What is the slope of the line calculator

An online slope calculator helps to find the slope (m) or gradient between two points \(A\left(x_1, y_1\right)\) and \(B\left(x_2, y_2\right)\) in the Cartesian coordinate plane. This find the slope of a line calculator will take two points to let you know how to calculate slope (m) and y−intercept of a line.

What about moving on and knowing more about this geometrical term?

Let’s dive in a bit farther!

What Is Slope?

In the light of mathematical analysis:

“The slope or gradient of the line is said to be a number that defines both the direction and steepness of the line.”

Typically, it is denoted by the letter (m)

Types of Slope:

There are four different types of slope that all depend on the direction of the line and can be calculated by using this best slope graph calculator. To know more, Read on!

Positive Slope:

If the line goes up to the right, it is said to be a positive slope or gradient.

Negative Slope:

If the line goes down to the right, then it is said to be a negative slope or gradient.

Zero Slope:

A horizontal line has a slope (m) of zero.

Undefined Slope:

A vertical line has an undefined slope or gradient.

You can try our slope finder that allows you to find both X−intercept and Y−intercept from the given points.

Give a try to this best midpoint calculator online that enables you to find the distance & midpoint of a line segment and also shows you the step-by-step calculations.

Also, the free slope intercept form calculator by calculator-online helps to find slope-intercept form equations from given points.

Slope Formulas:

Wondering about what is the slope formula? Do not worry at all as we will be mentioning then right below. Now you could easily determine the slope graph online by subjecting to the following equation to find slope:

$$ Slope \left(m\right) = \frac {ΔY}{ΔX} $$


$$ Slope \left(m\right) = \frac {y_2 – y_1} {x_2 – x_1} $$

In this slope equation;

\(m = slope\)

\(ΔY = (y_2–y_1)\)

\(ΔX = (x_2–x_1)\)

This best y intercept calculator also goes for using the same formula to compute the value of the steepness of the y line in a fragment of seconds. What are your thoughts on it?


Here you can recall these parameters by using different names such as:

  • y – intercept can also be termed rise
  • x – intercept can also be called as the run
  • Others consider the Δ notation and refer to the y−coordinates as Δy, and x−coordinates as Δ

How to Find Slope With 2 Points?

You can find slope of a line by either comparing any 2 points on the line or using this free graph slope calculator from points. So if you are seeking how to find slope from two points, revise the slope formula again:

$$ Slope \left(m\right) = \frac {y_2 – y_1} {x_2 – x_1} $$

Distance Between Two Points:

The formula to determine the distance (D) between 2 different points is:

$$ Distance (d) = \sqrt {(x_2 – x_1)^{2} + (y_2 – y_1)^{2}} $$

Slope to Angle Conversion:

You can find the angle of a line in degree from the inverse tangent of the slope \((m)\).


$$ θ = tan^{-1}\left(m\right) $$

OR \(θ = arctan \frac {(ΔY)}{(ΔX)}\)


\(m\) = slope

\(θ\) = angle of incline

For Example:

If the slope is 5, the angle of an incline in degrees is tan-1(5).

Angle to Slope Conversion:

Simply, all you have to remember is that the slope is equal to the tangent of the angle.


$$ m = tan\left(θ\right) $$

For Example:

If \(angle = 90\), then the slope is equal to \(tan (90)\).

For instant outcomes, you may use this free slope equation calculator.

How to Find the Slope of an Equation?

When it comes to the inclination of the equation given, it actually means what is the slope of the line that represents the expression. Let’s consider the generic equation of the line:

$$ y = mx + c $$


m = slope of the line

c = point where the line intersects the y axis

This best slope graphing calculator also simplifies the given form of the line equation in moments.

Equation of a Line From Two Coordinates:

If you want to calculate the equation of a line from two coordinates \((x_1, y_1)\) and \((x_2, y_2)\) manually, then you have to stick to the following steps:

Step # 1:

First of all, you have to use the \((m)\) formula to calculate the slope \(\frac {(y_2 – y_1)}{(x_2 – x_1)}\)

Step # 2:

Now, you ought to calculate where the line intersects with the \(y-axis\):

To do so,

You ought to enter one of the coordinates into this slope equation: \(y – mx = b\)

Find a Point Given 1 Point, Slope(m), and Distance:

No doubt, points on a line can be readily solved given the slope of the line and the distance from another point. The formulas to find x and y of the point to the right of the point are as:

$$ x_2 = x_1 + \frac{d}{\sqrt(1 + m^2)} $$

$$ y_2 = y_1 + m \times \frac{d}{\sqrt(1 + m^2)} $$

The formula’s to find x and y of the point to the left of the point are as:

$$ x_2 = x_1 + \frac{-d}{\sqrt(1 + m^2)} $$

$$ y_2 = y_1 + m \times \frac{-d}{\sqrt(1 + m^2)} $$

The Delta (Δ) of x and y:

The symbol \(Δ\) is used to express the delta of \(x\) and \(y\), simply, it is the absolute value of the distance between \(x\) values or \(y\) values of \(2\) points.

