When does a female german shepherd have her first heat

As a new German Shepherd owner. I knew I needed to learn more about owning a female dog. So, if I decide not to spay her, then how often will she come into heat.

After owning my first female German Shepherd. I was not sure when she would have her first heat.  After doing some research this is what I discovered. Normally female German Shepherd will have their first heat cycle 6 months to 12 months of age. But if your female German Shepherd is 6 months of age, and has not come into heat yet, don’t be surprised, and I would be too worried. My second female German Shepherd Connie had her first heat cycle when she was 9 months, depending on each individual German Shepherd it could be different.

Female German Shepherd will have their heat cycle twice a year. It normally runs every six months.  If you are worried then, I would recommend talking with your veterinarian about It. You want to be sure your girl is healthy.

How long does a female german shepherd stay in heat?

Here’s what I learned from breeding my black female German Shepherd. When I decided to breed my female German Shepherd Val. Being a new GSD owner, I was curious too how long she will be in heat, and how long the full heat cycle would last. This is what I learned. The average heat cycle stages about 21 days and total, depending on each individual German Shepherd it could be different.

How long do German shepherds in heat bleed for?

My female Princess

I will tell you this. every female German Shepherd could be different. But most of the time you will see bleeding will last 9 days, but I have witnessed up to 14 days with my female princess.  Now, this is just my experience with my own dogs. I’m not an expert, I’m just sharing what I’ve learned when breeding my own dogs.

German Shepherd mating age and Information:

How old does a German shepherd need to be to breed?

When I bred my first female German Shepherd, I did not breed her before she had her third season. After talking to the Breeder that I purchased my dog from, he told me to wait until your dog has had her fourth season before you breed her, but she should be three years old or older before she is bred.  He has experience breeding a female too young and it’s a risk because some female will not want to take care of her puppies because she’s too immature and then he would have to bottle feed all the pups to save the letter, and that’s a lot of work and time you’ll spend taking care of puppies.

Just in case you’re wondering

Male German Shepherds can be bred at 18 months up throughout their lives,  but it’s not being bred they can become sterile as they ages.

How long is the pregnancy of a German shepherd?

With my own experience after breeding multiple German Shepherd litters. Most good breeders will get to confirm locks together with the female and the male. The normal gestation period in dogs is approximately 64 days from conception, although this can vary by several days from the time of the second mating.

When should I get my german shepherd spayed?

Spay or Neuter German Shepherds: There are many different opinions on this topic.

As a new German Shepherd owner, we all have some questions. After talking to different German Shepherd owners, Some veterinarian says 6 months to 12 months, and others will say wait until they are two years. When I, ask my breed this question? My professional breeder told me not to spay or neuter at all. Here’s Why,

Whether you own a female German Shepherd or a male German Shepherd you should never spay your female German Shepherd, or neuter your male German Shepherd because you’re taking a risk of cause development and growth problems with the dog.  If you do decide wait until after 24 months because all German Shepherds Will fully start to develop at 24 months of age and up to 36 months before they are fully mature.

Now I know different German Shepherd owners that have male German Shepherds that did neuter them after 2 years old, and they do not have any problems with them at all, and the same for females owners I have talked with too.  My female dogs are not spayed, and my male dog is not neutered. 

How long does it take for a German Shepherd dog to recover from being neutered?

My Male Buddy

This is a very popular question for new dog owners. The average time it takes a dog to recover from being neutered, is 7 to 10 days. In the time of that 7 to 10 days. You need to keep your puppy or older dog calm. No jumping overexercising.  Just leash walking is recommended only until your dog is fully recovered.

How much does it cost to spay a female German Shepherd dog?

Typically costs can vary: Some people choose to use their local veterinarian and others choose to use a low-cost Clinic. I know my veterinarian charges 175 to 250.  The cost to do a more complicated surgery can usually range from 250 and up to 300-on the higher end. Every veterinarian has different prices so it’s best to make that decision on how you feel about who you want to do the surgery.

Whatever you decide I wish you the best of luck!

About the author: Hi, I’m Dennis. I’m the guy writing all the content on this site. Looking forward to sharing my German Shepherd journey with you, and sharing helpful tips and information about owning a GSD dog. Thanks, for stopping By!

How do you know when your German Shepherd is in heat?

Signs seen during this phase include a swollen vulva, blood-tinged discharge, excessive licking of the genital area, clingy behavior, and aggression toward male dogs. Your dog may also hold her tail close to her body. Estrus: The estrus phase is the mating phase where your female dog will be receptive to males.

How long does a German shepherd stay in heat for the first time?

German Shepherd Heat Cycle German Shepherd females usually have their first heat cycles starting anywhere from 6 months to 12 months of age. The heat cycle will last about 21-28 days and there are roughly two heat cycles per year.

What are the signs that your dog is going into heat?

The most frequent symptoms before heat include:.
Swollen Vulva. Located just below the anus, your dog's vulva will turn redder in color and increase in size — often 2 to 3 times its normal size..
Behavior Quirks. ... .
Increased Licking of the Vaginal Area. ... .
Vaginal Bleeding..

How long does a female German Shepherds heat last?

Heat usually lasts between 2-4 weeks. Early in the cycle, a female dog may not be receptive to male dogs, although some are receptive through the entire cycle. It can be shorter or longer and you'll know the cycle is over when all her vulva returns to its normal size and there's no more bleeding or discharge.


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