What is the department of homeland security responsible for

This site displays a prototype of a “Web 2.0” version of the daily Federal Register. It is not an official legal edition of the Federal Register, and does not replace the official print version or the official electronic version on GPO’s govinfo.gov.

The documents posted on this site are XML renditions of published Federal Register documents. Each document posted on the site includes a link to the corresponding official PDF file on govinfo.gov. This prototype edition of the daily Federal Register on FederalRegister.gov will remain an unofficial informational resource until the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register (ACFR) issues a regulation granting it official legal status. For complete information about, and access to, our official publications and services, go to About the Federal Register on NARA's archives.gov.

The OFR/GPO partnership is committed to presenting accurate and reliable regulatory information on FederalRegister.gov with the objective of establishing the XML-based Federal Register as an ACFR-sanctioned publication in the future. While every effort has been made to ensure that the material on FederalRegister.gov is accurately displayed, consistent with the official SGML-based PDF version on govinfo.gov, those relying on it for legal research should verify their results against an official edition of the Federal Register. Until the ACFR grants it official status, the XML rendition of the daily Federal Register on FederalRegister.gov does not provide legal notice to the public or judicial notice to the courts.


The Department of Homeland Security has a vital mission: to secure the nation from the many threats we face. This requires the dedication of more than 240,000 employees in jobs that range from aviation and border security to emergency response, from cybersecurity analyst to chemical facility inspector. Our duties are wide-ranging, but our goal is clear - keeping America safe. 

Performance Data Verification and Validation Process

The Department recognizes the importance of collecting complete, accurate, and reliable performance data since this helps determine progress toward achieving program and Department goals and objectives.  Performance data are considered reliable if transactions and other data that support reported performance measures are properly recorded, processed, and summarized to permit the preparation of performance information in accordance with criteria stated by management.  OMB Circular A-136, Financial Reporting Requirements, OMB Circular A-11, and the Reports Consolidation Act of 2000  (P.L. No. 106-531) further delineate this responsibility by requiring agency heads to attest to the completeness and reliability of the performance data they report and put procedures in place to ensure valid data as part of the Management Assurance process. 

DHS implemented a multi-pronged approach to effectively mitigate risks and reinforce processes that enhance the Department’s ability to report complete and reliable data for GPRAMA performance measure reporting.  This approach consists of the:  1) Performance Measure Definition Form (PMDF); 2) Performance Measure Checklist for Completeness and Reliability; and 3) annual assessments of the completeness and reliability of a sample of our performance measures by an independent review team.

Performance Measure Definition Form (PMDF)

The Office of the Chief Financial Officer/Program Analysis and Evaluation (CFO/PA&E) implemented a tool known as the PMDF that provides a structured format to operationally describe every measure we publicly report in our performance deliverables.  The PMDF provides instructions on completing all data fields and includes elements such as the measure name, description, scope of data included and excluded, where the data is collected and stored, a summary of the data collection and computation process, and what processes exist to double-check the accuracy of the data to ensure reliability. These data fields on the form reflect GAO’s recommended elements regarding data quality.  This information is maintained in a Department IT system, and is published annually as Appendix A to our Annual Performance Report.  The PMDF is also used as a change management tool to propose and review new measures, make changes to existing measures, and to retire measures we want to remove from our strategic and management measure sets.  GAO recently cited DHS’s thoroughness in collecting and reporting this information in their review of the quality of performance information in their report:  Managing for Results: Greater Transparency Needed in Public Reporting Quality of Performance Information for Selected Agencies’ Priority Goals (GAO-15-788). 

Central Information Technology Repository for Performance Measure Information 

All of DHS’s approved measures are maintained in a Department-wide system accessible to all relevant parties in DHS.  The system is a modular database which allows for the management of the Department’s performance plan and the capturing of performance results on a quarterly basis.  The system stores all historical information about each measure including specific details regarding:  scope; data source; data collection methodology; and explanation of data reliability check.  The data in the system is then used as the source for all quarterly and annual Performance and Accountability Reporting.  Finally, the performance data in the FYHSP System is used to populate the Department’s business intelligence tools to provide real-time information.  

Performance Measure Checklist for Completeness and Reliability

The Performance Measure Checklist for Completeness and Reliability is a means for Component Performance Improvement Officers (PIOs) to attest to the quality of the information they are providing in our performance and accountability reports. Using the Checklist, Components self-evaluate key controls over GPRAMA performance measure planning and reporting actions at the end of each fiscal year. Components describe their control activities and provide a rating regarding their level of compliance and actions taken for each key control.  Components also factor the results of any internal or independent measure assessments into their rating.  The Checklist supports the Component Head assurance statements attesting to the completeness and reliability of performance data.  Individual Component Head assurance statements serve as the primary basis for the Secretary’s assertion whether or not the Department has effective controls over financial and performance reporting as well as efficiencies of our operations.

Independent Assessment of the Completeness and Reliability of Performance Measure Data

CFO/PA&E conducts an assessment of performance measure data for completeness and reliability on a subset of its performance measures annually using an independent review team.  An independent review team assesses selected Component GPRAMA measures using the methodology prescribed in the DHS Performance Measure Verification and Validation Handbook, documents their findings, makes recommendations for improvement, and may perform a subsequent follow-up review to observe the implementation of recommendations.  Corrective actions are required for performance measures determined to be unreliable.  The Handbook is distributed and made available to all Components to encourage the development and maturation of internal data verification and validation capabilities, increase transparency, and facilitate the review process.  The results obtained from the independent assessments are also used to support Component Head assertions over the reliability of its performance information reported in the Performance Measure Checklist and Component Head Assurance Statement.  DHS has shared our process with other Agencies in support of their measure data verification and validation improvement efforts.

Management Assurance Process for GPRAMA Performance Measure Information

The Management Assurance Process requires all Component Heads in DHS to assert that performance measure data reported in the Department’s Performance and Accountability Reports are complete and reliable.  If a measure is considered unreliable, the Component is directed to report the measure on the Performance Measure Checklist for Completeness and Reliability along with the corrective actions the Component is taking to correct the measure’s reliability.

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Strategic Goals & Objectives

Agencies establish a variety of organizational goals to drive progress toward key outcomes for the American people. Long-term strategic goals articulate clear statements of what the agency wants to achieve to advance its mission and address relevant national problems, needs, challenges and opportunities. Strategic objectives define the outcome or management impact the agency is trying to achieve, and also include the agency's role. Each strategic objective is tracked through a suite of performance goals, indicators and other evidence. Click here for more information on stakeholder engagement during goal development.

Strategic Goal:

Mission 1: Prevent terrorism and enhance security


Prevent terrorism and enhance security

Strategic Objectives


Prevent Terrorist Attacks


The Department remains vigilant to new and evolving threats in order to protect the Nation from a terrorist attack. Although the U.S. Government’s counterterrorism efforts have degraded the ability of al-Qa’ida’s senior leadership in Afghanistan and Pakistan to centrally plan and execute sophisticated external attacks, since 2009 we have seen the rise of al-Qa’ida affiliates, such as al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula and the al-Nusrah Front in Syria. These groups have made attempts to export terrorism to our Nation. Additionally, we face the threat of domestic-based "lone offenders" and those who are inspired by violent extremist ideologies to radicalize and commit acts of terrorism against Americans and the Nation. These threats come in multiple forms and, because of the nature of independent actors, may be hardest to detect.

We will pursue the following strategies to prevent terrorist attacks:

  • Analyze, fuse, and disseminate terrorism information by sharing information with, and utilizing threat analysis alongside, stakeholders across the homeland security enterprise.  We remain committed to integrating critical data sources, such as those for biometric data, by consolidating or federating screening and vetting operations. We will also continually increase and integrate domain awareness capabilities, as well as improve our ability to fully utilize vast amounts of intelligence and other information—the so-called "big data" challenge—while rigorously protecting privacy and civil rights and civil liberties.
  • Deter and disrupt operations by leveraging the intelligence, information sharing, technological, operational, and policy-making elements within DHS to facilitate a cohesive and coordinated operational response. We will also develop intelligence sources and leverage research and analysis to identify and illustrate the tactics, behaviors, and indicators potentially associated with violent extremism as well as factors that may influence violent extremism, and jointly develop with federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial partners training for frontline law enforcement officers on behaviors that may be telling regarding violent extremist activity.
  • Strengthen transportation security by using a multi-layered risk-based approach to detect malicious actors and dangerous items at various entry and exit points in the travel and trade system. We will also improve coordination with foreign governments and stakeholders to expand pre-departure screening and enhance transportation security operations among willing partners to mitigate risks from overseas.
  • Counter violent extremism by: 1) supporting community-community-based problem solving and integration efforts, as well as local law enforcement programs; and 2) working with our partners to share information with frontline law enforcement partners, communities, families, and the private sector about how violent extremists are using the Internet and how to protect themselves and their communities.

