Bucky barnes x reader he makes fun of you

Originally posted by bishopl

Summary: Steve brings his friend Bucky to the compound and you try to make him feel welcome. Your ambitions get cut off by Bucky hurting your feelings.

Pairing:  Bucky x Reader, Steve x Reader (platonic), Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff

Warnings: angst, shy reader, sad reader, arguments, fun, tension, a hint of fluff, terrible wordplay

Four six months you try to make Bucky feel welcome at the compound, but it seems your effort is useless. Every time you smile at him or offer him your help he refuses to take your offer or even glares at you.

Today you baked his favorite cookies, you know the recipe from Steve so here you are, standing in front of Bucky’s room to offer him a welcome gift once again.

The door opens and angry blue eyes meet yours. It looks like he was asleep, and you want to slap yourself for disturbing him.

“Sorry, I was around and wanted to bring you some cookies. I didn’t know you were asleep, James. Here.” You stammer offering Bucky the basket with cookies.

“I don’t want cookies, doll. Listen I know you try to get on good terms with me to impress Stevie but you can stop acting as you care about me.” He snarls.

“I’m not acting, James. I tried to make you a welcome gift. You are Steve’s friend and as he’s my friend I try to get to know you better.”

He has a grin on his face know and his tongue wets his lips. “Steve is your friend?” He chuckles. “Poor girl, he is only trying to be friendly to you. Stevie is always friendly, doll. This doesn’t mean he’s interested in you or your friend. That’s pitying, okay. You’re not an Avenger only a tech-nerd. Steve tries to make you feel welcome. Cut the crap and stop acting as you care about me. None of the Avengers believes you are part of the team or a friend.”

“OH…he’s not my friend…” You whisper and your heart breaks. For three years Steve is your friend, your best friend but if Bucky says he’s not… “I better leave now. I need to do tech-nerd stuff.” You sniffle letting the cookies fall to the ground before you run away.

Just now Bucky sees you baked his mom’s cookies. You must’ve asked Steve for the recipe…


Steve is sitting next to you during the meeting. He knows something must’ve happened over the last days as you refuse to look at him. You even tried to change your chair as he sat next to you.

Your eyes are glued to your phone as you refuse to look at him. It’s like you are back to the days you were shy and meek around him and the team. He needed months to convince you that everyone appreciates you and your work. That he likes you…

“Hey, do you want to have a movie night later? Bucky and I want to watch classic movies from the 40ths. I know you like movies too.” Steve whispers and you want to say yes but then you meet Bucky’s angry eyes.

“No, you should’ve fun with your real friend, Captain.” You whisper before your eyes are glued to your phone once again.

“Y/N?” Steve whispers and Tony clears his throat.

“Cap, just some more minutes.”

“Sorry, Tony. Please go ahead.”


“That’s all for today. Thanks go to Y/N who worked overdue to fix the bug in my system.” Tony says and you give him a cracked smile.

Not knowing why you look so sad Tony wants to say something more but then Sam is distracting him with questions and the next moment you left the room.

“Does anyone know why Y/N is already gone?” Tony asks.

“I’ve got no clue, but something seems to bug her lately. I wanted her to come with me and Wanda to the new bar, but she didn’t show up.” Natasha sighs.


“I’ve got no clue, Tony but it seems like we are back to start. Something must’ve happened last week. Days ago, she was joking with me, asked me how to help Bucky to feel more welcome in the compound and now she cuts herself off again.” Steve says and Bucky’s eyes widen.

“What do you mean with back to the start?” Bucky asks.

“Y/N is shy. She didn’t have an easy life. Sometimes she has self-doubts and I needed a lot of convincing to help her warming up to the team and me. I wish I knew what happened. Maybe I can help her.” Steve says and Bucky gulps hard.

“Yeah…uh…how about you prepare the movie night and I’ll try to talk to her. Make her come too.” Bucky offers and Steve cocks a brow.


“She tried to make me feel welcome and I could at least try to return the favor. Let me try…okay.”



Flipping through the channels you try to find anything to watch to distract you from the doubts and heartbreak. They lied…everyone lied. No one likes you…they pity you, nothing else.

You barely recognize someone is knocking at your door and honestly you will just ignore it. Steve will only try to pity you again, just like everyone else.

“Doll open the door. We need to talk.” Bucky mutters and you slowly get up. Maybe he needs technical support…

“How can I help you, Sergeant Barnes? Do you need technical support?” You ask not meeting his eyes.

“Uh, I thought you want to come to Stevie’s movie night.” Bucky stammers.

“I think I should act more professional around Captain America. You are right. No one here is my friend, I’m only here to provide technical support. I’m no one to the team, thanks for opening my eyes, Sergeant. If you excuse me now I need to fix some bugs in Mr. Starks newest software update.” You whisper and Bucky gulps hard.

