What are my top genres on spotify

What is this about
This is a small project that fetches Spotify data about artists' popularity, genre and followers and creates ranks. It should respond to questions like "what genre is the one that gets most followers?" or "is the most followed artist the most popular one on Spotify?"


{{item.name}} {{item.followers | number}}


{{item.name}} {{item.popularity | number}}

{{$index+1}} {{item.genre}} {{item.value | number:0}}

{{$index+1}} {{item.genre}} {{item.value | number:0}}

  • {{item.name}}






Desktop computer

Operating System

Windows 10

My Question or Issue

I use for a few hours every day, yet my "Top Genres" are incorrect. They are somewhat more correct on my phone, yet still not 100%. According to Spotify, I listen to mostly indie, pop, hip hop, and dance/electronic, which I do not. I only listen to rock and metal genres, and I have almost never listened to any songs in the genres that are supposedly my top genres. I know for a fact that rock or metal is the genre I listen the most to, yet the list never changes. Is there a way to fix this? It's a very minor issue, but it's very annoying.

Use these websites to analyze your listening habits. Credit: Mashable / vicky Leta

Mining your own Spotify data is like accessing a musical window into your own soul. What genre do you listen to the most? How obscure are your favorite artists? And, wait, you listened to "Alone" by Heart how many times!?

We've scoured the corners of the internet and collected our 12 favorite websites that analyze your Spotify data. So if you're the type of person who spends your days counting down to Spotify Wrapped or who regularly analyzes your listening habits to understand yourself better, you'll love these clever tools.

A heads up that each of these websites requires you to log in to your Spotify and grant the website access to your Spotify data, and we've included directions at the bottom for how to remove each site's access once you've tried them out.

1. Stats for Spotify

Stats for Spotify is a classic Spotify data analyzer. It shows you your top tracks, artists, and genres organized by the previous four weeks, last six months, and all time. It also shows how your top tracks, artists, and genres have changed since the last time you used Stats for Spotify.

2. How Bad is Your Spotify

How Bad is Your Spotify is an AI that judges your music taste. It gained popularity in December 2020 for its snarky roasts of users' listening habits.

Don't judge me. Credit: screenshot: how bad is your spotify

3. Icebergify (aka the Spotify Iceberg)

Icebergify grabs the top 50 artists of your short-term, medium-term, and long-term listening trends and organizes them by their popularity or obscurity. If the artist is super popular (think Beyonce), they'll be at the tippy-top. But if you listen to a lot of Antichrist Siege Machine, they'll be closer to the bottom. The tool may also pull in musicians you haven't listened to in a few months, and if you don't listen to any artists in a certain level of popularity, the level will show up blank.

Three very brave staffers at Mashable (Christianna Silva, Crystal Bell, Tim Marcin) share their iceberg results. Credit: share their iceberg results Credit: Screenshot / Icebergify / Christianna Silva, Crystal Bell, Tim Marcin

4. Obscurify

Like Icebergify, Obscurify tells you how obscure the music you listen to is compared to other Obscurify users. It'll also show you your top five obscure artists and will rate your music's happiness, danceability, and energy compared to other users.

5. Spotify Pie

"Bake your monthly genre pie" with this website created by UCLA student Darren Huang. Spotify Pie analyzes your Spotify listening and organizes it into a highly sharable pie chart of all the genres you've listened to in the last month. Below the chart, the website reveals your most-listened-to genres and your top artists of the month, too.

Credit: Spotify Pie

Credit: Spotify Pie

6. Zodiac Affinity

If you're an astrology lover, you'll appreciate Zodiac Affinity. It chooses five of your liked songs that align with different star signs and we honestly have no idea what the criteria is here.

7. Discover Quickly

Discover Quickly sorts your playlists, top songs, and top artists by different criteria, like popularity and danceability. It also lists all of Spotify's crazy specific genres like "deep metalcore," "acid house," and "charred death." The tool will make you a playlist of that genre or can generate a playlist of songs of a random genre.

8. MusicScape

MusicScape generates a landscape based on the tracks you've recently listened to, taking their mood, mode, energy, and key into consideration to create something unique to your sonic palette.

What does your musicScape look like? Credit: Screenshot: musicscape

9. MusicTaste.Space

MusicTaste.Space is fun because it allows you to compare your listening with another Spotify user. Just send a friend the link on the homepage and it will show you all the overlap between your top songs and top artists.

10. Receiptify

Receiptify transforms your favorite songs into a cute little receipt of your musical taste. Choose your top tracks of the last month, last six months, or of all time.

Receiptify gives you an Insta Story ready list of your top songs. Credit: screenshot: Receiptify

11. How NPRcore are you

How NPRcore are you analyzes how closely your music taste aligns with NPR music. Pick a period of time and this tool will tell you what percent NPRcore you are or which of your top tracks and artists are most NPRcore/

12. Moodify

Moodify makes AI-generated playlists based on the mood of the song you're currently listening to.

How to unlink your Spotify

After you've had your fun poking around your data, you can easily unlink your account from each site by going to Spotify app settings and selecting "Remove Access."

Elena is a tech reporter and the resident Gen Z expert at Mashable. She covers TikTok and digital trends. She recently graduated from UC Berkeley with a BA in American History. Email her at [email protected] or follow her @ecaviar_.

Elizabeth is a culture reporter at Mashable covering digital culture, fandom communities, and how the internet makes us feel. Before joining Mashable, she spent six years in tech, doing everything from running a wifi hardware beta program to analyzing YouTube content trends like K-pop, ASMR, gaming, and beauty. You can find more of her work for outlets like The Guardian, Teen Vogue, and MTV News right here. 

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How do I find my top genres on Spotify?

Visit the website and log in with your Spotify account to view your top tracks, artists, and genres. 2. After logging in, you can click on the “Top Tracks” button to view your top songs. Similarly, you can use the “Top Artists” and “Top Genres” buttons to check the top artists and genres, respectively.

Can Spotify tell you your favorite genre?

If you click on a genre on the chart, you will see what artists are part of said genre. Social media users have shared some of their favorite and confusing music genres, including "post-teen pop," "Ohio hip-hop" and "New England emo."

How do I find my Spotify stats?

How to See Your Spotify Stats on Mobile.
In your Spotify app, select Your Library. Going to 'Your Library'.
Select Artists, Albums, Podcasts & Shows to see your recent playlists and artists. See the artists and songs you listened to the most recently..

What is the biggest genre on Spotify?

Data on the distribution of streamed music consumption in the United States showed that rock music accounted for 17 percent of all on-demand audio and video streams in 2021. The leading genre by streams was, as is almost always the case, R&B and hip-hop.


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