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Priority Goal: Strengthen aviation security counterterrorism capabilities by using intelligence driven information and risk-based decisions.


Strengthen aviation security counterterrorism capabilities and improve the passenger experience by using intelligence driven information and risk-based decisions. By September 30, 2015, TSA will expand the use of risk-based security initiatives to increase the percentage of travelers eligible for expedited screening at airports to 50 percent and enhance the passenger experience.


TSA performs and oversees security operations at the nation’s airports, screening over 650 million passengers annually, to ensure the freedom of movement of people and commerce. In an effort to strengthen aviation security while enhancing the passenger experience, TSA is focusing on risk-based, intelligence-driven security procedures and enhancing its use of technology. Since 2011, the agency has implemented several risk-based initiatives including the TSA Preü™ expedited screening program; the nationwide implementation of modified screening protocols for passengers 12 and younger, passengers 75 and over, and active duty service members; expediting physical screening of Veterans on chartered Honor Flights; and providing modified screening to Wounded Warriors.  A number of initiatives will further enable TSA to reach its goal of expanding expedited screening for known populations in order to focus on those that are unknown including the development and deployment of the TSA Pre✓™ Application and TSA Risk Assessment programs; expansion of  TSA Pre✓™participation to international air carrier; continued expansion of the Known Crewmember program; and developing operational policies, procedures, and other activities such as the evolution of checkpoint screening technologies to support deployment of Risk Assessments that will grow the volume of passengers eligible for expedited screening.

As of December 2013, on a weekly basis, more than 32%  of passengers  receive some form of expedited screening, and TSA expects to continue to grow that number.  While driving the growth of eligible populations is key to the initiative’s long term success, TSA faces challenges in aligning, planning, and executing activities for incorporating these various populations.  The success of achieving TSA’s risk-based security milestones is in many ways reliant upon external and internal partners that TSA continues to work with to mitigate these challenges.

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Prevent and Protect Against the Unauthorized Acquisition or Use of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Materials and Capabilities


Chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats are enduring areas of concern. The consequences of these attacks are potentially high even though the likelihood of their occurrence is relatively low. Small scale chemical attacks are expected to remain more likely because the relative lack of specialized skills and knowledge required to conduct such attacks. However, nuclear terrorism and bioterrorism pose the most strategically significant risk because of their potential consequences. Although the difficulty of stealing a nuclear weapon or fabricating one from stolen or diverted weapons materials reduces the likelihood of this type of attack, the extremely high consequences of an improvised nuclear device attack make it an ongoing top homeland security risk.

We will pursue the following strategies to prevent and protect against the unauthorized acquisition or use of chemical biological, radiological, and nuclear materials and capabilities:

  • Anticipate chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear emerging threats by identifying and understanding potentially dangerous actors, technologies, and materials, and prioritizing research and development activities including: 1) analyses of alternative technology options; 2) assessments of complex issues such as the relative risk of different chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats; 3) experimentation and operational test and evaluation of technologies proposed for acquisition; 4) detailed technical characterization of potential biological threat organisms; 5) the creation of consensus standards that enable cost-effective progress across many fields; and 6) the determination of nuclear material characteristics through nuclear forensics techniques.
  • Identify and interdict unlawful acquisition and movement of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear precursors and materials by leveraging investigative and enforcement assets towards domestic and international movement of these materials and by engaging in information sharing with all stakeholders to monitor and control this technology.
  • Detect, locate, and prevent the hostile use of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear materials and weapons by 1) combining authorities and assets with other departments and agencies; 2) building the U.S. Government’s global nuclear detection capability through the Global Nuclear Detection Architecture, a framework for detecting (through technical and non-technical means), analyzing, and reporting on nuclear and other radioactive materials that are out of regulatory control; 3) advancing nuclear forensics capabilities in order to close down nuclear smuggling networks, promote global nuclear security, and deter would-be nation state terrorist facilitators from transferring nuclear materials to terrorists; 4) providing unimpeachable forensic data for use by law enforcement authorities in the investigation and prosecution of crimes involving biological agents; 5) regulating high-risk chemical facilities to ensure that they take proper steps to mitigate risks; and 6) preventing the occurrence of significant biological incidents, where possible, but, when unable to prevent, stopping them from overwhelming the capacity of our state, local, tribal, and territorial partners to manage and respond. To this last point, DHS will deploy technologies that enable early detection of biological agents prior to the onset of symptoms, pursue more rapid responder capabilities, and increase the capacity and effectiveness of local public health, medical, and emergency services.

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Priority Goal: Strengthen aviation security counterterrorism capabilities by using intelligence driven information and risk-based decisions.


Strengthen aviation security counterterrorism capabilities and improve the passenger experience by using intelligence driven information and risk-based decisions. By September 30, 2015, TSA will expand the use of risk-based security initiatives to increase the percentage of travelers eligible for expedited screening at airports to 50 percent and enhance the passenger experience.


TSA performs and oversees security operations at the nation’s airports, screening over 650 million passengers annually, to ensure the freedom of movement of people and commerce. In an effort to strengthen aviation security while enhancing the passenger experience, TSA is focusing on risk-based, intelligence-driven security procedures and enhancing its use of technology. Since 2011, the agency has implemented several risk-based initiatives including the TSA Preü™ expedited screening program; the nationwide implementation of modified screening protocols for passengers 12 and younger, passengers 75 and over, and active duty service members; expediting physical screening of Veterans on chartered Honor Flights; and providing modified screening to Wounded Warriors.  A number of initiatives will further enable TSA to reach its goal of expanding expedited screening for known populations in order to focus on those that are unknown including the development and deployment of the TSA Pre✓™ Application and TSA Risk Assessment programs; expansion of  TSA Pre✓™participation to international air carrier; continued expansion of the Known Crewmember program; and developing operational policies, procedures, and other activities such as the evolution of checkpoint screening technologies to support deployment of Risk Assessments that will grow the volume of passengers eligible for expedited screening.

As of December 2013, on a weekly basis, more than 32%  of passengers  receive some form of expedited screening, and TSA expects to continue to grow that number.  While driving the growth of eligible populations is key to the initiative’s long term success, TSA faces challenges in aligning, planning, and executing activities for incorporating these various populations.  The success of achieving TSA’s risk-based security milestones is in many ways reliant upon external and internal partners that TSA continues to work with to mitigate these challenges.

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Reduce Risk to the Nation’s Critical Infrastructure, Key Leadership, and Events


DHS has national leadership responsibility for enhancing security to the Nation’s critical infrastructure and protecting key leaders, facilities, and National Special Security Events. DHS reduces risk across a wide portfolio of activities, including the agriculture and food sector, the travel and trade system, and the financial services sector. These systems are vulnerable to criminal exploitation and both physical and cyber-attacks. DHS also maintains constant guard over key leaders and during high-profile events, reducing the possibility that these events could be exploited by criminal or terrorist actors.

We will pursue the following strategies to reduce risk to the nation’s critical infrastructure, key leadership, and events:

  • Enhance security for the Nation’s critical infrastructure from terrorism and criminal activity by 1) identifying critical infrastructure and related vulnerabilities; 2) developing and deploying a scalable assessment methodology depending on the level of threat and the nature of the target; 3) inserting and/or developing appropriate technologies; 4) tracking protective measures of our partners across the homeland security enterprise; and 5) conducting investigations that maximize disruption of criminal enterprises that pose the greatest risk to the United States. We will also enhance the Nation’s ability to counter improvise explosive devices (IEDs) by coordinating whole community efforts to prevent, protect against, respond to, and mitigate terrorist and criminal use of explosives.
  • Protect key leaders, facilities, and National Special Security Events by 1) working with partners across the homeland security enterprise to coordinate intelligence, information sharing, security, and response resources; 2) protecting the President, the Vice President, visiting heads of state, major Presidential candidates, and other designated protectees; 3) protecting federal facilities, employees, and visitors; and 4) assessing risk and coordinating support to partners during major special events across the Nation through the Special Events Assessment Rating.

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Priority Goal: Strengthen aviation security counterterrorism capabilities by using intelligence driven information and risk-based decisions.


Strengthen aviation security counterterrorism capabilities and improve the passenger experience by using intelligence driven information and risk-based decisions. By September 30, 2015, TSA will expand the use of risk-based security initiatives to increase the percentage of travelers eligible for expedited screening at airports to 50 percent and enhance the passenger experience.