“Wait…” He tries but you already closed the door and he can hear you started to cry. Not knowing what to do Bucky stands there knocking at your door repeatedly, but you won’t open.

“Jarvis, can you open the door for me?” Bucky asks.

“I’m afraid I can’t open the door as this one is secured by Ms. Y/L/N private security system. I’ve got no access to her system. The answer is no, Sergeant.”

“Can you not hack the thing?” The super soldier mutters.

“I can’t do such a thing without Mr. Starks consent, Sergeant Barnes. I need the consent of Mr. Stark or Captain Rogers.” Jarvis answers and Bucky wants to smash something.

“Punk open the goddamn door! Y/N is in danger!”

“I beg your pardon, Sergeant but Ms. Y/L/N is not in danger. I can sense a high stress level and her eyes seem to leak but she is not in danger at all.”

“Let me tell you this, Jarvis. If you do not open the freaking door right now I will use my arm and break it down!” Bucky warns and Jarvis remains silent.

“I’m afraid I cannot allow you to damage Mr. Starks building. Please do not use force against Ms. Y/L/N’s door.”

“One last chance annoying punk! Open the door or I will break it to get my girl!” Bucky yells and Steve shakes his head.

“It was you – huh?” Steve asks. His eyes are fixated on his friends face and he can see the guilt all over his face.


“Answer my question, Buck.”

“I told her you are not her friend as I was mad at her. Steve, I thought she pities me and that’s the reason she tries to get on good terms with me. I didn’t know about her issues and the cookies…they tasted great…even after they ended up on the floor.”

“Fix this or I’ll hurt you,” Steve warns. “Jarvis, please open Y/N’s door to let Sergeant Barnes show her he’s sorry.”

“Yes, Captain. Opening the door now.” Jarvis says and Bucky glares at the camera watching him.

“Damn punk! Why didn’t you open it for me before?”

“As I said, Sergeant. I needed the confirmation of Captain Rogers or Mr. Stark.”

“I swear I will mop the floor with your ass, punk!” Bucky mutters while the door finally opens. “This is far from over.” He warns pointing a finger toward the camera.


Silently walking into your room he can see you sitting on the floor. Tears stream down your face as you look at pictures of you and the team.

“Hey…can we talk, Y/N?” Bucky asks softly but you do not answer. “You don’t need to say something just listen, okay.”

“…” Remaining silent you do not look at the super-soldier as he sits next to you. “I’m sorry for what I said. Stevie is your friend. Everyone is worried about you as you are shy once again. This is all on me. I was jealous…”


“I thought you and Stevie are a thing.”

“Oh…I see. I’m not good enough for Captain America.” You huff.

“No…it’s more like I’m not good enough for you. I’m damaged goods and seeing you so carefree with Steve made me jealous. I thought you baked me random cookies, but you used the recipe of my mom.”

“I asked Steve what you like.”

“Hmm…they were delicious. Even better than my mom’s. I ate them all…” Bucky stammers.

“You ate them? But they fell to the ground…” You say looking at Bucky with wide eyes.

“3 seconds rule. I picked them up and ate them.”

“That’s odd…”

“I’m a bit weird I guess…”

“Me too…”

“I was jealous as I want you for my own. I don’t want to share you with Stevie or the others. I’m sorry I hurt you, Y/N. Can we start anew?”

“I don’t know…”

“Please…I like you and I want more of these cookies…I’ll do anything to get more of these cookies and a kiss.”

“You can have more cookies but for a kiss, you need to work harder.”

“Will do so…”


“Take your hands off my girl,” Bucky warns when Bruce hugs you as his experiment was a success due to the new software you wrote for him.

“Buck you can’t provoke Bruce.” You whisper and Bucky turns pale. “He’s the Hulk!”

“I’ll defeat him too. No one touches you but me!”

“I did not allow you to touch me, Barnes.” You talk back.

“Not yet…I’m working on it, doll. How about dinner tonight and I’ll get the promised kiss.” He asks leaning closer to you pursing his lips, but you shake your head.

“Nope. I won’t make this easy for you, James. A lot of water still has to flow under the bridge until you will get a kiss from me.” You state.

“You are driving me crazy, doll. I want this kiss.” Bucky mutters and Bruce awkwardly leaves the room as you keep on bickering about kisses and cookies.

“I don’t care.” You state grinning and Bucky well he looks at you with darkened eyes. His lips come closer and closer but then Steve walks into the room to disturb him once again.

“Goddamn Steve! I want to kiss my girl and have her cookies.” Bucky mutters.

“No sex in the lab!” Steve warns and Bucky glares at him.

“Sex? She refuses to let me kiss her and you offer me sex…damn…” Grabbing your hand Bucky leads you out of the lab.

“Where are we going, Barnes?”

“I’m going to have this kiss and your cookies right now, doll…”

“I hope you can handle my cookies…”

“I will and I can, Y/N. Now follow me and let me taste your cookie…”

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