What is the difference between renewable and nonrenewable energy resources

Last updated at Aug. 26, 2022 by

Renewable Energy Source

Non-Renewable Energy Source

Renewable Sources of Energy are those Sources of Energy which can be renewed naturally over time. 

Non-Renewable Sources of Energy are those sources which are a vailable in limited quantity.

They are replaced by nature in a short period of time

They cannot be replaced by nature

They are inexhaustible.

They will exhaust one day

They do not cause any pollution

They cause pollution when used

Example - Solar Energy, Wind Energy

Example - Fossil Fuels, Nuclear Energy

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  1. Class 10
  2. Chapter 14 Class 10 - Sources of Energy

Our planet’s finite resources and the rate at which we are depleting them has led to a lot of debate about the efficient use of its natural wealth, as well as the type of resources that we should prefer in order to minimise the impact we are having on our planet.

A key distinction in terms of the resources that are at our disposal is whether they are renewable or non-renewable. So, what exactly are renewable and nonrenewable resources?

Renewable resources are resources that are replenished naturally in the course of time. The use of these resources corresponds with the principles of sustainability, because the rate at which we are consuming them does not affect their availability in the long term. Renewable resources are solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, biofuels, cultivated plants, biomass, air, water and soil.

In contrast, non-renewable resources are those that are available to us in limited quantities, or those that are renewed so slowly that the rate at which they are consumed is too fast. This means that their stocks are getting depleted before they can replenish naturally. Non-renewable resources are coal, oil, uranium, gold, aluminium, sand.

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We are at a time when humanity must choose what type of energy to use en masse to save the planet; We have two options:

The renewable or clean energy that is obtained from natural sources such as wind or water, among others; and the non-renewable that comes from nuclear or fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas or coal.

The latter have been the protagonists of recent history with industrialization, they are exhaustible and have been shown to generate pollution in the environment. On the other hand, renewables, as they are obtained from natural sources, are inexhaustible provided that we protect the resources from which they come, e.g. water.

In comparison, choosing one type or another is not too complicated: renewable energies are presented as the great solution to earth’s future since they are generated with infinite materials that are naturally found and are easily regenerated.

In addition, producing them is much less polluting than non-renewable ones, although, due to their low popularity, they are still more expensive to originate and require large-scale facilities that can affect natural ecosystems if not operated correctly.

In the same way, this type of energy works better in certain climates or times of the day, as in the case of solar energy, which would be a disadvantage for its mass generation.

Even so, renewable energies, in addition to being the clean and inexhaustible option, are indigenous, they do not leave waste and their carbon footprint is reduced; While the non-renewable options, polluting and limited, are not very sustainable in the use of technologies in addition to having complicated production processes that involve many external factors.

For this reason, in our company we work on projects where renewable energy and the energy transition take the lead, and where the communities involved are part of each process as part of our commitment to sustainability.

For this reason, on October 21 we celebrate energy-saving day because we believe in its power to continue transforming the world.


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