TSA performs and oversees security operations at the nation’s airports, screening over 650 million passengers annually, to ensure the freedom of movement of people and commerce. In an effort to strengthen aviation security while enhancing the passenger experience, TSA is focusing on risk-based, intelligence-driven security procedures and enhancing its use of technology. Since 2011, the agency has implemented several risk-based initiatives including the TSA Preü™ expedited screening program; the nationwide implementation of modified screening protocols for passengers 12 and younger, passengers 75 and over, and active duty service members; expediting physical screening of Veterans on chartered Honor Flights; and providing modified screening to Wounded Warriors.  A number of initiatives will further enable TSA to reach its goal of expanding expedited screening for known populations in order to focus on those that are unknown including the development and deployment of the TSA Pre✓™ Application and TSA Risk Assessment programs; expansion of  TSA Pre✓™participation to international air carrier; continued expansion of the Known Crewmember program; and developing operational policies, procedures, and other activities such as the evolution of checkpoint screening technologies to support deployment of Risk Assessments that will grow the volume of passengers eligible for expedited screening.

As of December 2013, on a weekly basis, more than 32%  of passengers  receive some form of expedited screening, and TSA expects to continue to grow that number.  While driving the growth of eligible populations is key to the initiative’s long term success, TSA faces challenges in aligning, planning, and executing activities for incorporating these various populations.  The success of achieving TSA’s risk-based security milestones is in many ways reliant upon external and internal partners that TSA continues to work with to mitigate these challenges.

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Priority Goals

FY14-15 Strengthen aviation security counterterrorism capabilities by using intelligence driven information and risk-based decisions.


Strengthen aviation security counterterrorism capabilities and improve the passenger experience by using intelligence driven information and risk-based decisions. By September 30, 2015, TSA will expand the use of risk-based security initiatives to increase the percentage of travelers eligible for expedited screening at airports to 50 percent and enhance the passenger experience.


TSA performs and oversees security operations at the nation’s airports, screening over 650 million passengers annually, to ensure the freedom of movement of people and commerce. In an effort to strengthen aviation security while enhancing the passenger experience, TSA is focusing on risk-based, intelligence-driven security procedures and enhancing its use of technology. Since 2011, the agency has implemented several risk-based initiatives including the TSA Preü™ expedited screening program; the nationwide implementation of modified screening protocols for passengers 12 and younger, passengers 75 and over, and active duty service members; expediting physical screening of Veterans on chartered Honor Flights; and providing modified screening to Wounded Warriors.  A number of initiatives will further enable TSA to reach its goal of expanding expedited screening for known populations in order to focus on those that are unknown including the development and deployment of the TSA Pre✓™ Application and TSA Risk Assessment programs; expansion of  TSA Pre✓™participation to international air carrier; continued expansion of the Known Crewmember program; and developing operational policies, procedures, and other activities such as the evolution of checkpoint screening technologies to support deployment of Risk Assessments that will grow the volume of passengers eligible for expedited screening.

As of December 2013, on a weekly basis, more than 32%  of passengers  receive some form of expedited screening, and TSA expects to continue to grow that number.  While driving the growth of eligible populations is key to the initiative’s long term success, TSA faces challenges in aligning, planning, and executing activities for incorporating these various populations.  The success of achieving TSA’s risk-based security milestones is in many ways reliant upon external and internal partners that TSA continues to work with to mitigate these challenges.

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Strategic Goal:

Mission 2: Secure and manage our borders


Secure and manage our borders

Strategic Objectives

Goal 2.1: Secure U.S. Air, Land, and Sea Borders and Approaches


Secure U.S. Air, Land, and Sea Borders and Approaches


Flows of people and goods around the world have expanded dramatically in recent years. DHS employs a range of strategies to improve upon border security, as well as to exclude terrorist threats, drug traffickers, and other threats to national security, economic security, and public safety. DHS and our partners ensure transit via legal pathways; identify and remove people and goods attempting to travel illegally; and ensure the safety and integrity of these flows of people and goods by safeguarding the conveyances, nodes, and pathways that make up the travel and trade system. DHS relies on a combination of people, technology, assets (e.g., surface and aviation platforms), and infrastructure (e.g., roads, fences) across DHS operating components to enable situational awareness and secure the border. Given the inherently transnational nature of securing our borders, DHS also continues to build international partnerships to enhance our ability to identify threats or hazards before they emerge in the United States.

We will pursue the following strategies to secure U.S. air, land, and sea border and approaches:

  • Prevent illegal import and entry by employing a layered, risk-based approach to screen, identify, and intercept threats at points of departure and at U.S. ports of entry. Using a variety of intelligence, automated tools, and information collected in advance of arrival for passengers and cargo at air, land, and seaports, DHS screens, identifies, and intercepts threats at points of departure before they reach our borders. In the approaches to the United States, DHS maintains domain awareness efforts to establish and maintain a common operating picture of people, vehicles, aircraft, and marine vessels approaching our borders, as well as interdiction capabilities to achieve a law enforcement resolution.
  • Prevent illegal export and exit through a risk-based strategy to inspect people, cargo, and conveyances departing the United States through all airports, seaports, land border crossings, and international mail/courier facilities. Using this information, law enforcement organizations such as Immigration and Customs Enforcement will investigate illegal exports and exit.

Goal 2.2: Safeguard and Expedite Lawful Trade and Travel


Safeguard and Expedite Lawful Trade and Travel


The vast majority of people and goods entering and exiting the United States represent law-ful trade and travel. Lawful trade and travel provides enormous economic benefits to our society, evident by a substantial increase in the number of tourist and business travelers and in the value of U.S. exports and imports between 2005 and 2012, and underscored by projections for continued growth at an average of six percent annually through 2030. DHS and our partners work to secure and expedite these flows of people and goods, as they are a main driver of U.S. economic prosperity.

We will pursue the following strategies to safeguard and expedite lawful trade and travel:

  • Safeguard key nodes, conveyances, and pathways by establishing and enforcing security standards and plans that maintain or restore infrastructure capabilities to be resilient from attacks and natural disasters; this includes facilities at ports of entry, modes of transportation, and pathways.
  • Manage the risk of people and goods in transit by employing a risk-segmentation approach that identifies low-risk and high-risk people and goods moving within legal channels as far from the homeland as possible, and then expediting low-risk, lawful movement to and through the United States.
  • Maximize compliance with U.S. trade laws and promote U.S. economic security and competitiveness by: 1) working with international partners, such as the International Maritime Organization, the International Civil Aviation Organization, and INTERPOL, to create global standards for security and resilience of the global trade and travel system and 2) conducting cargo recognition programs to reduce redundancies for industry while maintaining a commensurate level of security.

Goal 2.3: Disrupt and Dismantle Transnational Criminal Organizations and Other Illicit Actors


Disrupt and Dismantle Transnational Criminal Organizations and Other Illicit Actors


Transnational criminal organizations are increasing in strength and capability. They rely on revenues generated through the sale of illegal drugs and counterfeit goods, human trafficking and smuggling, and other criminal activities. They are also gaining strength by taking advantage of the same innovations in management and supply chain structures that are propelling multinational corporations.

We will pursue the following strategies to disrupt and dismantle transnational criminal organizations and other illicit actors:

  • Identify, investigate, disrupt, and dismantle TCOs by: 1) targeting illicit financing activities that transnational criminal organizations depend on, such as money laundering, and increasing outbound inspection to deter practices such as cash smuggling; and 2) creating a deterrent effect from injecting the greatest amount of uncertainty and concern into criminal decision making by swiftly shifting assets, presence, technology, and tools, further targeting and focusing interdiction activities, and emphasizing strategic communications that project the effectiveness of homeland security capabilities.
  • Disrupt illicit actors, activities, and pathways by using intelligence to target and interdict illicit people and goods through a rapid response workforce as well as surveillance and enforcement assets to detect, identify, monitor, track, and interdict targets of interest, and board vessels.

Strategic Goal:

Mission 3: Enforce and Administer our Immigration Laws


Enforce and Administer our Immigration Laws.

Strategic Objectives


Strengthen and Effectively Administer the Immigration System


At the center of any good immigration system must be a structure able to rapidly respond to regulatory changes and the flow of demand around the world while at the same time safeguarding security. We are constantly seeking ways to better administer benefits and use technology to make information more accessible and secure.

We will pursue the following strategies to strengthen and effectively administer the immigration system:

  • Promote lawful immigration by uniting families, providing refuge, fostering economic opportunity, and promoting citizenship. We will also work to better assist high-skilled immigrants, streamline the processing of immigrant visas to encourage businesses to grow in the United States, and develop innovative programs to enable immigrants to reach their potential in the United States.
  • Effectively administer the immigration services system by: 1) providing effective customer-oriented immigration benefit and information services at home and abroad; 2) making all information needed to make immigration decisions available to appropriate agencies electronically and in real-time, including active individual case files and biometric information; and 3) ensuring that only eligible applicants receive immigration benefits through expanded use of biometrics, a strengthening of screening processes, improvements to fraud detection, increases in legal staffing to ensure due process, and enhancements of interagency information sharing.
  • Promote the integration of lawful immigrants in American society by enhancing educational resources and promoting opportunities to increase understanding of U.S. civic principles and the rights, responsibilities, and importance of citizenship, and supporting comprehen-sive immigration reform that provides an earned pathway to citizenship.

