Throw kindness around like confetti..
All people smile in the same language..

What made smile quotes?

150 Smile Quotes.
“ Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful.” ​– Thich Nhat Hanh..
" Peace begins with a smile." — Mother Teresa..
" Life is short. ... .
" There is fear when frowning. ... .
“ Nothing shakes the smiling heart.” – Santosh Kalwar..
“ Share your smile with the world. ... .
" ... .


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