The \((Δ)\) delta of \(x\) can be determined using the formula:

$$ Δx = x_2 – x_1 $$

The \((Δ)\) delta of y can be determined using the formula:

$$ Δy = y_2 – y_1 $$

How to Find Slope and other Related Parameters?

Right here, we will be taking you through a series of examples that will highlight the map structure of slope and other entities related to it! Just Stay Focused!

Example # 01:

Find slope with two points that are:

$$ \left(2, 1\right) \hspace{0.25in} and \hspace{0.25in} \left(4, 7\right)


Step # 1:

First of all, you have to identify the values of \(x_1, x_2, y_1\) and \(y_2\).

\(x_1) = 2\)

\(y_1 = 1\)

\(x_2 = 4\)

\(y_2 = 7\)

Step # 2:

Now, you have to put the above values into the formula:

\((m)\) = \(\frac {y_2 – y_1}{x_2 – x_1} = \frac {7 – 1} {4 – 2} = \frac {6}{2} = 3\)

Step # 3:

Get check the result and you ought to make sure that this slope make sense by thinking about the points on the coordinate plane.

Also, you can try this formula (m=y2-y1/x2-x1 calculator) to find the slope of the line or given coordinates.

Example # 02:

The line passes through the points \((3, 2)\) and \((7, 5)\), how to find the slope of a line?


Finding slope from two points as follows:

\(m = ((5 – 2))/((7 – 3))\)

\(m = ((3))/((4))\)

Example # 03:

How to find slope with two points given as under:

$$ \left(5, 9\right) \hspace{0.25in} and \hspace{0.25in} \left(2, 0\right)


Now you must be wondering about what is slope for given set of coordinates. But do not worry as we will be using the same formula of slope as aforementioned.

$$ Slope \left(m\right) = \frac {y_2 – y_1} {x_2 – x_1} $$

$$ Slope \left(m\right) = \frac {0 – 9} {2 – 5} $$

$$ Slope \left(m\right) = \frac {9} {–3} $$

$$ Slope \left(m\right) = -3 $$

You can also verify the answer by using our best slope calculator graph that will let you know statistics about the graph inclination in moments.

Example # 04:

A line is passes through the point \((7,5)\) and it has a slope of \(9\). What is the equation?


Well, we can easily calculate \(‘b’\) from this equation:

\(b = y – mx\)

Now, let’s plug-in the values into the above equation:

\(b = 5 – (9)(7)\)

\(b = -58\)

Very next, we plug-in the value of \(‘b’\) and the slope into the given equation:

\(y = mx +b\)

\(y = 9x -58\)

Also, you can use the above slope finder to perform instant calculations instead of sticking to these manual calculation steps!

Example # 05:

Calculate the slope-intercept equation for a line, which includes the two points i:e \((7, 4)\) and \((1, 1)\).


Step # 1:

Slope \((m)\) = \(\frac {ΔY}{ΔX} = \frac {(1 – 4)}{(1 – 7)} = \frac {(-3)}{(-6)}\)

Slope \((m)\) = \(\frac {-3}{-6} = \frac {1}{2}\)

Step # 2:

So, now, using one of the original coordinates \((7, 4)\), we readily find the \(y-axis intercept (b)\) using the slope formula:

\(y – mx = b\)

\(y=4, m=\frac {1}{2}, x =7\)

\(y – mx = b\)

\(b= .5\)

The slope equation for this line is as:

\(y = .5x + .5\)

This line crosses the \(y-axis\) at \(.5\) and has a slope of \(.5\), so it referred to as this line rises one unit along the \(y-axis\) for every \(2\) units it moves along the \(x-axis\). Also, our online find the equation of a line calculator show the same answer for these given parameters.

Given the slope of the line, you can also determine the equation of this line by using another equation of a line calculator.

How to Find Slope With This Slope Calculator?

The slope formula calculator uses the simple and smart formula for \((m)\) or gradient to do calculations.