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Priority Goal: Enforce and administer our immigration laws through prioritized detention and removal of criminal aliens


Enforce and administer our immigration laws through prioritized detention and removal of criminal aliens.  By September 30, 2015, ICE will increase criminal alien removals, as a percentage of total removals by 5%.


U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is committed to identifying, arresting, detaining, prosecuting, and removing aliens who present a danger to national security or are a risk to public safety, as well as those who otherwise undermine the integrity of our immigration laws and our border control efforts.  These include, but are not limited to aliens engaged in or suspected of terrorism or espionage, violent criminals, felons and repeat offenders, and organized criminal gang members.  Also critical to ICE enforcement priorities are recent illegal border crossers.

This goal is a continuation of effort began in FY12 to increase efficiencies in the process of detaining and removing illegal aliens.  The focus for the next two years will be to showcase ICE’s abilities to remove criminal aliens from the United States.  These efforts include identifying and apprehending at-large criminal aliens, and expanding coverage in jails and prisons in order to identify and process removable incarcerated foreign-born detainees.

ICE uses prosecutorial discretion which improves efficiencies by identifying and eliminating low priority cases clogging the immigration system.  The use of prosecutorial discretion also allows ICE to prioritize the use of its enforcement personnel, detention space, and removal assets to ensure that the aliens it removes represent, as much as reasonably possible, the agency's enforcement priorities, namely the promotion of national security, border security, public safety, and the integrity of the immigration system.

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Prevent Unlawful Immigration


The increased movement of people and goods across our borders provides many opportunities but also provides more places for illegal goods, unauthorized migrants, and threats to hide. Unauthorized migration is influenced by many factors, including weak rule of law and violence in sending countries. In addition, violent extremists and criminals can hide within this larger flow of migrants who intend no harm.

We will pursue the following strategies to prevent unlawful immigration:

  • Prevent unlawful entry, strengthen enforcement, and reduce drivers of unlawful immigration by: 1) increasing situational awareness of our borders; 2) ensuring that only those abroad who are eligible receive travel documents to the United States; and 3) identifying and removing criminal aliens, individuals who pose a threat to public safety, health, or national security, repeat immigration law violators, and other individuals prioritized for removal. We also reduce the demand for illegal immigrants by conducting inspections, audits, and investigations of employers who hire illegal immigrants and administering tools such as E-Verify to facilitate employers’ ability to hire eligible workers in compliance with immigration laws.
  • Arrest, detain, and remove criminals, fugitives, and other dangerous foreign nationals by leveraging federal information sharing and state, local, and federal criminal justice systems to take enforcement action based on priorities with regard to criminal aliens, and working with the Department of Justice to ensure more timely hearing of immigration cases and appeals.

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Priority Goal: Enforce and administer our immigration laws through prioritized detention and removal of criminal aliens


Enforce and administer our immigration laws through prioritized detention and removal of criminal aliens.  By September 30, 2015, ICE will increase criminal alien removals, as a percentage of total removals by 5%.


U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is committed to identifying, arresting, detaining, prosecuting, and removing aliens who present a danger to national security or are a risk to public safety, as well as those who otherwise undermine the integrity of our immigration laws and our border control efforts.  These include, but are not limited to aliens engaged in or suspected of terrorism or espionage, violent criminals, felons and repeat offenders, and organized criminal gang members.  Also critical to ICE enforcement priorities are recent illegal border crossers.

This goal is a continuation of effort began in FY12 to increase efficiencies in the process of detaining and removing illegal aliens.  The focus for the next two years will be to showcase ICE’s abilities to remove criminal aliens from the United States.  These efforts include identifying and apprehending at-large criminal aliens, and expanding coverage in jails and prisons in order to identify and process removable incarcerated foreign-born detainees.

ICE uses prosecutorial discretion which improves efficiencies by identifying and eliminating low priority cases clogging the immigration system.  The use of prosecutorial discretion also allows ICE to prioritize the use of its enforcement personnel, detention space, and removal assets to ensure that the aliens it removes represent, as much as reasonably possible, the agency's enforcement priorities, namely the promotion of national security, border security, public safety, and the integrity of the immigration system.

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Priority Goals

FY14-15 Enforce and administer our immigration laws through prioritized detention and removal of criminal aliens


Enforce and administer our immigration laws through prioritized detention and removal of criminal aliens.  By September 30, 2015, ICE will increase criminal alien removals, as a percentage of total removals by 5%.


U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is committed to identifying, arresting, detaining, prosecuting, and removing aliens who present a danger to national security or are a risk to public safety, as well as those who otherwise undermine the integrity of our immigration laws and our border control efforts.  These include, but are not limited to aliens engaged in or suspected of terrorism or espionage, violent criminals, felons and repeat offenders, and organized criminal gang members.  Also critical to ICE enforcement priorities are recent illegal border crossers.

This goal is a continuation of effort began in FY12 to increase efficiencies in the process of detaining and removing illegal aliens.  The focus for the next two years will be to showcase ICE’s abilities to remove criminal aliens from the United States.  These efforts include identifying and apprehending at-large criminal aliens, and expanding coverage in jails and prisons in order to identify and process removable incarcerated foreign-born detainees.

ICE uses prosecutorial discretion which improves efficiencies by identifying and eliminating low priority cases clogging the immigration system.  The use of prosecutorial discretion also allows ICE to prioritize the use of its enforcement personnel, detention space, and removal assets to ensure that the aliens it removes represent, as much as reasonably possible, the agency's enforcement priorities, namely the promotion of national security, border security, public safety, and the integrity of the immigration system.

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Strategic Goal:

Mission 5: Strengthen National Preparedness and Resilience


Strengthen National Preparedness and Resilience

Strategic Objectives


Enhance National Preparedness


National preparedness underpins all efforts to safeguard and secure the Nation against those threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk. Presidential Policy Directive 8 calls for a National Preparedness Goal, which is "a secure and resilient Nation with the capabilities required across the Whole Community to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk."

We will pursue the following strategies to enhance national preparedness:

  • Empower individuals and communities to strengthen and sustain their own preparedness by engaging public and community organizations through programs such as America’s Preparathon! to build a collective understanding of their risks, the resources available to assist their preparations, and their roles and responsibilities in the event of a disaster.
  • Build and sustain core capabilities nationally to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from all hazards by conducting such activities as: 1) fostering capability development by providing tools and technical assistance; 2) providing planning and reach-back expertise; 3) using grant programs such as the State Homeland Security Grant Program and the Urban Area Security Initiative (which collectively provide funds to state, local, tribal, territorial, and regional government and port, transit, and nonprofit entities); and 4) promoting the use of the National Planning Frameworks. These activities support the Department’s intent to build and sustain a national integrated network of capabilities across all levels of government and to promote the involvement of the Whole Community in the Nation’s preparedness efforts.
  • Assist federal entities in the establishment of effective continuity programs that are regularly updated, exercised, and improved by administering the National Exercise Program, the cornerstone of a collective effort to test, improve, and assess national preparedness.

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Priority Goal: Ensure resilience to disasters by strengthening disaster preparedness and response capabilities.


By September 30, 2015 states and territories will demonstrate improvement towards achieving their core capability targets established through their Threat and Hazards Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA).


To enhance national preparedness and resilience, FEMA established the THIRA to provide a common approach for identifying and assessing risks and documenting their associated impacts.   Developing an understanding of its risks from natural, technological, and human-caused threats and hazards allows a community to make informed decisions about how to manage risk and develop needed capabilities.

In addition, states and territories assess their current capability and set targets for improvement for preventing, protecting against, mitigating, responding to, and recovering from these threats and hazards. FEMA expects states and territories to mature and demonstrate improvement towards achieving their capability targets over the next two years through their THIRAs.

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Mitigate Hazards and Vulnerabilities


DHS is uniquely positioned not only to support communities during a disaster, but also to enable partners to take steps that will decrease risk and mitigate future hazards before a disaster strikes. While risk cannot be totally eliminated, DHS can influence and support more positive outcomes in reducing risks. National risk management emphasizes focusing on those actions and interventions that reduce the greatest amount of strategic risk to the Nation.

We will pursue the following strategies to mitigate hazards and vulnerabilities:

  • Promote public and private sector awareness and understanding of community-specific risks by providing credible and actionable data and tools to support risk-informed decision making and incentivizing and facilitating investments to manage current and future risk.
  • Reduce vulnerability through standards, regulation, resilient design, effective mitigation, and disaster risk reduction measures by encouraging appropriate land use and adoption of building codes, while also applying engineering and planning practices in conjunction with advanced technology tools.
  • Prevent maritime incidents by establishing, and ensuring compliance with standards and regulations by licensing U.S. mariners, conducting and sharing findings of casualty investi-gations, and providing grants and support for government and nongovernment boating safety efforts.

