United states dept of labor bureau of labor statistics

Labor Data Overview

The premier source of labor market information in NYS including wages, projections and job figures.


Our Research & Statistics Division is the premier source of labor market information in the state. From wages to projections to the latest job figures, the Department of Labor has the most current and accurate labor market information available.

Spotlight on the NYS Economy

Statewide Jobs Data

Get the latest monthly jobs report for New York State, including the statewide and New York City unemployment rates.

What is the Unemployment Rate?

The Unemployment Rate seeks to provide governmental and private institutions an overview of the overall health of the civilian labor force, and by extension, the economy as a whole. This video provides a broad overview of the statistical models and methods used to derive the Unemployment Rate.

Looking for regional labor market information?

Women in the Workforce

Workforce Guidance and Information for Women Evaluation Report 2021

More on NYS Economy

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NYS DOL publishes two jobs and labor force reports monthly.

Learn about STEM career opportunities statewide or in your home region.

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NameBLS Data
Sponsor Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor
Description The BLS is the principal fact-finding agency for the federal government in the broad field of labor economics and statistics.  The Bureau strives to prepare impartial, timely, and accurate reports on U.S. social and economic conditions, workers, workplaces, and workers' families.  The website provides several types of access to BLS time series and reports.

Home page: www.bls.gov

Occupational Outlook Handbook provides career information by occupation: //www.bls.gov/ooh/

Profiles of nine major industry divisions:  //www.bls.gov/iag/

Labor force data for California:  //www.bls.gov/ro9/ro9_ca.htm

Current employment statistics:   //www.bls.gov/sae/home.htm

Employment projections: //www.bls.gov/emp

Employment and unemployment: //www.bls.gov/bls/employment.htm

Employment and wage estimates by occupation:   //stats.bls.gov/oes/#tables

Wages, earnings and benefits:  //www.bls.gov/bls/wages.htm

National and regional wage data:  //www.bls.gov/bls/blswage.htm

Inflation and consumer spending:  //www.bls.gov/bls/inflation.htm

The Current Population Survey provides information on the labor force, employment, unemployment, and persons not in the labor force: //www.bls.gov/cps/home.htm#overview

Fields Covered Employment and Unemployment, Prices and Living Conditions, Compensation and Working Conditions, Productivity and Technology, Employment Projections.
Scope Depending on the report, city, state, region and/or national.
Period Covered 1980 on for some data, 1991 on for most data, some more recent, reports are periodic. 
Update Frequency Ranges from monthly to annually.
Data Formats User-defined web tables, news release reports, FTP downloadable data.


See telephone and e-mail below

Bureau of Labor Statistics (West Region)
Attn: EA & I 
P.O. Box 193766 
San Francisco, CA 94119-3766

Telephone (415) 975-4350 or (202) 691-5200

Institutional Planning & Analysis
—Providing information and answers that enable action—

What does the US Bureau of Labor Statistics do?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics measures labor market activity, working conditions, price changes, and productivity in the U.S. economy to support public and private decision making.

How accurate is the US Bureau of Labor Statistics?

Accuracy of Information These reports are generated based on a relatively small sample size. For example, the unemployment rate is derived from a survey of approximately 60,000 households. While these numbers are generally considered accurate, there is some deviation between the general population and the sample group.

How do you pull data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics?

Series Report.
Open the Series Report data retrieval tool from www.bls.gov/ces/data/home.htm..
Enter the series ID(s) into the text box after the screen opens. ... .
Click Next › once the appropriate series have been entered..
Edit the formatting options for the output. ... .
Click Retrieve Data..

How do I know this email is from the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics?

How do I know this email is from the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics? Links in this email will start with // and contain 'bls.gov. ' Your browser will also display a padlock icon to let you know a site is secure.


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