What happens if i take protein powder without working out

Protein shakes are all the rage among the sweaty set, but they can be of benefit to sofa sloths, too. Protein is one of the building blocks of your cells, and it's needed for your body to function. Unfortunately, most mass-produced protein shakes are little more than liquid candy – high in fat, sugar and calories. Making your own helps ensure that you load up on nutrients without also packing on the pounds.

Why You Need Protein

Protein is an essential macronutrient made up of amino acids. These chain-like compounds can be broken apart and put back together in a nearly endless variety of patterns which are used to create different kinds of cells. Your body can make some of these amino acids on its own, but not all of them. The complete proteins found in animal products are your best source of the essential amino acids that your body cannot produce on its own. So, aside from being needed to build and rebuild muscles, protein is required to create new cells.

That doesn't mean that you should be putting meat in your protein shakes. Dairy products are also high in protein, as are certain green leafy vegetables and alternative sources such as whey powder. Too much protein can put a strain on your kidneys, so if you're using protein shakes to lose or maintain weight without working out, you need to balance your diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats and between 32 and 64 ounces of water per day.

How to Use Protein Shakes

Fad diets aside, you shouldn't try to replace all meals with protein shakes. Your body requires a varied diet which includes roughage as well as protein. One way to incorporate protein shakes into your diet is to have them for breakfast. Many people who don't work out aren't hungry when they first wake up, but skipping breakfast is an ineffective way to start the day and can lead to poor food decisions at lunch.

Consider replacing your lunch with a protein shake if you're able and willing to eat a healthy breakfast. Keeping protein shakes on hand can help fill you up during a busy day so you aren't tempted to hit the vending machine, snack stash or nearby fast-food place. When you're not working out, it's especially important not to get too hungry, because you won't burn off the extra calories you couldn't resist.

People who work late might consider having a protein shake instead of dinner. Coming home tired and hungry makes you more likely to either grab a too-large portion of whatever's in the refrigerator or to binge on snacks instead of cobbling together a meal. Eating unwisely late at night can cause weight gain, especially if you're not working out the next day. A creamy, low-calorie protein shake is also soothing and scrumptious enough to feel like dessert or a decadent bedtime snack.

How to Buy Protein Shakes

Nothing is more important than reading the labels on mass-produced protein shakes. It's best if they contain no sugar, but a low amount of natural sugar is okay. Since you're not working out, you don't need huge amounts of protein, so look for around 25 milligrams per serving. If you can't find a protein drink that low, dilute it with low-fat milk or soy milk. Whey protein is best to find on the ingredient list because it's easiest to digest.

How to Make Protein Shakes

Making protein shakes yourself is the best way to ensure that you're not wasting calories on added sugar, fat and artificial ingredients. Start with milk, soy milk or a nut milk like almond or cashew. Add some low-fat yogurt for extra protein and to up the creaminess factor. One of the simplest protein shakes is soy milk, vanilla yogurt, two bananas, a healthy scoop of peanut butter and a squirt of pure maple syrup if you like it a little sweeter. Peel, break into chunks and freeze bananas for a thicker shake that will stay cold longer.

Start with your milk and yogurt base and add mixed berries, bananas and a scoop of whey powder. You can also add spinach or kale. Any fruit will work, so buy what's in season. You can either peel the fruit or strain the protein shake if you like a smoother texture. The trick is to keep the nutrition factor high and the calorie count low if you aren't exercising to burn off extra calories.

Whey is a natural byproduct of cow’s milk, and, in powdered form, one of the most popular fitness supplements available. There’s nothing inherently risky about whey protein by itself, but following a diet that’s very high in protein for an extended period of time entails risks, especially if you’re not trying to build muscle. Before you make whey a regular part of your eating plan, get the go-ahead from your doctor.

Protein Requirements

Many people drink whey to supplement their normal protein intake, whether they exercise or not. But the vast majority of Americans don’t need extra protein. According to the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, most people in America take in more than double the amount of protein their bodies need. Researchers at Rice University state that a sedentary adult needs only about 0.4 grams of protein per pound of body weight, while an athlete with a goal of building muscle mass can safely consume 0.6 to 0.9 grams per pound. For a 150-pound person, that’s a difference of 75 grams of protein -- 60 for a sedentary adult and 135 for an active, muscle-building adult.

Weight Gain

Drinking whey protein shakes as dietary supplements is a step some doctors recommend to help underweight patients put on mass. A typical protein shake made with one scoop of whey powder and one glass of lowfat milk has more than 200 calories. That means if you’re otherwise meeting your calorie requirements and you drink a shake every day, you could gain more than a pound per month. If you’re active and exercise regularly, however, your risk of gaining unwanted weight won’t be as high.

Negative Effects

Whether you stick to a regular fitness plan or not, you may be increasing your risk of certain health conditions by following a high-protein diet. The PCRM states that excess protein consumption has a link to osteoporosis, calcium stones, kidney disease and cancer. MayoClinic.com registered dietitian Katherine Zeratsky writes that eating too much protein may also have links to nutrient deficiencies, since protein supplements and shakes don’t offer the same nutrient variety or quality that whole foods do.

Shake Alternatives

If you drink protein shakes because you’re lacking the nutrient in your regular diet, reconsider what you eat. According to MayoClinic.com, whole foods are almost always superior choices, because they offer vitamins, minerals and protective substances that supplements can't replicate. A cup of plain, nonfat Greek yogurt, for example, provides more protein than a scoop of whey powder for just a few more calories. It also provides vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, that many powders can’t offer. Other high-quality, nutrient-rich protein sources include eggs, lean white meat, fish, nuts, seeds, beans and legumes.

Can I use protein powder if I don't workout?

Protein supplements — in the form of shakes and bars — are no exception. They work best when used as part of a training program since they fuel your muscles into growth and increase fat burning. The doctors say that incorporating protein supplements in your diet with no workout at all is not recommended.

Is it okay to take whey protein without working out?

Increased dietary protein is one effective strategy. For example, increased whey protein ingestion with and without exercise training is associated with enhanced weight loss, body composition and subjective hunger in overweight and obese individuals.


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