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Priority Goal: Ensure resilience to disasters by strengthening disaster preparedness and response capabilities.


By September 30, 2015 states and territories will demonstrate improvement towards achieving their core capability targets established through their Threat and Hazards Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA).


To enhance national preparedness and resilience, FEMA established the THIRA to provide a common approach for identifying and assessing risks and documenting their associated impacts.   Developing an understanding of its risks from natural, technological, and human-caused threats and hazards allows a community to make informed decisions about how to manage risk and develop needed capabilities.

In addition, states and territories assess their current capability and set targets for improvement for preventing, protecting against, mitigating, responding to, and recovering from these threats and hazards. FEMA expects states and territories to mature and demonstrate improvement towards achieving their capability targets over the next two years through their THIRAs.

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Ensure Effective Emergency Response


DHS, primarily through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) on land and the U.S. Coast Guard at sea, acts as the federal coordinator during disaster response, supporting state, local, tribal, territorial, and regional governments while working closely with nongovernmental organizations and the private sector to help leverage the resources they can bring to bear.

We will pursue the following strategies to ensure effective emergency response:

  • Provide timely and accurate information to individuals and communities to support public safety and inform appropriate actions by the public before, during, and after emergencies.
  • Conduct effective, unified incident response operations by following the National Response Framework, Second Edition; maximizing interagency coordination, information sharing, and preparation; and implementing initiatives to ensure a stable, flexible, and fully qualified disaster workforce.
  • Provide timely and appropriate disaster assistance through "survivor-centric" programs that support, streamline, and simplify the delivery of services for individuals and communities. DHS will strengthen capabilities and operationalize resource-sharing opportunities to achieve the greatest potential to change outcomes on the ground in catastrophic disasters.
  • Ensure effective emergency communications through the provision of technical communications capabilities enabling security, situational awareness, and operational decision making to manage emergencies under all circumstances.

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Priority Goal: Ensure resilience to disasters by strengthening disaster preparedness and response capabilities.


By September 30, 2015 states and territories will demonstrate improvement towards achieving their core capability targets established through their Threat and Hazards Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA).


To enhance national preparedness and resilience, FEMA established the THIRA to provide a common approach for identifying and assessing risks and documenting their associated impacts.   Developing an understanding of its risks from natural, technological, and human-caused threats and hazards allows a community to make informed decisions about how to manage risk and develop needed capabilities.

In addition, states and territories assess their current capability and set targets for improvement for preventing, protecting against, mitigating, responding to, and recovering from these threats and hazards. FEMA expects states and territories to mature and demonstrate improvement towards achieving their capability targets over the next two years through their THIRAs.

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Enable Rapid Recovery


DHS plays a key role in facilitating recovery following a disaster by supplementing communities’ recovery core capabilities; promoting infrastructure resilience guidelines and use of standards; and encouraging the development of continuity plans for communities, government entities, and private sector organizations. The devastating effects of recent disasters have highlighted the need to reform our national approach to long-term recovery. Communities devastated by a disaster, particularly large-scale events such as Hurricane Sandy, face complex and difficult challenges including restoring economic viability, rebuilding infrastructure and public services, and establishing resilience against future hazards.

We will pursue the following strategies to enable rapid recovery:

  • Ensure continuity and restoration of essential services and functions by: 1) supplementing communities’ recovery core capabilities; 2) encouraging the development of continuity plans for communities, government entities, and private-sector organizations; and 3) working to ensure continuity and rapid restoration of essential services.
  • Support and enable communities to rebuild stronger, smarter, and safer by following the National Disaster Recovery Framework and implementing programs that: 1) fund authorized federal disaster support activities; 2) support eligible reconstruction projects and disaster survivors; 3) provide subject matter experts to assist in planning and coordinating rebuilding efforts; and 4) focus on how best to restore, redevelop, and revitalize the health, social, economic, natural, and environmental fabric of the community and build a more resilient nation.

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Priority Goal: Ensure resilience to disasters by strengthening disaster preparedness and response capabilities.


By September 30, 2015 states and territories will demonstrate improvement towards achieving their core capability targets established through their Threat and Hazards Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA).


To enhance national preparedness and resilience, FEMA established the THIRA to provide a common approach for identifying and assessing risks and documenting their associated impacts.   Developing an understanding of its risks from natural, technological, and human-caused threats and hazards allows a community to make informed decisions about how to manage risk and develop needed capabilities.

In addition, states and territories assess their current capability and set targets for improvement for preventing, protecting against, mitigating, responding to, and recovering from these threats and hazards. FEMA expects states and territories to mature and demonstrate improvement towards achieving their capability targets over the next two years through their THIRAs.

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Strategic Goal:

Mission 4: Safeguard and Secure Cyberspace


Safeguard and Secure Cyberspace.

Strategic Objectives

Goal 4.1: Strengthen the Security and Resilience of Critical Infrastructure Against Cyber Attacks and Other Hazards


Strengthen the Security and Resilience of Critical Infrastructure Against Cyber Attacks and Other Hazards


The concept of critical infrastructure as discrete, physical assets has become outdated as everything becomes linked to cyberspace. This "cyber-physical convergence" has changed the risks to critical infrastructure in sectors ranging from energy and transportation to agriculture and healthcare. DHS coordinates with its private sector partners as well as with state, local, tribal, and territorial governments to share information and intelligence regarding cyber threats and vulnerabilities, foster development of trustworthy products and services, and encourage the adoption of best-in-class cybersecurity practices.

We will pursue the following strategies to strengthen the security and resilience of critical infrastructure against cyber attacks and other hazards:

  • Enhance the exchange of information and intelligence on risks to critical infrastructure and develop real-time situational awareness capabilities that ensure machine and human interpretation and visualization by increasing the volume, timeliness and quality of cyber threat reporting shared with the private sector and state, local, tribal, and territorial partners, and enabling the National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (to receive information at "machine speed" by enabling networks to be more self-healing, using mathematics and analytics to mimic restorative processes that occur biologically.
  • Partner with critical infrastructure owners and operators to ensure the delivery of essential services and functions by building effective partnerships to set a national focus and determine collective actions, providing assistance to local and regional partners, and leveraging incentives to advance security and resilience, as described in the National Infrastructure Protection Plan: Partnering for Security and Resilience.
  • Identify and understand interdependencies and cascading impacts among critical systems by leveraging regional risk assessment programs, organization-specific assessment, asset and network-specific assessment, and cross-sector risk assessments.
  • Collaborate with agencies and the private sector to identify and develop effective cybersecurity policies and best practices through voluntary collaboration with private sector own-ers and operators (including their partner associations, vendors, and others) and govern-ment entity counterparts.
  • Reduce vulnerabilities and promote resilient critical infrastructure design by identifying and promoting opportunities that build security and resilience into critical infrastructure as it is being developed and updated, rather than focusing solely on mitigating vulnerabilities present within existing critical infrastructure.


Secure the Federal Civilian Government Information Technology Enterprise


The Federal Government provides essential services and information on which many Americans rely. Not only must the government protect its own networks, it must serve as a role model to others in implementing security services. DHS itself plays a leading role in securing federal civilian networks, allowing the Federal Government to do its business securely. DHS partners with agencies to deploy products such as the EINSTEIN set of capabilities that provide perimeter network-based intrusion detection and prevention.

We will pursue the following strategies to secure the federal civilian government information technology enterprise:

  • Coordinate government purchasing of cyber technology to enhance cost-effectiveness by using strategically sourced tools and services such as the Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation program.
  • Equip civilian government networks with innovative cybersecurity tools, information, and protections by supporting research and development and making the innovations from research and development available not only to the Federal Government but widely available across the public and private spheres.
  • Ensure government-wide policy and standards are consistently and effectively implemented and measured by promoting the adoption of enterprise-wide policy and best practices and working with interagency partners to develop government-wide requirements that can bring the full strength of the market to bear on existing and emergent vulnerabilities.

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Priority Goal: Improve Federal Network Security


Improve federal network security by providing federal civilian executive branch agencies with the tools and information needed to diagnose, mitigate, and respond to cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities. By September 30, 2017 DHS will deliver two phases of continuous diagnostics and mitigation tools to 100% of the participating federal civilian executive branch agencies so that they can monitor their networks.