You can perform calculations with the following:

Two Points:


  • First of all, you ought to select the ‘two points’ option from the drop-down menu of this slope solver for 2 points
  • Very next, you have to enter the \(X_1\) value into the designated field
  • Then, you have to enter \(Y_1\) value into the designated field
  • Right after, you have to enter \(X_2\) value into the designated field
  • Now, you have to enter \(Y_2\) value into the designated field
  • Once you entered all the above parameters, then simply hit the calculate button


The best slope from two points calculator helps to find slope from two points and generate:

  • Slope \((m)\)
  • Percentage Grade
  • Angle \((θ)\)
  • Distance
  • \(ΔX\)
  • \(ΔY\)
  • \(X – Intercept\)
  • \(Y – Intercept\)
  • Slope-Intercept: \(y = mx + b\)
  • Graph For a 2 points

One Point, Slope (m) or Angle (θ)° & Distance:


  • First of all, you ought to select the ‘One Point, Slope \((m)\) or Angle \((θ)°\) & Distance’ from the drop down menu
  • Then, you have add the value of \(X_1\) into the given field of the above graphing slope calculator
  • Very next, you have to add the value of \(Y_1\) into the given field
  • Now, you ought to add the value for Slope \((m)\) or Angle \((θ)°\) into the given field of this tool
  • Then, you ought to add the value of distance into the designated field
  • Once done, then simply hit the calculate button


The slope of line calculator does the following calculations in this case:

  • Right \(X_2\)
  • Right \(Y_2\)
  • \(ΔX\)
  • \(ΔY\)
  • Graph for a right \(X_2\) and right \(Y_2\)
  • Left \(X_2\)
  • Left \(Y_2\)
  • \(ΔX\)
  • \(ΔY\)
  • Graph for a left \(X_2\) and left \(Y_2\)
  • Slope \((m)\)
  • Percentage Grade
  • Angle \((θ)\)
  • Distance
  • \(X – Intercept\)
  • \(Y – Intercept\)
  • Slope-Intercept: \(y = mx + b\)

One Point, X or Y & Slope (m):


  • At first, you ought to enter the value of \(X_1\) into the given field
  • Then, you ought to add the \(Y_1\) value into the given box of the graph calculator slope
  • Very next, you ought to \(X_2\) or either \(Y_2\) into the given field
  • Now, you ought to add the Slope \((m)\) or either Angle \((θ)°\) into the designated box
  • Once you added all the above-parameters, hit the calculate button


This y=mx+b calculator will generate:

  • \(X_2\)
  • \(Y_2\)
  • \(Δx\)
  • \(Δy\)
  • Slope \((m)\)
  • Percentage Grade
  • Angle \((θ)\)
  • Distance
  • \(X – Intercept\)
  • \(Y – Intercept\)
  • Slope-Intercept: \(y = mx + b\)

One Point & Slope (m):


  • At first, you have to enter the value of \(X_1\) into the given field
  • Now, you have to add the value of \(Y_1\) into the given box
  • Then, simply, you have to enter \((m)\) or either Angle \((θ)°\) into the given field of slope finder
  • Hit the calculate button


The find slope calculator will generate:

  • Slope \((m)\)
  • Percentage Grade
  • Angle \((θ)\)
  • \(X – Intercept\)
  • \(Y – Intercept\)
  • Slope-Intercept: \(y = mx + b\)



  • You have to enter a line equation into the given fields of this calculator
  • Tap the calculate button


This free slope calculator from equation will generate:

  • Slope \((m)\)
  • Percentage Grade
  • Angle \((θ)\)
  • \(X – Intercept\)
  • \(Y – Intercept\)
  • Slope-Intercept: \(y = mx + b\)


How do you calculate a 2% slope?

Slope as a Percentage:

Yes, gradient or \((m)\) can be determined as a percentage that is calculated in much the same as the gradient. Just stick to the following steps to attain best!

  • First of all, you have to convert the rise and run to the same units
  • Then, you have to divide the rise by the run
  • Now, you ought multiply this number by \(100\), means you have the percentage slope

For instance:

\(“2”\) rise divided by \(“24”\) \(run\) = \(.083 \times 100\) = an \(8.3%\) slope.

What is a 1% slope in inches?

Simply, \(1%\) as a decimal is \(0.01\) and hence the slope is referred to as \(0.01\). Means that for a run of pipe of a certain length the rise should be \(0.01\) times the length. Thus a, for instance, as the length of the run is \(80\) feet that is expressed as \(80 \times 12 = 960\) inches the rise should be \(0.01 \times 960\) \(= 9.6 inches\).

What is the slope of 1/4 inch per foot?

\(1/4″\) per foot pitch equals to \(2%\) \((percent)\), and remember that it is not expressed as \(2\) degrees.

What is a 20% slope?

\(Slope percent\) \(=\) \(\frac {8 feet}{40 feet} \times 100 = 0.20 \times 100 = 20%\)

What is the slope of y =- 4x 3?

In this equation, the slope is expressed as \(−4\) as this equation is in standard linear form that is \(y=mx+c\), where \(m\) is the slope.

How do I find a slope with no points?

Simply, you ought to use a protractor and trigonometry!

Can I find the slope of -1?

When it comes to a straight line with a slope of \(-1\), it moves down at a \(45°\) angle as it moves to the right.

How do you calculate the slope of a hill?

