What happens when your gallbladder is infected

You don’t typically spend much time thinking about your gallbladder. But knowing the signs that something’s amiss with it — from pain in certain areas to nausea and heartburn — can help you identify an issue before it spirals.

By Diana RodriguezMedically Reviewed by Kacy Church, MD

Reviewed: September 30, 2022

Medically Reviewed

Pain in the upper abdominal area could indicate a gallbladder problem.iStock; Everyday Health

The gallbladder is a small sac that stores bile — a greenish-brown fluid, made by the liver, that helps with digestion — and it’s found just beneath your liver.

It releases bile through ducts into the small intestine to help break down the foods you eat — particularly fatty foods.

Typically the gallbladder doesn’t cause too many problems or much concern, but if something slows or blocks the flow of bile from the gallbladder, a number of problems can result. (1,2)

What Can Go Wrong

Some common gallbladder problems include:

Gallstones (Cholelithiasis) This is a condition in which small stones, or sometimes larger ones, develop inside the gallbladder.

These stones form from substances found in bile, including cholesterol and a pigment called bilirubin.

Gallstones may cause pain known as biliary colic (see below), but about 90 percent of people with gallstones will have no symptoms.

Most symptomatic gallstones will have been present for a number of years.

For unknown reasons, if you have gallstones for more than 10 years, they are less likely to cause symptoms. (3,4)

Biliary Colic This term is often used to describe severe episodes of pain that can occur when gallstones block the flow of bile to the small intestine.

The gallbladder contracts vigorously against the blockage, causing severe pain in spasms, or sometimes constant pain.

Biliary colic episodes usually last one to five hours, with mild pain lingering for up to 24 hours. They’re especially common after large or fatty meals, particularly if you’ve been fasting beforehand. (5)

Inflamed Gallbladder (Cholecystitis) Inflammation of the gallbladder can be caused by gallstones, excessive alcohol use, infections, or even tumors that cause bile buildup.

But the most common cause of cholecystitis is gallstones.

In this case, irritation by gallstones causes the gallbladder walls to become swollen and painful.

An episode of inflammation can last for several hours, or even a few days. Fever is not unusual.

Sometimes, the inflamed gallbladder is invaded by intestinal bacteria and becomes infected.

Suspected episodes of cholecystitis always require medical attention, particularly if you have a fever. (6)

Perforated Gallbladder An inflamed gallbladder can lead to a number of serious complications, including a torn, or perforated, gallbladder. This is a potentially life-threatening condition and requires emergency surgery to remove the gallbladder. (6)

Acalculous Biliary Pain This refers to pain in the bile ducts that isn’t followed by any gallstones appearing in imaging tests.

It may be due to improper emptying of the gallbladder, overly sensitive bile ducts or small intestine, or gallstones that are too small to be seen on imaging scans or that have passed through already.

Surgery to remove the gallbladder is often successful at resolving biliary pain without gallstones. (7)

Common Bile Duct Infection Most cases of inflammation in the bile duct system, called cholangitis, are caused by a combination of obstruction of a bile duct (by gallstone or biliary strictures) and a bacterial infection.

If bacteria builds up above the blockage, it can back up into the liver and may cause severe infection. Antibiotics are needed to treat a bacterial infection. Doctors may also need to drain the fluid in the bile duct to determine the cause of blockage. (8,9)

AIDS-Related Narrowing of Bile Ducts In people with AIDS, a weakened immune system can lead to frequent and widespread infections, some of which can result in the bile ducts narrowing. (7)

Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis This refers to inflammation that causes scarring and narrowing of the bile ducts, and isn’t caused by any other known condition.

While the causes of primary sclerosing cholangitis aren’t completely understood, doctors believe it’s most likely an autoimmune disorder, in which the immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s own tissues. (7)

Gallbladder Abscess Sometimes a severe gallbladder infection can lead to an abscess on the organ, also called empyema of the gallbladder. Antibiotics alone may not be enough to treat abscesses and they may need to be drained. (10)

Porcelain Gallbladder This occurs when the walls of the gallbladder become so calcified that they resemble porcelain on an X-ray. Porcelain bladders are thought to be associated with a very high risk of cancer and should be removed surgically. (4)

Gallbladder Polyps These are growths that protrude from the surface of the inner gallbladder wall. Some polyps form as a result of inflammation or because of cholesterol deposits in the gallbladder wall.