The 2014 Quadrennial Homeland Security Review and the FY14-18 DHS Strategic Plan recognizes the continuing need to secure the federal civilian executive branch agencies’ information technology (IT) networks and systems.  By law, each head of a federal department or agency is primarily responsible for their agency’s own cybersecurity. The Department of Homeland Security has overall responsibility for protecting federal civilian executive branch systems from cyber threats, helping agencies better defend themselves, and providing response teams to assist agencies during significant incidents. There is no one “silver bullet” for cybersecurity. The key is to install multiple layers of protection to best secure federal networks. 
DHS’s National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) is the U.S. government’s 24/7 hub for cybersecurity information sharing, incident response and coordination. The NCCIC shares information on cyber threats and incidents, and provides on-site assistance to victims of cyberattacks. The NCCIC is also where DHS manages the EINSTEIN system, the first basic layer of protection DHS provides at the network perimeter of each federal civilian executive branch agency.  While there are three parts to the EINSTEIN set of capabilities, the focus is currently on the deployment of the third phase, known as EINSTEIN 3 Accelerated (E3A), which has the capacity to identify and block known malicious traffic.  
DHS also helps federal agencies identify and fix problems inside their networks in near real-time using the Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation program (CDM). Once fully deployed, CDM will constantly scan agency networks for vulnerabilities that bad actors could exploit if they did breach an agency’s perimeter.  The CDM Program consists of three phases that are currently in various stages of availability to federal civilian executive branch agencies.  The first phase of CDM focuses on “What is on the Network,” specifically asset management. This includes hardware and software assets, managing configuration settings, and vulnerabilities, all of which are foundational capabilities to protect systems and data. Phase 2 (“Who is on the Network”) covers user account and network privilege management; and Phase 3 (“What is Happening on the Network”) covers boundary protection,  event management and  security lifecycle management.

As of October 1, 2015, DHS has delivered the first phase of CDM to the 23 civilian Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Act agencies, covering 97 percent of the federal civilian Executive Branch government.  These agencies are expected to deploy these CDM tools on their networks within the fiscal year.
Information sharing is also fundamental to achieving cybersecurity.  The NCCIC shares information on cyber threats, vulnerabilities and incidents.  In order to sufficiently address the rapidly evolving threats to our cyber systems, DHS and its partners must move beyond information sharing methods that are overly reliant on manual processes to be able to share cyber information in as close to real-time as possible.  DHS is pursuing an aggressive schedule to deploy one of its next-generation information sharing techniques. The Department has an automated system in place to share cyber threat indicators, and DHS will extend this capability across the federal government and to the private sector, so that the larger community can send and receive threat indicators in near real-time.
This goal aligns with Administration cybersecurity priorities. The goal was established in coordination with OMB policies and guidance, to include the Cybersecurity Strategy and Implementation Plan (CSIP), the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Guidance on Federal Information Security and Privacy Management Requirements, and the Cybersecurity CAP goal.

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Goal 4.3: Advance Cyber Law Enforcement, Incident Response, and Reporting Capabilities


Advance Cyber Law Enforcement, Incident Response, and Reporting Capabilities


Online criminal activity threatens the Internet’s safe and secure use. Law enforcement performs an essential role in achieving our Nation’s cybersecurity objectives by detecting, investigating, and preventing a wide range of cybercrimes, from theft and fraud to child exploitation, and apprehending and prosecuting those responsible. In addition to criminal prosecution, there is a need to rapidly detect and respond to incidents, including through the development of quarantine and mitigation strategies, as well as to quickly share incident information so that others may protect themselves. Safeguarding and securing cyberspace requires close coordination among federal law enforcement entities, network security experts, state, local, tribal, and territorial officials, and private sector stakeholders.

We will pursue the following strategies to advance cyber law enforcement, incident response, and reporting capabilities:

  • Respond to and assist in the recovery from cyber incidents by managing incident response activities through the National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center and fostering enhanced collaboration between law enforcement and network security officials to pre-plan responses to cyber incidents.
  • Deter, disrupt, and investigate cybercrime by 1) increasing the quantity and impact of cybercrime investigations; 2) partnering with other agencies to conduct high-profile criminal investigations, prioritize the recruitment and training of technical experts, and develop standardized methods; and 3) strengthening law enforcement agencies’ ability to detect, investigate, and arrest those that make illicit use of cyberspace.

Goal 4.4: Strengthen the Cyber Ecosystem


Strengthen the Cyber Ecosystem


Our entire society, from government and law enforcement to the private sector and members of the public, must work collaboratively to improve our network defense. Ensuring a healthy cyber ecosystem will require collaborative communities, innovative and agile security solutions, standardized and consistent processes to share information and best practices, sound policies and plans, meaningful protection of privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties, and development of a skilled workforce to ensure those policies and plans are implemented as intended.

We will pursue the following strategies to strengthen the cyber ecosystem:

  • Drive innovative and cost effective security products, services, and solutions throughout the cyber ecosystem by working with domestic and international partners across the public and private spheres, and across the science and policy communities to identify promising technology, policy and standards that enable robust, trust-based, automated sharing of cybersecurity information and collective action to limit the spread of incidents and minimize consequences.
  • Conduct and transition research and development, enabling trustworthy cyber infrastructure by supporting initiatives to develop promising new security technologies and techniques including: 1) security automation techniques to facilitate real-time incident response; 2) interoperability to support security cooperation across sectors; and 3) privacy enhancing authentication to enable better system protection.
  • Develop skilled cybersecurity professionals by promoting cybersecurity knowledge and innovation, developing Department-wide human capital strategies, policies, and programs intended to enhance the DHS cyber workforce, and working with public and private sector partners to increase the pipeline of highly qualified homeland security professionals through academic and federal training programs.
  • Enhance public awareness and promote cybersecurity best practices by promoting National Cybersecurity Awareness Month and the Stop. Think. Connect.™ Campaign, which raise awareness through collaborative outreach efforts and distributing materials, resources, and tips to promote cybersecurity.
  • Advance international engagement to promote capacity building, international standards, and cooperation by working to establish and deepen relationships with foreign computer incident response teams both bilaterally and through participation in operationally-focused multilateral fora, such as the Forum for Incident Response and Security Teams.

Strategic Goal:

Mature and Strengthen Homeland Security


Mature and Strengthen Homeland Security

Strategic Objectives

M&S Goal 6.1: Integrate Intelligence, Information Sharing, and Operations


Integrate Intelligence, Information Sharing, and Operations


Rapidly evolving threats and hazards demand that DHS and our partners continually enhance situational awareness. As noted earlier, DHS is committed to integrating critical data sources while maintaining and safeguarding a culture that preserves privacy and civil rights and civil liberties.

We will pursue the following strategies to integrate intelligence, information sharing, and operations:

  • Enhance unity of regional operations coordination and planning by partnering with and supporting the national network of fusion centers in the form of deployed personnel, training, technical assistance, exercise support, security clearances, connectivity to federal systems, technology, and grant funding. DHS will also work to enhance intelligence enterprise support to Component and state, local, tribal, territorial and private sector home-land security missions by developing an integrated set of DHS intelligence enterprise priorities specific to collection and analysis and enhancing coordination among DHS headquarters, Component headquarters, and field elements.
  • Share homeland security information and analysis, threats, and risks by providing robust communications, coordination, information sharing, situational awareness capabilities, Department-level planning, and Department-level planning to homeland security partners.
  • Integrate counterintelligence, consistent with component and Departmental authorities, into all aspects of Department operations by utilizing the counterintelligence program management, counterintelligence analysis, and counterintelligence support and inquiries functions to safeguard homeland security-related national security information and other sensitive information.
  • Establish a common security mindset with domestic and international partners, through initiatives such as the DHS Common Operating Picture and the Homeland Security Information Network, which enable unity of effort with all homeland security partners, and through efforts to facilitate and integrate DHS’s ability to share information with key foreign partners. Note that only trusted and vetted international partners receive access to proper-ly screened sensitive information.
  • Preserve civil rights, civil liberties, privacy, oversight, and transparency in the execution of homeland security activities by creating appropriate policy as needed, advising Department leadership and personnel, assuring that the use of technologies sustain, and do not erode, privacy protections relating to the use, collection, and disclosure of personal information, and investigating and resolving any privacy, civil rights, or civil liberties complaints.

M&S Goal 6.2: Enhance Partnerships and Outreach


Enhance Partnerships and Outreach


Homeland security is achieved through a shared effort among all partners, from corporations to nonprofits and American families. Recent events, including the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill and Hurricane Sandy, highlight the fundamentally important relationship that DHS must foster and sustain with the private sector as well as state, local, tribal, territorial, and international partners. In addition, rapidly evolving or emerging operating domains such as cyberspace and the Arctic are demanding new approaches and models for how DHS partners to achieve homeland security objectives.

We will pursue the following strategies to enhance partnerships and outreach:

  • Promote regional response capacity and civil support by coordinating and advancing federal interaction with state, local, tribal, and territorial governments and by pursuing the Whole Community approach to build and sustain national preparedness.
  • Strengthen the ability of federal agencies to support homeland security missions by working with federal partners to ensure that Departmental roles, responsibilities, and interests are integrated with and incorporated into interagency activities.
  • Expand and extend governmental, nongovernmental, domestic, and international partnerships by building a Department-wide Community of Practice to synchronize the identification of potential partnership opportunities, develop a repository of partnerships and best practices, and serve as a consultative body to inform the exploration and formation of new public-private partnerships.
  • Further enhance the military-homeland security relationship by collaborating with the Department of Defense to pursue bilateral science and technology agreements; collaborate in information sharing and training; provide support for information systems Law Enforcement, and emergency and disaster response support; and develop international relationships.

