Can i remove someone from a joint bank account

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Can i remove someone from a joint bank account

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You asked: How do I remove a name from my bank account?

Can i remove someone from a joint bank account

We matched that to: How do I remove a name from my bank account?

Changing a joint account to an individual account

When changing a joint account to single ownership, it is recommended that the joint account be closed (with both parties present to authorize the closure). If you wish to have a name removed without closing the account, both joint account holders must visit the branch to sign new documentation.

Can i remove someone from a joint bank account

Can i remove someone from a joint bank account

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Please note that the answers to the questions are for information purposes only products discussed. Individual circumstances may vary. In case of discrepancy, the documentation prevails.

07 Nov 2020, 10:46 AM IST

Can i remove someone from a joint bank account

Various financial assets such as bank accounts, shares, bonds, mutual funds, FDs, insurance policies, post office schemes etc. can be held jointly. A bank account can be held jointly by two or more people, both of whom are aware of the activities and transactions relating to the account. There may be also be situations wherein one may want to separate ownership and consequently, delete the name of a joint bank account holder. For this, the simple process explained below needs to be followed to make the required change.

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Can i remove someone from a joint bank account

Your bank's branch will provide you with a form for deletion of the other bank account holder. Alternatively, you can even download it from the bank's website. The same needs to be filled and signed by the remaining account holders as well as the holder whose name is sought to be deleted.

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Can i remove someone from a joint bank account

Account number and type of account and name of the holder whose name is to be deleted, should be mentioned in the form. If the account holder whose name is to be deleted is a minor, the guardian’s name also should be mentioned.

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Can i remove someone from a joint bank account


​New mode of operation

The account holders can change the mode of operation of the account to either jointly, survivor or single. Else one can continue with the original mode of operation.

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Can i remove someone from a joint bank account

The account holders should return debit/ATM cards issued to the account holder whose name is being deleted, or should sign a declaration that the same has been destroyed by them.

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Can i remove someone from a joint bank account


​Request for new cheque book

Your old cheque book will not be valid. A request to issue a fresh cheque book with new names can be placed in the same application. Unused cheques may be returned to the bank branch.

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Can i remove someone from a joint bank account

  • The first or primary account holder's name cannot be deleted.
  • If the number of the account holder whose name is being deleted is registered for PIN, OTP notifications, the same will be delinked from the records of the bank.

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If you are a joint account holder and, for whatever reason, you wish to have your name removed from the account, you can do so with no need for permission from the other party or parties. That said, in such cases the bank may change the original account or open a new one.

  • First you should go to your bank and ask, in writing, for your name to be removed from the account. The bank should inform the other account holders of this change.

  • Your request should be met with no need for permission from the other joint holders, provided there is no good reason for their consent being required, such as, for example, a debit balance on the account or contracts linked to the account in your name.

Accordingly, the decision to remove your name from a joint account is a unilateral decision, with no need for permission from either the bank (unless there is a time limit established in the contract) or the other joint holder(s).

If you have any questions in this respect, you can contact us by telephone (34 900.545.454/ 34 913.388.830), in writing, using the contact formAbre en ventana nueva or by letter addressed to Banco de España, Market Conduct and Claims Department, C/ Alcalá 48, 28014, Madrid, or in person at the Banco de España headquarters in MadridAbre en ventana nueva or at any of its branch officesAbre en ventana nueva.

Can you remove one name from a joint bank account?

If you are a joint account holder and, for whatever reason, you wish to have your name removed from the account, you can do so with no need for permission from the other party or parties. That said, in such cases the bank may change the original account or open a new one.

Can I change my joint account to a single account?

You must visit the branch to change the account. You'll probably need the application for changing joint accounts to single accounts if you wish to change a joint account to a single account.

How long does it take to remove someone from a joint account?

Providing all paperwork is correct, it will normally take between 5-7 working days for a party to be removed from an account. Find your nearest branch using our branch locator (opens in a new window).