What do you call a pile of kittens joke

Cat Puns Quotes

1. What do you call a pile of kittens?
A meowntain!



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2. Why did the cat wear a fancy dress?
She was feline fine!



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3. What’s a cat’s favorite color? Purr-ple!



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4. What did the cat say when it was confused? “I’m purr-plexed!”



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5. What’s a cat’s favorite dessert?
Chocolate mouse!



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6. What do cats love to do in the morning?
Read the mewspaper!



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7. Why can’t cats play poker in the jungle?
Too many cheetahs!



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8. Why are cats great singers?
Because they’re very mewsical!



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9. What should you say to your cat when you leave the house?
“Have a mice day!”



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10. What do you call a pile of kittens?
A meowntain!



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11. What’s a cat’s favorite subject in school?



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12. What types of cats purr the best?



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13. Wanna hear a bad cat joke?
Just kitten!



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14. How do you make a fashionable cat happy?
Give her a new purr coat and she’ll be feline good.



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15. What do you call a cat that likes to read?



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16. What kind of sports car does a cat drive?
A Fur-rari.



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17. What do you call a cat that gets caught by law enforcement?
The purrpatrator.



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18. What do you call a cat with eight legs that likes to swim?
An octo-puss.



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19. What word do millennial cats overuse?



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Funny Cat Puns For Your Pet

What was the cat’s favorite class in college?



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21. What do you call it when a cat wins first place at a dog show?
A cat-has-trophy



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22. What is a cats favorite vegetable?



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23. What did the cat say before he went skydiving?
It’s meow or never



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24. What do cats wear to sleep?



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25. What’s a humans most important trait?

Their Purr-sonality



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26. What was that cat’s favorite book?
The Great Catsby



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27. Who delivers presents to cats?



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28. What did the cat say when the mouse got away?
“You’ve got to be kitten me!”



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Cat Pun Names

Catman (Batman)
Colin Fur-real (Colin Farrell)
Jean-Clawed Van Damme (Jean-Claude Van Damme)
William Scratchner (William Shatner)
Meowley Cyrus (Miley Cyrus)
William Shakespurr (William Shakespeare)



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Cat Puns Word Play

Paw-sitive = Positive
Paws = Pause
Paw-lease = Please
Cat-titude = Attitude
Pro-cat-stination = Procrastination
Cat-astrophe = Catastrophe
Cathletic = Athletic
Caturday = Saturday
Mewment = Moment
Claw-some = Awesome
Feline = Feeling
Hiss-terical = Hysterical
Whispurr = Whisper
Purr-haps = Perhaps
Purr-ty = Pretty



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31. The way this kitty snuggles is giving me a loving feline!



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32. The litter box smelled claw-ful after not changing it for two weeks



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33. I’m not playing games with you, mouse – this is fur real!



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34. Did your cat just eat my tuna sandwich?
Purr-haps. It’s a paw-sibility.



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35. The hiss-tory of Ancient Egypt is littered with instances of cats being held in the highest esteem



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36. Paw-don me, were you trying sweep the floor? Let me just scratch the broom to death instead, sir.



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37. As our relationship grows, my cat has become fur-miliar with the fact that if he rubs up against my leg, he’s getting a treat.



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38. The idea that men should have paw-er over cats is preposterous. Come feed me, human.



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39. I petted my cat too aggressively back in 2004, now he doesn’t like to be touched. He will never fur-get.



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40. The single female cat howling in the alleyway was like mew-sic to the ears of all the single male cats in the area.



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41. Those slobbery, drooling dogs are so much more in-fur-ior to our supreme cat bloodline.



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42. As the cat purr-ceived, the tuna sandwich was now in fact his.



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43. Who’s a furry good kitty? Is it you? Yeah, I think it’s you!



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44. How are we doing with these cat puns?
So fur so good!



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45. My cat was found in pawsession of catnip.



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46. Stay Pawsitive!



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47. She’s got a bad Cattitude.



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48. Happy Purr–thday!



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49. What’s a cat’s favorite dessert?

Mice cream.



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50. What is the difference between a comma and a cat?

One is a pause at the end of a clause, and the other has claws at the end of its paws.



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51. Why did the mouse stay inside?

Because it was raining cats and dogs.



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52. What did Tom get when he locked Jerry in the freezer?

Mice cubes!



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53. Never mind cats and dogs, it was raining chickens and ducks yesterday. Fowl weather.



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What do you call batch of kittens?

Kittens. A group of kittens – quite distinct from cats in more than just the language we use to speak about them – are referred to as a kindle, litter, or intrigue.

What do you call kittens?

A kitten is a baby cat.


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