M&S Goal 6.3: Strengthen the DHS International Affairs Enterprise In Support of Homeland Security Missions


Strengthen the DHS International Affairs Enterprise In Support of Homeland Security Missions


DHS operates within a dynamic environment at home and abroad. The inherently transnational nature of homeland security missions necessitates a strong DHS international affairs enterprise that provides compatible visions of homeland security globally, a consistent and mutually beneficial cooperation with foreign partners, and an international footprint that maximizes mission effectiveness and return on investment.

We will pursue the following strategies to strengthen the DHS international affairs enterprise in support of homeland security missions:

  • Establish strategic priorities for the Department’s international affairs enterprise by engaging across Components in areas including policy analysis, cross-regional coordination, and management of international affairs issues, to establish a single, accepted view of DHS international operations and engagements. Implementation plans will be developed to responsibly document how DHS Components will implement these strategic priorities in a unified manner.
  • Establish coordination and communication mechanisms across the DHS international affairs enterprise to ensure national, Departmental and Component priorities are synchronized and DHS’s international engagements are fully utilized to achieve common objectives.

M&S Goal 6.4: Conduct Homeland Security Research and Development


Conduct Homeland Security Research and Development


Technology and homeland security are inextricably linked. A vast array of interdependent information technology networks, systems, services, and resources enable communication, facilitate travel, power our homes, run our economy and provide essential government services. These systems provide enormous benefits to our society and economy, but they also create new risks and vulnerabilities. DHS must endeavor to keep pace with technology and leverage research and development toward homeland security goals.

We will pursue the following strategies to conduct homeland security research and development:

  • Employ scientific study to understand homeland security threats and vulnerabilities by pursuing a research and development strategy that is operationally focused, highly innovative, and founded on building partnerships among operators, scientists, and engineers, and by providing operational support, timely experiments, measurements, testing, evaluation, and analyses of homeland security significance.
  • Develop innovative approaches and effective solutions to mitigate threats and vulnerabilities by: 1) providing new capabilities through new technologies and operational process enhancements; 2) offering innovative systems-based solutions to complex problems; and 3) delivering the technical depth and reach to discover, adapt, and leverage scientific and engineering solutions developed by federal agencies and laboratories, state, local, and tribal governments, universities, and the private sector—across the United States and internationally.
  • Leverage the depth of capacity in national labs, universities, and research centers by pursuing a mix of basic and applied research to deliver practical tools and analytic products that increase the effectiveness of components and save taxpayer dollars.

M&S Goal 6.5 Ensure Readiness of Frontline Operators and First Responders


Ensure Readiness of Frontline Operators and First Responders


In an era of decreasing budgets and resources, partners across the Department must strive to find and develop innovative solutions for training, exercising, and evaluating capabilities. Achieving baseline proficiency and maintaining high levels of readiness in homeland security-related individual and collective skills and knowledge are critical to a unified partnership of law enforcement, first responders, and other front-line operators.

We will pursue the following strategies to train and exercise frontline operators and first responders:

  • Support systems for training, exercising, and evaluating capabilities by pursuing integrated and cohesive cross-component training and evaluation.
  • Support law enforcement, first responder, and risk management training by providing coordinated, interoperable, and standardized law enforcement training to DHS and non-DHS federal agents/officers as well as to state, local, tribal and territorial and international entities.

M&S Goal 6.6: Strengthen Service Delivery and Manage DHS Resources


Strengthen Service Delivery and Manage DHS Resources


To support priority security requirements in a sustainable way, we must become more efficient and effective across a large and federated structure. As a Department, we must eliminate duplicative processes, develop common platforms, and purchase single solutions. In addition, the safety and security of our country can only be achieved through the hard work and dedication of our employees, with a diverse array of backgrounds, experiences, skills, and ideas. Our workforce serves as the foundation to ensure continued growth of our collective ability to prevent and respond to the threats facing the nation.

We will pursue the following strategies to strengthen service delivery and manage DHS resources:

  • Recruit, hire, retain, and develop a highly qualified, diverse, effective, mission-focused, and resilient workforce by implementing programs and resources that focus on four key objectives: 1) building an effective, mission-focused, diverse, and inspiring cadre of leaders; 2) recruiting a highly qualified and diverse workforce; 3) retaining an engaged workforce; and 4) solidifying a DHS culture of mission performance, adaptability, accountability, equity, and results.
  • Manage the integrated investment life cycle to ensure that strategic and analytically based decisions optimize mission performance by integrating performance with program plans and budgets that are well justified and balanced to support DHS priorities.
  • Manage and optimize financial resources, property/assets, procurements, security, and DHS IT by: 1) strengthening department service delivery in partnership with all components through integration teams to achieve affordable readiness; 2) pursuing strategic sourcing, small business utilization, and acquisition workforce management; and 3) maintaining a Department-wide IT infrastructure that is reliable, scalable, flexible, maintainable, accessible, secure, meets users’ needs, and ensures operational excellence—from the workstation to the data center to the mission application.
  • Establish and execute a comprehensive and coordinated DHS health and medical system by providing medical guidance and Department-wide solutions to mitigate adverse health impacts and work-related health risks to support DHS employees and by embedding senior medical advisors with select operational components to develop and implement policies and procedures to improve force health protection, emergency medical services, global health security, and occupational health and wellness.

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FY16-17 Agency Priority Goals

An Agency Priority Goal is a near-term result or achievement that agency leadership wants to accomplish within approximately 24 months that relies predominantly on agency implementation as opposed to budget or legislative accomplishments. Click below to see this agency's FY16-17 Priority Goals.


Decrease the ability of targeted transnational criminal organizations to conduct illicit activities impacting the southern border and approaches region of the United States. By September 30, 2017, actions by the DHS Joint Task Forces via synchronized component operations will result in the disruption and/or dismantlement of 15% of targeted transnational criminal organizations. 


Transnational criminal organizations (TCOs) are self-perpetuating associations of individuals who operate transnationally for the purpose of obtaining power, influence, monetary and/or commercial gains, wholly or in part by illegal means.  This is accomplished while protecting their activities through a pattern of corruption and/ or violence, or while protecting their illegal activities through a transnational organizational structure and the exploitation of transnational commerce or communication mechanisms. There is no single structure under which transnational organized criminals operate; they vary from hierarchies to clans, networks, and cells, and may evolve to other structures. 
Transnational Criminal Organizations (TCO’s) are an adaptive and innovative adversary; they are known to search for new ways to leverage their business model to generate profits and engage in criminal activity - whether it be finding new smuggling routes and methods or entering into new criminal enterprises.  TCOs represent a persistent threat to western hemisphere stability, economic prosperity, free trade, and security, because of their control of illicit trade, travel, and finance—by utilizing existing and/or creating new illegal pathways for smuggling throughout the Southern Border and Approaches (SB&A) region.  This region extends from the waters off Los Angeles, California, eastward to Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, and southward to the North Coast of South America.   The region includes approximately 2,000 miles of land border with Mexico, 3,050 miles of coastline along California, the Gulf of Mexico, and Florida, as well as the airspace spanning U.S. territorial land and waters, and international waters of the Eastern Pacific Ocean, and Caribbean Sea.  The greatest criminal threat within this region is posed by TCOs in regional groups in Central and South America and the Caribbean. This threat is based on their ability to generate massive illicit profits, which they have been known to use to suborn public officials and law enforcement, and perpetuate drug-related violence and other crimes, such as kidnappings and extortion.

To more effectively combat the TCO threat, DHS established Joint Task Forces (JTFs) to integrate intelligence, planning, interdiction and investigative efforts across U.S. Customs and Border Protection, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and the U.S. Coast Guard, and to prioritize and target threat streams operating in the Southern Border and Approaches region, as well as combat TCO activity and splinter organizations present within the U.S. and internationally.  DHS will leverage both domestic and international resources and capabilities through intelligence, information sharing, and law enforcement collaboration to weaken and eliminate TCOs who pose the greatest threat to border security, while still facilitating the flow of lawful trade, travel, and commerce across our nation’s borders. 
Disrupting and/or dismantling TCOs is a primary outcome of the JTFs and is a result of concentrated, unified actions taken by DHS law enforcement components to identify, target and stop some of the most dangerous and damaging criminal and smuggling operations impacting our Nation’s southern border and approaches regions.  Daily actions are taken to counter and degrade threats posed by TCOs, but true disruptions and dismantlements of operations are hard won battles. Disruptions and dismantlements incapacitate threats from targeted TCOs, represent the best and most enduring successes against these criminal organizations, and demonstrate gains to border security made possible through coordinated law enforcement campaigns.  Since new threats continuously present themselves, new lists are created throughout each year that targets the highest priority threats.