Others are tumors, which may be cancerous, though about 95 percent of gallbladder polyps are benign. According to the American Cancer Society, gallbladder polyps larger than 1 centimeter are more likely to be cancerous and therefore most doctors recommend they be removed. (11,12)

Gallbladder Disease This is a blanket term that encompasses inflammation, infection, gallstones, or blockage of the gallbladder.

Common Gallbladder Symptoms

Most gallbladder symptoms start with pain in the upper abdominal area, either in the upper right or middle.

Specific symptoms may vary according to what type of gallbladder condition you have, although many symptoms are common among the various types of gallbladder problems.

Here are some common symptoms of gallbladder problems:

  • Severe pain in the upper right or center of your abdomen
  • Tenderness in the abdomen, particularly the right upper quadrant
  • Abdominal pain lasting several hours
  • Pain that may extend beneath the right shoulder blade or to the back
  • Pain that worsens after eating a heavy meal, particularly fatty or greasy foods
  • Pain that feels dull, sharp, or crampy
  • Pain that increases when you breathe in deeply
  • Heartburn, indigestion, and excessive gas
  • Chest pain
  • A feeling of fullness in the abdomen
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Fever, ranging from low-grade to severe
  • Shaking with chills
  • Stools of an unusual color (often lighter, like clay)
  • Dark urine (often described as tea-colored) (6,13,14)

Some gallbladder problems, like simple gallstones that are not blocking the bile ducts, often cause no symptoms at all.

They’re most often discovered during an X-ray or CT scan that’s performed to diagnose a different condition, or even during abdominal surgery.

If you spot any symptoms of gallbladder trouble, see your doctor for a diagnosis and prompt treatment to get your digestive tract running smoothly again.

It’s essential to seek immediate treatment if you develop a severe gallstone complication that causes any of the following symptoms:

  • Abdominal pain so severe you can’t sit or lie still or keep food down
  • Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes)
  • Severe fever with chills (13)


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Editorial Sources and Fact-Checking

  1. How Does the Gallbladder Work? InformedHealth.org. September 6, 2018.
  2. Gallbladder Diseases. MedlinePlus. July 14, 2016.
  3. Biliary Tract Disorders, Gallbladder Disorders, and Gallstone Pancreatitis. American College of Gastroenterology. July 2013.
  4. Gallstones and Gallbladder Disease. Mount Sinai.
  5. Biliary Colic. Harvard Health Publishing. April 22, 2019.
  6. Cholecystitis. Mayo Clinic. September 9, 2022.
  7. Biliary Pain Without Gallstones. Merck Manual. September 2021.
  8. Cholangitis. Johns Hopkins Medicine.
  9. Mosler P. Diagnosis and Management of Acute Cholangitis. Current Gastroenterology Reports. April 2011.
  10. Complications: Gallstones. NHS. November 19, 2021.
  11. Gallbladder Polyps: Can They Be Cancerous? Mayo Clinic. December 21, 2021.
  12. Risk Factors for Gallbladder Cancer. American Cancer Society. July 12, 2018.
  13. Gallstones. Mayo Clinic. August 20, 2021.
  14. Symptoms and Causes of Gallstones. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. November 2017.

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How serious is a gallbladder infection?

Without appropriate treatment, acute cholecystitis can sometimes lead to potentially life-threatening complications. The main complications of acute cholecystitis are: the death of the tissue of the gallbladder, called gangrenous cholecystitis, which can cause a serious infection that could spread throughout the body.

How do you treat gallbladder infection?

Treatment for cholecystitis usually involves a hospital stay to control the inflammation in your gallbladder. Sometimes, surgery is needed..
Fasting. ... .
Fluids through a vein in your arm. ... .
Antibiotics to fight infection. ... .
Pain medications. ... .
Procedure to remove stones. ... .
Gallbladder drainage..

Does an infected gallbladder have to be removed?

Most doctors recommend surgery if you have had repeated attacks. If you have had one attack of gallstone pain, you may want to wait to see whether you have more. Surgery is the best way to prevent gallstone attacks. The surgery is very common, so doctors have a lot of experience with it.

Can an infected gallbladder be fatal?

Known as acute cholecystitis is a life-threatening condition. Perforation of the gallbladder can cause a generalized infection of the abdomen called sepsis. Sepsis is a deadly condition if left untreated can lead to a host of other conditions like pneumonia and acute renal failure.


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