We buy to eat but we dont eat


Why Should one Solve Riddles?

Most of the people spend time on their hobbies like reading, cooking, indoor games, etc., several people challenge their friends and relatives for various WhatsApp puzzles and riddles. What breaks on water but never on land Riddle has elicited many different responses. Here is the riddle to solve. Take a look at the mind-boggling enigma. Share and challenge your friends and family with this. People buy me to eat, but never eat me. What am I? Riddle

Here is the Riddle For you!

“People buy me to eat, but never eat me. What am I?”

What is the answer for People buy me to eat, but never eat me. What am I? Riddle

The answer for People buy me to eat, but never eat me. What am I? Riddle is “Plates, forks, knives, etc.” 

We buy them to eat them but don't eat them


The answer for People buy me to eat, but never eat me. What am I? Riddle There are a lot of things that will buy to eat but never eat some of them can be categorized below: -

The first thing is the utensils because we buy utensils to eat but we never eat the utensils or we can say plates. In a detailed way

  • An oven cooks food and makes certain foods safe to eat.

  • Spatulas keep hands safe or clean when preparing food.

  • Other cooking and food preparation appliances, such as pots, rice fields, blenders and blenders.

  • Plates and bowls contain food that will be eaten.

  • Silverware or chopsticks help transport food to the mouth.

  • A dining table is a surface on which to eat.

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People buy me to eat, but never eat me. What am I? Riddle - FAQ

1. Travel without it and you will never be successful, but if you have too much you will surely fail.


2. Do logic puzzles make you smarter?

Puzzle games such as puzzles, teasers, riddles, crosswords, and quizzes are marketed as simple and effective ways to broaden your mind and increase your intelligence. Many of us play these games in the hope that they will sharpen our memory and improve our brain function. Unfortunately, brain games don't make us smarter.

3. What is always in front of you that cannot be seen?

Air may be the answer.

4. What disappears when you say its name?

The answer to the riddle is silence. Of course, by just saying the word "silence" you are disturbing him.

People buy me to eat, but never eat me. What am I?

Scroll down to find the answer.

Answer: A plate / fork / spoon.

More details about Riddle: People buy me to eat, but never eat me. What am I? (External Link)


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What is the thing we buy to eat but don't eat?

People buy me to eat, but never eat me?

What is that we eat shuffle and distribute But don't eat?

Answer is plates and utensils you buy them for eating but they are not eaten.


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