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Enhance the Nation’s ability to respond to and recover from a catastrophic disaster through whole community preparedness and partnership.  By September 30, 2017, 70 percent of states and territories will achieve an intermediate or above proficiency toward meeting the targets established through their Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA).


FEMA continues to allocate resources to supplement whole community investment to prepare for the greatest challenge in emergency management—a catastrophic disaster. In order to successfully respond to and recover from a catastrophic event, the whole community, including FEMA, state and local governments, and individuals that may be affected, need to build and sustain capabilities and implement the National Preparedness System to achieve the National Preparedness Goal of a secure and resilient Nation. 

In order to achieve this goal, FEMA has implemented activities and programs that assist in  addressing gaps in state and local planning efforts, improved the governance, coordination structures, and guidance for managing the Agency’s incident workforce, and designed and delivered accessible information and tools to promote collective actions and empower grassroots problem solving.

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Improve federal network security by providing federal civilian executive branch agencies with the tools and information needed to diagnose, mitigate, and respond to cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities. By September 30, 2017 DHS will deliver two phases of continuous diagnostics and mitigation tools to 100% of the participating federal civilian executive branch agencies so that they can monitor their networks.


The 2014 Quadrennial Homeland Security Review and the FY14-18 DHS Strategic Plan recognizes the continuing need to secure the federal civilian executive branch agencies’ information technology (IT) networks and systems.  By law, each head of a federal department or agency is primarily responsible for their agency’s own cybersecurity. The Department of Homeland Security has overall responsibility for protecting federal civilian executive branch systems from cyber threats, helping agencies better defend themselves, and providing response teams to assist agencies during significant incidents. There is no one “silver bullet” for cybersecurity. The key is to install multiple layers of protection to best secure federal networks. 
DHS’s National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) is the U.S. government’s 24/7 hub for cybersecurity information sharing, incident response and coordination. The NCCIC shares information on cyber threats and incidents, and provides on-site assistance to victims of cyberattacks. The NCCIC is also where DHS manages the EINSTEIN system, the first basic layer of protection DHS provides at the network perimeter of each federal civilian executive branch agency.  While there are three parts to the EINSTEIN set of capabilities, the focus is currently on the deployment of the third phase, known as EINSTEIN 3 Accelerated (E3A), which has the capacity to identify and block known malicious traffic.  
DHS also helps federal agencies identify and fix problems inside their networks in near real-time using the Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation program (CDM). Once fully deployed, CDM will constantly scan agency networks for vulnerabilities that bad actors could exploit if they did breach an agency’s perimeter.  The CDM Program consists of three phases that are currently in various stages of availability to federal civilian executive branch agencies.  The first phase of CDM focuses on “What is on the Network,” specifically asset management. This includes hardware and software assets, managing configuration settings, and vulnerabilities, all of which are foundational capabilities to protect systems and data. Phase 2 (“Who is on the Network”) covers user account and network privilege management; and Phase 3 (“What is Happening on the Network”) covers boundary protection,  event management and  security lifecycle management.

As of October 1, 2015, DHS has delivered the first phase of CDM to the 23 civilian Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Act agencies, covering 97 percent of the federal civilian Executive Branch government.  These agencies are expected to deploy these CDM tools on their networks within the fiscal year.
Information sharing is also fundamental to achieving cybersecurity.  The NCCIC shares information on cyber threats, vulnerabilities and incidents.  In order to sufficiently address the rapidly evolving threats to our cyber systems, DHS and its partners must move beyond information sharing methods that are overly reliant on manual processes to be able to share cyber information in as close to real-time as possible.  DHS is pursuing an aggressive schedule to deploy one of its next-generation information sharing techniques. The Department has an automated system in place to share cyber threat indicators, and DHS will extend this capability across the federal government and to the private sector, so that the larger community can send and receive threat indicators in near real-time.
This goal aligns with Administration cybersecurity priorities. The goal was established in coordination with OMB policies and guidance, to include the Cybersecurity Strategy and Implementation Plan (CSIP), the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Guidance on Federal Information Security and Privacy Management Requirements, and the Cybersecurity CAP goal.

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FY14-15 Agency Priority Goals

An Agency Priority Goal is a near-term result or achievement that agency leadership wants to accomplish within approximately 24 months that relies predominantly on agency implementation as opposed to budget or legislative accomplishments. Click below to see this agency's FY14-15 Priority Goals.


Strengthen aviation security counterterrorism capabilities and improve the passenger experience by using intelligence driven information and risk-based decisions. By September 30, 2015, TSA will expand the use of risk-based security initiatives to increase the percentage of travelers eligible for expedited screening at airports to 50 percent and enhance the passenger experience.


TSA performs and oversees security operations at the nation’s airports, screening over 650 million passengers annually, to ensure the freedom of movement of people and commerce. In an effort to strengthen aviation security while enhancing the passenger experience, TSA is focusing on risk-based, intelligence-driven security procedures and enhancing its use of technology. Since 2011, the agency has implemented several risk-based initiatives including the TSA Preü™ expedited screening program; the nationwide implementation of modified screening protocols for passengers 12 and younger, passengers 75 and over, and active duty service members; expediting physical screening of Veterans on chartered Honor Flights; and providing modified screening to Wounded Warriors.  A number of initiatives will further enable TSA to reach its goal of expanding expedited screening for known populations in order to focus on those that are unknown including the development and deployment of the TSA Pre✓™ Application and TSA Risk Assessment programs; expansion of  TSA Pre✓™participation to international air carrier; continued expansion of the Known Crewmember program; and developing operational policies, procedures, and other activities such as the evolution of checkpoint screening technologies to support deployment of Risk Assessments that will grow the volume of passengers eligible for expedited screening.

As of December 2013, on a weekly basis, more than 32%  of passengers  receive some form of expedited screening, and TSA expects to continue to grow that number.  While driving the growth of eligible populations is key to the initiative’s long term success, TSA faces challenges in aligning, planning, and executing activities for incorporating these various populations.  The success of achieving TSA’s risk-based security milestones is in many ways reliant upon external and internal partners that TSA continues to work with to mitigate these challenges.

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Enforce and administer our immigration laws through prioritized detention and removal of criminal aliens.  By September 30, 2015, ICE will increase criminal alien removals, as a percentage of total removals by 5%.


U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is committed to identifying, arresting, detaining, prosecuting, and removing aliens who present a danger to national security or are a risk to public safety, as well as those who otherwise undermine the integrity of our immigration laws and our border control efforts.  These include, but are not limited to aliens engaged in or suspected of terrorism or espionage, violent criminals, felons and repeat offenders, and organized criminal gang members.  Also critical to ICE enforcement priorities are recent illegal border crossers.

This goal is a continuation of effort began in FY12 to increase efficiencies in the process of detaining and removing illegal aliens.  The focus for the next two years will be to showcase ICE’s abilities to remove criminal aliens from the United States.  These efforts include identifying and apprehending at-large criminal aliens, and expanding coverage in jails and prisons in order to identify and process removable incarcerated foreign-born detainees.

ICE uses prosecutorial discretion which improves efficiencies by identifying and eliminating low priority cases clogging the immigration system.  The use of prosecutorial discretion also allows ICE to prioritize the use of its enforcement personnel, detention space, and removal assets to ensure that the aliens it removes represent, as much as reasonably possible, the agency's enforcement priorities, namely the promotion of national security, border security, public safety, and the integrity of the immigration system.

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By September 30, 2015 states and territories will demonstrate improvement towards achieving their core capability targets established through their Threat and Hazards Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA).


To enhance national preparedness and resilience, FEMA established the THIRA to provide a common approach for identifying and assessing risks and documenting their associated impacts.   Developing an understanding of its risks from natural, technological, and human-caused threats and hazards allows a community to make informed decisions about how to manage risk and develop needed capabilities.

In addition, states and territories assess their current capability and set targets for improvement for preventing, protecting against, mitigating, responding to, and recovering from these threats and hazards. FEMA expects states and territories to mature and demonstrate improvement towards achieving their capability targets over the next two years through their THIRAs.

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Success Stories

What is the main purpose of the Department of Homeland Security?

The Department of Homeland Security has a vital mission: to secure the nation from the many threats we face. This requires the hard work of more than 240,000 employees in jobs that range from aviation and border security to emergency response, from cybersecurity analyst to chemical facility inspector.

What are the three major responsibilities of the Department of Homeland Security?

A lock ( A locked padlock ) or // means you've safely connected to the ..
Helping When Disaster Strikes. ... .
Protecting Our Economy. ... .
Protecting U.S. Borders. ... .
Securing Cyberspace and Critical Infrastructure..


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