All you need to simply divide the elevation change in feet by the distance of the line that you drew (after converting it to feet). Then, you need to multiply the resulting the number by 100 to find a percentage value equal to the percent slope of the hill.

How do you calculate the length of a slope?

You need to use the Pythagorean Theorem to calculate the length of a slope, where the vertical distance is said to be rise and the horizontal distance indicated as the \(run: rise^2 + run^2 = slope length^2\).

What is a 1 in 20 slope?

The maximum running slope allowed is \(1:20\) for the parts of an accessible route that aren’t a ramp. Simply, it means that for every inch of height change there should be at-least \(20in\) of route run. Also, the distance from the bottom edge of the level to the surface will not be more than \(1.2 inches (1.2:24 = 1:20)\).

How do you find the slope of a curve?

When it comes to finding the slope \((m)\) of a curve at a particular point, you need to differentiate the equation of the curve. If the given curve is \(y = f(x), y = f(x)\), you ought to evaluate \(\frac{dy}{dx}\) and substitute the value of \(x\) to calculate the slope.

Is rate of change the same as slope?

When you’re going to find the slope of real-world situations, typically it is referred to as the rate of change. Remember that “Rate of change” indicates same as \(“m”\). If you are asked to find the rate of change, simply use the \((m)\) formula or make a slope triangle.

Where do you use slope in everyday life?

Remember that slope is a measure of steepness. Some real-life examples of slope are mentioned-below:

  • To building roads when you need to know how steep the road will be
  • Skiers/Snowboarders consider the slopes of hills as it helps to judge the dangers, speed, etc
  • When it comes to constructing wheelchair ramps, slope is a major consideration
  • When it comes to building stairs, you should have to consider the slope so that they are not too steep to walk on
  • In art, slopes of the line should considered as it assists to decide what would be the most aesthetically pleasing to eye

What is a 10% slope?

A \(10%\) slope indicates that, for every \(100 ft (feet)\) of horizontal distance, the altitude simply changes by \(10 ft (feet): {10 ft over 100 ft} \times 100 = 10%\).

What’s the slope of the line passing from the points \(\left(2, 9\right)\) and \(\left(4, 6\right)\)?

The slope of the line passing from the given set of points is exactly that could also be verified using slope graphing calculator.

How to find the area under a slope?

You should have to integrate the equation & subtract the lower bound of the area from the upper bound to find the area under a slope. When it comes to linear equations:

  • First of all, you need to put the equation into the form \(y=mx+c\)
  • Now, you ought to write a new line where you ought to add \(1\) to the order of the \(x\) (for instance, \(x\) becomes \(x2, x2.5\) becomes \(x3.5\)
  • Very next, you need to divide slope \((m)\) by the new number of the order and place it in front of the new \(x\)
  • Then, you ought to multiply the \(c\) by \(x\) and simply add this to the new line
  • Now, you ought to solve this new line twice: one where \(x\) is indicated as the upper bound of the area you need to find and second where \(x\) is indicated as the lower bound
  • Finally, subtract the lower bound from the upper bound
  • Congrats, you calculated area under a slope


Luckily, you come to know how to find the slope manually in legitimate ways. The amazing thing is that there is no need to remember these formulas, you just have to account the above \((m)\) find the slope calculator to find gradient or \((m)\).


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia – what is the slope – Examples and much more!

The Source of Mathplanet recently updated – Pre-Algebra / Graphing and functions / – how to find (m) –

From the source of mathblog – An Introduction To Algebra – Solve for Slope with Two Points on a Line

The coolmath provided you with – Algebra – Page 1 of 2 – Finding the Slope of a Line from the Equation – The World of Math

Other Languages: Steigung Berechnen, 勾配計算, Calcul Pente, Calculo De Inclinação, Calcular Pendiente, Calcolo Pendenza, Калькулятор Уклонов, Výpočet Sklonu, Kattokaltevuus Laskuri, Eğim Hesaplama, Kalkulator Nachylenia, Kalkulator Kemiringan.

How do I find the slope of the line?

Using the Slope Equation Pick two points on the line and determine their coordinates. Determine the difference in y-coordinates of these two points (rise). Determine the difference in x-coordinates for these two points (run). Divide the difference in y-coordinates by the difference in x-coordinates (rise/run or slope).

How do you find the slope of a line with an equation calculator?

How to Find Slope of a Line.
Find the difference between the y coordinates, Δy is change in y..
Find the difference between the x coordinates, Δx is change in x..
Divide Δy by Δx to find slope..

What is the slope of the line through (

The slope of the line is 3.75.

What is the equation of the line calculator?

Frequently Asked Questions on Equation of a Line Calculator The three different forms of linear equations are: Standard Form: Ax + By= C. Slope Intercept Form: y= mx + b. Point Slope Form: y -y1 = m (x – x1)


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